Maliha's Show of Dominance & Grand Wedding! Part 2



= Vonte: " Thank you for showing us such an amazing battle my queen! You and the scythe are such a destined pair, it looked as if you were dancing every time you swung it towards them, there's' so much beauty in the way you move, my love~. Since the start of the tournament is now over with, let us all return back home after some minor affairs here~.

= Maliha: " I'm in no rush, beloved~! "

*Wraps arms arounds the neck of Vonte and kisses him back. *

" Every moment created with you is the best reward one can ask for~."


- After staring into those deep beautiful crimson red eyes of maliha and kissing her on the forehead, I approached the main battle platform to inform the kingdom on our next course of action and signaled everyone to calm down all the cheering and greetings being showered towards my direction, which took a few seconds.


* Everyone erupts with cheers and praises once again without fail *


= DING !

= GS: [ Due to host innate ability " empowerment of praise " - Host has received 20 normal Gacha!]

(300 normal gacha tickets and 25 premium gacha tickets remaining!)


= Vonte: * signals everyone to settle down once more *

" This marks the end of the battle of the elders, and we will begin the main tournament for all the disciples tomorrow at noon that will last for the week or until there's no longer any more battles! We've already discussed the rules and those that will participate, but just in case some people had forgotten the tournament will be 1 vs 1 with a ten-minute round after the battle screen picks your name located above each platform!

If there's no winner within that timeframe - there will be a decision among the elders to choose a winner and the next round will start immediately! Each winner of a round will win one thousand merit points / five platinum coins and the loser will also receive five hundred merit points / one platinum coin to exchange at the mission board for treasures or medical herbs! Remember that:

•Tier 1 (Bronze - Diamond rank treasures and herbs) 1 -299 merit points per gacha.

•Tier 2 (Obsidian - Demigod rank treasures and herbs) 300 - 99.999 merit points per gacha.

•Tier 3 (God - Immortal rank treasures and herbs) 100.000 - 999.999 merit points per gacha.

•Tier 4 (Supreme - Ascended rank treasures and herbs) 1.000.000 - 9.999.999 merit points per gacha.

" The more you win, the better your chances are to acquire something really good from the system board of merits once your battles are over! For the rest of the day, I want everyone to familiarize themselves with the kingdom, this is your new home now - so it's only right that you guys go and explore everything within this secret realm or for those hot-blooded souls, there's the volatile dungeons of strength located on tier 1 of the kingdom to increase your strength instead of exploring! ...

Since some of the elders have already retreated back to their respective islands, we'll hold off on division recruiting for the moment. To those not participating in the tournament must focus on increasing their strengths, knowledge or find a profession to commit into for those who're non-combatants! After the grand wedding that'll be held at the end of the week, majority of the strongest from the tournament will be leaving on a journey with me to explore/conquer the southern continent soon afterwards! "

*numerous cheers are shouted at this time*





- After speaking with everyone giving out my orders and watching them disperse: Majority were rushing towards the volatile dungeons of strength, some were peacefully walking enjoying the scenery in bliss, there was a large group of disciples heading towards the library located on the second tier of the kingdom, and the rest were leaving towards their homes or other tiers of the kingdom respectively ...

Time slowly passed by as I continued to watch everyone leave the area, leaving only myself & immediate family behind inside the training arena. Few more minutes passed by just like that as I immersed myself in complete zen, appreciating where I'm at in this point of my life and knowing that it's only going to get better and better from this point on forward! ...

I hear a group of footsteps approaching me and as soon I turn my head around - there's' lily jumping straight into my arms, giving me a deep kiss without hesitation - anastasia who followed a step behind lily, also giving me a deep kiss - maliha a few steps behind ana, who is currently being hugged by mother, father who is right next to mothers' side and lastly grandpa klemu all looking at me with eyes full of happiness/pride.

= Father Antonio: " You've really become even more of an enigmatic figure since leaving from the main clan, V. I look forward to the growth and dominance of the kingdom that my son has made with his own hands in the future! The volatile dungeon of strength sounds really interesting, and I will visit it later as well~."


= Mother Cleo: " First of, I want to say that I'm love with maliha even more now after that dominant showcase! Thats how a woman of the goldstars should fight! Fufu~, I'm so happy right now! Now, that you three girls are done with your battles, it's time to head back home and get your housewives training started~! Sorry vonte, but you won't be seeing them again until the wedding day! "


= Lily: (we'll be separated for the whole week!? ... but its mother cleo getting us prepared for the wedding, it's going to be so worth it in the end though!)

" I'm looking forward to it! "

(Gives vonte one more kiss on the cheek and leaves towards the side of mother cleo.)


= Anastasia: (I was so looking forward to spending some quality time tonight ... but, this is a necessity for my future as well!)

