Chapter 6: The golden paradise, Shahra

Whilst walking I asked Juan a bit about Shahra.

So what is Shahra like?

"Oh that is right you have never visited it?

That is correct.

"It is known as a "golden paradise".

Golden paradise?

"That is correct, Juan laughed."

"Inhabitants of Shahra are the only people that can get beyond the gate without having to follow any security meassurements."

How come?

"All inhabitants have a crest embroided on every piece of clothing they own."

It seems that the crest is a sign of wealth than.

"Not necessarily."

Than what does it resemble?

"The crest resembles the ancient bond between the two kingdoms. It is a sign of friendship if you will."

That is quite the sweet statement.

"So in order to get past the gates, you need a fair change of clothing"

That sounds lovely, though I suppose that getting clothing is easier said than done..

Juan stopped and turned to face me, he put his thumb towards his chest and said: "Leave that to me"

Did you.. really have to stop and turn to say that?

"Yes.. yes I did."

Alright than, just checking.

Juan smiled and pointed his finger towards the giant golden port in the distance.

"Do you see those golden ports, those are connected to the entrance of Shahra"

Connected, you mean those aren't directly connected to Shahra?

"You'll be in for quite the surprise, Juan smirked"


So, Juan how come you know so much about Shahra?

"It is something I rather not say right now"

Oh.. I see, I won't bring it up again.

"Thank you for respecting my situation"

Do not thank me, you told me you rather not speak of it, it is up to you wether you want to tell it or not.

Juan looked at me and smiled whilst nodding his head.

"Seems like we're almost there, as we can now see the glimmering of the gates"

We can?

I turned my head towards the place Juan was pointing at, a rather astonishing view was placed in a brief distance in front of me.

Two giant ports enriched in glistening gold.

"Before we pass through, we should first have to cover ourselves"

Is a cloak enough?

Juan, looked at me a bit shocked: "You're not even going to question why I said that...?"

Why should I, you clearly are experienced and it would only take longer if I kept questioning your every move.

"I suppose you can look at it that way.."

I can bind my scarf around me but what about you?

"Do not worry, I am also prepared"

Juan pulled on the bottom side of his shirt whilst facing me.

Oy... what are you doing....

"You'll see"

Juan pulled out the bottom of his shirt which rolled out to a long bottom and a hidden head piece on the back of his neck that he pulled up.

What are you.. a ninja?? What's with the hidden outfit??

"Perhaps", Juan smirked.

So what now?

"Now we are ready to enter the golden ports."

Is there anything I should do?

"For now just sit back and wait till I open the port, after I opened the port you have to grab your head piece very quickly and hold it above you, with stretched arms"

I got it.

"We're almost at the gate, are you ready?"

I am.

Juan jumped in the air, mid air he pulled a crest from his head piece and shone it in the glimmering of the gate.


He sure is a rare one, I believe he is more than meets the eye. I have the feeling he may be hiding part of his identity as well.

Let's see what happens for now.

After being exposed to the gold, the crest began to expand and morfe it's shape.

What is happening...

Juan spun mid air as wind streams were swirling all around him, a massive crystal sword with a gokden handle had been formed and spun his way towards Juan.

Juan closed his eyes and caught the sword.

With the sword in his hand he jumped using the miniture whirlwinds surrounding him towards the top of the gate and put the sword in the top.

As soon as he put the sword in the gates began to open.

Juan jumped down and pulled the sword out when the gates opened up a bit and landed next to me.

How did you...

"I'll explain it another time, now are you prepared?"

Yes I am.

"Good there isn't much time, the gates will close very soon, so let's hurry!"


Juan and I ran to the opening that was getting smaller, they were slowly closing.

"We have to hurry, or it'll be to late!"

What will happen if we don't make it in time?!

"Do you really want to know..."

Not really...

"Than we have to run even faster!"

We ran as fast as we could and made it just in time before the gates closed.

"We made it..", Juan sighed in relief

"Are you oke?"

I am and you?


The gates were now fully closed. As soon as they closed the port started disappearing.

Juan... do you see that....

"Don't worry that is normal, they served there purpose after all"

But how?

"That is what they were made for"

I... never mind, what do we have to do now?



Juan nodded: "Jump"

I looked at Juan in awe: We have to jump?

"Yes, jump"

I shook my head and grabbed Juan's arm: No, no I don't think you understand... we have to JUMP?.."

"I did say that yes"

I shook Juan: That is interesting, cause you see... THERE IS NOTHING BENEATH US... DO YOU SEE THAT DARK HOLE???!

Juan grabbed my hands and held them gently whilst looking in my eyes.

What are you....

"It's oke, do not worry I won't let you get hurt"


Juan stepped a bit closer: " I promise"


"Are you ready?"

Ready as I'll ever be...

Juan put his headpiece above him and his sword on his side.

"Before we go, you'll need this"

Juan put a crest on my scarf.

Thank you.

He smiled:"You'll need this to find your way"

I see.

"Now than let us dive into the deep."

Juan and I jumped into the darkness that laid beneath us.