Awarding my disciples after the battle with Crux Kingdom !

HAPPY HOLIDAYS & EARLY NEW YEARS !!! Special 3k+ word chapter :) - ENJOY !!


( continuous )


8. [ Elder " Thadon Reddus " - Sub Leader of the Taming division advanced to Mid God Rank 5 during battle fighting together with his contracted mid rank demigod companion beast - killing most of the lower god ranks & peak demigod ranks with ease after activating bloodline which also boosted companion beast capabilities as well ! Highest contribution was killing the enemies strongest god rank(7) cultivator ! ]


9. [ Elder " Elizabeth Reddus " - Leader of the alchemy division advanced to Lower God Rank 3 during battle fighting together with " Elder Beverley Diovokin " - sub leader of the alchemy division who also advanced to Lower God rank 1 during battle. Together killing a plethora amount of cultivators of all ranks below demigod while assisting the younger generation with battle arrays ! ]


10. [ Elder " Guts " advanced a few minor realms to become a Lower Rank God 2 during battle ! Singlehandedly killing thousands of cultivators in a berserk state with contracted companion " albino war lion " which also advanced to peak lord rank 10 ! Highest contribution is killing a lower god rank 2 !


11. [ Lady Lily & Lady Anastasia fought together against ten cultivators of the semi - immortal ranks: killing every single one of them. Lady Lily advanced to Peak Semi-Immortal Rank 10 during battle with her highest contribution of killing the enemies strongest semi - immortal rank 5 cultivator & Lady Anastasia breaking into mid semi - immortal rank 5 after activating part of her unique bloodline with her highest contribution of killing a few lower semi - immortal rank cultivators. ]


[ DING ! ]

•• SOS: [ The major majority of the remaining cultivators were killed off by the constant might of the respawning peak lord rank 10 elemental golems & contracted semi - immortal rank companion beasts " Linqu / Igneel " ! ]


[ DING ! ]

•• SOS: [ Contracted beast " Linqu " with his devour skill advanced to Lower Semi - Immortal Rank 1 during battle & contracted beast " Igneel " advanced one minor level to Semi - Immortal Rank 7 during battle ! ]


= [ DING ! ]

= GS: [ Host contracted beast " KÄZMIK " has advanced one major realm to Lower Semi- Immortal Rank 3 after successfully stabilizing foundation next to the inner worlds • Tree of Life • ! Granting one normal and premium Gacha ticket ! ]

( 80 normal gacha tickets and 7 premium gacha tickets remaining )


= Vontè: ( How can I not be happy when my disciples , elders and companion beast are showcasing their newfound strength and becoming stronger while at it !? Plus, it also looks like some of my disciples are also going to be promoted to a higher hierarchy in this award ceremony real soon ! )

- After looking at every single notification that previewed itself in the corner of my vision: It was time to finally address my disciples who were patiently waiting on the battlefield looking up into the skies at a majestic luminous dragon that's calmly hovering in the air with a very satisfied expression. The very next moment I signaled kazmik to land on the ground by sending a telepathic message telling him to land on the ground around the disciples to start the award ceremony & another special event ! There wasn't any casualties on my side - only just a few major injuries to some of the truly unlucky ones , cuts and broken bones on the rest of the disciples that quickly healed up due to the effectiveness of the healing pills that's inside their storage rings. Using my deep understanding of the space elements - I stood up from the back of KÄZMIK & started walking on the air towards their general location only stopping just a few steps away from the group.

= Vontè: " FIRSTLY ! I want to congratulate everyone once again for their efforts in this massive battle that took place today in front of our home ! NOW, ITS TIME TO START THE AWARD CEREMONY & ADVANCEMENT OF RANKS TO THOSE WHO HAD THE NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS !

