Sack Of King's Landing

280 AC, Dragonstone.

A raging tempest struck Dragonstone whilst two Targaryens would come into the world. The boy came first, followed by the girl. These two were the first children of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell which was a cause for a great celebration. Despite the howling wind and deafening lightning, the people of Dragonstone managed to enjoy themselves in the name of Aerion and Rhaenys Targaryen.

Rhaegar sat beside the two cribs, playing his harp with grace. His beautiful song calmed the hearts of the two newly-born children. Giving birth to two children had taken a great toll on Elia Martell's physique, who now rested in her chambers a corridor away. Rhaegar, after calming the children, joined her soon enough and left the two in the care of a maid.

Meanwhile, a being of boundless strength and ability appeared in the room where the two children laid. His heavenly figure was invisible to all as he walked forward without any concern. Upon reaching Aerion's crib, he placed his left hand on the child's forehead and left soon after without a trace. It was as if he was never there... much like a ghost.


283 AC, The Sack of King's Landing.

King Aerys II Targaryen decided to open the gates to Tywin's banner that was 12,000 strong, believing in Lord Tywin's claim that his loyalty was with him. It turned out to be the final mistake of the Mad King's reign as the lion's forces started to slaughter the loyalists within the walls. As the fighting went on, two of Tywin's knights rushed ahead to complete a task of great importance. They scaled the walls of Maegor's Holdfast and burst into the Royal Appartments.

The two knights were Amory Loch and Gregor Clegane, who split up to cover more ground and ensure that their targets do not have a chance in escaping. Amory Loch found Rhaenys under Rhaegar's bed and dragged her away before brutally killing the little girl. By the time he was done stabbing her, she had half a hundred stab wounds and looked unrecognisable.

Gregor Clegane found his way into the nursery, where Elia Martell held the newborn Aegon Targaryen while Aerion stood behind her.

"There you are..."

The Mountain pushed aside Elia Martell and grabbed the screaming Aegon before smashing his head in. He proceeded towards Aerion, who was shaken to the core in fear under his towering gaze. Every step of his seemed to be as heavy as an earthquake until he reached the young boy. "At least you did not scream like that whelp."

Elia rose to protect her son but it was no use as Gregor Clegane smashed her face with a single blow, moving her out of the way once more. Aerion felt a surge of strength overcome him as his blood burned with rage.

"Know your place you stupid bitch." The Mountain spat as he pummeled her once more with his fist.

Aerion's rage started to materialise real fire, starting with a little spark that grew the longer he stared at the remains of his little brother and the Mountain's ruthlessness.


"Stop... you... you... filthy peasant."

"What did you just call me?" The Mountain turned around, giving Elia one last taste of his fist before focusing on the young prince.

"You... heard me."

The Mountain laughed. "You grew some balls along with a tongue, whelp? I would have left you for last if you had not opened your mouth."

Instead of running away from the Mountain, Aerion did the exact opposite.

He charged the Mountain out of anger, gathering all of his courage through sheer rage.


Upon touching the Mountain, the sparks exploded into a wild flame that engulfed him within moments. Gregor Clegane had been turned into a human torch, screaming in agony for a couple of seconds until the raging flames turned him into a small hill of ash.

Aerion fell backwards from shock and stared at the pile of ash in a daze. "I... burned him."

Amory Loch's swift footsteps followed after he had heard Gregor Clegane's scream. He wondered what in Seven Hells could cause a man that large to scream like a little girl. Once he burst into the nursery, he found a beaten woman laying on the ground, a frozen silver-haired boy, the remains of little Aegon and a pile of ash at the entrance. Amory Loch stood in puzzlement for several seconds before proceeding to complete his duties.

This was a mission of great importance for House Lannister, after all. Tywin Lannister had joined the side of Robert Baratheon at the very end of the Rebellion so he needed to gain some sort of merit. By killing the children of Rhaegar Targaryen, Robert Baratheon's claim on the Iron Throne would be that much greater and he would no doubt become the King. With that, House Lannister's last-second act would be less frowned upon. This was a brilliant opportunity for Tywin Lannister to display his loyalty to the new King and he took it without much hesitation.

