The “ Royal Cosmos Kingdom “ has been founded ! Establishing a stronger foothold in the southern continent ! PART I

.. ( continuous )






( more chatter and praises of the disciples )


- After giving out all the rewards to my disciples for such a magnificent showcasing in the battle with the crux kingdom; it was now time to focus on second task at hand which involved the remnant mortal people of the fallen kingdom. I started walking towards their direction which was a few meters behind the disciples and it was also at that moment that my disciples split in two sides completely opening up a path in the middle to create a smooth path for me to walk without anything obstructing my way on the battlefield.

* step * step *

- As I'm walking towards the direction of the mortal people. You can see many types of facial expressions such as awe , fear , curiosity and even lust filled gazes directed towards me. Ignoring them all for now & only focusing on the beautiful smiles of the goddesses waiting for me patiently - It only took a few moments for me to be in arms reach of both Lily & Anastasia and as soon as I was close enough - both of my left & right arms were tightly hugged by the both of them without the intention of letting go.

AN: ( They love him so much )

- Not needing to use my arms for such an event that's about to take place: I just let them be as I finally direct my full attention to the mortal people in front of me who are about to receive the biggest blessing of their lives if they chose to take this once in a lifetime opportunity !

= Vontè: ( Hey, Gs ! Give me a quick scan of the cultivation levels & the total number of the mortal people gathered here categorized by age group ! Followed by an update + rewards of the auxiliary supreme sect system since we've also recruited those ten thousand cultivators. )


[ DING ! ]

= GS: [ Confirming command .. Scanning .. Completed ! Displaying cultivation levels and percentage numbers of the gathered one hundred & fifty two thousand mortal people ! ]

• Bronze = 110.000 ( one hundred. ten thousand )

• Silver = 25.000 ( twenty five thousand)

• Gold = 10.000 ( ten thousand )

• Platinum = 4.500 ( four thousand. five hundred )

• Diamond = 1.400 ( one thousand. four hundred )

• Obsidian = 689 ( six hundred eighty nine )

• Knight = 403 ( four hundred. three )

• Lord = 5 ( five )

• Demigod = 3 ( three )


• young adults ( 14 - 24 ) = 55% ( 83.600 / eighty three thousand. six hundred )

• children ( 0 - 13 ) = 10% ( 15.200 / fifteen thousand. two hundred )

• adults ( 25 - 54 ) = 30% ( 45.600 / fourth five thousand. six hundred)

• elderly ( 55+ ) = 5% ( 7.600 / seven thousand. six hundred )


•• [ DING ! ]

•• [ Updating the Supreme Original Sect System .. Completed .. Showing updated information ! ]


•Sect Name: Royal Cosmos Sect

•Sect Base Location: • Center of the Everlasting Nightmare Forest • ( +upgradable )


•Members: 15.004 +

- personal: 2

- elder: 5

- core : 1

- inner: 8

- outer: 5000

- unassigned: 10.000


• Sub-Division(s) ( new ! )

- Beast Tamers: 1000

• Sub Leader: Elder Thadon Reddus

- Alchemist: 130

• Sub Leader(s) : Elder Elizabeth Reddus / Elder Beverly Diovokin

- Blacksmiths: 70

• Leader: Vontè GoldStar

• Head Disciple: Dimichi

- Tamed Beast for Sect:

• Iron Tooth Wolves

- Valkyries: 400

• Leader: Anastasia / Sub-Leader: Lily

• Head Disciple: OddOttilie

- Cultivators: 3400

• Core Disciple: Justin Diovokin

• Personal Disciples: Rayleigh & Tristan Reddus

- ( create more divisions to be updated )


•Sect Store Currency: ♾ ( merit points ) ( new ! )

( treasures , herbs & equipment for the disciples will only be purchasable with merit points )


- Cultivation Books : Books of peak bronze grade -> peak semi immortal rank cultivation techniques located in sects library.

- Body Training Manuals: Books of peak bronze grade -> peak diamond rank body tempering techniques / guides on how to gain elemental bodies / ways to unlock potential by consuming magical beast blood and many numerous ways to gain a stronger body after diamond rank located in sects library.

- Alchemy Ingredients: ♾

- Weapons with Sect Insignia: ( new ! )

1. Scorching Blade of Sharpness ( Lower Lord Rank ) ( new ! )

2. Magical Shot Recurve Bow ( Lower Lord Rank ) ( new ! )

3. Enhanced Elemental Self Repairing Claymore & Shield ( Lower Lord Rank ) ( new ! )

- Sects Armory: ( new !)

