Wonderful Plot Writer - The System ( Part - 1 )

Vihaan was trying to manipulate absorb the Death Ether for more than 15 hours. He even tried harmonizing in the Land of the Dead.

It proved very little useful. At the start of first hour he gained EP Stat.

[ + 20 EP ]

He obtained EP directly instead Mind stat.

Due to his Harmonizing and Mediation he obtained a new and rare Death Affinity.

[ You have obtained Death Affinity : Common ]

Yep you have seen it. It was very pitiful Common Tier affinity.

Like Dark Affinity, Death is also one of the rarest affinity, can be considered a sub class of Dark Ether But Dark affinity is only a Ancient Law whereas Death is one of supreme law so even with common tier its worth the effect.

Since Vihaan had high Dark Affinity, it was easier for him to manipulate and and rise his affinity.

It took more than 12 hours for rising his affinity from Common to Uncommon.

For every 1.5 hours he gained some stat in random.

Vihaan got bored after 16 - 17 hours.

If he mediated and harmonized he obtained something every 1.5 hours if he did nothing it was once 3 hours so with or without efforts the rewards were constant so he decided to explore more ways to gain Stats.

Stats Gained in the last 15 hours :

[ Attack : + 6 ]

[ Defense : + 5 ]

[ Constitution : + 1 ]

[ Vitality : + 1 ]

[ EP : + 50 ]

[ HP : + 40 ]

[ Death Affinity : Mid - Uncommon Tier ]

The rewards were pitiful amount compared to effort he put in the. Infact he only held on for 15 hours trying to rise his affinity but System broke all his hopes when it said it would take years to raise the affinity to Legendary Tier.

Instead it's better to use CE to just buy it.

Vihaan fucking cursed this greedy system for trying to rob him of his CE.

It also found another way to force him to spend his CE.

But It was too tempting and profiting for Vihaan to miss this opportunity.


[ Condition : Reach Level - 100 ]

[ Condition : Have 30 times more CE than the required amount to level up ( 30 x 100,000 CE : 3M CE ) ]

[ Congratulations, You have obtained 3 chance to buy Free Stats Potions, each for 1M CE ]

[ Item : Free Stat Potion

Randomly awards Free stats from 0 to 100 ( The Level in Which you bought the potion )

Only 3 can be bought every 100 levels : 3/3

This will disappear if you reach Level - 101

Next Chance, Level - 200

Cost : 1,000,000 CE ]

Vihaan : Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Vihaan as skeptical seeing System Shamelessly advertising this potion, trying to tempt him to buy the potion.

Yes he was skeptical but at the same time it's irresistible. Vihaan was frustrated when he reached Level - 100 because even at level Lv 42 all his Stats were above 50 and some where even double the amount but because System force leveled him he was left with pitiful amount of Stats.

This free Stat potion will definitely help him full the gap but it's a gamble what if he gets 0 Stats three consecutive times. That will be the worst possible out come. In fact he will be happy if he just get even 100 Stats out of all 3 chances.

3M CE should be enough for atleast 25 levels giving him a total of 200 Stats but this potion has a chance to give him 300 Stats while still being Level - 100.

Yes, System is trying to rob him but it too tempting.

Vihaan gritted his teeth and decided to gamble

Vihaan : Buy 3 potions

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Detected 3,000,000 CE ]

[ Balance : 1,372,0000 CE ]

[ 3 Free Stat position have been deposited in your Inventory ]

Vihaan immediately opened his Inventory.

There was 4 icons

x69 Zombie Wild Cat Carcass.

x20 Guardian Zombie Wild Cat Carcass.

x10 Royal Zombie Wild Cat Carcass.

x3 Free Stats Potion.

Destroying all his expectations, the Potions looked very disappointing. He even wondered if this could even be considered potions.

A Small colorless bottle 3 inch long 2 cm thick sealed with a wooden cork.

This whole set up looked very cheap.

Vihaan wanted to curse the system and its whole generation but decided hold in till he actually tried the Potions.

He quickly withdrew and uncorked the bottle to quickly drink it in one go. When he drank the bottle he felt nothing. The Cheap system even took away the cheap bottle.

1 Sec

2 Sec

3 Sec


30 Sec

Vihaan : Fuck you...

Just as Vihaan cursed out loud. He felt a scorching heat spread throughout his body. It was oddly satisfying.

A more satisfying notification flashed before him.

[ + 78 Free Stats ]

Vihaan didn't even stop for a second. Immediately followed with the other two Free Stats Potions.


1 Sec

2 Sec


30 Sec

A familiar scorching feeling spread throughout this body.

[ + 33 Free Stats ]

[ + 69 Free Stats ]

Vihaan : Fuck Yes

A total of 180 Stats. The Second bottle was disappointing but this could easily help him bridge the gap. Plus he also has more than 99 carcass even with 0.1 Stats per Carcass it gives 9.9 stats and that is only the beginning of his hunt.

Initially Vihaan wanted to level up quickly because he found his weakness. The Guardian Zombie Wild Cat itself had a overwhelming advantage over him. Even smacked his face throwing his enormous body easily. That's is why he refrained from getting into a fist fight and chose to take a spell caster approach. Now with this extra points he could finally take strength himself and reduce his own weakness. This can also be considered a type of investment and accumulation. Atleast that's what he consoled himself with for buying three bottles for 3M CE.

Vihaan immediately distributed the Stats.

[ Strength : 101 -> Strength : 149(5) -> Strength : 151 ]

[ Constitution : 102 -> Constitution : 144 ]

[ Mind : 226.5 (151)-> Mind : 278.6 {199(5)} -> Mind : 281.4 (201) ]

[ Spirit : 253.5 (169) -> Spirit : 278.6 {199(5)} -> Spirit : 281.4 (201) ]

Vihaan felt power following in him. He felt powerful. He wanted to get stronger. The feeling of having power is addicting.

Vihaan noticed another important surprise. As soon as he broke through. He didn't gain power multiplication when he broke through Body - 3 Star but Now his mind and Spirit power tripled. His new Attack was now more than his Defense. It made him more confident.

Vihaan was about to stop the Dark Spirit Strom that he casted earlier. ( The skill served as a perfect cover so he just left it as such. )

[ Vihaan, System will give you a choice for integrating into human society. ]

System took initiative to talk to him. Which was very rare and even went far as giving hint which it never does even for missions.

Vihaan was perplexed but decided to hear it out fully.

Vihaan : Tell me what's are those.

[ 1. There is a hidden Quest Available now. You can continue as usual and try to finish it without System's Interference

Caution : You are free to do as you wish but things wont go well. It will probably end as always. You trying to run away keeping your life intact. ]

[ 2. You can choose to pay System 1M CE. System will help you blend in with humans within the next hour. The Mission details will change but 100 % after using this option you can easily get inside City of ArrowGate.

Infact you will also gain another Guardian similar to Neradai.

Caution : If you are using option. There are many Pros and Cons. There will be responsibilities that you need bear. You also need to act accordingly to System's guidance if not it may not end well for you. ]