The man named Freed stepped forward facing Kiyotaka and Issei at the same time still keeping the same wild look on his face.
"I thought the devils came alone for the contracts, now that I see two of them wanting to be exorcised by this nice priest, I'm not going to hold back hehehehe" Freed looked at Issei for a moment before fixing his gaze on Kiyotaka as if both were poor stray sheep.
"Are you a priest?" Issei recoiled in shock remembering the words of a certain redhead saying never to approach priests.
"Anyway, I'm not a common shit of devil-like you hahaha" Freed said with a voice full of disdain and disgust.
"Did you kill him? Issei pointed to the remains of the man who had been cut to pieces. Nothing when watching the scene does give the appetite.
"Listen little shit, I caught him collaborating with the devils and chopped him up period, now you should be worried about the roof and your friends," said the white-haired man as he took out a pistol and a sword from his trench coat. The pistol looked normal, but the sword wasn't, the blade was made of light.
"A sword of light? Issei's eyes widened at this discovery, if the sword hit him it could very well hurt him badly.
"I'll take my time to kill you hahaha, hehehehe" Sticking his tongue out of his mouth Freed slammed his sword in the direction of Issei who reflexively dodged the luminous sword.
"Kiyotaka!" Issei called out Kiyotaka's name but unfortunately for him, Freed shot a bullet of light in his leg, piercing it clean.
"* aaarrg *" Issei fell to the floor moaning in pain, as he held onto his knee which was now holed up.
"I don't know why but he always finds himself transfixed by something" Kiyotaka shook his head looking at the poor boy on the floor. It wasn't that he didn't want to act and prevent Issei from getting hit, it was that the ball was way too fast.
"Always hit first huh?" Kiyotaka suddenly cried with an orange light covering his body and his clothes. Then in a single leap, he rushed on Freed who was going to move towards Issei.
"How do you like my pistol "Futsumata"? Freed laughed at Issei on the ground when he felt a gust of wind pass over his neck, he leaned in reflexively.
A gust of wind rushed over Freed's face causing him to close his eyes for 1 second, the perfect amount of time it took for Kiyotaka.
He raised both hands before a magic circle appeared in front of Kiyotaka.
Freed's eyes widened, the child in front of him wasn't a devil it was "A mage? Why-" Not giving him a chance to continue speaking, the circle gathered a large amount of wind around this bringing together into a single air disc.
"Wind Disc" The air disc was propelled faster than the bullets from Freed's pistol, but luckily for him, the priest barely managed to dodge the air disc which sliced his left arm holding the sword of light of Freed.
* bllllllgg *
Blood splashed all over the scene as Freed's arm dropped to the floor.
"* Aaaaaaah! *, Who are you?! And why does a mage stay with the devils ?!" Holding the remains of his arm with his other hand, Freed asked a look of fury on his face as he saw Kiyotaka's emotionless look.
Kiyotaka doesn't answer him, smiling at him just before rushing to the fallen sword of light.
"BASTARD ANSWER ME!" Freed got even crazier than he already was, he raised his pistol ache and shot all over the room wanting to hit Kiyotaka's bastard.
"Protection" were the only words uttered by the glowing yellow-eyed teenager as a yellow magical protective circle enveloped Issei and Kiyotaka through protective magic.
"BUT HOW CAN YOU USE SO MUCH OF SPELL?" Poor Freed asked, he was getting desperate in front of a very good user of magic, there was nothing he could do.
"* Kiyaaaaa * STOP!" A girl with long blonde hair in nun's attire cried out watching the fight scene from the start. She rushed past Freed trying to stop him.
"Get off bitch, they're devil we have to kill them!" Freed punched Asia in the stomach. She fell to the floor moaning in pain.
"Asia!" Issei who was safe behind the protection of Kiyotaka wanted to force the barrier by revealing his Sacred Gears, he punched several times at the barrier which seemed to crack.
"Issei stop! I won't take long if you keep going, we're both going to die!" Kiyotaka shouted unfortunately for him Freed heard it. The maniacal priest smirked horribly, sticking his tongue out and tilting his head back. "So then you run out of magic? Don't worry once you're your barrier is broken I will kill you slowly motherfucker aahahahahahahah "He chuckled maniacally looking Kiyotaka in the eye the intention to kill present deep in his heart.
Kiyotaka didn't listen to him concentrating his strength on the barrier he had only been studying magic for a day, but he still couldn't last that long in two separate battles.
"Asia I'm sorry I'm a devil" Issei stopped knocking on the yellow barrier as he looked at Asia now standing.
"You are a devil ?" Asia's kind voice echoed through the room as she too looked at Issei.
"I didn't want to lie to you, and that's why I decided not to see you again" Issei lowered his shoulders and turned his eyes to the ground, he was ashamed and he didn't want to abuse she.
"Okay, girls you stop this comedy now!" Freed unable to strike Asia again in the chest before hitting the barrier with his own body, his pistol was empty.
* Bam * * Bam *
"Asia you know very well that we could not live without fallen angels!" Freed's voice echoed across the room despite the sound of his body impacting Kiyotaka's protection.
The protective wall would soon collapse as Kioytaka sweated profusely, he had hardly any strength left.
"Explosion" A red magic circle appeared in front of Freed who had pierced the shield. * Boom * a mini-explosion escaped the magic circle as Freed was propelled by the jerk and Asia next to him was also thrown but all was well except she had lost her clothes revealing her soft little breasts and her pink nipples
"* AARRRG *" The dust from the blast cleared quickly as Freed could be seen in a very poor condition against a wall. Blood was pouring out of his mouth and he had burns all over his body. His pistol was completely out of order. Asia when she was oblivious to the sudden shock.
"ASIA!" Issei stared wickedly at Kiyotaka who could barely get up.
* Shine *
Suddenly a flash of red light appeared in the small room with writings carved inside.
"Magic circle" were the last words before Kiyotaka collapsed with a slight smile, on the ground, unconscious and completely exhausted.
Before he touched the ground, a delicate hand caught him carrying him with both arms, Akeno brought him up to his chest before putting his head in and whispering 'You fought well'.
Then Koneko followed by Yuuto and finally Rias who had a serious look on her face.
Rias looked at Freed who was starting to stand up despite the main cut and the explosion Kiyotaka studied.
Then she changed her gaze to Issei and Kiyotaka before saying softly "I'm sorry" her voice carrying sadness with her.
Suddenly a portal of light appeared in front of everyone. The portal had a blue color, illuminating the room with a bright light.
"Akeno gets ready for the jump, Koneko takes care of Issei, it's the fallen angels," Rias said to the group with a hint of pressure in her tone. At the moment he cannot engage in combat with the fallen angels otherwise it could make the already bad situation worse.
"Okay" Akeno kept the unconscious Kiyotaka in her chest as she raised her hands and created a magical circle on the floor.
"ASIA!" Issei screamed as the light began to cover her face.
The magic circle emitted a bright red light before finally covering the entire group, causing them to disappear from the house.