Uncle Omega & Rah Goldstar: The Two Sect Leaders of the Goldstar Clan.


- The territory and wealth of the GOLDSTAR CLAN is one of the most expansive and richest compared to the rest of the sects / clans of the UTOPRIME WORLD. The northern continent which is where the hidden clan has its roots: located deep within the mountains of the territory is a very specific mountain that has almost every known herb, whether it be normal or spiritual - which belongs to one of the two great uncles of vonte, who are also the current sect leaders of the GOLDSTAR SECT! Being one of the tallest and most fertile mountains amongst the others - it was the best choice to cultivate the greatest herbalist garden for medicine/alchemy and poisons. It's also naturally formed in a way which you can see five tiers of all types of herbs as if categorized by its rarity / color / properties. On the highest peak of the mountain where there's a medium sized cottage themed home (breeze**** from sky***) with a small pond and surrounded by many types of very exotic looking herbs. You'll find a very healthy-looking man in his prime late 40s - with grey eyes, red goatee, cleanly shaved bald head and glowing hazelnut skintone under the warming light of the sun which is at the peak of its ascent: dressed in a golden trimmed light grey robe with no undershirts to show his sculped physique and black pants and boots. He stands at a height of 6'7 with a slight gap in the middle of his front teeth talking to the head of his assassination division to gather intel on what he has missed from his closed-door cultivation of a month while giving out some spiritual power to feed his exotic herbs and smoking out of his dragon carved pipe that was a specially made gift when vonte was only 13!


=Head of Goldstar Assassins:

(Kneels on one knee while clasping hands together)

" Congratulations, Master! On successfully breaking through to the 8th level of the supreme rank! I also have wonderful news to tell about the recent visit of young master while you were in seclusion! "


= Great Uncle Omega: (blows smoke out from his nose)

" HAHA, Thank you for the generous praise! & Tell me what I've missed from this past month. "


= Head of Goldstar Assassins: " Yes, Master Omega! This past month we've found some hidden talents to recruit into the division and there have been no recent movement from any other powers or plots against the sect! The biggest news that has been circulating within our territory is that the young master has recently visited back home and will be hosting a grand marriage in a weeks' time to Lady Lily and two newly introduced insanely talented maidens! Forefather Klemu and his parents also went back with him via a portal after a slight tour of the territory while also leaving an announcement that he'll also be recruiting elders, disciples, teachers and common workers to relocate over to the southern continent which he has already laid roots and founded his own kingdom! This is all the information that I have for you right now Master Omega!


= Great Uncle Omega: " Good work! Now, carry on! "


= Head of Goldstar Assassins: " Yes, Master! "



- It was also at this very specific moment: as if it was calculated. A man that shares some of the same facial features as Omega & Klemu suddenly appears walking with long powerful strides full of martial intent on the air towards the location where his younger brother is standing with a face full of happiness. His appearance is charismatic man is prime early 50s with a very hot-blooded nature due to his pure martial nature. Short curly black hair with a few golden strands and cleanly tapered trimmed full beard - deep purple abysmal colored eyes with a few slight freckles and very long scar across his chest area - dressed in all black. There's also a very big great sword on his back with the initials of " V.G5 " (vonte goldstar - The " 5 " stands for the five tips of the star) etched on the scabbard that was a present made for him before his nephew left on his journey a few months ago!

~ softly lands ~

= Great Uncle Rah: " I heard the news coming from the bottom of the mountain! I was going to update you, but it seems that thought was unnecessary. We've both missed seeing him when he arrived a few days ago - but we're definitely not missing his one and only grand wedding that's going to be arriving soon! Congratulations on your breakthrough as well little brother - you're just one minor realm under me now, haha! Many praises to the highest for blessing our family with amazing genetics and talents! Vonte is also an amazing motivator for our own children who're chasing their own respective paths in life. My twin niece and nephew Amirah(17) & Amir(17) are now both of the peak god ranks - Amir following your footsteps completely as an assassin and Amirah focusing on the merchant / fashion paths are both doing respectively well and my own son Dev(15) reaching mid god rank and also following my footsteps studying the truth of the martial dao + ways of formations/array is truly making one's soul happy. "


= Great Uncle Omega: " I couldn't speak those words any better than what you've just done! Speaking of which, we have alot to prepare for when the next time he comes back. Now that the whole territory knows that he wants to recruit people for his own kingdom - you already know that his cousins will also want to relocate over there to be by his side and follow his journey: family should always support and protect each other after all; I'm pretty sure that their talents will blossom even higher by being around him, finding more opportunities for growth and enlightenment.