" I'll be in your care mother-in-law! "


= Maliha: (still staring at the handsome face of my vonte and then turn to face my mother-in-law)

" Please, teach me everything you know mother cleo! - E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G~ "


= Grandpa Klemu: " HAHA! I'll leave you guys to your own devices! I'm going to shut myself within the smithy, V has created! I can smell the fresh resources and metals all the way from here which is making my hands itch to create something! ADIOS~

*Suddenly Disappears*


= Vonte: " .... Since I'm all alone now, let's get back to the basics and use all my gacha tickets on hand! I remember that I created a clone of myself inside my inner world to clone all the magical beast inside of it and mutate some of them as well! It's also time to check all the progress we've made thus far, and I miss my personal training spot on the top of the mountain, so let's head there and increase my strength for the upcoming journey until the day of my wedding!

[ Immortal Rank Innate Skill: Meta Teleportation]



- The scene from the top of the tallest mountain inside of the secret realm is very breath taking, it provides me a panoramic view of the entire realm and it's also the exact spot where all elemental essences are at its densest, which makes it the perfect place for me to cultivate! I found a really nice spot on the edge of the mountain so I could continue looking down a little bit more, and summoned GS, to check my stats and use all remaining gacha tickets before finally starting my closed cultivation until my destined day!

= Vonte: " Hey, GS! Pull up my stats and use all remaining gacha tickets and premium summons! Since we're getting ready to go on a journey in a few days after the wedding, it would be really nice to summon some powerful servants to join me and leave some to watch over the secret realm and the everlasting nightmare forest!


= [DING!]

= GS: [ Confirming Host Command to Display Stats and Using All Remaining Gacha Tickets and Summons ... Completed!]


[Name: Vontè GoldStar]

[ Age: 17]

[ Gender: Male]

[ Race: Cosmic War God]

[ Bloodline: Original Essence of Terra] (Immortal Grade Bloodline+)


[Cultivation Technique: Origin of Gold Stars] (Supreme Grade Inheritance)

[Cultivation Rank: Upper Immortal Rank 8]

[Body Rank: Cosmic Vessel of Nature]


= [DING!]



• [Unknown Rank Passive Ability: Dungeon Manipulation]

- Description: Host will be able to manipulate all aspects of any type of dungeon. From creating/designing, planning, shaping and manipulating other dungeons cores.


• [ Bronze Rank Cultivation Manual: "The Way of the Open Palm"]

- Description: A basic cultivation manual that provides a foundation for spiritual energy cultivation. It teaches basic meditation techniques and spiritual energy control.


• [ Supreme Rank Cultivation Manual: "The Way of the Eternal Flame"]

- Description: A very rare cultivation manual that is originated from another dimension, focusing on immortality cultivation, allowing the user to live for hundreds of thousands of years. It is said that those who master the Way of the Eternal Flame can live forever, as long as they continue to cultivate their spiritual energy.


• [ Ascended Rank Alchemy Tome: A Tome to Godhood]

- Description: A legendary lost tome unlocking the secrets of advanced alchemy techniques, which will grant the host knowledge on how to create powerful potions and elixirs capable of granting immortality. This Ascendant Alchemy is said to be the key to unlocking the secrets of the stars and ascending past immortality. Its pages are inscribed with ancient wisdom and hidden knowledge, only accessible to those with the will and strength to master its contents.


• [ Ethereal Cosmic Starstone]

- Description: A rare and precious stone that holds within it the power of the cosmos. It glows with a bright, ethereal light, radiating a sense of otherworldly power. Those who possess Starstone can tap into its cosmic essence, using it to amplify their spiritual energy reserves and increase their casting ability. It is said that those who master the power of Starstone can wield the very stars themselves, bending them to their will. Due to its immense power and rarity, Starstone is highly sought after by spiritual cultivators and is often the subject of intense competition and conflict.


• [ Blessed Celestial Compass of the Divines]

- Description: A mystical compass that will guide the host to any desired location, no matter how far away. The compass is imbued with ancient magic that allows it to sense the user's intentions and point towards the optimal path, even in the most treacherous of terrains. The intricate design of the compass is etched with celestial symbols, each representing a different aspect of the universe, and its powers are said to be blessed by the divine.


• [ Immortal Rank Treasure: Golden Sky Blade]

- Description: A mystical sword crafted from rare materials, infused with powerful spiritual energy that grants it the ability to fly and/or strike the hosts' enemies from a distance. Its golden glow that's encased within a black aura serves as a warning to any who would dare stand against its wielder.


• [ 1x Indestructible Portable Gourmet Kitchen]

- Description: A fully equipped, compact kitchen that can be easily set up to prepare elaborate meals with fresh ingredients. It comes with a variety of cooking utensils, pots and pans, a stove, a mini-fridge, and a water supply, making it an indispensable item for any journey with a large group of people.


• [Phoenix Quill of Incantation]

- Description: This rare and powerful quill is made from the feather of a phoenix, imbued with ancient magic that allows it to imbue written words with spells. When used to write spells or incantations, the ink glows with a fiery red aura, and the magic of the words come to life, creating a burst of flames or unleashing a powerful burst of energy!


