Zelphyr sat upon a large silk-clad bed, its size was large enough to fit at least a family of six. This was his first time spending some actual resting time in his room since his transfer, outside of the few hours he spent in there with Albedo. Most other occasions were to recompose himself in the few instances where he felt overwhelmed by the sheer responsibility of leading an organisation the size of Nazarick was.
"I have confronted country leaders and noblemen in my short time here... yet here I am feeling all tense over speaking to those of Nazarick..."
Zelphyr sighed as he berated himself for this strange sense of uselessness. This was unlike him, as not once since he had transferred had he doubted his adaptability and abilities overall.
'This is likely because it is getting serious now... well, whatever, I may as well enjoy this... maybe Albedo or perhaps Shalltear would be a good way of relieving stress'
Despite mere seconds passing, Zelphyr quickly shelved any worries he had as he planned many of his future bedroom adventures with the ladies of Nazarick.
"But! In order for any of that to actually happen, I need to man up and see this through"
With his resolve firmed, he took out a paper report from Demiurge, detailing the current security status of Nazarick and compared it with another report he had from Aureole Omega. During his absence, Zelphyr had set up a multi-layered security net with Demiurge securing the surrounding perimeter of 5 kilometres out from Nazarick, with a relay point at every 1 kilometre between. These observation stations were in fact just summons conjured by Cinder, allowing for it to be completely inconspicuous to the point that even the surrounding ecosystem had not noticed the intrusion of a new force. With this setup, Demiurge was constantly informed of even the most minor changes within the range of the net. As for Aureole Omega, her task had been the security of Nazarick in Zelphyrs absence. He had entrusted her with the full security in case of emergencies and wanted a report on what had been done exactly. In actuality, due to the lack of contact between Aureole Omega and the other denizens, not much had changed in terms of population movement, but Nazaricks auto defense mechanisms such as the traps were given frequent tests under her command.
"Everything seems to be in order... I am so glad I made the point to improve upon some of Nazaricks internal features, it is good to see the thousands spent on trap renovations alone were not wasted"
Zelphyr nodded his head in appreciation at the detailed reports of his subordinates. Not only was his effort finally showing real results, but his subordinates' work was also truly impressive considering the current situation.
A few minutes later, a light knocking was heard on the door, before a small voice which Zelphyr recognized to be Cixous called out to him.
"Lord Zelphyr, Lady Albedo wishes me to inform you that all preparations are complete"
Zelphyr spoke words of acknowledgment before getting up and standing before the mirror. His handsome voice wore a pleasant smile as he inspected his outfit. Unlike Momonga, Zelphyr did not wear a mantle unless necessary, however today he had chosen to wear a crimson mantle with dark purple rims. The mantle accentuated his usual attire.
While Zelphyr spent his time leisurely in his room, gradually sinking into his active imagination fuelled by the lust of a human mind and dragon body, Albedo was rapidly organising the hundreds of denizens of Nazarick into the expansive throne hall. Among those present, besides the upper echelons of Nazarick, every single Summon, POP monster, and anything with a small amount of sentience, were being filed into the hall with extreme precision. The hall itself was relatively quiet given the fact that hundreds of different creatures were in one room, few sounds other than the marching of the residents filled the hall. Even the usually energetic Aura was relatively quiet, watching those around her from the front.
"Lord Zelphyr is waiting, we must not delay longer than necessary."
Albedo spoke a few words from the front as she observed those in the hall.
"This is the first time that the Supreme one will be addressing Nazarick, we must ensure that we live up to his expectations!"
Her words lit a fire in every soul of the room, their backs straightened as they listened intently.
'Ahhh Lord Zelphyr... I wonder if he will praise me for this'
Albedos thoughts drifted slightly as the last few denizens slipped into place.
Soon the hall fell silent, dragging Albedo out of her thoughts.
Looking across the hall, all eyes were laid upon her, even those of the Floor Guardians whose positions were only slightly below hers.
A small sense of superiority filled her heart as she thought words of gratitude towards her lord.
'Lord Zelphyr! I thank you for this position you have so graciously granted me... to have so much trust in me...'
