14. Damon needs help

"You.. you are the person who saved my life many years ago.. but.. why?" Renee asked

Damon came close and inhaled her scent as he circled her. "You have been busy ? A mate I presume" he ignored the question which caused Renee to grow suspicion.

"I have a mate.. does it feel real, no. But I do... I guess.. do not dodge my question, why did you heal me when I was dead! I wanted to be dead" Renee raised her voice.

~Seth was watching from a distance in his human form. He listened before he would interrupt them~

Damon sighed. "I needed you and I am sorry I woke you up.. years ago I saved your life after you died from this world. I retrieved your soul from the underworld, I never expected a thanks, but I knew when the time was right, I would find you and ask for your help... for I have foreseen the future and with you helping me, we are unstoppable. I watched you grow and bask in your glory from the sky.. now I come to you asking for your help... that man.. King Edgar is not who he seems. He is my brother, who fell off his god Pedestal years ago for betraying the Dragon & God oath. He wants you as his general.. because he knows he can command you with or without your whistle.. he is a half God. He knows the ropes. He wants to command you to lead his army to destroy all Villages and enslave all humans or kill them. That includes the wolves or any creature. He knows with you by his side he will win. But with you against him. He has a chance of failing. I need your help in killing my brother" Damon explained while Renee backed up sighing taking everything in.

But just then Seth grabbed her arm. "She will not go" he glared

Renee looked at Seth and slapped him. "I am tired of you telling me what I can or cannot do" Renees eyes turned red with rage.

Damon noticed and threw dust at her causing her to fall asleep. Seth growled holding his "lifeless" mate bridal style.

"Trust me. If I didnt.. you be dead" Damon sighed. "You know I am right. The sooner we get this done the better we can all live. I will await your arrival tomorrow morning by the river where you found Renee in the first place." Damon turned into a dragon and took off. His scales pure white scales skin with gold and red designs screamed god like.

Seth carried Renee home and planned to prepare for the upcoming war...