I walked to the book and read about the sucubus
"The sucubus is the male version of the incubus it finds a host then sticks to them, usually disguising himself to be part of the host as a birthmark, a wart, or hair it comes away during the time the host is asleep then feeds off the dreams of the host giving them nightmares. then killing their victim in their sleep through fear."Wow that's crazy," I exclaimed "how do you defeat something like that?" I asked
"You can't, that's what I said" Shreya reminded me
"Well we are going to break the mould, right?" I asked, Shreya smiled
"First we have to find him, how are you gonna do that?" Skylar asked
"There should be a spell for that somewhere in the book" Shreya said as she walked over to the podium and once again started flicking through the pages
"Hey Shreya?, do you remember the first time we spoke about spells?" I asked
"Hmm?" Shreya answered still looking at the book
"Well you said witches didn't need a spell book all we needed was the phrase, you said it was more convenient" I told her she looked up from the book briefly then spoke looking through the book
"Sometimes more power is needed, therefore the book is needed, in fact I haven't used this book since the first time I got it from my gran, over seven hundred years ago, sometimes a rhyme is needed, because rhymes are most powerful, witches can't just make up rhymes it's impossible so we keep the book, most witches never use their book" she explained still occupied with the book. I nodded in understanding
"Urgh there's nothing in here, how am I suppose to call the succubus?" She asked frustrated
"You could just reword another spell, there must be a spell in there to call a demon, change the demons name to succubus" Skylar mentioned with a shrug
"That's a good idea" Shreya said happily then opened the book up "how did you think of it?"
"I didn't, James said it" she smiled Shreya and I smiled too
"Thanks James" Shreya said
"He says you're welcome" Skylar said with a smile
"Can you do that?, I mean is it allowed?, will it work?" I asked worried it wouldn't work
"It will work, as long as the name comes somewhere in the middle, I mean the spell needs to rhyme, it has too rhyme a lot, the succubus is powerful it has to work
"What do we do after we find him?" I asked
"Our first priory is Linda, everything else we play by ear" she shrugged
"What?" I shrieked walking over to her "we are going up against the most powerful demon and you want to play it by ear?" I shouted
"Actually, he's not the most powerful demon, but he's up there, and what do you expect, you know what the angel said 'a life will be lost' everything happens for a reason, Raven, if I'm scared and planning every small detail I will break this is how I do things, if you don't like it, leave" she said her piece facing me then once finished she went back to the book I went and sat down thinking hard about what she said.
"Ok, got it" Shreya announced she conjured up a notepad and pen and started writing I walked over to her, the spell read
'To call a noxon'
"What's a noxon?" I asked reading the page
"He's a demon, a powerful demon so this spell should work, I need you to redraw the circle" she told me as she started writing, I walked over to the table taking the chalk she had conjured up before I wanted to know why the circle was important but decided not to as I knew she was mad at me, Shreya sighed rather loudly as I started to repair the part of the circle she had rubbed away
"I'm not mad Ray, and the circle acts like a cage, it traps the demon, or who ever we call, so they can't escape or hurt us" she explained calmly I nodded "ok the spell is done, how's the circle?" She asked
"Done" I announced as I stood up
"Great" she said she walked over to me, I looked at the spell "I need both of you to come and join hands with us it will give us more power" Shreya said looking at both Skylar and Steven
"How?" I asked "I mean no offense, but they're not witches"
"Non taken, I want to know to" Steven said
"Well, Steven, you're in love with Linda so your love for her will help us find her, finding her means finding him, and Skylar, you talk to sprits they're the strongest good power there is, so that'll help too, ok? Great lets do this" she said without waiting for an answer
Skylar came and stood next to me and Steven stood next to Shreya we all joined hands then Shreya started to read but I stopped her
"Wait Shreya, before we do this, whatever happens I'm sorry I got angry before, and I love you, and I'm glad you found me" I nearly cried Shreya awed then hugged me, we recovered in less than five seconds.
Shreya and I read out the spell
"Ancient witches powers soar,
We have the power of four,
We seek your help in finding
The succubus who's in hiding" (taken from charmed, reworded a little to suit the story)
There was a strong wind in the attic, a wind that felt familiar, when it stopped I opened my eyes and gasped.