Cutting her thoughts short, Albedo stopped before her cheeks started to tinge red.
Had Zelphyr heard her thoughts, he would have been concerned about her memory. After all, her creator was not himself but instead Tabula, thus it was his efforts that placed Albedo as the Overseer, especially since Touch Me had originally wanted to place Sebas as the Overseer. Meanwhile, Zelphyr had watched on from the sides with an impartial view as the rest of the guild decided, with his vote being the decider.
"Cixous, please inform Lord Zelphyr that everything is ready."
With those words, Albedo stepped down 2 steps from beside the throne and knelt with her face down.
Following her actions, the entire hall of monsters knelt. Even the Dragons whose bodies were as large as boulders knelt their necks.
Had a New World Denizen seen this scene, their soul would have left their body in a frantic attempt of escaping the current reality. In reality, said Dragons were far from being the strongest within the room.
Zelphyr focused on his Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown before a feeling of weightlessness encapsulated his body briefly. Within seconds, his feet felt solid ground beneath them as he looked upon the scenery around him.
Filling his vision were monsters of all different races, some small and frail-looking, while others radiated an oppressive aura due to their large statures.
Nodding his head lightly, Zelphyr released his skill 'Draconic Aura', allowing his aura to spread across the Throne Room. Quickly, a heavy oppressive pressure fell upon the shoulders of those in the Throne Room, causing their postures to lower even further. Even the stronger members such as Albedo and the Floor Guardians struggled to not sink further and maintain a flawless posture.
Zelphyr was unaware of the strength his aura had released with, however, he wouldn't have retracted it regardless.
Calmly strolling towards the throne, Zelphyrs footsteps were all that filled the hall, before he swept his mantle to the side and sat upon the throne. His posture slightly relaxed before he finally opened his mouth.
"Raise your head, my loyal subordinates"
With those words, the heads of those knelt slowly raised as Zelphyr softened his aura. The pressure still made it hard to breathe, however, the gravity no longer felt increased, allowing the weaker denizens to sigh internally as their bodies shook slightly.
"I am pleased you have all gathered in such a short amount of time. I am proud of your efforts Albedo"
Looking at the kneeling beauty below him, a firm yet passionate response retorted.
"Thank you Lord Zelphyr!"
"Of course, I am proud of everyone else gathered here today, for a multitude of reasons in fact. First, I must congratulate Demiurge and Aureole Omega for their defense of Nazarick. I am most pleased with the results shown in my absence and will be relying on you in the future."
Despite his words, only one voice replied.
"I am humbled by your words Lord Zelphyr, it is my greatest honour to carry out my role for Nazarick, My Lord!"
Demiurge spoke with great passion as his jewel-like eyes glimmered.
Due to her unique position, Aureole Omega was not in attendance, but, everyone knew she was watching.
"Secondly, I would like to show my appreciation for the work and results shown by Aura. The completion of the laboratories and overseeing the projects themselves have been completed excellently. Such projects will truly be the foundation for further growth within Nazarick, I am certain that your efforts at this time will serve as a perfect foothold for our future plans."
Zelphyrs eyes bore down on Auras small figure, his eyes full of pride as he expressed himself.
"Lord Zelphyr, it was fun to work on your plans that you created personally! I am always ready to fulfil my duty as a Floor Guardian!"
Her heartfelt reply brought smiles to those surrounding her, although many were envious of the praise she had received. Especially a certain flat-chested vampire.
'Rrrrggggh if only that was me! I would be receiving the Supreme One's praise and not that little-'
Shalltear's face remained relaxed and full of smiles as she withheld her frustrations.
Zelphyr passed his gaze across the hall before his eyes laid upon a distinctive individual whom he had spent many conversations with leading up to his first departure.
"Master Blacksmith, your efforts for my departure for the Dragon Kingdom were crucial for its current success. I am happy with your work and wish for you to continue exceeding my expectations like this."
His words seemed much blunter than with the Floor Guardians, however, this was the essence of their relationship as Master and Subordinate. In fact, Master Blacksmith preferred this as over-familiarity often ran afoul with his desire to lock himself in his workshop to focus on his work.
