
And so, the train ride continued, with ridiculous things such as these happening..


I sat there in class, gazing out the window, watching as the wind blew the tree leaves, causing them to sway. The grass flowing, everything looked so pretty out the E-class window. Rather in class

3-A, all you could see were cars, buildings, and all that. The view was quite nice a top this mountain.

"(L/n)? Are you still with us?" Korosensei asked. "Eh? Yeah. We're talking about chemical reactions." You replied. "I seriously don't know how you can look so focused on the outside while still listening in on the lesson..." Korosensei mumbled, "every week, you become more and more like Karma, it's scaring me..." A proud Karma was heard chuckling at the back of the classroom.


Science class had ended and you found yourself under a tree eating lunch beside Karma. Not lunch from home, no, lunch from Karma. He forced you to give more details on how they treat you at home, once he learnt that they were starving you, he began giving you bento boxes every day. You always chuckled at how the roles were switched, in movies the girl was always the one to give the lunch.

"Geez, look at you go, eating all that food like a baby." Karma snickered. "Eh? I'm hungry." You responded, still chomping on the sushi. "Every time I see you like this, it makes me want to seriously call the police on your grandparents." Karma sighed. " Then I won't eat it." You responded, placing your chipsticks down.

"I never said for you not to eat it." Karma said. When he saw that you didn't pick the chopsticks back up, he took them and got a Sushi. Suddenly, he stuffed it in your mouth. Gagging, you swallowed it down, "JEEZUS! Do you want me to choke to death?!" You exclaimed, lightly hitting Karma on the head.


The End of the Day

I got up from my desk, I gripped onto my bag, packing everything into it. People were already leaving the classroom. Once you had everything packed, you went over to Karma who was waiting at the classroom door.

"Wanna grab a burger on the way back?" Karma asked. "Sure, I'll pay." I responded, "You can try. If you're fast enough to hand the bill than me~" he said. As we walked down the hall, we saw everyone crowded around the exit. "What do you want?" I heard Hayami icily say. Was there a fight?

As you neared the door, Maehara and Okuda pushes you back in the hall, "Wha?-" They shushed you before you could speak.

"I just want to talk to (y/n)" a familiar voice spoke. You walked out before anyone could push you back, "Asano?" You raised a brow. Everyone was glaring at Asano who was leaning against the wall with the big five around him. "(Y/n), can we speak?" Asano asked. "Go ahead." You sighed. "Alone." Asano said sternly.

With yet another sigh, you turn to everyone, "Please go back home." You smile. "I'll grab a burger with you later than I thought." You whispered in Karma's ear as he passed by. With hesitant glances towards one another, they all walked away.


"Nakamura? Hayami? Maehara? Okuda? What are you four doing?" Sugino walked up to them.

"Shhhh!" They hushed, as they peaked over a bush to stalk (y/n) and Asano. Sugino understood. A few minutes later, the rest of the class began coming back, "so you guys all had the same idea..." Karma spoke. "Psh! Of course! We wouldn't let (y/n) be alone with that jerk and his goons for one second!" Nakamura stated.

The class watched as Asano, the big five, and (y/n) walked down the mountain. "What could you possibly need for you to actually walk all the way up here?" (Y/n) asked Asano, slight ice to her voice. "What if I said, I just felt like it?" Asano responded. "Yeah right! You want something, don't you? What? For me to go back to A Class? Never gonna happen!" (Y/n) glared.

The rest of the big five gave slight glares towards (y/n). "Can't you just stop seeing me as an enemy for once? (Y/n), even if you don't see me the same way, I still consider you a friend." Asano responded, a little hurt in his voice. (Y/n) went quiet.

"Why do you so suddenly want to walk me home?" She asked. "One time, 2 months ago, I saw you walking back home, I saw someone trying to flirt with you. You handled the situation pretty well, but still, it's not safe." Asano said. "For your information, I'm doing just fine, I can protect myself just fine if you hadn't noticed in the PE classes we used to have together! And Karma's there for me now, anyways! So if you'll excuse me, I have to go find him because we were going to grab burgers." (Y/n) stated as she began walking away.

Asano grabbed (y/n)'s wrist, "w-wait! Please..just this once." Asano mumbled quietly. Which was unusual, normally, Asano would've said it in a commanding voice.

"Asano acts weird around (y/n).." Nagisa pointed out, as they watched from the bushes. "Does this mean?..." Nakamura's face lit up. " Yeah, Asano's has had a crush on her for awhile, (y/n) thought he lost interest in her though." Karma said. "How do you know this?" Hara asked. Karma didn't reply.

Nakamura smirked, "This is actually quite cute, don't cha think? Devil and

Mr. Perfect both like (y/n). I wonder who'll win". Karma tch! ed, as a few classmates began teasing him, "You gotta start doing something or Assano will take her right under your nose!~"

Asano and (y/n) walked side-by side with one another as they went down the mountain. Asano looked down with a nervous-looking face.

Once they had reached the bottom of the mountain, Asano told the Big Five to leave. Asano took (Y/n) to a park and they both sat down on a bench. A moment of silence until Asano spoke, "H-here.." Asano held his hand out to (y/n). A small box in his palms.

"Hm?" (Y/n) hummed as she took the box. "On the A-Class field trip, I saw it and thought you might want it.." Asano responded.

(Y/n) looked at the box in her hands. Taking off the lid, it reveals a keychain. Connected to the keychain was.. "what's this?" She asked, holding it up to her face.

Asano took it and showed (y/n) how to use it, "press this button and a pen appears, if you push this one, a knife appears, you've always had a weird obsession with knives anyways.."

"What? It's not an obsession! Knives are just very useful!" She responded.

"And in what situation would you need a knife for so urgently, than at home? Unless of course, your a criminal, but that's not so." Asano raised a brow.

"Well! Knives can be used to break ropes and threaten people!" (Y/n) huffed. Asano stares blankly at her, "and why would you need to cut ropes or threaten people?"

"You wouldn't know, Mr. Rich, because a personal driver drives you home! And even if you weren't rich, you're tall, you can fight, and you have a fucking scary-ass intimidating resting face!" The

(h/c)-haired girl enlightened him.

"Ok?.." Asano said. "Anyways..thanks for the gift!" (Y/n) smiled at him, "Pretty useful!"

"Take notes, Karma. She likes knives as gifts." Sugaya chuckled as the class continued to stalk the two. "Oh, shut up." Karma responded.

A few moments of silence before (y/n) finally spoke up, "Asano, you're being so nice all of a sudden, you're making me hella suspicious." A quick, nervous expression swept over Asano. This was quite unsettling for everyone.

"...(Y/n)...I'm sorry..I'm sorry for how I treated you after finding out you were moving to E-class..I'm sorry how I became so distant so quickly..I'm sorry for everything.." Asano looked down. This must've taken lots of his pride out of him to apologize to an 'E-Class Scum' as he once said before many years ago.

The E-Class watched as (Y/n) put a hand on Asano's shoulder and gave a quick pat. "I suppose I could accept your apology..

If you get me (f/f)!" She smiled. [favourite food]

Asano sighed of relief, chuckling he spoke, "fine."So, the two walked off towards a place where thy could get (f/f).

"That was so cute! Even for Asano!~" Kurahashi And Kayano giggled. "That was pretty wholesome for a dirtbag like Asano." Maehara said. A few classmates tuned to Karma, seeing how his reaction was. Karma had a smirk on his face, "Not jealous?" Few asked.

"Ha, why would I be? I'm actually kinda happy for her, she finally resolved her misunderstanding with that jerk." Karma smiled.


See ya!