Chapter 14 - Escape

"What happened?"

A white haired middle-aged man asked as he glanced at the back.

There was a huge panel divided into several panels in front of them showing different view of people as four people stood inside a dark room. On the panel, some were being killed, some were being eaten, and one of the panel turned black.

"The six of them must have taken that passage, the death zone," said a man while waving a fan in his hand.

"Each generation seems to become even more trashier. Just in the hall almost half of them died," an old man said as he scratched his disheveled hair.

"Can't help it, the previous generation came from a war stricken era, else that guy wouldn't be able to singlehandedly finish the adaptation zone like a walk in park, don't compare them," replied a woman wearing a windbreaker, while her bluish hair was ponytailed up with a katana.

The white haired man said, "Old man, I don't think they're really that weak, it's just that... Why Li Na? Of all the guide available."

With a cough the old man replied, "According to what the old monsters agreed upon, it's their turn."

"She's being petty," the man holding a fan scoffed.

"She's always been like that, look what happened to your friend's sect. Destroyed overnight, want me to tell her what you just called her?" The woman with a katana on her hair said with a chuckle.

The white haired man widened his eyes and asked, "Ling Tian, you said they went there, how are they alive?"

The previously black screen was now showing six figures that were thrown outside a cave.

"Impossible! I remembered a group of thirty people going there, but they never came back alive. Even one high level cultivator wasn't able to come back when he checked that place," he almost dropped his fan from shock as he replied.

Their eyes darted on the panel that were previously black showing a one-armed man holding a blunt sword, swinging it around like a normal sword.

The white haired man glanced at the old man and asked, "Old man Zai Zen, he's that guy earlier who didn't even attempt to touch that sword right?"

"Did he receive something from there?" Ling Tian turned his head towards Zai Zen as he waved his fan.

"According to the legend, there's a legendary immortal who died and was buried there. She was one of the most gifted nonnative cultivator in the earlier Era," the woman with the katana on her hair spoke, seeming to recall something.

"Nameless is only half-correct, I believe she hasn't reached immortal level yet, according to some rumors, she was ambushed by her trusted allies when she was attempting a breakthrough. But that's not the topic here," Zai Zen coughed as he continued, "These six people survived that place."

"Too bad we can't asked them about that, their memories would have been wiped out after they left that place, every hidden zone has that rule. The question is, what reward they received from her. It must be a relatively good low inheritance," the white haired man clicked his tongue as he spoke.

"Too bad they'll get surrounded if they still plan on sleeping," Ling Tian yawned as he spoke.

"The only promising one here is that guy," Zai Zen pointed at a panel showing a man with a tiger's coat draped on his back.

"One of the Old Monster is probably supporting him. I guess it's the Emperor." Ling Tian said as he fanned lightly.

"No, it's must be one of the bishop. They saw him saving that poor soul," Nameless said as she pointed at man wearing a priest robe.

"How about the other zones?" Ling Tian asked as he glanced at the white haired man.

"This is depressing, the zone handled by the Guild is already done. Even the three adaptation zone near the border is halfway done," the white haired man cursed as he added, "Bunch of trash. Look, they're even fighting over meager food. The patriarch would surely vomit blood if he knew this."

The other three of them shivered when they heard him mentioned "patriarch."


Meanwhile Jeemin was running while giving orders with the map in his hand. The darkness engulfing the forest was heavy and dense. The rustling sounds of leaves and hurried footsteps echoed around the forest as six people were running in a formation.

"Claire, to your left. Li Jing, stay at the center. Dmitri, avoid going too far. Seiji, keep your eyes open at the right. Jin Hyoon throw the light Origin to distract them."

The people around them were throwing rocks at them while some people tried to tackle them as they ran.

Jeemin remembered being transported atop the hill after receiving the map in his hand, no matter how hard he tried to recall what happened after they were chased by undead skeletons, his memories become foggy.

He inquired about it with the party but found out they were in the same state as him, they only remember being chased by skeletons, after that, nothing.

