A red magic circle appeared inside the occult research club as Rias spoke to all his peerage and a stranger.
From the magic circle emerged the silhouette of Kiyotaka within his arms the little dragon Shiro and on his right side another little blue dragon.
Kiyotaka knew that people knew Tiamat and in order not to get tricked or noticed that he was with a Dragon King, he decided to pass her off as a simple little dragon powerless and defenseless.
"Kiyotaka-kun?" Rias said with wide eyes, surprised to see the boy appear who had been missing without a trace for several days now.
Not everyone in the room understood what was going on. They were in important meetings and suddenly Kiyotaka reappeared annoying everyone.
'What do they do ? an important meeting? ' After the red light disappeared, Kiyotaka looked at everyone in the room. He had noticed the heavy presence in the air. As if something bothered them at all.
Finally, Kiyotaka noticed the blond-haired and well-dressed guy sitting on one of the sofas drinking tea. From what Kiyotaka could see with his magic is that this guy was a devil too, probably of high rank since he has a haughty look that followed him everywhere in his eyes and gestures.
"Another little devil who does not know his place ... Rias you should train your servants a lot more" Said the blond with disdain looking at Kiyotaka while drinking the tea he had in his hands.
Rias looked furiously at the guy in blond.
"Don't disturb you, I'm just passing through" Kiyotaka ignored the man's words before stepping back to a corner of the room with Shiro in his arms and Tiamat silently following him.
"Kiyotaka you scared us when you disappeared without a trace!" Akeno whispered apprehensively after getting close enough to Kiyotaka for him to hear her.
"Can you tell me what's going on?" Kiyotaka whispered in turn, since his arrival, he had understood that something fishy was happening but he couldn't get his hands on what.
"Oh, are you talking about Raiser? He came to propose to the President, but she categorically refuses." Akeno smirked as she whispered to Kiyotaka but he quickly saw that her smile was even more fake than usual.
"You don't like it, I suppose? Kiyotaka asked without waiting for a real answer. Kiyotaka knew very well that no mentally sane person would want their friend to be forced to marry someone they don't like.
"That's right, this Raiser is stupid, on top of that he uses women as toys." Akeno quickly pulled back her smile as her gaze fell on Raiser as she spoke. Disgust passed through the girl's eyes.
'So Issei is angry because he doesn't want Rias to get caught by Raiser ... Interesting' Kiyotaka thought as he saw the boy with his fists clenched before he noticed the woman in maid outfits in the corner of the room watching the heated discussion between Raiser and Rias since earlier.
"What about the silver-haired woman in the maid's outfit over there?" Kiyotaka asked Akeno looking at the maid with his eyes.
Akeno followed Kiyotaka's gaze before speaking "Her name is Grayfia Lucifuge and from what I heard she is the wife of Sirzechs Lucifer, the protective big brother of Rias" Akeno spoke quietly and very politely while saying the name of Grayfia but what Kiyotaka noticed was that she had even more respect for the so-called Sirzech Lucifer.
"Thank you Akeno you helped me a lot" A gleam crossed the eyes of Kiyotaka who thanked Akeno before continuing "Tell me, can you find me a house big enough for me?"
"Of course, but what for?" Akeno asked him with a hint of curiosity. Since reincarnating as a devil, Kiyotaka had continued to sleep here and train nothing else.
Kiyotaka didn't respond to Akeno directly, he only got ready to leave before finally saying, "To have somewhere I can call a 'home' and also, where I can relax on my own."
"Okay, I'll have to talk to Rias about it, she can do this to you," Akeno said with a slight real smile for once.
"Thank you, Akeno" Kiyotaka smiled back at her before walking towards the door of the room. Squeezing the handle to exit Kiyotaka heard the redhead talk to him "Kiyotaka where are you going? Aren't you staying?" The redhead frowned as she watched Kiyotaka leave. It was an important meeting for her and he already wanted to leave.
"I'm going to practice president, I think you will need that too," Kiyotaka squinted at Raiser.
Rias couldn't say anything more, he was right, Grayfia had come up with a rating game to have the chance that she would end the marriage and she knew that her peerage especially Issei had to train to become stronger and have a chance to beat the blond.
"Practice? Let me laugh, even a hundred little devils like you wouldn't be enough to beat my Phoenix flames hahaha" Raiser didn't take Kiyotaka's remark seriously, chuckling heartily as if it was the joke of the year.
Kiyotaka came out of the room with Shiro and Tiamat without saying a word. But what he didn't know was that Grayfia watched him from the start.
'Pfiou' Kiyotaka mentally sighed after exiting the room, seeing how the redhead stared at Raiser it happened that everything was going to heat up and go into a spin but that wasn't his problem right now.
Kiyotaka left the old occult research club building heading towards the exit of the Kuoh academy.
"Kiyotaka-kun where do you think you're going?" Preparing to pass through the school gate, Kiyotaka heard a stern voice coming from behind him.
'Why her at all?' Sighing Kiyotak turned to see Sona full of paper in her hands staring at him sternly from behind her glasses rolled up on her little nose.
"Sona-senpai, you're here, Rias was looking for you for something about a wedding and a certain Riser, I believe" Kiytoaka let his poker face as he stared straight into the girl's purple eyes.
"Rias needs help? Okay, I'm going to go see her but why are you leaving school? Shouldn't you stay with her?" Sona asked to find out why he was planning on leaving school anyway.
"She asked me to do a little errand for her, probably for the battle ahead," Kiyotaka said.
"Alright, go ahead but next time come over to the student council to tell us" Sona retorted before turning around and leaving with the papers in hand.
Kiyotaka just watched her go before he too turned and walked out of the academy.
A few hours passed and the afternoon quickly fell on the great city Kuoh.
"What are you going to do now?" A fairly beautiful woman with long blue hair asked a teenager in front of her. The two were seated on a chair on the terrace of a small cafe.
Kiyotaka didn't answer until he smiled as he watched the sun begin to set. Shiro was sleeping on his knees, transformed into a puppy thanks to Tiamat's magic.
Tiamat got slightly annoyed that he didn't answer her and wanted to say something but a ringing phone rang before she spoke, cutting her off from speaking.
"Ah! The good news" Kiyotaka took his phone from his pocket, waking up the sleeping little Shiro. Watching the message he had received the teenager finished his drink in front of him before getting up with Shiro in his arms.
His eyes rested on the pouting woman before he said "Are you coming? We have a lot to do"