Stuck in a seal, stuck in limbo

Two weeks pass, Shadow and Sonic are still in Mephiles' former seal; they don't know when they'll be able to return home and mating season has arrived. Trying to keep himself composed, Shadow can't get enough of Sonic's scent; with the same thing happening with Sonic.

'Why does he smell so good?' Sonic thinks

Shadow then approaches Sonic, sniffing into his neck causing him to lower his ears. Sonic then returns the gesture, causing Shadow to lower his ears. Knowing where this will lead, the pair quickly separate; both a blushing, hot mess. Shadow then gets a call on his communicator, from Bernadette.

"Hello, Shadow?" Bernadette greets

"Speaking." Shadow responds, bluntly

"The situation has worsened; no-one is allowed to join in with mating season until you're both back from where you are."

"Wait, so they've locked Mobius down until we're out of safety."

"Unfortunately, yes. Sorry in advance."

Having heard this, Sonic approaches Shadow.

"Shadow, let's head back." Sonic advises

"We'll become science experiments." Shadow responds

"Whilst both of you talk, I'll cut communications." Bernadette informs

Bernadette cuts communications.

"I don't care, other Mobians don't deserve to be in lockdown because of us. Whether we're science experiments or not, I'll always love you and want others to be free."

"That's what my late human friend would've wanted."

"I know, that's even more reason to get Mobius' freedom back."

Sonic then holds onto Shadow as he Chaos Controls to Station Square, to see herm capturers and scientists holding everyone captive.

"Hey, losers. You're after us, right?" Shadow greets, grabbing their attention

One of the scientists, who happens to be Lucinda's friend, steps onto their side.

"These two don't deserve to be science experiments. I'm on their side." The scientist informs

As for the other scientists and herm capturers, they're doing everything to try and capture Shadow and Sonic, to fail. Realising that they won't win, more scientists and some herm capturers join Shadow and Sonic team.

"Why are you joining them?!" The boss asks, infuriated

"They're in love, it's so easy to see. Well, not for someone as heartless as you." A herm capturer responds

"Plus, just because they're in love, doesn't make them targets for science experiments." Another scientist adds on

"Hey, Shadow." A different voice says

Shadow recognises the voice, it's Ruby the Jackal.

"Ruby, you're a scientist?" Shadow asks

"Yes, I didn't know that you two were the next targets. Anyway, it's individuals like that dickhead making this mating season hell."

"Also, evil will never win." More scientists and herm capturers respond

The group look up and notice the said scientists and herm capturers joining them, in a fight against the boss behind this.

"What is this?! Get back here!" The boss orders

"Never, for a wretch like you!" Ruby shouts back

"One question, how did you get to know our relationship?" Shadow asks, unimpressed

"That's none of your concern, hedgehog!"

"Yes, it is! You're the one behind all this drama, you're the one with our relationship information, you're the one doing everything to have us in your clutches; explain yourself, jerk!" Sonic shouts out, infuriated

Shadow notices Sonic's fur changing into a darker shade of blue. As a precaution, Shadow gets everyone to step back with him.

"Looks like someone needs to calm down."

"Excuse me?! You're snooping into other people's business, getting innocent individuals to do the dirty work for you, putting us all through hell to get what you want! I bet if you had a wife, or husband at home, they'd be ashamed of what they've picked up and wanna divorce you, disgusting piece of work!"

As Sonic approaches the boss, he transforms into an evil, angry and darker version of himself, making everyone including the boss step back. Sonic gets to the boss and grabs his neck, now more pissed off than before.

"Now listen here, your selfish, callous, malicious ways won't be forgiven; not for a second!"

Sonic grips tighter, for the boss to struggle for a way out. Slowly getting out of his dark side, Sonic realises what he's doing, puts the boss down and steps back as he returns to his original self. Exhausted, he collapses on the ground and falls into a deep sleep. Shadow races to his aid as the boss gets infuriated and starts charging towards Sonic. Shadow notices and readies a Chaos Spear.

"Don't you dare touch my boyfriend, jerk!" Shadow warns, protecting Sonic

As this is said, the army of scientists and now-former herm capturers march to Shadow's aid, some making a wall in front of him and Sonic, others marching further forward to face the boss.

"What're you gonna do now, creep?" Ruby asks

"I can get past you easily, no words required." The boss responds

The boss then uses a field of flames to disband the group, pushing them aside as well. He then gets to Shadow and Sonic, pulling Shadow away from Sonic.

"Gonna try me? Fight me!"

"If it means saving Mobius from you, bring it!" Shadow responds

As the two men go away to fight, Sapphire teleports to Sonic, picks him up and takes him to her house. After a couple of hours, Sonic wakes up and notices that he's at Shadow's house as Sapphire enters the room.

"You're awake." Sapphire says

"Why am I in your house; to mention Shadow's bedroom?" Sonic asks

"You weren't safe where you were. So, I brought you here so you could sleep."

"Is Shadow alright?"

"I don't know. I'll need you to stay here while I check on him."

As for Shadow, he's on the ground and struggling to get on his feet. Weak and with cuts on his face, he looks at the boss with determination.

"So-called Ultimate Lifeform. More like Ultimate Failure; you couldn't protect your boyfriend, save your friend or stop my destruction. What are you?"

Sapphire soon appears and notices that Shadow's hurt. Sapphire races to his aid and takes him home.

"Mom, what're you doing?" Shadow asks

"You needed help and I'm trying to find somewhere for you to rest." Sapphire answers

"What about my bedroom?"

