Chapter XV

Maya woke up feeling uneasy one morning. Madeline had stayed with her through the night. When Maya's pains began to worsen she ran up to Queen Ara's room.

"Queen Ara, may I come in?" Madeline asked after knocking.

"Yes you may," Queen Ara returned.

"Good morning your highness, Queen Maya seems so uncomfortable I think we need to call a doctor," Madeline said.

Alarmed Queen Ara jumped out of bed. Putting on the cost of her négligée and slippers hurriedly.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, get Andrea the midwife, Andrade, call them all." Queen Ara said as she moved even faster out of her room.

"Yes my Queen, right away." Madeline said and hurried to the guards.

"Thank heavens!" Madeline exclaimed on seeing Demetri.

"Demetri please get Andrea and Andrade. Queen Maya... She's in pain... Hurry!" She said.

"Right away," Demetri got on his horse  and rode very fast.

In no time he had gotten to Andrea's home as it wasn't too far from the palace.

"Ma'am Andrea, it Queen Maya. You're needed at the palace." Demetri said panting.

"The Queen! Wait there I'll just get my bag," Andrea said.

Hurriedly she ran into her house and came out with a bag. Demetri helped to the horse. Quickly the signaled it to move. When they arrived the palace he dropped her off and headed straight to doctor Andrade.

Xan waited at the entrance and showed Andrea to Maya's room.

"Good morning Queen Ara," she said with a bow.

"Good morning to you, please..." Queen Ara said leading her to Maya.

She put down her bag and tried to calm Maya down. Queen Ara and Marcella were two only ones allowed to stay inside.

The others standing outside were so tensed, Madeline couldn't stop pacing around. Carla and Giselle prayed for nothing to happen to their Queen and her baby.

After an hour Marcella came out wearing a straight face. Her silence was perturbing, making everyone freeze on seeing her as random questions began to run through their minds.

"It's a boy! The King has a son! We have a Prince!" Marcella shouted joyfully.

Everyone jumped excitedly at the news. Smiles of different sizes filling the corridor as the news went round.

Demetri had met up with he friend who returned from Menot, a kingdom south of Dralde. He informed him that the King had stopped there a week ago and was very much around.

Demetri was very pleased and returned to the palace only to hear the good news. He ran to inform Queen Ara of King Arden's proximity to Dralde. Fortunately she was on her way out of Maya's chambers. Smiling like every happy grandmother would.

"Your highness," Demetri bowed.

"Yes Demetri," Queen Ara said.

"Congratulations your highness, King Arden is close. I decided to inform you before I leave to tell him the news," Demetri said.

"Oh Demetri, this is music to my ears. How close?" Queen Ara asked excitedly.

"Menot, my Queen. A friend of mine who just returned said the king's been there for a week," Demetri said.

"We mustn't waste anymore time." Queen Ara said excitedly.

"Quickly, Xan!" She called out.

"Yes your highness," Xan answered.

"I'm sending you both to Menot. Make your horses run like the wind and bring back a happy King." Queen Ara said with a tone as happy as a prince.

"Right away," Xan and Demetri said simultaneously.

"Marcella, please tell Nimue to send guards to inform Arian and Priya of Maya's safe delivery," Queen Ara said.

"Yes my Queen," Marcella said.

Demetri and Xan ran up to the stable and took to their horses. The afternoon was hot and sunny but the horses ran like never before, tirelessly and gracefully. It was as though the universe too was in support of King Arden's happiness.

By nightfall fall they arrived Menot. The two guards stopped at a cottage to get some water for the horses. Fortunately, it belonged to a generous farmer and he offered his guests something to eat.

"Thank you for the meal sir, we're most grateful." Demetri said.

"It's nothing, you're both welcome." The farmer said.

"Sir, do you by any chance know where King Arden of Dralde's camp is?" Xan asked

"Well yes I do, it's just across the lake. Just follow this route and it would lead you right to it," the farmer said pointing in a certain direction.

