Chapter 17: Hardest Battle Yet (18+)

Zelphyr and Albedo left Carne Village with all of their goals accomplished. It was planned for Zelphyr to go qbck in a few days to help out with their restoration. Although he did not need it, he realised that the members of Carne Village had developed a small dislike for the people of Re-Estize Kingdom. Thus, he wanted to capitalise on this before that feeling dissipates with time.

As they set foot in Zelphyrs office, they were met by two kneeling subjects. These two had spent the entire time observing from the office, ready to send in the Hanzos.

"Shalltear, Sebas. Thank you for your work. It was executed perfectly. You may rise."

Both of them thanked him for his words, proceeding to stand up and meet eyes with Zelphyr.

As he had not cleaned himself yet, a dense smell of blood clung to his armour even though it was spotless. Sebas ignored the smell as it was not a big deal to a warrior, especially after they return from the battlefield.

On the other hand, Shalltears face had flushed due to the smell radiating from her Lord. As a vampire, she is very sensitive to the smell of blood and the fact it is on the man she aims to pursue, it made it hard for her to stay calm. Her breathing turned rough as she clenched her dress, not wanting to show her lord and unsightly display after working so hard.

"I will go for the night. Sebas, I would like for you to continue monitoring the village. They are in a much weakened state than before. Alarm me if anything happens"

Sebas nodded his head in confirmation.

"Shalltear, make sure those men are alive an healed but bound. No one is allowed to touch them or question them for now. Make sure they all stay alive"

Shalltear nodded her head as her mist filled eyes stared at Zelphyr.

Noticing the state of Shalltear, Zelphyr bid farewell to the two and teleported away, leaving Shalltear, Albedo and Sebas alone.

"Huff Lord Zelphyr... smelt amazing"

Shalltear said between rough breaths, her eyes still contained the same mistiness.

"He always smells amazing, it's just you're not granted the opportunity to smell"

Albedo snapped back with an air of superiority. Her retort snapped Shalltear out of her dazed state, earning a snarl from her.

"Hah! For someone who spends so much time with Lord Zelphyr, you seem to not be getting anywhere"

Hearing Shalltears words, Albedo removed her helmet and just smiled knowingly. This was an unexpected reaction that caused Shalltear to turn a suspicious look towards her. After all, every time Shalltear provoked Albedo like that, the two would end up arguing for hours unless someone else intervened. Of course, whoever intervened had to have considerable strength otherwise the two would injure them.

"What's with that reaction?"

Shalltear questioned, she couldn't help but feel a bad premonition from Albedos condescending smirk.

Hearing Shalltears wary tone, Albedo puffed out her chest and spoke at Shalltear in a gloating tone.

"Well, Lord Zelphyr has invited me to his private chambers later on"

The smugness of Albedos tone prevented Shalltear from instantly denying her claims, after all this was completely abnormal behaviour for the usually jealous Albedo.

"You... are you serious?"

Shalltears tone was low, to the point that a normal human would fail to hear, however for Albedo and Sebas, it was as clear as day. Furthermore, the feelings held within the voice were easily recognisable for Albedo, causing her a smug grin to grow even larger on her face.

"Of course, Lord Zelphyr himself said it, did he not invite you?"

An audible snapping sound was heard as Shalltears body started to tremble, she lifted her head and glared at Albedo.

"Now then, I believe Lord Zelphyr gave us a task, as for you Lady Albedo, I am sure you have some work to finish, no?"

Sebas spoke up when he noticed the situation escalating. A silent pressure radiated from him as he stood calmly despite the clashing auras of Albedo and Shalltear. Feeling the icy cold aura crash against them, both ladies straightened themselves out and nodded.

After all, despite his calm and pleasant exterior, Sebas still boasted one of the highest combat power in all of Nazarick.

With a final condescending smile, Albedo left the office, her hips swaying as she thought about what was to come.

When the doors closed, Shalltear finally snapped.

"That damn harlot! Swaying her hips for Lord Zelphyr without shame!"

Stamping her feet, the sounds of violent clacking resounded from within the room. This was accompanied by her ragged breaths that showed no signs of calming.

Meanwhile, Sebas watched from afar, splitting his attention between his task and making sure Shalltear does not go too far.

It took roughly ten minutes before Shalltear calmed down from her rampage.

"That bitch... stealing Lord Zelphyr..."

Sebas shook his head at the unsightly display from the floor guardian before him, alas he understood that the rampage stemmed from her loyalty to his Lord.

"Lady Shalltear, may I propose something?"

Realising Sebas had witnessed her rampage, Shalltear straightened herself out, pretending nothing had happened.

"What is your idea Sebas?"

Sebas kept his eyes on the 'Mirror of Remote Viewing' however he spoke to Shalltear.

