The sound of birds chirping, leaves dancing to the tunes of the morning breeze, the warmth of the bright sunshine. It was another beautiful day in Dralde, Land of the Golden Glow.
Known for its everlasting golden glow, it also had beautiful lily, orchid and sunflower fields. People from far and near came to visit.
The King was a generous and noble man and his people loved him. He treated his subjects with utmost respect and made them feel comfortable to come to him whenever they had problems.
The guards were up and at their positions, the maids cleaning and dusting happily as was the normal routine in the palace.
Queen Ara was up earlier than her King as always. Dressed elegantly in a turquoise long sleeved gown with pearled earrings, a little trinket around her neck and her beautiful long black hair combed to the side of her right arm.
She had gone to supervise breakfast and was back to her chamber where King Ayden was pretending to be sound asleep.
"Oh Ayden, he'll never change."
She smiled as she pulled the curtains letting bright beams of sunlight stream into the room. Then she moved towards the bed.
"Rise and shine your highness," as she stroked his hair.
"It's morning already? I must have been dreaming..." He returned with a smile.
"We don't want to be late for breakfast, do we?" She asked.
"My Queen's beauty is enough breakfast for me but she might not take it lightly if I decide to grow thin on her watch," he teased.
"That, my King is very correct." She returned and they both laughed.
"Go get ready so we can have breakfast. I'll be waiting." She added.
He settled for something simple, a navy blue suit and his crown not the usual regalia he was in on most days. They headed to the dining room and their two children, Arden and Arian joined in some minutes after they were seated. The small talks came during dessert as the king always said,
"you hardly choke on dessert," and they were careful not to.
Arden was the eldest, strong and brave. He was a fine young man. Born with the ability to see incoming attacks made him grow up an excellent swordsman and warrior. Even as young boy, he dodged things thrown at him perfectly and hardly got beaten in a fight.
Arian was beautiful, witty and graceful. She looked just like her mother. Not a fan of swords like her brother, she was a master of archery. Her ability to control the wind gave her just the edge.
"I'll just go to my room. Thanks for breakfast Ma." Arian said.
The wind grew stronger as she turned to leave, sending papers and napkins flying.
"Princess Arian! Don't send my napkins flying in the air like this," Queen Ara yelled.
"Sorry Mother!" She said with a giggle as she left the dining room.
"I'll just check what she's up to." Arden said standing up to leave.
It seemed rather blowier as he approached the corridor leading to her room.
"Oh no, Arian!"
He ran towards the door to save his sister from whatever it was she was doing. He ducked on opening the door and an arrow flew right above his head.
"What do you think you're doing firing arrows like that?" He asked.
"Can't I decide to shoot my arrows in my room?" She returned.
"You could get someone killed. And all this wind..." He let out a sigh.
"You really need to go out. How bout we go horse riding?" He suggested.
"Sounds like a great idea, give me a minute." Now her face was all brightened up.
Horse riding was one thing they had a common liking for. Like a gentleman, he helped her to her horse until she was seated firmly on it.
King Ayden was more than proud of his children. He watched them from the balcony of his room as they set out on their horses. Standing beside him was his trusted friend and chief guard, Zedicus.
"He'll make a fine King one day." King Ayden said with a broad smile.
"Well of course my King, he's a chip off the old block." Zedicus returned.
The silence was becoming suffocating as Arden and Arian rode for minutes without a word. He had to bring up a topic and knew just the one.
"So... How's Miguel?" His eyes fixated on her as he awaited an answer.
"Huh!" The sudden question caught her off guard.
"Mi... Miguel?" Blushing a little pink she answered wryly.
"Yes. Miguel, the counselor's son. Quite a classic man I must say."
He continued as they rode on the path paved in between the trees not far from the lake.
"Why are we talking about him?"
Waving her hand in the air sending all the fallen leaves in Arden's direction.
"Ari! What gives!" He didn't see that coming as it wasn't much of an attack.
"Windy and I just made you a classic man in leaves." She smirked.
"Oh come on. What have I said? Did I say I saw him staring at you nonstop? Or you blushing like a shy bride?"
"And oh it was fun to watch"
He muttered smile-smirkingly.
Boom and it all came out; he knew it was time to skidaddle.
"Arden!!! You're gonna get it this time," she squealed.
He was ahead of her now and she was getting really tired of chasing after him.
"Okay fine. I won't send your cape flying and you'd still be on your horse," she begged.
"Hopefully!" She muttered as she breathed in between the chase.
"So you're saying I should stop," he paused raising an eyebrow.
"Well yes, and stop accusing me of things I clearly did," she added.
"Woah ho ho! She admitted! So you were blushing," he returned laughingly.
"Oh you! Come on," her hands covering her face.
"I think he likes you and seems like a nice guy," he added.
"You think?" She looked at him.
"I could tell from the way he looked at you," he smiled with a wink.
"You're so cheesy. No wonder Maya is hopelessly smitten with you," she returned shaking her head laughingly.
"We so are," giving her a light poke her on the arm.
"La la la la, wedding bells I hear," he whistled childishly.
"What did you say? She had heard her brother's quiet teasing.
"Nothing just that you'd make an awesome bride and wife", he said.
"Cut it out Arden," she smiled wryly.
Giving him a prod on the shoulder as her horse rode closer to his, "You're the best!"
Pulling the reins on her horse firmly signalling it to move. Arden now had a broad smile and felt like the best big brother.
All she needed was someone to assure her she wasn't doing the wrong thing and her brother could see right through her. She needed air. Turns out being able to control the wind didn't come with that all the time.
They bantered all through the ride back to the palace as the night had begun to set in.