Andy's pov
I didn't know it'll take almost 2 days to finish my work. I'm beyond exhausted. I can't wait to see Blu. Just seeing him gives me so much of energy. I guess I can ask him out for dinner tomorrow if he's got no plans. Should I take a flower for him.... He looked quite happy the last time I have him one.
Was it the first time he received one?.....
What flower should I get him(starts thinking hard)
Ohh...I got to inform aunt that I'm on my way or else she'd be angry later saying that I didn't inform her about my whereabouts.....I should call... Uhh
Let me just text her...she might be asleep by least that'll save me some scolding then not informing at all..
Third person
Blu's mother was quite worried about his son. She couldn't have have her heart at rest but while she was pacing in the living room waiting for her son, she got a message from Blu saying that he's done with dinner and he'll be able to come on his own. But being a worrywart as she is, she couldn't allow it.
She was finally relived that the tense dinner was over and that her son will be back in some hours.
She went to tell their driver to pick Blu up but they had all left the house already. Now she was worried on what to do and it's been years she didn't drive. Just then she got a text from Andy saying that he's on his way home.
Just the right time to save the day she thought.
She starts calling.....
Andy's pov
Now I should stop by a florist to get a bouquet... I still can't decide which flower to gift Blu....
Who could be calling?
Oh... Aunty! She's still awake...I hope everything is fine out there....
A: yes aunt Gwen
G: Andy, why didn't you tell me sooner that you're coming today?
A: I'm so sorry aunt. I tried to finish my work as soon as possible today and doing that i totally forgot to inform you guys..but you're still awake at this hour? Is everything okay?
G: I don't know if I can say if everything is fine...
A: you're worrying me. Please tell me what's wrong.
G: well, Oliver called out Blu to dinner to talk about their divorce papers and h...
A: what? Is Blu okay? How did Dave even agree to this?
G: no. Dave doesn't know a thing about this. And you have to keep this to as I was saying, he went out to talk about their divorce and he's done with the dinner but all the drivers left to their house and it's been years I didn't drive and I can't let Blu come on his own. His health has not yet recovered.. So I wanted to ask for a favour...
A: ofcourse I'll pick him up. you don't have to ask for a favor.... And I don't know whether it'll be a good idea to keep this from Dave...
G: I know. I'll tell him when the time comes. I'll text you his address. Let me know when you guys are together..
A: okay. Don't worry.I'll call you as soon as I get there. I'll get him home safe. Don't wait up if we are late...okay my most beautiful aunt..
G: hahahaha...stop with the flattery....then come back safely. Bye
A: bye
Ding(text from Blu's mother)
So they went there. It won't take long for me to get there. I may as well stop by the florist to lighten up his case
Third person pov
Andy stopped by the florist and as soon as he entered the store, his eyes caught on the bouquet that really represents his feelings that he's got towards Blu.
He picks it quickly and pays for it and leaves the store and placed the bouquet gently at the front seat
(flower name- freesia. It Symbolizes unconditional love )😊
After 10 minutes, he reached his destination.
He picked the bouquet gently from the seat and smiled at it fondly. He came out of the car standing with his bouquet, just then he saw Blu's silhouette from far and he could never mistake it for anyone. As for him his whole world revolves around Blu.
Just then he saw Blu but Blu couldn't see him so he texted him.
As soon as his text was delivered, his message was read and Blu turned his head towards his direction....