"Uhh where are we?" Steven asked we weren't in the attic anymore in fact I didn't think we were in England anymore
"We're in England", Shreya assured, "just not in the above"
"Huh?" I asked
"We're in the caves, this is where demons dwell" she explained ahh that made sense. We looked around taking in our surroundings it was dark in here but not too dark, our voices echoed therefore we spoke quietly there was sand all over the floor and there were boulders in places
We heard footsteps and we all hid behind two boulders Steven and I hid behind one boulder and Shreya and Skylar hid behind another, we saw a man, wearing nothing but black, and Linda enter the part where we were hiding Steven was about to stand up but I pulled him down
"Welcome home, my love" he said to Linda waving a hand around the cave I saw that they were holding hands and she looked happy? This was weird she laughed, she turned to him and kissed him? Ewww I looked towards Steven and saw that he looked angry, I turned to the two love birds again
"This stupid human is resisting again, she won't let me kiss you, she's in love with someone else, isn't there a way to kill her? Linda whined, it made sense now she wasn't Linda
"Don't worry Ezmarelda we'll find a way, soon this body will belong to you" he told her
"No, this body will belong to you" she told him as she kissed him eww I thought
(AN sorry guys I'm not good with writing love scenes)
He smiled and laughed. Before I could stop him, Steven stood up
"Get away from her" he shouted acting macho
"What the hell, how did you get here human," he asked he brushed a hand from right to left and Steven went flying and crashed against a wall
"Steven" I blinked to him and checked him for injuries
"Well, well, well, what do we have here, a human, and a witch, you'll come in handy" the succubus smiled as I helped Steven stand
"This body, this woman, she's crazy about him *gasp* she loves him and she's jealous" the woman possessing Linda laughed
"Linda I love you, Raven is just trying to help me get you back" Steven shouted
"SHUT UP, YOU'RE MAKING HER STRONGER" the woman shouted as she too flicked a hand and Steven went flying but before he could crash into the wall he stopped in midair then floated down gently to the ground. Linda helped him I don't know how but she did, she had tapped into the demonic power within her even though she was possessed
"Fight it baby, fight for me, for us" he told her
"NO" the woman shrieked falling to the ground
"Ezmarelda" the succubus shouted sounding frightened he went to her trying to help her, Shreya and Skylar came to us then Shreya blinked us back to the attic, and ran to the book
"Relax, we can't help your wife if she's possessed we have to perform an exorcism" she announced, remembering something I read I had to ask
"Wait doesn't that mean you have to stab her?"
"Thanks" Shreya said to me sarcastically, then turned to Steven,"Relax no one is doing anything, I don't need to stab her, I'm a witch" this calmed Steven down but not for long "but that doesn't mean it's not dangerous" she told us before Steven could say anything Shreya spoke again "Raven, get Arimas, he can heal" Shreya told me, with a nod I spoke
"Powers of the witches rise Arimas come near" Arimas appeared in front of me he was bending over and his lips were pouted like he was about to kiss me his eyes were closed
"Umm Arimas what are you doing?" I asked taking a step back he straightened up
"What the....Ray what am I doing here?, did you just use magic to call me?, oh man, I was about to eat" he announced
"You call kissing, eating?" I asked amused he glared at me
"I have to kiss them to gain there trust before I drink their blood" he told me in a duh tone Steven gasped and moved further away from Arimas, Arimas looked at him then turned to me "who's this?" He asked then looked at Steven, still talking to me he asked "did you kidnap me some lunch?" Before I could talk he spoke turning to me "he's not my type" then he turned to Steven and added "no offence, mate" then turned to me, Shreya laughed disguising it into a cough, Arimas saw her, only now noticing she was there "oh hey Shreya" he waved at her then turned to me "what's going on?"