"Supreme One, Lord Zelphyr, I am honoured to have been given the chance to showcase my work and am overjoyed that it assisted you so. I will endeavour to outdo myself going forward."
Zelphyr nodded in agreement before continuing.
"Finally, Narberal Gamma, my assistant in the Dragon Kingdom. You completed your role perfectly as my escort and maid outside of Nazarick. In fact, this plan has gone as smoothly as it has due to your efforts so far. I will be counting on you in the future."
Narberals stoic expression brightened slightly as she bowed her head before speaking.
"It is an honour Lord Zelphyr, to be of use to the Supreme One."
When Narberal finished, Zelphyr spoke once more.
"Those that I have spoken for today, are to be granted a reward personally from myself. I will give you two days before I send I come to ask what it is you desire. I am sure you are aware, but, I wish for you to be at least a little selfish and make requests, should you not. I will not be able to fulfill my duty as a ruler."
His words pierced the hearts of everyone in the hall, even those who had not received personal thanks. It was a clear show of care for his subordinates.
Simultaneously, everyone in the room nodded, including the 4 rewarded present.
"Now then, let us get onto today's main topic, our future."
The air tensed as everyone waited with bated breathe for Zelphyr to continue.
"Nazarick will be assisting the Dragon Kingdom with its war against the Beasts. I am sure you are all aware of this."
Everyone nodded with anticipation.
"Good. In this world there are many who claim themselves to be all-powerful, whom claim themselves to be descendants of Gods, yet not one has been able to rule the continent, why is this?"
Zelphyr threw his question out to the crowd, however, no one spoke. Noticing this, he called out to Demiurge.
"Demiurge, what are your thoughts on the matter as one of the wisest of Nazarick?"
Demiurge pondered for a moment, his brows creased before he straightened his back and spoke loud enough for all to hear.
"I would like to think that it is due to the constant arguments of the weak that those with powers were naturally culled before they bloomed, or perhaps that the descendants themselves are not truly all-powerful"
Many around the room nodded along with Demiurges explanation including Zelphyr and Albedo.
"Very good Demiurge, they are very valid reasons for this. However, one other reason and perhaps the most prevalent in my opinion is the fact that this world is stuck in a cycle."
Those gathered tilted their heads unable to understand, luckily Zelphyr continued.
"Within the history of this world, many heroes and forces of evil have grown their power and tried to claim the continent, yet before they are able to, a natural-born counter seems to appear. This phenomenon is not natural, after all, heroes are not grown within a day. In fact, it is possible that we ourselves are part of this cycle."
Demiurges expression widened with shock as Albedos eyes widened too.
"This is what this war is for. I wish to see whether we encounter any interference outside of our capabilities perhaps, therefore our strategy this time will be to assist the Dragon Kingdom as opposed to conquering in our name."
Many within the hall looked confused however some of the more mentally capable seemed to have finally begun to grasp what Zelphyr was saying.
"With that said, fear not my subordinates. The Great Tomb of Nazarick will not stay hidden for much longer, soon we will rise to the world stage. Soon we will showcase our true might to this New World. For that, I want you all to prepare yourselves, perfect yourselves, and complete the missions assigned to you."
Fire blazed within the pupils of those gathered in the room. Raw determination and passion seeped into their very being as they listened to Zelphyr melodic words.
"I am counting on all of you, our Great Tomb shall be the pinnacle of this world, that is our goal!"
With that final sentence, the Throne Room erupted into crazed roars of excitement from those gathered. Their blood boiled at the thought of the future.
A few seconds passed before Zelphyr, waved his hand lightly from the Obsidian Throne.
Immediately the room filled with silence and all eyes stared at him.
'That actually feels really good...'
He thought to himself as he stood up with his mantle hanging majestically from his shoulders.
"That is all for today. I entrust you all with your work."
Not a second later, Zelphyrs image vanished from his spot, without a trace.
However, the boiling atmosphere remained as everyone waited for their orders.