"Sonic's in there; I don't know if he's gone back to sleep."

As for Sonic, he's sat on the side of the bed, ears lowered and face in his hands. Slightly depressed, Sonic walks to the window and looks outside. Sapphire soon comes into the bedroom, carrying Shadow to his bed and leaving him uncovered. Sonic turns, noticing the mother-son duo and walking to the bed.

"Hey, Sonic. Are you alright?" Sapphire asks

"I'll be alright, how's Shadow?" Sonic responds, asking

"With cuts on his face and being too weak to move, he could be better."

"I hate this so much. That jerk nearly killed me off!" Shadow responds, pissed off

"Babe, you survived this. That jerk wants us both for himself, dead or alive and you're better than him." Sonic responds, petting Shadow's quills

"Plus, if he wants to get to you two, he's gotta get past me first." Sapphire responds, adding on "Boys, please rest up; right now, you need each other. I'll see you later."

Sapphire teleports away as Sonic kisses Shadow's quills, causing said hedgehog to look up.

"I love you, Sonic." Shadow says, softly

"I love you too, Shads." Sonic responds, in the same tone

Shadow and Sonic kiss, being careful not to hurt each other.

"Well, our first mating season is different than what we'd hoped."

"You got that one right, babe."

Shadow and Sonic then softly chuckle, rubbing each other's hands. After a few hours talking, night falls and the pair fall asleep as Sapphire returns with Bernadette, wanting rest after her victory.

"Are you alright, Sapph?" Bernadette asks

"Just really tired, that was... tough." Sapphire responds

"Let's get you to bed, bae."

"Bae? Are you tryna tell me something?"

'Shit, I've blown my cover.' Bernadette thinks

"I'll take that as a yes. Tell me in the morning."

"Right, let's get you to bed."

Bernadette helps Sapphire to bed, both assuming that Shadow and Sonic are asleep. Soon after, Sticks returns covered in scratches and wanting sleep; she then goes to bed and sleeps.

Morning arrives. Sapphire and Bernadette are the first ones awake. Sapphire turns to Bernadette.

"So, did you wanna tell me something last night?" Sapphire asks

Bernadette is then struggling to find the words. Then she sits up...

"I've liked you for a while, that's why I called you bae last night. I've been so willing to have sex with you for that reason. I'd hesitated to tell you because---" Bernadette responds, to be interrupted

Sapphire then kisses Bernadette, taking hold of her hand and stroking it with her thumb.

"I've always wondered why you've always been willing to rid my desires. To be honest, I've liked you the same since we first met."

"Really? I never thought you did."

"Why would I choose you to have sex with, if I only saw you as a friend? I've always been afraid to ask you out, from day one."

"Was that because of my previous marriage?"

"Yeah, I've feared that you wouldn't want someone new."

Bernadette then kisses Sapphire, stroking her hand in return.

"Of course, I want someone new. I didn't know who until you came along."

Sapphire then hugs Bernadette.

"Before you ask, I would love to be your girlfriend."

Bernadette blushes as Sapphire kisses her again. As for Shadow and Sonic, they both awaken as Sticks walks into the room. Sonic notices the scratches on Sticks' face.

"Are you alright, Sticks?" Sonic asks

"Yeah, I'll be alright." Sticks answers

"Sis, your face is covered in scratches." Shadow responds

"I know, I got into a fight with one of the other schoolgirls. They want Amy too."

"So, this was a competition for a mate?"

"Yeah, it was. I hope Amy forgives me; she's coming over today."

"You'd better clean up as well as possible then."

Sticks leaves to clean herself up. An hour passes, everyone is up and the door knocks. Sapphire answers, to find Amy at the door.

"Hello Amy, come on in." Sapphire greets

Amy enters with her ears lowered. Sticks notices and races to her.

"Amy, are you alright?" Sticks asks

"The same girl you fought with keeps pestering me. She's even tried marking me." Amy answers

"Did she manage?" Shadow asks

"No, I pushed her away before she got a chance."

Sticks then hugs Amy, calming her. Amy then kisses Sticks' head, rubbing her back simultaneously.

"Sticks, I want you. No-one else can compete, I'm certain of it."

"Are you asking me to mark you?" Sticks asks

"Yes, I am. I don't want others chasing me if I'm unavailable."

"If I mark you, could you mark me?"

"Yes, I will. But, how?"

The girls then look at Sapphire.

"Go ahead, girls. It's clear you both want each other." Sapphire approves

Sticks and Amy go upstairs to Sticks' bedroom. Sticks starts by kissing Amy's neck, stroking her side simultaneously. This kick-starts Amy's desires and she returns the gesture. Amy squeezes Sticks' ass, kick-starting her desires. Sticks then falls onto the bed, with Amy admiring her body. As for Shadow and Sonic, they know what happens next; they quickly get dressed and head out to the park. Shadow walks ahead, enjoying the wind blow through his quills. Sonic gets behind and hugs him.

"I love the wind blowing through my quills; it feels amazing." Shadow says

"I know it does, babe. Just like being with you." Sonic responds, kissing Shadow's cheek

"Aww, hello beautiful."

"Say, let's go somewhere more wind will blow through our quills."

"I like that idea, Sonikku."

The two hedgies then go to a hilltop, having the wind blow through their quills.

"I wish I could have this on the city roads; wind blowing through my quills, high adrenaline."

As this is said, Sonic has an idea of what to get Shadow for his birthday. Some hours later, night falls and both hedgies return to Shadow's house.