Who is Bloodthirsty ? - Part 1

Vihaan : / Wrong Choice /

Vihaan didn't notice but the moment the Black Panther fell. It turned into small particles of Blood and Ether entered into Vihaan.

[ Host had obtained Black Panther Bloodline ]

[ Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 1 ( 60 % ) ]

The Monsters had already seen this they were not surprised. They knew if anyone of them fell here. Even bones will not be left behind. They will be erased from existence. They made their move

But they were a tad late.

Vihaan moved a split second before than. He move towards the tiger. The Largest and Strongest Cat on earth before Apocalypse. His favourite one now he wanted fight against it.

Every monster reacted very quickly being in same Tier but they just sneered seeing Vihaan going head to head towards the tiger. Even the Lioness showed a disdainful smile her face.

The Tiger using its rear legs like spring to add momentum and swang it's front paws to meet Vihaan's advance. Vihaan with hot burning claws clashed with the tiger.


Vihaan was thrown like rag doll. He didn't get injured but the clash made him realise how strong the cat was. He could feel his mind buzzing. His organs and muscles felt the blow. He was thrown 10 meters away. He didn't have time get up. Tiger followed him with a lunge pining his both hands and directly went for his head. His split second delay had given the opportunity for the tiger. Vihaan couldn't move his head or dodge.

The tiger opened its head diagonally for ripping his face. The Sabre tooth canine puncture into his face making its way into his mouth and his neck. It was very close in killing Vihaan. Vihaan already counter acted, he curled his legs in and concentrated all the heat he can into his claws in the legs and sank everything he had into its neck. He was met with little resistance. Naga bit on the Tiger's face and emptied its venom into the tiger's eyes and mouth with its two fang.

The counter was very heavy. The injure made the tiger flinch and it didn't end Vihaan's life. Vihaan didn't let go of the chance. He opened his mouth and bit the tiger's chin ripped a good chunk of flesh off its face. It was wounded severely and the venom hit it right in its face. Vihaan used full force to lift the tiger with his sunken claws still in its neck. He got free of his hands. He sank both his claws in hands and teeth into the tiger's neck and ripped half of its neck.

Vihann wanted to end quickly but the tiger even with venom used all its might and pushed vihaan away. With the flesh and blood of the tiger absorbed into his body Vihaan's wounds started to heal.

Vihaan stood 5 m away from the tiger. It was a stare-down. Vihaan's wounds was healing. He was like beast that is moulding and breaking its restraints as he fought. He was getting stronger as he fought. He was back in Perfect Condition where as the tiger was standing there slowly lowering its head and dying as it bleed and poison breaking it from inside. All the blood of the tiger that had spilt and the blood that was on his face and claws were absorbed into his body.

He could feel his body's temperature rising, His anger rising, He was calm, He finally found himself in face of death.


Tiger turned into nothing and was absorbed into Vihaan as it fell.

[ Host had obtained Royal Bengal Tiger King ]

[ Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 1 ( 99% ) ]

FALL OF KING for the monsters but for Vihaan it was nutrition. He could feel the power of Tiger coursing through it, It was very powerful if not for things happening the way they played, he didn't know how he would have killed it. He had to thank Naga for the venom. He could feel this tiger most probably would have reached Unique Tier in few Days. Now he understood why everyone was looking at him with disdain.

There was a odd thing happening here, every-time he used venom to kill a prey it multiplies in the prey's body doubles and returns back to his body when the prey gets absorbed. He didn't have to think of the venom running out in middle of the battle anymore. He could always have more when he kills more.

There was pin drop silence through out even Kaluku didn't attack when the fight started. It was afraid because the pressure down was even affecting it. Now all the monster were looking at Vihaan as if he was a monster.

Vihaan : / Next /

Vihaan looked around now he was there a lot monster more than before, There was fear, anger and bloodlust in their eyes but he was on the contrary excited. There was a madness and craziness in eyes.

Lioness on the other hand felt the man before her had to be killed. He had to be killed. He was a menace.

Vihaan : / Guess I will start myself. /

Vihaan was one step away from breaking through to Body Refinement Stage - 2. He withdrew a Peerless Grade EEC and directly put it in his mouth. YES, He ate it. It was only the size of a small diamond but it had exhaustible energy. He ate it he had only one thought to allow all his cells to bath in this concentrated ether.

When Vihaan put the EEC in his mouth. Lioness's Eyes showed Horror. She didn't know what was it but it had an enormous amount Ether. She Shouted.


She made move herself. She flashed before vihaan and sent a powerful punch towards vihaan's face.



Vihaan was sent flying like a broken doll. He was flying away but he had no time to think all this. He had overestimated the power needed for breaking through. Now his body was filled with concentrated Ether without a outlet to go out.

Another Hit, Now it was the tail of the huge Crocodile. It hit his chest sending him back towards the lioness. Two powerful hits one disfigured his face another broke his rib cage. That was not the end. The White Lion used the same move. Ice like claws sank into vihaan's chest.

Vihaan made a huge mistake leading to his state. He couldn't even open his eyes. Ether and Heat coursed through his body. He was trying to control it to his utmost capability but he couldn't break through. If he broke through he would not have this problem. He was struggling inside monsters were all around him. He was wining. He had the upper hand as long as he was conscious but now in his state he can only wait for death. He was angry.


His body was burning his armour was starting to melt. He felt he was about to explode. The Scales initially only covered till his collar bone but now it was starting to grow and cover his neck.

It was actually happened at the right time. The Big Crocodile bit half of the Vihaan's body while one white lion and three golden lioness are trying to rip him apart.

The Indian Gaur which ran away when Vihaan killed its mate was standing there with eyes full of fury. It activated the skill targeting his torso trying to rip him to shred. This was its time to exact revenge and it made its move. It moved like a train with unimaginable momentum.


It was one inch away from hitting him.


It Hit him. Vihaan's body was torn into pieces. Each in one monster's mouth. They where chewing on them.


Unknown to him a crane was flying in the sky. Dia was standing on it and was watching everything that was happening down.


Dia : / I Have to help him. He is still alive. I have to go. Please let me go Please. / She was crying, Her eyes where red with blood. Her heart broke. Her mind was insane.

She struggled with all her strength but she still couldn't move.

##### : / Stop struggling. Its his fight, he chose to go alone. You can only watch. /

A Stern and cold voice sounded in her mind. She was the one who was restraining Dia.

Kaluku also made move at the same time but it was also restrained by a mysterious force.

At this moment various eyes where on the head that the Crocodile was chewing. It had its eyes closed. Blood dripping all over from it.