The only things he can recall were the task window, his conversation with Mili, and fragmented memories of him seeing Li Jing naked, her birthmark, and carrying her.

Information about what he did, specifically, how he completed the task, was erased from his mind. The location, scenery, and geography of the place was absent from his memories.

After unfolding the map in his hand atop the hill, he plotted the course they were now following.

When they went down before dawn, at the forest, they were ambushed by bunch of hungry people. At first they tried to plead for food, but then as they got closer, they suddenly rushed at them, almost completely catching them off guard.

If not for Jeemin's wariness, they might have been surrounded much earlier.

His hand reached for Claire while running in front, "Hand me the sword."

His eyes shone with confidence as he said that.

"Here," Claire threw him the pouch without hesitation.

He rummaged through the pouch and felt the hilt of the sword. As he pulled it out, his speed went down a notch.

He activated the natural Origin in his palm as he swung the sword bluntly towards the three people coming at him.

He felt that the natural Origin on his palm was part of his body. It was able to increase the strength of his entire arm, enabling him to wield the blunt sword.

Their eyes widened in shock as the three of them were carried away by the blunt sword. Jeemin wasn't disappointed by the result, since he didn't expect them to be cut in half, considering the sword was just too thick. He was just using it like how a burly man would swing a log around.

He put the sword back inside the pouch and checked the map.

"We're getting close," he shouted while evading a huge rock flying towards his face.

What surprised him was, these people moved in an organized manner. They were not simply just behaving like a mob trying to steal their food.

It was as if, someone was directing them. Not only that, they obviously knew they had spare foods. He was racking his brain for answers how they knew.

He guessed that maybe, when they were eating late last night, when they cooked the potato using fire, they must have discovered their location.

Maybe they guessed that they still have food to spare for them, even though in truth, they were already running out of food.

They spent an entire day inside the cave, when they were transported atop the hill, it was already the second night.

Luckily, after they ate and went to sleep, Jeemin decided to woke them up early. He had a guess; since hounds weren't making a move on them in the middle of the night, they are only active when the sun is around.

If they haven't departed that early, they would have been surrounded by the people chasing them now.

As the light Origin that Jin Hyoon threw exploded, the people chasing after them scattered away from the blinding light.

They kept running like that for hours until dawn finally arrived.

He sensed an ominous foreboding as the surroundings suddenly grew quiet.

An arrow flew towards him as his instinct took over and pulled his rectangular sword from the pouch and narrowly block it.

"Who?!" He shouted while he cautiously scanned the surroundings.

"Who would've thought someone could block my arrow."

A handsome man jumped from the tree as his red hoodie fluttered. He nibbled a blade of grass on his mouth while he observed them.

He coldly smiled at them as he beckoned several people behind him to block their way.

"Hmmm. If you could hand me over those girls over there, and your foods, I'd probably let you live," his eyes glinted with greed as he looked at the women behind Jeemin with lecherous look.

He could feel a dangerous vibe from the guy in front of him, a 6 footer with a well built physique apparent from his thick neck, his hand gripping the bow showed callouses that hinted an experienced depth, further made Jeemin raise his alertness.

Jeemin walked forward and said, "Fine, they're yours."

Jin Hyoon raised her eyebrows when he heard Jeemin's words.

He counted his steps while pretending to walk forward casually like he didn't care.

"Nice, I'm Dae Kyung-Sam, are you interested in becoming one of my bodyguards? Your sword looks interesting by the way."

Even though he was planning on launching a surprise attack, Jeemin couldn't help but feel Dae Kyung-Sam's wariness.

Without hesitation, as soon as he got closer to him, he quickly swung his sword. He was almost dragged forward by the weight of the blunt sword when he hit nothing but air.

Dae Kyung-Sam sneered as he dodged the sword coming towards him.

When Jeemin failed, he swung his blunt sword from left to right, and right to left, again and again as he started running forward.

He could feel his whole arm screaming in pain as it creaked from the excessive force he was exerting.

Dae Kyung-Sam jumped backward as Jeemin continued on charging forward.

