Chapter 2

That evening I took the responsibility to look after Rinisha aunt whole night. As it was a female ward so no male was allowed to stay inside. Uncle was adamant not to leave. He would sit outside waiting until the morning to hear some good news. But stress orders forfeiture of the body, inviting various diseases. Hence, everyone managed to take him home. Arpi di couldn't miss her office and aunt's sister arrived after a long tiresome journey from Dibrugarh, so, I was the only female left out to stay. The latter promised to stay next night. I too had my classes the next day, but for me, the family is prioritised over every work.

Uncle told me every detail to tackle the night and call him for any kind of urgency.

I said, "Relax uncle. Go and rest. I'll manage here. Nurses are there for any help."

By around 9 o'clock everyone left. I went near aunt and helped her with the dinner, provided by the hospital. At sharp 9:30 pm, all the caretakers of the patients were requested to move outside. I moved out along with the other caretakers. I got quite tensed.

Suddenly, a similar voice erupted my thoughts, "Hey you look tensed. Relax! 9:30 pm is the doctor's visiting time" - It was the same masculine boy.

"Okay," - I nodded.

"So, how's your patient doing?" - He asked.

"No new information yet. The condition is the same as what I had already described to you. Uncle said that she might require a minimum of ten bottles of saline. I would talk to the doctor if I get a chance now" - I responded.

"So, is she your aunt?"

"Yes. Paternal aunt. By the way, what about your patient?"

"She is suffering from severe bleeding. Doctors are saying that she might undergo a blood transfusion. Delay in the delivery can turn out to be fatal for both. But the problem is... the baby is not ready for the delivery yet."

"Hmm... Hope for the best! So what's your relation with her?"

"She is my....."

His voice was interrupted by the arrival of the doctor. As he was about to pass away from the entrance, I called him - "Sir, I want to know the details about the patient of the bed - Number 4. So, can you please elaborate a bit?"

The doctor said - "It's a severe dehydration condition due to which the amniotic fluid has dried hampering the movement of the baby. We can't say anything yet. After providing sufficient saline we will be able to make a decision. But as of now both of them are in danger." I nodded.

"There's always a ray towards positivity" - The masculine boy consoled me.

"But I wanted to hear that both are out of danger" - I uttered.

My eyes got wet. It always feels awkward to allow tears to roll down in front of strangers. So, ignoring eye contact I wished him good night and came near my aunt.

Being a male he was guided to stay outside. I sat on the stool near her bed. Her shivering voice asked me, "Any good news for me?"

I lied, "Doctor said you don't have to worry. So, now have a good night's sleep. I'm here if you require anything." For a glimpse of a smile, 'a lie' can be boon.

Only one out of six tube lights were spreading its light making me see the whole room's scenario. I looked around each and every bed. Bed - Number 1 patient was twisting and turning on her bed struggling to sleep. She had a companion who was resting on the bed - Number 2 as that bed was empty. Bed - Number 3 patient was shedding tears and her companion was rubbing her palms. Bed - Number 5 patient was busy flourishing her thoughts, eyes were still open. She was the only patient without a companion at that time. Bed - Number 6 was empty. Bed - Number 7 and 8 patients were gossiping with their companions sitting beside. May be hospital beds rarely allow patients to sleep. Especially, that room's patients were fighting for two lives. So, sleep was far away from everyone's eyes.

I know aunt was awake too. Closing eyes doesn't always indicate sleeping. I leaned down my head near my aunt's hand and stared at the night's lonely streets through the window. Slowly I tried to close my eyelids but a sound tickled my ears. I quickly turned back. The bed - Number 5 patient was trying to get a glass of water. I helped her out.

She was not even in a condition to utter a word. She just passed a smile. Her beautiful almond-shaped eyes sparkled the teardrops in it. But she didn't allow the drops to roll down. Might be she was strong enough, to fight for both the lives. She looked younger enough compared to all the other patients.


The morning sun rays gently touched my eyelids through the window. Unknowingly, I fell asleep for some moment sitting on the stool itself. The clock hand indicated at 5 o'clock. One of the nurses arrived and started the saline. I could feel a vibe of someone staring at me constantly. I turned around to look around and saw that young lady who was signalling me to go near her.

As I moved near her she mumbled, struggling, "Call him please."

I asked, "Him? The only guy with you?" She nodded.

I went outside in search of that masculine boy. I could see five males sleeping on the floor. It seems like waiting for their patients, they had spent their nights laying on the floor. My glance moved towards the one sitting on the chair, leaning his head towards the wall. I moved to him. His eyes were closed. I thought for a while how to call him. Tapping to call a stranger felt awkward. "Bhaiya (brother)! Your patient is calling you", I said politely.

He opened his eyes with a jerk and froze staring into my eyes. His wide set of eyes was influential and attractive. I don't know why but my heart skipped a bit. I blinked my eyelids to break the staring phase. He passed a smile and moved inside. I sat on the chair to rewind the moment. Those eyes seemed hypnotic. As if, those eyes could send unexplainable vibes to attract anyone or selective ones towards him. I heard hurrying heavy steps that shattered my thoughts. I noticed that the masculine boy came running toward me. In a single breath, he yelled, "Hey! Your patient had fainted".


Shyam Uncle and Supriya aunty were sitting and I was standing, looking towards the entrance of the Intensive Care Unit. That masculine boy offered me a bottle of drinking water. I refused and thanked him for supporting me to handle that emergency situation and helping the nurses to shift aunt to ICU. Then I requested him, " Now you need to go near your patient. She is alone. She might need you."

"Yes, I will leave once you have something. You have not gulped a sip of water. So, please follow me to the canteen" - He offended. I refused again.

During such a situation, it always feels like the peristalsis movement in the oesophagus occurs in a reverse direction. Uncle too forced me to have something. He said, "During some moments, connected people are not meant to leave alone." I was not in a mood to argue.

The lift was busy carrying patients. So we chose the stairway. Dipped in my thoughts, I just stepped down randomly and was about to slip off. The masculine boy held my hands and said grinning, "Already I had told you that you will need a companion." I thanked him again.

Finally, we reached the canteen that was attached to the right side of the hospital entrance. He ordered some light breakfast for both of us. The canteen seemed to be busy at that time. We were waiting for our orders, staring at the canteen scenes - some were tired after their night duties, some were eating forcefully, some were carrying for their patients. Fixing my glance blankly, I sat with a helpful stranger at the corner table.

He started a conversation," I know it's not possible to stay calm during such a situation. But you have to think patiently." I was nodding. He continued, "Things are happening in a rush and we are yet to know our names. So, if you don't mind, may I know your name?"

"Jupitara Choudhury". What's yours?" I interrogated back.

"Rohit Rai." He replied.

Our breakfast arrived - two cups of coffee and two veg mayonnaise sandwiches. There was silence between us. I uttered politely, "Your patient might need you. You should quickly go near her. She might be hungry as well." He nodded.

I felt he was quite careless for his patient. But the way, he helped me being a stranger, overlapped my negative thoughts regarding his impression.

He responded taking a sip from his coffee, "I know what you might be thinking. I do care for her but she reacts like I'm a devilish husband of her". The word husband vibrated my eardrums. I felt a shiver that passed through my body. Perhaps, skipping a heartbeat during our eye lock moment meant that I was quite attracted to him. But Mr. Handsome was already someone else's.