1. Sects Robes provides ten percent regeneration and boosted insight abilities while indestructible to all normal / magic weapons under peak knight rank 10 !

• Outer Disciple: Red robes w. gold trims

• Inner Disciple: Purple robes w. gold trims

• Core Disciple: Green robes w. gold trims

• Elders / Personal Disciple: Black Robes w. gold trim ( new ! )

2. Valkyries Ebony Panoply ( lower demigod rank )


[ DING ! ]

•• SOS: [ Host has gained more than ten thousand disciples ! Granting new sect robes ( black robes w. gold trim ) for elder & personal disciple ranks ! ]


[ DING ! ]

•• SOS: [ Due to the achievement of gathering over ten thousand disciples and winning first ever clan war .. Granting special unknown rank rewards ! ]


[ System Mission Board of Merits + Three Volatile Dungeon Portals of Strength ] ( unknown rank artifacts )

- Description: An artifact shaped as a golden pillar created by the system for disciples of the supreme sect master to increase their strength and potentials by experiencing different situations and battles to temper the body / mind into one by entering a portal that changes with every usage ! The difficulty of challenges depends on the disciples cultivation realm or potential which will be limited up to a five man team ! Only one team / person may enter at a time and merit points are rewarded by how successfully the mission given to them after entering the portal is completed ! Merit points will be sent to the disciples sect tokens which can be redeemed at the mission board for resources - treasures and herbs gathered from the world of utoprime! The portals will be formed once the pillar is activated !


= Vontè: ( Even the rewards from the auxiliary system is very top notch ! Hey GS, start the upgrading of the sect combined with the layout of the crux kingdom to create the " Royal Cosmos Kingdom " ! )


[ DING ! ]

= SOS: [ Confirming command .. completed ! Starting complete overhaul upgrade of the new " Royal Cosmos Kingdom " ]


- After getting all the precise numbers of those that's gathered in front of me with the help of the system. I was very ecstatic about the fact that most of those gathered here have a lot of potential and there's also numerous hidden masters blending with the masses. The strongest mortal was surprisingly a lower rank 3 demigod cultivator and by the way he is dressed - I can easily tell that he's a master teacher or principal of an elite school that was within the kingdom. Being ruled by a merchant family - I can see a lot of farmer family's , traders , adventures , blacksmithing / crafting professions , merchants / vendors while the vast majority of the citizens are laborers. Next to the people of the kingdom were the ten thousand remnant cultivators who already swore loyalty to me and are just waiting for me to summon them to assign their ranks and divisions later on after everything is settled ! Gathering all the information I needed to see - it was time to finally speak & the master teacher looking man that's in his prime early 40s dressed in a clean all white attire was the one I was going focus on as the leader of them.

= Vontè: " My name is Vontè GoldStar & Im also the Sect Master of the Royal Cosmos Sect that's hidden within the very innermost center of the everlasting nightmare forest behind us ! Your old leader Baron Crux was too greedy and couldn't come to equal terms of trade to establish friendly connections and instead sought the annihilation of my people ! That's very intolerable and because of that - he's no longer part of this world. As victims of the losing faction in the battle - your faith is in my hands ! But, I'm not one for innocent slaughtering and instead I want to offer an opportunity of a life time ! My wife Lily has already showed you a heaven defying ability that completely cured everyone here gathered of any sickness and what I have to offer will even be more otherworldly ! Those who are part of my family will be generously rewarded with resources , riches and success. The cultivators you see behind me were only just normal residents of a hidden village with the forest only a week ago & are now elite level cultivators of all ranks because of the blessings I offered after swearing loyalty to my banner. I can instantly upgrade any mortal man / woman into powerhouses within mere moments. Decide wisely, for this will become the most important fate changing decision you'll ever make in your life. This opportunity will only happen once and will require your answer in a couple minutes !

( looks directly at the man with a master teacher aura and speaks in a respectful tone. )

= Vontè: " May I know the name of this honorable senior ? "


= Honorable Senior: ( bows very slightly) " My name is Kenzo Barrett. You can call me Old Man Kenzo "


= Vontè: " Old Man Kenzo .. Kenzo can also be derived as humble and wise - it's a good name fitting of man of your stature .. I can tell by how the rest of the citizens look at you: it's easy to see that everyone here respects you very highly ! Do you mind telling me about your cultivation rank + profession ?