"Thank you sir you've been very helpful," Demetri said.

"But if I may, why do you ask?" The farmer asked.

"We're guards from his palace," Can said.

"It was a pleasure meeting you both, farewell." The farmer said.

They both hopped on their horses to continue their journey.

"Farewell sir," they both said.

The route seemed like a short cut to the lake. As they rode closer, Demetri could hear sounds of running water.

"Up ahead, I think we're close." Demetri said.

The soldiers had made fires to sit round and enjoy the night. Zedicus came out of King Arden's tent to make an announcement.

"Gather up men!" Zedicus said.

"King Arden said he has finalized his deal with the King of Menot and we would head home in three days," he added.

"Long live the King! Long live King Arden," they hailed.

They returned to roast their various fishes and some washed their feet.

"I see them, over there. Hurry Xan," Demetri said.

Finally they had reached the King. Signalling their horses to run faster as they drew nearer to the camp.

"Woah, woah!" Demetri said to stop the horse.

The men thought more gifts had been sent to them by the King as they saw the horses. Demetri and Xan got off there horses and went up to them.

"Hey it's Demetri," Daniel, one of the men said excitedly on recognition.

"And Xan," said another.

They hugged each one of them as they moved closer.

"Where's the King and Zedicus," Demetri asked.

"He's in his tent," Daniel returned.

"Please take us to him urgently," Demetri said.

"Follow me," Daniel said.

Daniel showed him into King Arden's tent where he was discussing some locations they had picked to start new farms with Zedicus.

"King Arden, Demetri's here." Daniel said.

"Demetri! How happy I am to see you again. Come in," King Arden said.

"I'm even more happy to see you my lord," Demetri said.

"Queen Ara has sent me," he added.

"Mother, oh I've missed her so much..." King Arden sent.

"It's Queen Maya..." Demetri said.

"Maya! What happened to her? Is she alright?" King Arden asked anxiously.

"She's more than alright. Queen Maya has borne you a son." Demetri said with all gladness.

Those last words sent waves into King Arden's ears so much he couldn't believe them.

"De... Demetri could you repeat what you just said?" King Arden said his body already shaken from suprise.

"Yes my King. You are now a father." Demetri said with so much emphasis.

Tears began to well up in the King's eyes, shuddering as Zedicus helped him to a chair.

"I'm... I'm..." King Arden said with a shaky voice filled with mirth.

"I'm a father, I'm now a father!" He added, his lips trembling as tear drops rolled down his cheeks.

"Congratulations my King. Your prayers have been answered. Congratulations," Zedicus said with tears in his eyes too.

"Tell my men to feast. I now have an heir. I must leave for Dralde," King Arden said.

"Please my King, let's leave at the break of day you need to rest," Zedicus advised.

"Alright, we leave at dawn." King Arden said with a big smile.

"The King has a son, the King has an heir," Demetri said to the other men.

"Long live our King. Long live his heir," the men happily cheered.


That night, a mage visited the place. She looked like she was in her teens, very vibrant and young. The guards showed her in and informed Queen Ara of her arrival.

"Your highness, I am Emress," the mage said with a bow on meeting her.

"What brings you here," Queen Ara said.

"I've come to congratulate you and the Queen on the birth of her son. May he live long," Emress said.

"How thoughtful, thank you so much." Queen Ara said.

"Please come with me he lies in his mother's room," Queen Ara said.

The guard lead the way to Queen Maya's chambers

"I have been assigned to him for he's gifted with one of the two rare powers," Emress said.

"Ice," she added.

"Special," Queen Ara touched her grandson's hands and smiled.

"Here's a gift for the little prince. A medallion." Emress said.

"Thank you so much, we'll keep it safe," Maya said.

"I'll take my leave," Emress said.

"Alright do send my regards to the council of mages." Queen Ara said.

"I will," she returned.

As Maya lay on her head to rest the mage's words kept echoing.

"One of the two rare powers,"she thought.

She didn't quite understand and decided to ask Queen Ara about it the next day.