The moment he raised his sword, Aerion instinctively raised his hand and a ball of fire left his palm. The flames touched Amory Loch and exploded like wildfire, leaving him with the same agonising fate as Gregor Clegane. The only visible reminder of his existence was a pile of ash along with his sword. It had fallen onto the ground after the knight released it due to the unbearable pain.


A little earlier, the throne room.

"Burn them all..." King Aerys muttered, followed by a laugh. "Stark, Arryn, Baratheon, Lannister... all of them will face the Dragon."

Ser Jaime Lannister returned to the main hall after slaying Lord Rossart and temporarily halting King Aerys' wildfire plot.

"Why are you here, Jaime... hmm, have you come here to inform me of Tywin's death?" Aerys cackled.

"I could never slay my father." Ser Jaime drew his sword. "However, I did slay your Hand."

"You..." Out of shock, King Aerys ran up the steps of the Iron Throne in fear of his own life. Jaime Lannister grabbed his leg and hauled him off the steps, sending him back down. Then he slashed his throat without much thought. Aerys fell to the ground as his throat became a fountain of blood.

In the end, Jaime Lannister was willing to kill the Mad King himself and risk his reputation to protect King's Landing. It was the sacred duty of a Kingsguard to protect the King... yet he had done the complete opposite for the greater good.

The Gods were not kind to him as two Westerland knights stormed into the main hall just a moment after he killed the King. Elys Westerling observed the scene and spoke his mind immediately. "You killed the King, didn't you?"

Jaime Lannister was unable to deny this truth as he was the only person in the room and Aerys laid beneath him. Even more so, his sword was stained with the Mad King's blood.

"What does it look like to you?" Jaime replied, indirectly stating the obvious. He sheathed his sword and walked down the hall.

Roland Crakehall, the other knight, removed his eyes from the corpse of Aerys and spoke directly to Jaime Lannister. "The castle is ours, ser, and the city."

"Tell them the Mad King is dead. Spare all those who yield and hold them captive."

"Shall I proclaim a new king as well?" Roland replied.

"Proclaim who you bloody well like," Jaime stated, walking towards Maegor's Holdfast in a swift manner.

"Ser, where are you going?"

"I am securing Maegor's Holdfast... do not follow me." Jaime stared at them in a threatening manner.

The two lords nodded. "As you wish, ser."

Jaime Lannister had made one of the more difficult decisions in his life. As Aerion Targaryen's closest Kingsguard, he had come to build a strange bond of friendship with the prince. His respect for Aerion's father had transitioned to him with great ease as Jaime realised that Aerion was not ordinary in the slightest in a short time. The boy possessed great talent in anything he tried and surpassed everyone in his age-group by leaps and bounds. Most importantly, he was the rightful King and the Realm would not allow him to exist.

Jaime would not allow him to die if he could prevent it. King's Landing came first, of course, which is why he had to handle the Mad King before. Otherwise, they would all be dead long ago. As he walked down the corridor, he prayed that the Gods were kind and the Prince was unharmed. It was one of the few times he would do such a thing... after all, Jaime Lannister was not a man of great faith.

The drawbridge had been opened by Amory Loch earlier, opening the way for the men who would storm the Red Keep later. After leaving the sight of the two knights, Jaime Lannister closed the drawbridge and increased his pace. Upon entering the Royal Apartments, he discovered Rhaenys' unrecognisable corpse in Rhaegar's chambers. Within a minute or so of searching the Royal Apartments, he found the last remaining child of Rhaegar Targaryen along with his wife.

Jaime Lannister kneeled before the silver-haired boy and looked him in the eyes.

"My prince, what happened here?" He spoke with a calm voice.

"This massive man... he attacked my mother and little brother so I... I... burned him."

"Burned him?" Jaime Lannister looked at the scattered ash which had been moved by the strong winds. Without lingering on it for too long, Jaime Lannister stood up and helped Elia Martell onto her feet. "My Lady and Prince, we must move now."

"Those were Lannister men who killed my son..." Elia Martell remarked.

"Would you like to lose the other as well?" Jaime Lannister replied. "If not, then you will follow me."