= Old Man Kenzo: " Because of my lack of potential - I've been stuck in the lower demigod rank since my 30s and I'm also the former principal of crux academy ! Every single one of the survivors here are all good people and hard workers. I humbly ask that your worship spare us and let's us work for you under your sect banner. If we were to fend for ourselves - only death will await for us due to lack of strength against the laws of nature. If your words of transforming the mortal people here who failed to get into the former five great sects of the old kingdom is really true - I'll swear now to protect my wife , daughter + future generations of my family and to show the confirmation of your words ! The rest of the crowd will naturally follow Sect Master Vontè.

( bows even lower than before )


= Vontè: ( Bold , humble and wise indeed)


[ DING ! ]

•• [ Detecting lower rank 3 demigod cultivator " Kenzo Barrett " swearing fealty to the Host .. Activating ( contract of servitude ) and showing follower information .. Competed ! ]

• [ Name: Kenzo Barrett ]

• [ Race: Human / Dark Elf ]

• [ Sex: Male ]

• [ Age: 51 ]

• [ Bloodline: Elemental Dark Ice Essence ]

• [ Cultivation: Lower Rank 3 Demigod ]

• [ Body Rank: Dark Ice Essence Body ]


• [ Strength : 3269 ]

• [ Agility: 3300 ]

• [ Magic: 4000 ]

• [ Vitality: 4200 ]


- Once the contract was finalized. Old man Kenzo was once again encased within a golden ball of light that disappeared just as quickly it came. Before he was able to mutter out a word as he rose up to look at my direction - I brought out a meridian cleansing / ultimate vitality pill from the inventory & used my mental energy to place it right in front of him.

= Vontè: " That golden pill is called the meridian cleansing pill and it will completely unblock / heal all meridians: also cleansing out any impurities within your bone marrows making them multiple stages stronger while the silver is called the ultimate vitality which will tremendously enhance your lifespan and even make you look younger. Ingest those two pills first and then you'll truly understand what a good choice it was to follow me & that's not all I have for you ! "


[ DING ! ]

•• SOS: [ New Elder " Kenzo Barrett " has reached the mid god realm ! ]


- After ingesting both of the pills as instructed. The changes were very noticeable on Elder Kenzo. His ears became slightly pointer as his appearance reverted back a couple years while now showcasing more of the elf side of his bloodline. Reactions in the crowd behind him were also very immediate as heart shaped eyes formed on the faces of the many widow woman's + young ladies behind him ! Even more so is his little daughter and wife who can believe that their husband / father has just changed ( for the better ) in their eyes ! But, the most notable change was the upgrade to his cultivation realm which leaped up one major realm.

= Elder Kenzo: ( speechless and then grovels )

" Sect Master Vontè ! I swear upon my pride that I'll never sully the reputation of your name and the Royal Cosmos sect ! "

* stands up to walks towards his wife & younger daughter while looking at the crowd *

" My family & myself will be following the sect master back to the location of the sect - once my family also offer their loyalties: I highly advise everyone here to follow suit so that we can all change our destines ! If you walk away from this opportunity - I promise you that we'll be strangers or enemies the next time if we ever meet again. Lady Lily has cured us of sickness and Sect Master Vontè has the power to truly bless our lives and future generations to walk the immortal path ! I've confirmed that for you all to see ! Now make a choice ! "

* walks back to the sect master with my family *

" Please allow my family to also follow you Sect Master Vontè ! "


- While Elder Kenzo started walking back towards my direction with his family on his side and bowed again once the reached me. The remaining one hundred thousand mortals who did not want to be left alone in the wild after experiencing the blessings and resources that's been giving out by me to those under my banner - quickly followed their leader and also swore loyalty to the Royal Cosmos Sect !

= EVERYONE ELSE: " We also swear loyalty your grace / holiness / sect master vontè / lord vontè ! "


[ DING ! ]

•• [ Detecting a plethora amount of people " swearing fealty to the Host .. Will host like to activate ( contract of servitude ♾ ) .. Y/N ! ]


= Vontè: ( Yes )


[ DING ! ]

•• [ Activating more than one hundred thousand contract of servitude .. Completed ! Showing updated information ! ]

•Members: 167.004 +

- personal: 2

- elder: 5

- core : 1

- inner: 8

- outer: 5000

- unassigned: 162.000



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" Golden Finger Gacha System Club "