As you packed your things for school you were nervous about attending this school because you herd they're vampires there. You put your jacket on and had your hunters gun inside the pocket of the jacket and put daggers in your boots. "(Y/N) are you ready?" They ask you behind your door "yes I am" you say getting your suitcase and heading outside to the car. ~driving to school~ "there (Y/N) we are here please be on your best behavoir" the guy says as he enters the gates of cross academy "yes sir" you reply. They stop the car for you to get off there you see a girl smiling with a black uniform in and a tall man with the same uniform on looking bored to death. "Wait is that zero kiryu" you ask before you get off "yes zero attends this school" they answer "how do you know him" they ask you "my parents told me about him. My parents were close with his parents. But I never met them." You answer "oh okay then we'll best be off they are waiting for you" you nod and open the door and get your bag and you wave to them bye as they drive off. You walk up to the girl and zero. "Hello! Welcome to Cross Academy I'm Yuki Cross the headmasters foster daughter and this is Zero. What's your name!? Yuki asked so cheerful and happy "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) pleased to meet you two..." You say nervous "awe pretty name. You sound nervous are you okay??" Yuki ask you "I'm fine" you say. "We'll let's get started with the tour then later we shall meet the headmaster. You nod and follow them. Zero kept looking at you. while yuki kept talking you looked at him and he noticed and he turned away and blushed. Yuki showed you around the school (Day Class) everywhere you went you had eyes on you everywhere and you herd people whispering about you. "Oh shoot zero! The night class our job!'' Yuki yelled and said "(Y/N) please follow us we don't want you getting lost" you nodded and followed walking as they were running then you stumble to see the other half of the school and you say to your self "this must be the vampire head quarters the Night Class" then Yuki goes to the front by the gates of the night class and says get back to all the day class students "Yuki may I leave" you ask making your way through the crowd "huh..." She gave you a puzzled look "um not yet okay" she said then zero yelled "back now!" Everyone seemed afraid of him and they all listened. The gates opened and everyone kept screaming. "Wow there so beau...." You stop in your sentence as you slap your self for almost saying that about vampires. "Everyone get back" Yuki kept yelling then the night class came out and started to walk. You stood next to Yuki in annoyance of this.... Then a man walked up to her and said "Yuki good job today." She blushed in the moment and said thank you "lord kaname" "we'll I see there's a new student hello there. Hope you like the school" kaname says to you, you look up and say "hi.. Yeah me too" he look confused by your reaction towards him and walked away. Then the crowd left. As did you leaving zero and Yuki alone