After their brief discussion, the two transported to the 6th floor of Nazarick.
The moment their feet touched the floor tiles of the passageway, they heard a bright voice call out to them, full of energy.
Quick and soft taps were heard as a small shadow quickly approached them.
"Lord Zelphyr! Welcome Back!"
The footsteps stopped as the figure leapt through the air and landed splendidly in front of Albedo and Zelphyr, adding in a small bow at the end.
Zelphyr chuckled at the radiant energy being produced from the small girl in front of him.
"Thank you Aura, for both the welcome and continuing your task in my absence"
Auras smile brightened the dimly lit corridor as she responded.
"No worries Lord Zelphyr, it was fun and pretty easy. Are you coming to check it?"
Zelphyr nodded and put one hand out, gesturing for Aura to lead and accompany them.
"Great, right this way then!"
This was Zelphyrs first time checking his experiment as he had left a written plan for it before he left, however he had not had any hand in its actual implementation.
As a result, Zelphyr was thankful for having such reliable subordinates, otherwise half of the plans he had running at the moment, would have taken years to prepare and implement.
"Its only been a short while Lord Zelphyr, but it has felt like years that I have not seen you!"
To the side, Albedo was nodding along to Auras words.
"It is good to be back, I must admit. However, I will be going again soon, after all, we need to set the stage no?"
A devious smile crept upon his lips as he spoke vaguely of future events. His expression caused the two girls to blush slightly at their Masters smile.
Even Aura who was usually unaffected to the attractiveness of others, was unable to remain unaffected to the suiting expression of her Master.
"That's right, our Lord is getting ready to take the centre stage, and all of Nazarick are here to assist you"
Albedo spoke with her hands clasped between her breasts.
A few minutes of walking, allowed the three to arrive near the large forest within the 6th floor. As they approached, a meek figure was seen speaking to a tiny women, that could be mistaken for a large bug. Her body was clad in leaves and flowers, just barely covering the sensitive areas of her body. Her appearance seemed almost ethereal.
Finally, the two talking individuals noticed Zelphyrs group, stopping their conversations to bow.
"L-Lord Zelphyr! Welcome..."
Mare spoke in his high pitched voice, keeping his head lowered.
"Raise your heads, are we interrupting?"
Mare hastily shook his head to deny Zelphyrs question.
"N-not at all! I mean... There is no way you could interrupt My Lord"
Zelphyr approached Mare and placed his hand atop the small elf boys head.
"Now, now, you do not need to be so nervous. I am here to check on the experiments."
With blushing cheeks and slightly curled ears, Mare looked up at Zelphyr and over to the green lady.
Feeling the boys gaze, the small winged-lady straightened herself out and looked up at Zelphyr with a serious expression.
"Lord Zelphyr, my name is Alette. A wandering fairy. Lady Aura found me when she was in the forest the other day."
Zelphyr was quite shocked at this news, especially since the fairy was currently inside of Nazarick. As a result, it meant Albedo was aware of this newcomer.
Looking for answers, Zelphyr sent his gaze towards the two girls beside him.
"Well Lord Zelphyr, it seems Aura had contracted to this little thing unintentionally."
Surprise flashed across his face as he turned to Aura, noticing her troubled expression.
Aura was a very talented Beast Tamer, so it wasn't strange for her skills to be useful in the New World, however the word 'unintentional' seemed to catch his attention.
"Err well... you see... She flew into me and I swatted her."
Eagerly awaiting the continuation, Zelphyr remained silent.
Yet, no matter how much time passed, Aura remained silent.
"And? You swatted her? How did you contract?"
Zelphyrs curiosity was piqued.
"That... is it..."
Aura murmured with a troubled face as she looked over at the Fairy who proudly puffed out her chest.
A couple of seconds passed by as they all remained in silence, waiting for Zelphyr to speak.
"Are you serious?"
Mare, Aura and Albedo all nodded in synchronisation to his question that was filled with disbelief.
His head slowly turned to the small fairy.
"Do you not have standards? You poor girl..."
A mournful tone was directed at Alette as she started to panic from the odd reaction.