• [Platinum Rank Bow: Silver-Tipped Longbow of the Spiritual Archers]

- Description: A masterfully crafted longbow made from rare materials and imbued with the power of nature energy. Its platinum-tipped arrows are capable of piercing even the toughest defenses and can strike with unmatched precision, making it a deadly weapon in the hands of a skilled archer.


• [ 10x - Dragon's Breath]

- Description: A rare herb that, when consumed, allows the user to breathe fire for a short period of time. The flames produced by the user are incredibly hot and can cause severe burns to their enemies.


• [ 10x - Glimmering Moonflower]

- Description: A herb that blooms only under the light of a full moon. It has potent healing properties and can even bring the dead back to life, but only if used within a short time after death.


• [ 10x -Starlight Berry]

- Description: A small, glowing berry that grows only on the highest peaks of the mountains. When consumed, it grants the user temporary access to the power of the stars, increasing their spiritual energy reserves and enhancing their spells.


• [ 10x - Thunder Root]

- Description: A root that grows in areas of intense electrical activity, such as during a thunderstorm. When ground into a powder and ingested, it enhances the user's speed and agility, allowing them to move at lightning-fast speeds.


• [ 10x - Wyvern's Tear]

- Description: A rare gemstone that is formed from the tears of a mutant wyvern. When held in the hand, it grants the user enhanced strength and the ability to breathe fire.


• [ 10x - Celestial Lotus]

- Description: Pounds of a rare herb that can only be found in the highest peaks of the mountains. When smoked, it induces a powerful euphoria that can make the user feel as though they're floating among the stars.


• [ 10x - Night Shadow Moss]

- Description: A moss that grows in the darkest corners of the world. When ingested, it grants the user temporary access to the power of shadows, allowing them to move undetected and even phase through solid objects.


• [ 10x - Mermaid's Tongue]

- Description: A rare flower that grows only in areas near the ocean. When consumed, it grants the user temporary access to the power of the sea, allowing them to breathe underwater and even control water with their mind.


• [ 10x - Scorching Sunflower Seed]

- Description: A seed that is only produced by a rare type of sunflower that grows in the hottest deserts. When consumed, it grants the user temporary access to the power of the sun, increasing their strength and allowing them to produce blinding flashes of light.


• [ 10x - Thunderclap Flower]

- Description: A flower that blooms only during thunderstorms. When consumed, it grants the user the ability to create powerful thunderclaps with their hands, stunning and disorienting their enemies.


• [ 10x - Blue Dragonfly]

- Description: Pounds of small, delicate herbs that produces a blueish and airy cloud when smoked with a hint of sweetness. It's said to be particularly useful for those seeking inspiration and creativity.


• [ 180x - Soul Cleansing Incense]

- Description: A rare and valuable item that can purify the user's spirit and aura. It is made from a special blend of herbs and spices that are carefully selected for their cleansing and healing properties. When used, the incense releases a fragrant aroma that fills the air and cleanses/purifies the soul of the user. It is not recommended to use it frequently, as it may cause the user's spiritual energy to become dependent on the incense.





= Vonte: (YES! Plus, the rewards from the regular gacha came at the most perfect time! Much appreciated, GS!)





• [ Name: Primordial Celestial Arbiters] (3x !)

• [ Race: Primordial Auran]

• [ Bloodline: Aurum Celestial Bloodline] (Immortal Rank Bloodline)

- Description: The Celestial Arbiter is an imposing and radiant figure standing at a height of over nine feet tall, body adorned with shimmering golden armor, crafted from the purest of celestial metals, and embellished with intricate engravings that glow with a divine radiance. Its eyes, shining with an intense otherworldly light, are framed by a golden mask of a celestial creature, revealing little of its true face. Its wings, made of pure energy, are massive, spanning nearly 20 feet in length. It wields a massive sword, crafted from the same celestial metal as its armor, which crackles with electricity. They're unique and powerful beings that originates from the highest realm of the celestial planes of another dimension, known as the Throne of the Divine. Since being direct descendant of the divine beings that rule over the celestial planes, their granted immense power and control over the elemental forces of the universe.


• [ Cultivation Rank: Lower Immortal Rank 2]

• [ Body Cultivation: Auram Golden Physique]


[ Abilities:]

• [ Unknown Rank Innate Ability: Primordial Elemental Mastery]

- Description: The Celestial Arbiter can control all forms of elemental energy, including fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, and ice. It can manipulate these elements to create powerful attacks or powerful barriers, depending on the situation.]


• [ Immortal Rank Skill - Divine Judgement Slash]

- Description: With its electrified sword, the Celestial Arbiter can unleash a devastating attack that can cleave through even the strongest defenses.]


• [ Immortal Rank Weapon: Celestial Shield]

- Description: The Celestial Arbiter can summon a powerful barrier of energy that can absorb even the most powerful attacks.


• [ Auram's Static Judgement]

- Description: The Celestial Arbiter can summon a rain of energy bolts that strike down enemies with divine wrath.


• [ Unknown Rank Bloodline Ability: Re- Resurrection]

- Description: The Celestial Arbiter can resurrect fallen allies with its divine energy, restoring them to full health.
