Chapter XXVII

The sound of birds chirping felt new. Ayaan opened his eyes as he turned to his side. It was like he had never heard them chirp before. His mind was so occupied with completing his training he didn't bother listening to their beautiful morning songs.

Today was the day he would return home. He smiled at the thought and sat up. Running his hand through his locks, he got out of his bed; grabbing his towel he headed straight to the bathroom.

When he was done he moved to the wardrobe to get his clothes. On pulling the door open, he found a pair of neatly packed clothes.

"Aww Emress," he thought with a smile.

He took them out and whispered a "thank you". Now he wanted to see what he looked like before returning home. Just then Emress knocked on the door.

"Ayaan," she called.

"Yes Emress," he returned.

"May I come in?" She asked.

"Yes you may," he returned and smiled as she entered.

"Good morning Emress," he said beaming.

"Good morning Prince Ayaan," she returned.

"Getting ready?" She asked.

"Yes... Only there's one tiny problem?" He said.

"A problem?" She asked puzzled as his expression seemed nothing like something was wrong.

"There's no mirror," he said causing Emress to laugh.

"For a moment I thought something was really wrong," she continued laughing.

"Well I never needed to use one till today, you have one don't you?" He asked funnily.

"I do but I would be better if you just created one... Just picture a beautiful mirror." She smiled keenly.

"Are you sure?" He asked with uncertainty.

"Of course," she nodded with a smile.

He stood still for a minute, staring at the space before him with his fists clenched. He inhaled slowly and closed his eyes.

"Ayaan, you can do this!" He whispered. Breathing out, he began to move his hands slowly. His eyes, still closed.

Emress watched him carefully, studying the movements of his hands as ice crystals began to form in the space between Ayaan and the wall. Ayaan's eyes still closed, he continued.

The ice crystals spiralled until something solid was standing on it's own. Emress smiled at the sight. It was magnificent. The best and most beautiful mirror she'd seen in years.

Turning to look at Ayaan she smiled.

"Ayaan you can open your eyes now," she said and his eyes fluttered open.

"Huh!" He said with a gasp. Amazed at his own creation. At first, he wasn't sure but somehow his words motivated him.

"Ayaan, I could tell you were a bit skeptical." Emress said.

"I was." He returned.

"But you did it. It's the most beautiful mirror I've seen," she said beamingly.

"Thank you. I guess I just needed motivation," he said.

"And yours was just enough. Always be your first motivation, never forget that." She said tapping his shoulder.

"I won't," he smiled admiring himself in the mirror.

"Alright. Breakfast is ready I don't want King Arden saying I refused to feed you on your last day in my house," Emress laughed.

"Hahaha of course, thank you Emress." Ayaan said with a smile.

"You're most welcome, let's go." She said.

Ayaan followed behind Emress until he was seated on the dining chair. Breakfast tasted as delicious as it looked. When they were done Ayaan took the dishes to the kitchen. Emress pulled the curtains close and put out the hearth. Then two of them headed outside where the horses were still eating from the hay Emress had given them earlier.

"Emress could we visit Reem and Dzemis before I head home?" He asked pulling the reins of the horse.

"Why of course, yes." She returned.

"Thanks," he smiled.

"Vrelco escapa," she said clapping her hands and the house vanished.

"Emress you haven't taught me any spells," Ayaan said funnily.

"Hahahha that's not a problem as long as King Arden permits you to become a mage I'd be more than willing," she said and they both laughed.

They both got and the horses and rode  to Dzemis's house at the other side of the forest. When they approached the house, Dzemis was watering the plants in his garden.

"Emress," he called out when they had  come closer.

"Good morning Dzem," she greeted.

"Good morning Dzemis," Ayaan followed.

"Good morning to you two, please come in." Dzemis said putting down the watering can.

"How lovely it is for you two to visit," he said.

"Ah it's nothing." Emress said as she and Ayaan made their way to the chairs to sit. It wasn't as beautiful as Emress's but his gar

Ayaan wondered why Reem was still no where to be found. He cleared his throat, hesitating a little before speaking.

"Where's Reem?" He asked.

"Ah Reem, she left early this morning to get things we would need for our journey." Dzemis said.

"Journey?" He asked.

"Yes she's leaving for Anubahd tomorrow." Dzemis said.

"I see. I wanted to thank her." Ayaan returned sadly.

"Well you could wait for her if you're not in so much of a hurry but I'm not sure when exactly she'd be back," Dzemis said.

"Ah... Okay, I'll wait a little." He said.

"Alright then," Dzemis smiled.

Emress and Dzemis chatted awhile and still no sign of Reem. Ayaan really wanted to see her before he left. The his mind drifted to his mother. Still in thought when Emress spoke.

"Ayaan we should get going." She said.

"Ah yes..." He returned.

"Please send my regards to the Princess and do thank her for me again." He added the turning to Dzemis.

"I will. It was a pleasure having you here." Dzemis said escorting them outside to their horses.

"Goodbye Dzemis," Ayaan said.

"See you soon," Emress added.

They got on their horses and stroked them with the reins.

"Giddyup!" They both yelled.

Thankfully the sun wasn't too hot as they had ridden for hours. Finally Ayaan could see the guards as they approached the gates.

"Hey..." the guard said squinting.

"Isn't that Prince Ayaan?" He said turning to the other guard.

"Where?" He asked and the other guard pointed in their direction.

They rode nearer, "it is Prince Ayaan and his mage Emress! Ayaan is back!" He shouted in excitement.

"Open the gates," the guard ordered.

"The Prince is home!" He added.