( * multiple war cries & hot blooded shouts are yelled out from the disciples with proud expressions showing from the elders ! * )


- It was also at this very moment that the barrier around the " crux kingdom " dissipated and was immediately followed up with the opening of the large gate that leads inside of its interior. The one leading the remaining ten thousand cultivators and one hundred fifty thousand ordinary mortal people / families that were taking refugee inside their homes as the battle commenced was the strongest of the whole bunch as an mid god rank 5 cultivator. Anastasia & Lily taking notice of this scene - suddenly disappeared from the back of käzmik & appeared right in front of the massive gathering waiting on the last mortal to leave the confides of the kingdom. Lily, then took lead point & started using the experience from the time we recruited the " Old Diovokin Village " to gather the attention of everyone in the crowd to ease the confusion so that she can get everyone up to speed on how things are about to completely change in their lives for the better ! But, because the both of them are absolute beautiful goddesses - it only took a few seconds to gather the complete attention of the mortal people: while the remaining cultivators can only see maidens of mayhem. Becoming drenched in cold sweat yet again & dared not show any hostility nor disrespect in their presence !

= Lily: ( It seems that most of the mortal people consist of adults and younger generation - with only a very small percentage being elderly ! This is good for the sect ! I know Vontè is also very happy about this fact since he's definitely aware of this situation happening right now ! Hmm, let's showcase some of my abilities to show our good grace and better convince them to join without worries. )

[ God Rank Innate Ability: Touch of an Angel ]

= Lily: ( Becomes engulfed in a whitish gold aura as my wings unfolded with the aura spreading out also engulfing the massive gathering within a similar whitish gold colored domain with numerous small white balls of holy energy entering inside their bodies curing any sickness / disease or any type of injury they've sustained in their life completely. Causing a brief panic moment to everyone present - but quickly dissolved again as they started to feel the changes inside their bodies. )

* ( muffled chatter between individuals and shocked expressions are showcased everywhere within the gathering * )

" No need to panic everyone - it was holy essence that entered your bodies to heal any injuries , disease / sickness you may have had completely without any side effects. This is only just a small part of everything you'll experience if you decide to join under our " Royal Cosmos Sect ! That very handsome man over there with the honey caramel complexion and lustrous locs is the sect master " Vontè GoldStar " who is also the husband of I & the red hair goddess on my side ! "


= Anastasia: " Hi ! You can just call me Lady Anastasia & I'm also the Leader of the Valkyrie Squadron that's only consisted of female warriors under the sect ! "


= Lily: " Hehe, I'm also the sub leader of the valkyries and I see a lot of maidens in this gathering as well ~ our squadron will definitely become larger in a short moment ! Anastasia will be gathering all those who wishes to becomes female warriors later on , okay ~ ! But firstly, I want to tell everyone about our sect that will eventually becomes the strongest in this world. It's called the " Royal Cosmos Sect " & it's located within the very center of the everlasting nightmare forest that's behind us ! It's nothing like you've ever seen and there's a bigger surprise once we relocate to that location later on today. The cultivators of the sect were all just ordinary mortal people like you all just a week ago & are now what you see after swearing fealty to our sect master vontè which completely flipped their world view around and are now following the immortal path to greatness ! When it comes to resources - there's literally no way we'll ever run out and when it comes to cultivation techniques or general educational knowledge: our very large multiple tied library will have anything you need to study. We have multiple divisions and even if you just wanted to live inside the sect and hold other job titles - there's no requirements or age limits. The only thing that matters is if you swear fealty to our husband name and there's no worrying ever again - only benefits await you. So use this time to decide if you want to join us as we watch the ceremony that's about to begin. I guarantee everyone here will immediately decide to swear fealty once you see the prowess of my husband. If you still decide not join - I will respect your choice and wish you the best in your adventure. "


= Anastasia: * ( currently sending out her energy to search for young maidens with potential and chips in for a quick moment before searching more * )

" This will become one of the most important decisions for yourself and future generations ! Knowledge and cultivation aside - even in terms of wealth there's nobody who'll have deeper pockets than you in the general public. The outer disciples alone of our sect makes 5 platinum coins each a month ! "

