Chapter 319: Suit Yourself

That evening, Crystal let Clark help her make the pizza dough, and he was ecstatic. But he still missed his mother. "Auntie Crystal," he said. "I really miss my Mommy. When will she come back."

Crystal smiled and said, "If you make her a pizza, maybe she'll come back for it."

Clark smiled and said, "Alright! Let's do it!"

Crystal smiled and looked up at Nathan, who was sitting opposite her. "Why are you staring at me?" she asked.

"You are my wife. I can look at you for as long as I want."

"Suit yourself." Crystal shrugged.

Suddenly, Clark lifted a wad of dough into the air. "Is this good?" he asked.

"It's getting there," Crystal replied. "But it needs to be kneaded more."

"Thanks, Auntie." Clark pounded the dough on the table and said, "When this is done, Mommy is going to come home for sure!"

"I'm sure she will love your pizza," Crystal agreed.