"Oh you just asked me question?, you're not going to answer it yourself?" I asked folding my arms when he didn't say anything I continued "this is Steven, long story short his wife has been kidnapped by a succubus demon she has been possessed by his girlfriend, Shreya wants to perform an exorcism, and because it's dangerous we need you there, capish?" I asked, Arimas nodded
"I can't help, I've not eaten for two weeks I'm weak, I need blood"
"If it means you'll help us you can have mine, just don't kill me" Steven told him, as he walked to Arimas, Arimas just smiled
"Are you for real?" He asked, Steven nodded "no offence, but like I said before, you're not my type"
"What does that mean?" Steven asked
"Ok, when I drink blood, the person feels lust, this is so that they don't feel pain ok? A: you're a guy and I'm not gay, B: you're married, and I know you're not gay" Arimas shrugged and Steven looked embarrassed
"It's ok everyone wants me, but you can't have me" Arimas said then he sniffed the air and turned towards Skylar "well how ya doin', good looking?" He asked as he moved fast standing next to Skylar.
"Urgh" Skylar made a face and walked over to me
"What?, you're not attracted to me?" Arimas asked amazed
"A: you're not my type, you're not human, and B: you're not type, you're too full yourself" she announced arms folded
"Ouch" Arimas smiled hand on heart, at least where his heart would've been "I still need to eat" he told us sitting down on the couch I walked over to him and sat next to him, I moved my face closer to his then turned my head, I extended my neck, moving my hair to the side "uhhh what are you doing?" He asked sounding scared?
"Offering" I told him not moving
"Shreya told me I wasn't allowed to drink from you, and I respect her too much to go against her" he told us I stood up
"Oh come on" I told him quite upset that he turned me down
"You're a vampire, since when do you care for respect?" Skylar asked quite rudely
"God works in mysterious ways" Arimas shrugged
"You believe in god?" Skylar scoffed
"Don't you?"
"Yes but I'm not a murderer"
"Neither am I, I only take what is offered, what I need, that's it and I never kill" Arimas sounded angry
"Ok kids, play nice" I said getting in between them trying to extinguish the tension luckily Arimas laughed
"She's feisty, I'm ok" he said brushing a hand through his hair
"I'm sorry, Arimas I didn't mean to upset you" Skylar said I squinted at her what she said almost felt forced she continued "James said I should apologize" she shrugged Arimas stood up
" what do you mean 'James said'?
"Skylar talks to ghosts" I explained Arimas nodded then spoke to the air
"Thanks James it's nice to know that you can help me even after death does us apart"
"He says, that's what friendship is" Shreya said with a forced smile
"Ok this is nice, but we have someone to save" Shreya reminded us impatiently "drink Ravens blood, come on" Shreya said
"For real" Arimas asked not believing it
"Yes, I know it's your favorite type A+ it's the least I could do, you're gonna help us,"
"Thanks" Arimas said walking over to me
"Just don't drink to much" Shreya added sounding scared
"Trust me" Arimas told her not looking away from me, he had a look in his eyes, the look of lust, I gulped I took a step back and Arimas growled
"Will it hurt, when you bite me I mean, will it hurt?" I asked scared
"No, it will at first like a needle but after that you'll feel pleasure" he told me walking to me once again I nodded and turned my head to the side extending my neck he put his arms around me holding me to him, you're doing this for Linda, I repeated in my head over and over again his fangs touched my neck and I shrieked quietly I was about to scream as his fangs penetrated my skin but I moaned instead as this felt nice, no it felt more than nice, it felt like ecstasy, not that I'd ever done drugs before but this was better than any drug I could taste I felt like I was floating I felt like I was on a cloud, I never wanted this to end, if this is what giving blood felt like I wanted to be Arimas's meal all the time, what? Where had that thought come from, I didn't have time to think about that as it was over, too quickly, I moaned in frustration not wanting it to end, I opened my eyes and turned to Arimas
"Are you ok?" He asked
"Mmhmm" I said sounding tired and flustered he smiled then in my ear he spoke
"Don't worry it's normal to feel the way you're feeling" now I knew why he didn't want to drink Stevens blood "ok I'm ready to kick some demon butt" he announced rubbing his hands together
"Ok we say the 'find succubus' spell again, but on the second line we'll say 'we have the power of five not four' that way it still rhymes, got it" we nodded Shreya nodded and we read the spell out Arimas held the spell in his hand and we all joined hands
Ancient witches powers soar,
We have the power of five not four,
We seek your help in finding
The succubus who's in hiding" (taken from charmed, reworded a little to suit the story)
Wind erupted around the attic and again we were in the cave.
I'm going to leave it there, I think this chapter is already to long
So how was it? Vote and comment please.