
Once Karma's parents left, Hera said, "and this, is when the fun begins."

You gulped, she sounded a lot like Karma when she said that. "Okay, you can all stop trying to act nice. Please do show your true personality as I'd like to get to know you." Hera smiles at us.

That was a mistake. Okajima decided to let his perverted personality show, causing many girls to begin beating him to a pulp. Maehara began to flirt with Hera, you had to hold Karma back from getting too close to Maehara. Rio then began to tease you. Yup, everything became just like how it was in class...chaos.

You sat on a couch that was as far away from all the chaos(not really far). You sighed and sit back, all you really wanted to do was sleep. People drained lots of energy from you.

Rio and Kanzaki came over to you and sat on both of your sides. You scooted a little closer to Kanzaki, and tried making yourself as far away from Rio as possible. You kept looking at Nakamura suspiciously. "Geez, I'm not gonna do anything." Rio said as she rested her head on the couch.

You felt a hand tugging at your hair, it felt as if someone was styling it. You turned around, "Karma, Can you stop bothering me?!" Though, instead of seeing the devil, you saw Hera. "Oh..hi" you said, sheepishly.

"Does Karma bother you often?" Hera asked as she kept playing around with your hair. "Yeah. A lot" you said. Hera giggled, "He hasn't changed a bit."

"Did he shove spices up people's noses before?...or is that a new hobby he's picked up on the last year?" You asked. Hera lifted an eyebrow, "He did what?...oh gosh.."

You took that as a 'new hobby he picked up on' You got up, "ima go raid the fridge, what anything?" Hera shook her head as to say 'no thank you'

Once you reached the kitchen, you noticed that Hera styled your hair into pigtails. (Ignore if your hair is too short for pigtails) You walked up to the fridge and scanned it. You weren't hungry, mainly thirsty.


Hera's POV

(Y/n) walked into the room. She held two boxes of Strawberry Milk. She looked around the room, until her eyes stopped on three boys in the corner of the room, my little bro, Karma, the one who flirted with me, and one who's name I think was Yuuma. "Karma, here." (Y/n) said, catching the attention of my bro.

She threw a strawberry milk box at his face, Karma caught it with one hand, Karma's other hand was busy putting the flirt into a headlock. "Eyyy! Thanks." Karma smiled, as he put his attention back to the poor boy on the ground.

Karma!~ My Dear Brother seems so close to this girl!~ Ship or not to ship? Ship! First, let's make sure I know (y/n)'s actual gender so I don't embarrass her like I did for Nagisa when he came over. I turned to my right, "Rio, that's you name correct?" I asked the blonde beside me. She nodded. "So..is (y/n) a girl or a boy?" I asked.

Rio looked at me, confused, suddenly her face lightened up, "Bwahahhahahaha!!" She laughed. "After seeing Nagisa, you cant trust anyone else's gender?"

Okay..(y/n)'s a girl. Well at least I won't embarrass her. When Nagisa came over, I kept calling him a 'she' and got super confused why Nagisa kept blushing when I called him a girl. After Nagisa left, I asked Karma about it, he facepalmed and explained. I felt so ashamed! I immediately apologized the next time I saw Nagisa.

Step 1 of Operation: [insert weird ass name here]! Gather information of the closeness of their relationship. So..(y/n) had been here several time, is familiar with the house, isn't scared of punching Karma in the gut, isn't scared of taking Karma's cherished Spice Collection... I'd say..Best friend? I'm confused 😐

I went up to (y/n), "So..(y/n), I was wondering...how is Karma at school, how does he act around you as well?" I asked. "Oh, well, first of all he's an ass, And was an ass even during the first interaction we had with each other. Um.. and he teases me a lot. Why?" She said. "Oh, haha, just wanted to know how my brother was like at school, What does he tease you about?" I asked.

"Ugh! Everything! He teases me on how I'm shorter than him, and that he's faster, stronger, usndhebxksusnshwndjkd!!!"(

Y/n) sulked. I couldn't help but chuckle at this girls misfortune due to my brother, Karma sure gets more annoying throughout the years. This poor girl, haha.

At least I've been able to establish that they're rather close. Now time to ask Karma. I walked over to him, "Oi, little bro!" I beamed. "You want something, don't you? Food? Clothes? Info perhaps?" Karma narrowed his eyes. Gosh, my bro knows me well.

"Huh? I just wanted to know how my bro is doing! How's school going? What's it like in E-Class? Prefer it over the other classes?" I smiled. "Just get to the point. What's the real question?" Karma said....he's good... "Fine! I just wanted to ask you if there's a reason you tease (y/n) so much." I huffed.

Karma raised a brow, "(y/n)? Why does everyone always talk about her to me? I don't tease her any less than I do everyone else."

"Yeah...okay..sure..So do you have a crus-"


"How about a little interest in someon-"


"Maybe (y/n-"




I huffed.


(Y/n)'s POV

Everyone was all talking, teasing, messing, playing, and helping each other in the living room. It all looked so happy, I wish I could stay in that moment. I hate that everything happy had to end, and I'd have to return to my 'grandparents' dreaded house.

But there was no point on complaining. It's not like I can reverse time, though I wish I could. So, I had to make the most out of this. I began to converse with my friends. My friends have been the only comfort I've had in this world, one of the reasons that I've kept myself alive in this cruel, unfair world.

I was talking to Fuwa about anime. We heavily disagreed on things because Fuwa was mostly interested in Shojou anime, as you preferred action Shoujen Anime. Suddenly, a ring was heard throughout the house, causing many to jump up startled. "I'll get it." Karma said as he got up from the couch and walked to the door.

He opened it, his face changed from surprise to disgust to a scowl. He spoke with the person at the door. I could see two figures, but I could tell that there were three because Karma's eyes kept flickering to someone who was hidden behind a doorway from my sight. Hera came up and she began talking.

Karma let Hera take on the conversation and he went back to the living room, "(

y/n), try to contain yourself." Karma spoke as he sat beside you. "What?" I asked confused.

I hear the people coming in the house and I try to peek over the couch, only to have a hand pull me back onto the couch. "Karma, I'm trying to see who it is." I said. I heard unfamiliar voices coming closer. Then, I turned my head. I saw three figures.

My attention was on one of them, I tried to stop myself from glaring, keeping my usual straight face I spoke, "What are you doing here, Akita?!"