"Erm- er Lord Zelphyr, what do you mean? A contract with a fairy is rare for any race!"
Zelphyr just shook his head slowly.
"I have never heard of contracts being sealed using physical abuse... truly sad. Ignoring that matter, let us continue in."
With those words, they all began to move, leaving Alette floating in disbelief at being looked upon with nothing but pity.
"Wait! Don't leave me Lady Aura!"
The fairies wings fluttered desperately as she tried to follow them through the woodland path.
Despite its dense interior, a cleanly cut path guided them through to their destination. However, to a stranger, the forest was nothing more than a death trap. Multiple branching paths with well-maintained paths went out sporadically. Additionally, various shadows could be seen watching the group as they passed through.
Of course, no hostility was aimed towards them as they were members of Nazarick, the same could not be said for any poor souls who somehow got in there without them being part of Nazarick. The forest itself was just another one of Nazaricks many traps.
"We are here Lord Zelphyr!"
Aura declared as she hopped into the clearing. Light suddenly filled Zelphyrs vision as he transitioned from a dark gloomy forest to what could only be called a Grand Prairie. A wide expanse of flat land stood before them, with a large building made of a blue metallic material. Wood accents were used in combination to give it a mixture of an industrial and natural vibe.
"The facilities are secure My Lord, as requested. Even a dragon will struggle to break through the walls of this building"
Albedo assured Zelphyr as he inspected the building from afar. Even from afar, Zelphyr could see how big the building was.
When compared to the average building he had seen in the Dragon Kingdom, it seemed more like a high nobilities mansion.
"I am sure it is. Now then, lead us in Aura, I am eager to see how you have chosen to set this up"
Aura scratched the back of her head with an awkward chuckle as she led them in.
"Well... we basically copied your design to the very last detail Lord Zelphyr. The only aspects we changed were the aesthetics"
A bitter feeling rose in Zelphyrs mouth as he was once again reminded of his awful aesthetic sense.
The group entered the building without delay, being welcomed by a large room filled with gargoyles on the side of the room.
To the untrained eye, they were statues with ugly appearances, however to those who have more strength, they are seen as dedicated guards. Furthermore, these were not just to prevent invaders, their other mission, was to prevent what was inside from coming out.
Aura led the group through to a corridor before unlocking a heavy duty door. Loud thuds were heard as Aura used her level 100 strength to easily open what could be a vault door.
"This is our first test of two My Lord. We decided to go with rats"
Zelphyr looked at the floor, which was completely transparent. Below it was what could only be described as a zoo enclosure, containing a small group of rats.
"Good idea. Despite their bad reputation, Rats are perfect for testing. They are very adaptive. Thus, they are perfect for studying forced evolution."
Zelphyr put his hand on his chin as he watched two of the larger rats below them snarling at each other with the other rats looking on.
"I do not know why you would like to research this My Lord, however we have 29 more rooms like this one for smaller animals, 25 medium rooms and 13 large rooms."
Aura explained with a proud voice, puffing out her non-existent chest as she did.
Reaching out, Zelphyr ruffled her hair gently with a soft smile on his face.
"Thank you Aura. These tests are crucial to Nazaricks future. It allows us to build up a deeper understanding of the laws that bind this world and to see how far we can push these laws."
The three looked at Zelphyr with gazes full of respect.
"I see! Only a Supreme Being can have such thoughts! As expected of Lord Zelphyr!"
"Truly magnificent Master"
""W-wow, Lord Zelphyr!"
A calm smile sat upon his lips until he heard a faint murmur.
"I have no clue what is happening... they're rats..."
Deciding it was best to ignore her, Zelphyr turned to Aura.
"This is the first test yes? I would like to see the second test now."
Aura resumed a serious expression and led them out of the room.
Giving the rats one last fleeting look, Zelphyr noticed there was one rat less in the enclosure.
'It begins...'
A small smile grew upon his face.
Aura led them through the long corridor, passing many heavily sealed doors, before finally arriving at a section with another sealed door. The door in particular seemed to be made of an even more durable material than the building itself.
"These are the large rooms, the other test is here."