Chapter 129: He Was Being Drugged

At this point, Leslie suddenly realized that her commanding officer meant business. Thus, she released Crystal, stood to attention, saluted him, and said, "Should I join the men, Sir?" 

Arnold: "We will get to that. For now, though, there is your discipline to attend to. You have two choices. Would you like to do one hundred leapfrogs, or would you like to write a Confession Report?"

Leslie: "A confession report, Sir. Sir, would you like it written in Italian, French, German, or Arabic?"

Arnold smirked and said, "Since you think you're so smart, you can do one of each!"

Leslie: "Sir! Yes, Sir!"

Arnold turned to Crystal and said, "I am so sorry about that. Why don't we have dinner and try to put all that nastiness behind us, shall we?"

"That would be nice," Crystal replied. "And thank you for coming to my rescue."

Arnold smiled and said, "It's not a problem."