Jeemin shouted behind him, "What are you doing? Charge forward."

The party behind him immediately reacted.

Claire Williams crushed a man's jaw with her red gauntlet, while Dmitri stabbed people who went near him.

"Hmm, what's with these people having weapons? Don't tell me an S mark is giving weapons away?" Dae Kyung-Sam said as he cursed and pulled out a sword from his pouch as he threw his bow behind him, "Use this and distract him."

As the man behind Dae Kyung-Sam nocked an arrow on the bow aimed at Jin Hyoon, Jeemin threw himself in front of Jin Hyoon.

An arrow flew at a breakneck speed as it lodged on Jeemin's left shoulder. He grimaced from pain while Jin Hyoon widened her eyes from surprise.


"Forget it, just continue running forward."

When he glanced at the arrow lodged on his left shoulder he caught a glimpse of the people at the rear chasing them.

His eyes narrowed to a slit as he saw some of them biting their own allies.

They are at the point of cannibalising?

He muttered to Jin Hyoon at his back, "We're already near the exit. Beyond that blockade is the entrance towards the next zone. It seems like they also had information about it."

Why are they still staying around here? For us? That can't be, that's only possible if they knew beforehand that we'll appear atop the hill. There must be something they knew that made them stay here... Jeemin wondered momentarily.

Dae Kyung-Sam didn't miss the chance after the arrow distracted Jeemin, he hid behind a tree then jumped towards him.

Jeemin felt danger as soon as he turned his head right, a sword was already darting towards his neck.

He dropped his sword quickly and ducked to avoid the sword, then he activated his natural Origin to punch Dae Kyung-Sam in the guts.

He groaned in pain as he felt like his fist's bones was cracking apart. It was akin to punching a solid steel. He suddenly recalled that Claire Williams said she received a golden vest underneath her clothes.

What made it worse was the force he exerted was beyond what his arm can endure. He felt like his right arm dislodged from its joint as the impact from the punch bounced back.

Dae Kyung-Sam widened his eyes as he felt the force of the punch in his guts. Although it was weaken to a degree, he still felt something hot gushing out from his throat.

He endured the pain, swallowed the blood, staggered back, and swung his sword down, as it barely reached Jeemin's right shoulder.

Anger immediately flashed within Jeemin's eyes, "I'm not gonna lose one of my arm again."

He grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground and threw it towards Dae Kyung-Sam as Jin Hyoon kicked him at his side.

Dae Kyung-Sam lost his balance as he struggled to open his eyes after the dirt obstructed his view.

Jeemin thought of finishing him, but then recalled the one who shot the arrow was probably aiming at them again.

He grabbed his blunt sword, and taking this chance, ordered Jin Hyoon to shatter all the light Origin they have.

As soon as Jin Hyoon was about to shatter all the light Origin, Jeemin ordered the group to gather behind him, "Don't worry, just keep running forward behind me, and close your eyes."

His eyes memorized the path where the trees weren't blocking them in front, fortunately, the trees were scattered around so running forward wouldn't be a problem.

Light flashed blindingly as he ran forward while activating his natural Origin as he swung his blunt sword in front of him again and again.

From time to time, he felt his sword hitting something soft but heavy, which caused his arm to burn with pain from overexertion.

At this rate, I won't be able to use my arm anymore.

But he didn't stop swinging while hoping that he won't accidentally hit a tree.

The tree won't get damaged, but his arm would definitely suffer. The increased force and the weight of the blunt sword hitting a tree would definitely cripple him.

It would be fortunate if it's only his wrist, but how would he face the next stages after this without being able to use his hand?

Only when his body crashed into, what felt like a tree, did he stopped.

When he opened his eyes again, he was stunned as the sun was already high up in the sky.

Wasn't it supposed to be morning?

As soon as he realized he was already on the next stage, a system notice appeared before him.

[Congratulations for completing the first task]

[First Cleared Bonus Reward has already been taken by Cipriani Markez's group]

[Leader position was detected by the system, privilege authority has been given to you]

[Would you like for your members to receive the rewards?]