See You


Afterwards of delivering the bouquet and foods on her place. I can't imagine, I've done something that I'm not fan of doing it.

Giving credits on women, was not my devotion in life. I just only know having pleasure on them.

Keeping myself interrogate, what comes up on my head. According to my secretary, what we're done lately was once in the blue moon. He thought, there's being wrong with me.

I've missed the second day of association, well I didn't care at all. No regret pops up on my conscience, for me what I've done was the most important rather than the shitty meeting.

Attending the fucking association only talks about money, expenses, or problems about business. Not to bragging, but I can handle those matter by my own. I didn't understand why would be need to produce such like this. It's wasting my time. Instead, I can manage my schedule besides I can have my little moment to know more about her.

Tonight, all I want is to sleep and rest my mind. Tomorrow will be my another productive day as well as there's a high chance I'll see something beautiful.

I mean....



I woke up early as my usual time, so I'll manage to order some breakfast.

"Hello Chris, can you order my breakfast" I said through phone

"What do you want sir" he said

"Flat lay tuna salad and coffee. That's it" I stated

"Well, sounds italian breakfast uh.." he spoke out

"Yeah, I missed my mom's cook" I told him.

"Ok sir right away" he said as well I ended uo the call..

Few minutes later, he arrived at my room together with my breakfast and also he brought his breakfast too.

"If you don't mind sir, I'll join you in breakfast" he spoke

"No big deal. Let's eat and after I've done, I'm gonna prepare myself for the meeting"

"Yes, about the meeting. Today has no meeting will happen. Mr. Green announced everyone must be prepare for the party in just few days left. Means, you have no work but you'll gonna find a suite" He told me

"In that case, I'm free.. No need to find any suite, just call away my personal designer and tell him about the suite. He will manage to make it without seeing me, he already knows what are my taste, style and sizes. I'll go to the gym to spend my time and having a short exercise for my body." I said before digging my food.

"Ok sir, as you wish." he said sipping his juice.

"By the way, where's my fucking invitation I didn't see it even read it" I told him

"Oh I forgot to tell you, inside the blue file. Wait I gonna look at it" he said as standing to find it..."oh here, I've found it" he shouted

"Well, I've done eating and can I have it right now" I ordered him before he continue his breakfast

He gave me the fucking invitation, as I see my name was curved into golden written means VIP. Deep inside me as usual, even once I didn't recieved an invitation which is not for VIP...

When I've done reading that, which only means to have a little charity.

Finally, I decided to go to the gym...

As I entered inside, only few people occupying the place. Good thing for me, I have a little privacy and no one should interupt my time.

Then I proceed on my business here. I'm wearing under armour gym clothing.

After I spent 3 hours around in gym, I like to roaming around. Maybe I can find an incredible thing. Hmp

I went back at my room to change...Then after all, I went down on the lobby suddenly I glanced on someone..

Someone who keeps disturbing my fucking head...I'm staring at her while she's talking an old man, few moment ago they left. I didn't see where they go, because of stupid people who greeted me.

I'm really confused on her, but I've no time to meet her for real. I mean, every time we see or talk each other, Our time wasn't in perfect time.

Somehow, the party arise on me, thinking about it is having a little chance we can bump each other there and I'll use that as my suitable time for having little chat on her.

Now, if I can see myself this time in a mirror, I know how idiotic face I have. But doesn't matter, because there's a probably high chance I can occupy her time..

Suck life...

Acting like a teenage boy...


But, I can't help myself..

"See you at the party Riri" I whispered to myself as I turned to my feet outside the hotel..