* ( after the words of Anastasia - every single one of the mortal people eyes literally lit up just hearing " platinum coins " ! ) *

" So .. carefully decide, yeah ? Because once the ceremony is over - the sect master will be putting all his focus on you guys to hear your answers ~ . "


( back to the main character POV that's surrounded by multiple war cries & hot blooded shouts being yelled out from the disciples with proud expressions showing from the elders ! * )



= Rayleigh: * ( steps forward from the crowd to lord Vontè - getting on one knee with my right forearm going across my chest as a salute ) *


= Vontè: " Rayleigh ! You were the very first person I've encountered when I first step on the southern continent ! The tenacity you showed carrying your twin brother on your back away from danger while critically injured and still had the mind to ask for your brother + family safety before yourself is truly worthy of my upmost respect. Since your already a core disciple - you will now instead become a personal disciple of myself and will travel with me on my training / scouting adventures for experience ! You'll also be gifted 100 platinum coins - personal forged weapon request from me - two sets(5) of random innate passive ability books, two sets(5) of random cultivation technique books , authority to create a 3 man team of your cultivation realm and a personal mount from my inner world full of magical beast ! "

[ Unknown Rank Innate Skill: Infinite Cosmic Constructs ]


[ Unknown Rank Passive Skill: Infinite Innate Golden Touch ]


[ Summoning Upper Lord Rank 8 magical beast from inner world: Incendiary Poison Spitting Python ]

- After telling Rayleigh the awards he'll be receiving: I also used this time to openly create disciple ranking tokens that must be worn for now on hanging from their waist belts in front of everyone present ! The tokens themselves were made from the cosmic essence & took the shape of a pure golden rectangular plate with three dominant embroidered stars on the front and different colored kanji for " outer ( red ruby carved kanji ) - inner ( purple amthest carved kanji ) - core ( green jade carved kanji ) - elder ( pure diamond carved kanji ) - personal ( white jade carved kanji with masters name ) " also embroidered on the back of the token plate to show status within the sect ! I also used my [ Infinite Innate Golden Touch ] to make numerous original copies of the 5 different status plates that will be given out to everyone - including the new comers that'll join later and followed it up with summoning a very unique companion beast !

= Vontè: * ( sends over a storage ring containing the books and platinum coins with mental energy while personally handing over the new sect token and magical beast that coiled up peacefully around my right arm after being summoned ) *

" This is the new sect token I've created with your new status on the back of it ! Hang it on your waist belt without ever taking it off for now on ! "

( looks at the other disciples)

That also goes to everyone else once you receive the proper token !

Now, Rayleigh; this is a upper lord rank 8 beast called the ( incendiary poison pitting python ) which has a mutated bloodline - so it's the only one of its kind. Take care of this little guy for now - because it won't be long until he's very large ! "


= Rayleigh: * ( I've finally became a personal disciple of the sect master ! Ha, I beat you to it Tristan - but you'll also probably become a personal disciple of his also since we're the first ones ! I'm definitely going to the cultivation room later to practice the new skills once I learn them later tonight ! )

" Thank you for choosing me to become your personal disciple master ! I'll make sure to lead the younger generation to the peak of heights under the Royal Cosmos Sect !

* ( looks at new companion beast with awe while starting the taming process right away which took no time to finalize and walks back to the spot he was standing before. ) *

" I'll call you Gus for now on ! "




= Tristan: * ( steps forward from the crowd to lord Vontè - getting on one knee with my right forearm going across my chest as a salute just like older brother Rayleigh ) *


= Vontè: " Tristan ! Just like your older brother Rayleigh - you were also my first generation core disciple & will also become my personal disciple alongside receiving the same rewards as your brother minus the magical beast since you've just found one recently ! I look forward to the both of your growths as the leaders of the younger generation. "

* ( sends over a storage ring containing the books and platinum coins with mental energy while personally handing over the new sect token ) *



* ( shouts a war cry and thumps chest before walking back to his original position next to Elder(s) Thadon & Elizabeth who were smiling very proudly at their two sons achievements! ) *




