The Two Rivals

"Yo." A familiar voice says as he enters your room. It's Karma.

Asano and Karma see each other. They stare at each other for a good five or so seconds, Karma with his usual bored resting face and Asano with his stern one. They turn back to you, "Should I leave you two alone?~" Karma teases. "Shut up." You say, burrowing your face in the covers of your pillow.

You feel a hand touch your forehead, "Fever" Karma mumbles. Asano pats your back as you begin to cough. "Karma, you can leave my notes on my desk over there. You guys can leave now." You tell them.

"You can go if you want." Karma and Asano say in unison to each other. Guess they were both going to stay.. "Now that I notice, you two are actually really similar." You say.

"How So?" Asano asks. "Both stubborn, smart, and you two actually kind of look the same, just different hair and eye colour." You tell them. "Eh? I'm the upgraded version though." Karma smirks. Asano ignores.

You sigh, "Just leave me alone, I wanna sleep." You whine. They both stare at you, Karma chuckling at your pathetic-looking self, and Asano staring blankly wondering how the hell he liked you.

You hide under your bed covers, soon you begin to fall asleep. Karma and Asano begin to talk.

"What are you doing here?" Karma said to Asano.

"Just looking out for a friend, why are you still here?"

"Looking out for a friend as well."

"Look, if your going to hurt her, I won't hesitate to tell my dad to expel you."

"Try me, I dare you."

Asano glared whilst Karma just smirked. Suddenly the bed began to move and they heard you grumble waking up, "So loud." You mutter. You see the two and remember why they were there. You got out your bed and began to pull on a sweater. "Where are you going?" Karma asked.

"I'm gonna grab coffee, my belly hurts" you respond. Asano and Karma stand up, "I'll come with you." They say in unison. They look at each other before following you out your bedroom door and down the stairs. You yawn, your feet were wobbly. You slightly tilted uneasily over, a hand caught you. It was Asano, "Geez." He said. You quietly mumbled a 'thanks' before getting down the stairs.

The three of you walked to the café, Asano insisted that his driver drives you but you declined. Karma had his hand on your back to give you support so you wouldn't fall the entire way.

When you got to the café, the three of you ordered. Asano and Karma had a small fight of who would pay, which resulted with you handing money over before they noticed. You make a small giggle at the two. You all sat down at a small square table, one of you on one side. Except the fourth obviously.

It was pretty silent, you felt kinda uncomfortable. I mean, whenever you're alone with Karma or Asano, it'd be silent at times. This silence was just...awkward.

"Um..Ca..What.." you mumbled, struggling to think of a good question to start a conversation.

Karma saw what you tried doing so he spoke up, "Hey Asano, Found any girlfriend yet?~" he teases. What the heck, Karma?! That's even worse! "No, I don't intend on doing so until I have finished my studies. How about you?" Asano said, with a tint of annoyance.

"Eh? No one really." Karma responds. You were awkwardly in the middle of their conversation. You place your face on the table and begin to rest your eyes.

The talking stopped and you opened your eyes to see the two boys staring at you, "What? I'm tired" you explained. "Number 571!" Came a call from the counter. "I'll get it" Karma and Asano said in unison as they stood up. They agreed on Asano to go get the coffee after a bit of 'talking'.

Asano came back, coffee tray in hand. You all take sips of your coffee, you let out a long sigh, it tasted so good! Karma was fairly enjoying his coffee, he just had his normal resting face. Asano seemed somewhat unsatisfied with his coffee, but he tried not to show. They both seemed to be in deep thought. You began to get into your thoughts as well....

"What's this?! 96%?!" That's 4 percent wrong! What are you? Stupid?!"

"I'm sorry, father! I tried my best! A few questions were tricky..."

"Tried my best... You call THIS crap, your best?! If you did your best, then you would've gotten full marks like Asano did!"

"I'm- Im sorry, father, I won't let it happen ag-"

"Of course! That's what you always say! Tch! As useless as your mother was, she was better off dead! You'dve be even more stupid than you are now!"

How DARE he....I hate him...Mother was the only person who truly saw me as I can't insult her...I HATE you...I wanna HURT you!!...

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? (Y/n)!"

You woke up, Karma was shaking your shoulder. You had fallen asleep, sitting upright in your chair that the two hadn't noticed. You rub your eyes, "hah, sorry, I just feel really tired all of a sudden." You said, faking a smile. That dream...You never wanted to relive that moment again..

The three of you made your way back to your house. When you got there, your grandma warmly greeted us. So fake, you thought to yourself as you made your way up to your room, "Well, I'm gonna get some sleep, you two can leave now. Thanks for staying here with me, it was nice!" You said, faking yet another smile. You would've preferred to have been alone, curled under your sheets in the dark, alone with your thoughts.

They give you a small nod before leaving your room. You hear your grandma saying goodbyes to them before the sound of the door shutting and locking. They had left. A few minutes pass until a knock comes on your door, " Hey, brat! Open up!" Your grandpa called. You wobbled over to your door and opened it.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed you by your hair and dragged you down the stairs. Your grandpa was much stronger so you couldn't pull yourself free. Suddenly, a fist came to your face...

You were out cold.
