Kyoto Fieldtrip

The two hands that had stopped her belonged to Karma and a strawberry blonde named Asano Gakushūu

"What is going on here?" Asano turned to Akita with an icy stare. "G-Gaku- kun.. she-" Akita began, before I cut her off, "I attacked her, that's that." I said. Some murmurs were heard from onlookers at the subway. Some people were whispering things like, "why is she lying?" Or "that's clearly not true."

Karma stepped up, "Asano, I'd advise you keep better hold of your girlfriend." He glared. I walked away, Karma followed. As we got onto the bus Karma asked, "why'd you lie?"

"I didn't feel like dealing with her bullshit lies and excuses." I yawned. Karma sighed and the train began moving. Once the train stopped at our station we both got off and headed up the mountain.


We reached the classroom. Maehara, Isogai, Terasaka and his goons, Megu, Kanzaki, and Nakamura we're there talking to one another. No one was surprised to see you two walk in together, it became a norm. Of course, Nakamura would nudge you two about always walking together to school and back every once in a while. Today was one of those days.

Nakamura, snickering, came up to the front of the classroom, "Isn't it adorable? That two of them walking together and back from school, everyone?" She asked the class.

"I could say it's wholesome for Karma to walk a girl like (y/n) home." Isogai answered.

"Karma, your too slow! You're supposed to start advancing after walking her home twice! You've done it for a month already and not much progress!" Maehara advises.

"It's cute indeed." Megu stated.

"Tch! The sadistic asshole finally decides to be nice! But only to one person!" Terasaka said.

You ignored and went for your seat. Karma beat Terasaka up a little before making his way to his desk as well. You sighed, speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear, "Firstly, we only walk together because we go at the same station. Secondly, a bunch of douches try to pick me up and Karma enjoys beating them up anyways..*cough* shoving wasabi and hot mustard up their noses *cough* and we only walk to the station, he doesn't walk me all the way home." You informed everyone.

"Aww~ How cute!~ Shaking off douches for (y/n), Karma?~ Never knew you could be so sweet~" Nakamura teases. "Eh? Why is everyone only talking to me about this? Why not tease (y/n) a little bit?" Karma says. "wow Karma wow! I clear everything up and this is how you repay me?!" You stuck your tongue out at him.

The class began to get noisier as more and more people filled up the classroom. Korosensei walks in, not to long after."As you know, we will be having a field trip to Kyoto today, this is where you will have an opportunity to find perfect places to assassinate me." Korosensei began, "I have made these Guide Books that cover about every possible situation that you may come across."

Korosensei placed giant books onto his desk. Everyone was thinking the same thing, "I'm not carrying that around."


Trees, grass, lakes all sped past as the bullet train made its way to Kyoto. I sat there, staring out the window. It was so calming to watch all this nature.

Everyone in the class had spread around the train, but stayed near the rest of their group. My group had a whole carrier to itself, it was just the group there. Kanzaki, Okuda, Nagisa, Sugino, Yada, and Karma were all in your group. Karma was sitting at a table with his elbow resting on the table as his palm held his head up. His eyes were closed. Kanzaki was talking with Okuda and Yada, and Nagisa and Sugino we're playing something on their phones.

Finally, the train came to a stop, "Kyoto." An intercom announced. All of E-class came off the station and stayed together. Korosensei, dressed as a human, was calling out everyone's name to see who was there. Once it was checked that everyone was there, people began splitting into their groups.


The day went by quick as everyone was having fun. Checking out the shops, trying out foods, and figuring out places to kill Korosensei. In the middle of the Market, Nagisa pointed to an alleyway, "Let's check out over there, it seems like a good place to assassinate."

We all walked in the alleyway,

"No one to witness, not too narrow, roomy enough to be able to move around and fight, I'd say this would be a perfect place to kill." Nagisa pouted our the different features of the alleyway.

"Yes, I'd have to agree. Perfect place for a kidnapping as well." An unknown voice spoke. Everyone spun around to look at who had said that. Suddenly, we were cornered by a bunch of thugs. Some held bats. "Hand over the girls and we won't hurt you." One of them said, assumingly the leader.

Suddenly, a screech came from my side. I saw Karma punching one of the people in the faces, "Like hell we would, See, Nagisa, Just What I told you! It's easy to fight when there are no witnesses." He said. Suddenly, One thug snuck up behind him and was about to swing his bat. "Karma!" I shouted. It was too late, the thug had hit Karma unconscious. The same was done to Nagisa and Sugino.

You felt a hand grab your waist, along with Yada and Kanzaki. "Let me go, Bastard!" I yelled. Yada and Kanzaki struggles to stop the men from getting them into the van but it was no use. They were too strong.


Karma's POV

My head banging, I blinked my eyes open. Light filled in. I sit up on the concrete, rubbing a pain on the back of my head, "urgh.." I groaned. I looked around to see Nagisa sitting up with a confused look on his face. I saw Sugino lying on the floor and Okuda running up to us. Suddenly, everything came back to me.

"I'm sorry! I saw they were going to grab for us girls so I fled and hid! I'm so sorry!" Okuda apologized once Sugino began to wake up. "It's okay, it's actually a good thing you ran." I said.

Once everyone was back to their senses, we all looked for Korosensei, which wasn't too hard. He was in a bookstore looking at Dirty Magazines. Once we told him of the situation, he began sniffing for the girls. It would be hard because their scent wasn't exactly unordinary.

Somehow, Korosensei was able to pick up on a familiar scent. He said he remembered an espresso smell when he first entered class earlier. "That's it! I took (y/n) to a café before class began!" I said.

Korosensei took us all into his tentacles until swooosh he had taken us to where he smelt (y/n).
