*Warning: Sexual Chapter/Content. 18+!!!!*
Kaname laid me down and started removing my clothing and he saw the scars on my body which belonged to (y/n) but also when I too was growing up abused by a drunk father figure. Kaname laid his hands over my wounds & they soon traveled to my panties which was black & lace. I would twitch my legs nervous as this would be my first time but I feel so bound to him. His scent aroused my body. I felt safe & relaxed. He soon took his clothes off revealing his package making me blush at the size. "Don't be scared, I will not hurt you as others may have in the past. I will bind you to me & you'll be mine forever" I look at him as he says these words making sorta sick to my stomach but I just wanted his love & affection. He will be quite shocked to hear & see I am not (y/n) but nonetheless she deserves this....
Kaname leaned down and removed my bra as I laid there bare before him. I blush as he notices he leans down kissing my check and comes closer with his member and soon I open my mouth and start suckling it, as he lets out moans of pleasure, I keep going but of course not all could fit within my mouth and soon he pulls me back and lays me on my back and speaks "I will take your flower, as we mate, youre mine" his eyes were red. I slowly shook my head confused but soon he pinned me down and slowly made his way in causing me to arch my back and gasp out in pain. He pulls out as he speaks "I wasnt in all the way, you will take it, my love" he leans down kissing me biting my lip causing it to bleed as he licks the blood. His grip tightens and he goes deep within putting his whole member inside causing me to yelp out in pain, panting. "Uh fuck.. it hurts..." he slowly thrusts but the pain goes away as it is turned into pleasure and everything feels good. I felt helpless and powerless to him. My mind went blank as he took over. It felt amazing. He stopped and kissed me.. as we kissed his hand made his way to my now taken flower and started playing with my clit. Causing me to moan, soon adding a finger I moan once more and before I could even think Kaname tilts my neck and his fangs come out biting into my neck causing me to yell, but he covers my mouth and continues.... making me his...
~(Y/N) POV~ as Im chasing Ichiru I feel a sharp pain in my neck and I wince and Zero sees bite marks but they look like scars. Then it hits "Hes mating with Skarlet" Zero is furious and he grabs me and is about to bite until Hanabusa comes in "No No No, she must choose her mate!" You pull away and look at zero as his eyes are blood red. "Zero.." Hanabusa soon fought Zero and you ran but then ran into Ichiru "having fun sweetie?"
"What game are you playing here..." you spoke
"Just come with me, take your sisters life merging with her & it will all be over..." Ichrui laughed his way around my head. "Fuck you" he laughed vanishing as Zero came to apologize & Hanabusa behind him. "This must end" You told Zero