
Never though I was going to fall in love once again ....

I never though my life was going to change ... in a couple of years around the corner.

My life has being like a rollercoaster .. going up and down ... swirls left to right .. or circling a big loop ...

That was my life ... the love of my life is gone ..

My man who was my bestie , boyfriend , and many choices or words I could describe him are gone

I promise myself not to fall in love with a man who was older than me .. I want a man of 4 or 3 years difference ..

Not a big amount of time difference like 8

Yeah .. I promise myself never fall in love with a hot man that was standing in front of me ...

I promise not to fall in love ... with a teacher ...

Yeah a teacher ... ...

My mind is confused.. I don't know what to do ... is it possible or is just faith :.. maybe god had something in plan for me ...

My name is Georgia G ... Welcome to My Love Story ...