= OddOttilie / Amthest / Olivia: * ( follows the same style of salute from the reddus brothers ) *

" Sect Master ! "


=Vontè: " OddOttilie, for the achievements of killing a large number of enemies while assisting your fellow sisters. You'll also be rewarded with 100 platinum coins - inner disciple sect token & robes - two set(5) of random innate passive ability books - two set(5) of cultivation technique books - personal weapon forging request - two ultimate vitality pill - fruit of bloodline to give to your magical beast companion and one week training session with me and my wives ! Amthest & Olivia from the same Valkyrie legion will also be upgraded to [ inner disciples ] receiving red robes with golden trims + matching shoes with inner disciple tokens. One fruit of bloodline - 50 platinum coins - one set of random innate passive abilities / cultivation techniques and will also receive personal forged weapons with the opportunity to train alongside me and my wives for a week !


= OddOttilie: " Thank you for the opportunity and rewards lord master Vontè ! "

= Amthest/ Olivia: " Thank you Lord Vontè ! "




= Justin Diovokin : * ( follows the same salute position as the others ) *

" Lord Vontè ! "


= Vontè: " JUSTIN ! You were very admirable in this battle by killing almost a third of the lower rank lord ranks by yourself in this battle ! Continue to unlock the shackles of your bloodline and become even stronger ! You'll be upgraded to [ core disciple ] receiving the core disciples sect token and new uniform [ purple robe with gold trims + shoes to match ] - 200 platinum coins - two sets of random passive ability / cultivation technique books - two sets of requested pills - authority to listen in on elder meetings / form 5 man team of the same cultivation realm and personal forged weapon request.


= Justin Diovokin : " Lord Vontè ! I'm truly blessed to become a core disciple of this great sect ! I will continue to raise my strength to become one of the strongest pillars and protect our home !

* ( walks back towards the Diovokin family who's also very happy for their eldest ! ) *




= Remy / Hinoki / Ro / Hennessy Diovokin & Dimichi:

* ( salutes just like the others ) *



= Vontè: *( looks at the strongest of the younger generation after Rayleigh, Tristan & OddOttilie with a very hopeful gaze ) *

" All 5 of you advanced into the lower knight realm after this battle & Im very happy with my younger generation ! Every single one of you will now be upgraded to [ inner disciple ] and will be rewarded with the sects token of your rank - one fruit of bloodline to greatly enhance your potentials - 50 platinum coins - [ inner disciples ] uniform that is a red robe with golden trims + shoes to match - one set(5) of random passive ability / cultivation techniques and will also receive a personal forged weapon of your choice.


= Remy / Hinoki / Ro / Hennessy Diovokin & Dimichi: " THANK YOU SECT MASTER / LORD VONTÈ !



* ( loud shouts and whistles erupt from the crowd of disciples ) *

" No need to step forward guys - just accept these resources inside the storage rings and that'll be the ending for the award ceremony for the most notable performances. These storage rings contain 500 platinum coins - 4 sets of pills - elder sect tokens - multiple herbs and other resources. Elders are also allowed to recruit their own personal disciples. NOW ! That's the ending of this award ceremony for the most notable ! All remaining disciples will receive storage rings containing 15 platinum coins - one set of pills - two books of random innate passive ability/ cultivation techniques - outer disciple sect tokens and those under gold rank + below will receive one random level breakthrough pill ! I leave nobody under me behind ! Everyone will be greatly rewarded regardless of contribution ! HAIL ROYAL COSMOS SECT !



= DING !

= GS: [ Due to host innate ability " empowerment of praise " - Host has received 21 new normal gacha tickets " ]

( 100 normal gacha tickets and 6 premium gacha tickets remaining )


* ( multiple loud whistles and cheers were shouted out to the heavens which was heard for miles on end ! ) *




AN: " If you're enjoying the series. Comment and leave feedback :) - thanks for reading and see you next chapter !