"Perhaps Lord Zelphyr was impressed by Lady Albedos dedication to her role, therefore, should he know you're working hard for Nazarick, he may also invite you"

Shalltear crossed her arms as she pondered Sebas' words. It was infuriating to think that thye Succubus Albedo would be first, however that did not mean she could not warm Lord Zelphyrs bed. After all, someone as impressive as the Ruler of the Supreme Beings could not settle for a single wife.

'If that's the case... then I just need to become Lord Zelphyrs number one, but to do that I need to take the first step!'

Shalltear looked at Sebas with renewed vigour, as though she was ready for battle.

"Sebas, has there been any changes in the village?"

Sebas shook his head with a stoic expression.

"Not yet, Lady Shalltear. It has only been a short time since armed forces left the village, an attack now would be much too premature."

A couple of hours had passed and Zelphyr was in his room, in a dark blue robe with his player emblem on the back. His emblem was the outline of a Katana, with two large dragon wings expanding out from it.

He had spent the past few hours going over his next move, as well as what subjects to take with him. His next move was bold, and would take some precise manoeuvring, but should it work, it will help consolidate his position and provide a shield against a three way attack from The Kingdom, The Theocracy and the Empire.

Suddenly, a knocking was heard from the door, pulling Zelphyr out of his thinking.

"Come in"

He said without getting up. Following his words, the door opened slowly with a stunning beauty stepping inside the room with a pleasant smile. Zelphyr tilted his head as he realised she was wearing the same type of clothes as normal, just a new pair. However, it didn't take long for him to remember that until recently, Albedo did not have her own room, let alone a different variety of clothing.

'Tabula... I know you were pragmatic... but isn't it stingey not buying her any clothes?'

Zelphyr thought to himself as he thought about the type of person her creator was. Luckily, he had purchased everything in the apparel shop and gacha including the female clothing, so he could give her access to that soon.

"I am sorry to keep you waiting My Lord"

Zelphyr nodded to Albedo and smiled as he patted the area next to him. He saw no point in being hesitant, after all, they had a long future together.

"You were right on time, perfect as always"

His remark was met with a bright smile as Albedo walked over towards her Lords bed. Her steps were slow and accentuated her hips as they swayed. The mesmerising black wings flapped lightly betraying her excitement at the situation.

"Of course, My Lord. I have been waiting a long time for this after all"

Zelphyr shoved his curiosity about her memories to the back of his mind for now and decided to not ruin the mood.

"Well then, let us not wait any longer"

Saying that, Zelphyr held onto Albedos arm and guided her down onto the bed. Albedo let Zelphyr lead her onto the bed, laying down looking up at the luxurious canopy above her. The velvet red bedding cushioned her as she watched her lord inspect her body from above.

Zelphyrs eyes scanned the fully clothed Albedo as she laid down watching him, his eyes following her luscious curves that failed to hide themselves despite her clothing.

"Take them off Albedo"

His tone was commanding as he spoke, however Albedos eyes burned with a fiery passion that only grew more heated as she heard the tone of his voice.

Following his instructions, Albedo started to remove her clothes, starting from her gloves. Piece by piece, the clothing was removed, revealing glistening white skin underneath.

After the gloves, Albedo reached for her dress, slowly peeling off the tight dress. With each movement, her breasts threatened to spill out, causing Zelphyrs eyes to subconsciously linger around that area. Noticing his gaze, Albedo swelled with pride before pulling it below her breasts. The twin mountains, now released from their shackles bounced slightly as they stood tall.


Telling her to continue, Zelphyr reached out with both hands and enveloped Albedos large breasts with his hands. Additionally, he lent down towards her neck and started to plant small kisses along her collarbone.

Releasing heated sighs, Albedo hastily started to remove the rest of her clothes, eager to start.

Moulding her perfect breasts with his hands, Zelphyr continued planting kisses as he watched Albedos previously unblemished skin turn a scarlet red.

Once all of Albedos clothing was removed, Zelphyr removed his hands from her breasts resulting in Albedo to look at him with an expression of longing.

"My turn"

Without hesitation, Zelphyr cast aside his robe, displaying his naked state. His tower stood tall as it pointed towards Albedo, full of spirit.

Despite her succubus nature, Albedo shuddered slightly as she saw the length and girth of Zelphyrs tool. Rather than a penis, it was a tool crafted carefully for the sole reason of conquering women.

Anticipation started to violently build up within Albedo as she watched his tool move closer to her.

Moving his eyes down towards her secret garden, Zelphyr noticed that a clear liquid was already seeping out from her lips.

"It seems someone is ready"

Albedo nodded her head as her eyes started to mist over.

"I am, Lord zelphyr"

She spoke between hot breaths, enticing Zelphyr even more.