" Theres only a few more days until the promise date and we have to decide how many disciples - elders and teachers we will be sending over and additional resources. Lets get this important task completed before its time for dinner! "


= Great Uncle Rah:

(Releases firework signal into the air to call every million+ disciples / elder to the the main sect hall for an immediate meeting.)

" Lets' go and get this started, Omega! "


(meanwhile at the same moment the golden signal shot up into the air - every single disciple and elder of the clan immediately started making way towards the main sect hall located on the biggest mountain which took approximately 35 minutes for everyone to fully get situated.)

= Great Uncle Rah: " Now that everyone has fully appeared and gotten situated. Its time to choose those who will be relocating to the southern continent where Vonte has developed his own kingdom and will help it become even more prosperous! "

*Numerous loud praises from disciples and even elders who started to express their desire to relocate*

" To make it fair to everyone here present - we will send three-hundred thousand cultivators of the bronze to demigod ranks and two thousand elders of the god ranks over to his kingdom. Dev - Amir and Amirah, this will also be your chance to catch up and to find more opportunities to broaden your futures!

= Dev: ( 15 years old with short curly hair like his father Rah with a broad build that makes him look older. 6'3, Very hot blooded and loves to spar. Genius alchemist and array/formation master. Mid God Rank 5 )

" I haven't seen big bro V and sister lily since they left a few months ago and also missed their last appearance the other day because I was lost in alchemy. I have so many new formations and potions to show him! "


=Amirah: (17 years old and older twin by a few minutes. 5'11, long shiny silver hair with a very well developed and toned body with a mocha skintone. Genius merchant, fashionista and loves blacksmithing / jewel crafting. Peak God Rank 10.)

" I'm definitely going to set up shop and build a merchant guild under his banner! I miss sister lily so much and he also won't be able to keep me out of his smithy!! Hmph, how dare he does not wake me up that day and instead write on my face! "


= Amir: " BWHAHA! THAT WAS A GOOD ONE BY COUSIN V!! I know that he has also tamed some very exotic beast and found some new unknown herbs for me to study! I look forward to our next sparring session and I had the oppurtunity to catch up a little when he visited! His new wife, Big Sis Maliah is well versed in the ways of assassinations - espionage and medicine. Much too learn from her as well.

(17, younger twin brother of Amirah. Slim defined build with waves on top of his black tapered fade and grey eyes - standing at a height of 6'4. Genius assassin and well versed in medicine. Peak God Rank 10)


= Great Uncle Omega: " The process will be very simple and shot! I'll be spreading out a special energy towards everyone present and if your sect token is glowing. That means you've hit the jackpot! If it doesn't shine - that doesn't mean you'll never be able to relocate or visit. We just don't know how much capacity his kingdom can currently contain - so wait for the next chance to be chosen. I'll have to kindly dismiss you for now and let you get back to your daily lives - those with glowing tokens must stay!


= Everyone Present: " Glory to the Goldstar Clan! "


= Great Uncle Omega: (patiently waits for the non-selected candidates to leave the main mountain )

" Congratulations, to everyone here who has been chosen! You will be the first ones to create legacies in the southern continent and spread the goldstar name into the limelight even more and help vonte conquer the southern continent! For the remaining period of this week - you will be training and sleeping here waiting on the portal to open back to the southern continent! Go and gather all your belongings alongside your family and come back by nightfall! You'll be training under the personal guidance of the both of us sect leaders until the destined time!"


= Everyone Present excluding the main bloodline: " YES, SECT LEADER! "


= Great Uncle Rah: " Now it's just the immediate family that remains - shall we head back home and have dinner everyone? "


= Great Uncle Omega: " All that talking has made me very hungry indeed! I also miss my wife and her cooking is truly the best! "


= Amirah: " But, didn't you say that cousin v's dishes are otherworldly not too long ago, dad!? Don't let mom catch you slipping, haha! "

= Amir: " I can't refute that either! But, moms cooking is what the soul needs! "

= Dev:" I second that! "


