Still Dreaming

It's been a month after we broke up, I'm really fine, I handle everything.

I'm laying here at my sofa-bed to relax my mind. I loved my place, this was the first thing I bought for myself from my own money. My Penthouse.

Eventually my phone ring.

"Hello dear" I said over the phone

"Well hello to you, I know you need my company and I'll help you tonight we'll go to bar. Ok? I'll pick you there" He said to me with convincing tone.

"I'm not in the mood right now, but I know if I refuse your offer, you will force me. So, yes I'll join you on my free will no need bout your force" I stated while laughing at him

He sound defeat, "Oh yeah, well go ahead I will be there in 1 hour. Please wear a sexy dress make sure every men in the bar will drool on your beauty. Maybe you will find there a match for you"

"Oh never, this time I need to love myself and leave on my own. I'll just let myself to give some breaks after all things happened to me from the past month." I spoke to him and getting up from the bed to prepare myself.

"Great, you know I'm always here for you ok. I love you bestfriend, though sometimes your such a fooled. Aside of kidding, may be it's time for you to look the beauty of life without anyone who will keep you down" he told me again, he hanging up the phone.

One hour later, I heard a sound of elevator which I think my best friend is already here. Then, before the doorbell makes sound, I immediately open the door and found my crazy best friend.

"Nice dress, so hot ! For sure every men will drool you. Look at yourself how breath taking are you. But remember, no matter how I've praise you, no chance for us you're not my type. A hard headed woman." he said playfully before to burst out his laugh.

I glared him before to speak, "Wow, what do you think about yourself, sorry to you, a player like you is not my type. You're reputation about woman, is always the same. You always need me, to pretend your girlfriend, therefore all your chicks will move back"

"Yeah we know, I've always used you. But for fun to all girls who drool about me. And you know, you need me being a tissue when you are crying, punching bag when you upset, but look at me I'll remain here for you not like your ex bastard." He stated while chuckled.

He saw my eyes are starting to form waters, "Oh boy, don't try to fall the waters inside your eyes, you know I don't want you to cry over that idiot Ferris Jones, forget bout him don't stress yourself" as I heard him, I walk towards him to hug. I loved my stupid jerk best friend.

I'm very lucky to have a man best friend, rather than a dozen of fake girl best friends.

The he speak again, "No need bout your car, I know you have a lot of sports car. But, this time let's go to the bar while you are riding with me, pretty please join with me" I saw his puppy eyes, I can't help myself to agree his request.

"Ok fine, how could I refuse, you show me your puppy eyes" then I giggling my thoughts.

"Now, lezzgo madam, go the passenger seat and I'll be in the driver seat, get ready ok?" He said and start the engine of his car.

After a half hour we're here at the bar with Eros my best friend since childhood, I know he's hot and handsome so always everybody thinks about us we have something but we're just best friend full of annoyinh but treating like a twin.

Eros told me I should appreciate myself stop for being selfless one. Now, he brought me here while he has having a little chat with some girls. I don't mind if I'm alone here, I just wanna enjoy the drinks.

Tonight, I prefer for strong cocktail drink to numb all the pains.

"Can you give a Dubliner?" I told to the bartender

"Are you sure miss? You know, your order is one of the strongest cocktail." the bartender spoke having a concern tone.

"Yeah I know that, but I want to numb my feelings. Pls just for tonight" I said then he nodded

After few minutes, he gave my drinks and I started to drink up until I got a few more glass.

Can't help myself, I saw different people enjoying their dance in the dance floor. I decided to joined them, I start swaying my hips, I connect my moves in every beat of the music.

Feels like heaven for me. How long could I pretend to be a simple girl with no excitement like this moment.

I feel the sweat bodies, but I still continue my dance. I heard a voice who keep yelling my name, and I found out Eros who's calling me.

I went straight ahead of him.

"Woow! Now, who do you think looks more enjoying tonight huh? Little Reece" Eros spoke and chuckled at me.

"I know, I will not give you an excuse coz it's true. I feel free from my every moves, it's heaven you know that" I yellin him back.

He whispered something into my ears, "Hey, Reece, I'll go in the second floor , yeah you know someone is waiting for me there. Give me a little moment to adore a sweet chick huh? Just wait for me, I'll do what I can for make it fast and I'll be right back. Make some groove and relax, we're too young to all pains. Seeya later" then he hugged me and I nodded.

My head spinning right now, I think I got my limitation. My alcohol tolerance is not low nor high. I tried to find my stupid friend, but I can't maybe he's not yet done. I feel dizzy, I want to take a short nap.

I force myself to get out the bar, I badly needed to take a nap, I'm very disperate now. I keep searching for a safe place, then I saw an open car looks like Ero's car.

I didn't bring my car, because the little idiot insisted that I've should joined him on his car.

Now, I want to close my eyes and went inside the open car to take a little nap while waiting for him.

I feel a little cold and like I'm swaying, but who cares, I'm just no one for anybody. Tomorrow is a holiday, means no work.

I'm dreaming like a bird flying everywhere. Suddenly, I feel very comfy and a very sofy bed.

I'm very lazy to open my eyes, I want to remain sleep until I get back my energy.

The smell of the place like a manly cologne. Do I care? No maybe I'm dreaming again because of the alcohol last night..

wa-wait...wait!! I said LAST NIGHT!!

It can't be, I know I'm drunk last night but I do remember to take a nap in an open car.

This smell is not like Eros perfume. Unfamiliar scent which is flowing on my nose..

There is something here which is not right, also the presence of the place..

I'm not prepare see anything, I feel very strange, but I need to face it.

I tried to open my eyes slowly before it completely open.

Few minutes later before I process everything in my head, and the reality hits me back, my eyes are widely open and my mouth left hangs up.



No way!

Someone hit me! Someone slap me!

I'm begging,

please tell me I'm still dreamin....