Without anymore conversation, Zelphyr lined up his tool with Albedos slit between gently prodding it against her cave.

Albedos body shook slightly, as she looked up at Zelphyr with lust filled eyes.

Grabbing hold of her thin waist, Zelphyr pushed his tip into her. As his tip pushed deeper, Albedo clutched onto the bed sheets as soft groans leaked from her mouth.

"Nghh L-lord Zelphyr"

Noticing the lack of pain in her expression, Zelphyr pushed in deeper with more force.

Albedos breathing immediately turned rougher as she reached her arms around his neck.

They stayed in that position before Zelphyr started to pump slowly into her. His strokes were deep and slow, however they soon gained speed.

"Ahnn Lord Zelphyr, deeper please!"

Zelphyr accelerated his thrusts as he pushed deeper into Albedos hole. The warmth of her vagina sent shivers down his spine as he continuously pumped harder, holding back his urge to blow.

Albedos moans escaped her mouth as she stared into his eyes, her hole tightening with each thrust. Her body felt hot as she felt Zelphyrs large tool grinding against her insides sending pulses of electricity across her body.


Zelphyr grunted Albedos name before placing his lips atop hers. Immediately, Albedo opened her lips allowing Zelphyrs tongue to invade her mouth. The two explored each others mouths with a deep lust.

Meanwhile, Zelphyrs thrusts started to slow as his tip clashed against the back of Albedos vagina. She felt him started to twitch inside her as her womb begged for his seed.

"Albedo! It's coming!"

Pushing his penis as deep as possible, Zelphyr released his semen deep into Albedos vagina.


Unable to finish her sentence, Albedo convulsed violently as she felt the hot liquid flowing into her body. Her stomach rapidly feeling full as she gripped onto Zelphyrs back with full strength. Her rough breaths resounding in the room as Zelphyr lent down and kissed her on the lips. Albedos mind was numb as she basked in the afterglow of such a violent orgasm as well as the soft touches of Zelphyrs kiss. It felt like a dream.

"As expected of a beautiful succubus"

Albedo smiled dazedly at Zelphyr, even though they had just done such a strenuous activity, neither of them were sweaty or tired. In fact, Zelphyrs dive sword remained standing tall as it challenged Albedo to another round.

A devious smile grew upon her lips as she saw this, her tongue seductively licking her lips as she slowly opened her legs once more.

Zelphyr did not need to ask what this mean't, instead he approached her again, piercing her once more.

The two battled for hours, the room was now filled with the stench of sex as they laid atop Zelphyrs bed. Albedo had laid her head atop Zelphyrs chest as her wings covered the two.

Feeling her soft body and silky wings on his skin, Zelphyr basked in the satisfaction of claiming such a beautiful woman as his own.

Of course, he still had to make sure he acted as a leader of The Great Tomb of Nazarick, however at least now, his relationship with Albedo was moving at a steady rate and would develop deeper in the future.

"Thank you, Lord Zelphyr"

Albedo thanked Zelphyr with a passionate voice.

"There is no need to thank me Albedo, I just hope we can develop our relationship properly"

He gradually got out of the bed and decided it was best for him to take a bath. Therefore, he turned to Albedo who was sat on the bed covering herself with the bed sheets.

"Albedo, in the storage closet over there, there is a large assortment of female clothing, of all varieties. You can take any that you like, they're articles I have collected over my years of uilding Nazarick"

Albedo smiled sweetly as she heard the consideration in Zelphyrs voice.

"Yes, Lord Zelphyr. I will make sure to dress up just for you"

Her voice adopted a slightly seductive tone as she spoke above dressing up.

Chuckling lightly, Zelphyr teleported to the baths to get rid of the lingering remnants of their hard-fought battle.

When Zelphyr left, Albedo sat on the bed staring at the spot where her Lord had just been. Abruptly, she burst out into a crazed laugh.

"Ahhh Lord Zelphyr was amazing... making a succubus submit on his first round and continue to dominate... There is no way I can let him get away"

In the baths, a shiver ran down Zelphyrs spine as he washed his body. He shook his head in exasperation as he guessed the origin of the strange chill.


After he cleaned himself, he sent a message to all of the Floor Guardians, with the exception of Sebas, Victim and Gargantua, for them all to convene in the throne room within an hour. Although Sebas was not a Floor Guardian, he was the butler to the Guild Leader Zelphyr. As a result, he was often included when the Floor Guardians are called together.

'Lets get this ball rolling'

Zelphyr got dressed and teleported to the throne room. As per usual, his loyal subordinates were knelt waiting for him to start.

A deep smile surfaced on his face as he looked upon them with pride, his draconic aura flared as his budding excitement started to bloom.