A New Home

Ser Arthur Dayne returned, with some rope which was intended for Eddard Stark.

"There is no need for that," Jaime stated. "He is a defeated man."

"I would not risk the prince's safety on a 'defeated man.'"

"I can defend myself against a single man, Ser Arthur. You may rest assured." Aerion smiled. "Besides, we do not need a restrained Eddard Stark as he will be riding north within a day."

"You are letting him go?" Ser Arthur looked at Eddard Stark for a moment.

"Yes... reluctantly. Keep him here until I return and give further instructions. Jaime, with me."

"As you wish."

Jaime smirked slightly as he looked at Oswell before turning around.

Aerion swiftly climbed the stairs of the Tower of Joy and entered once more. He went up to the higher floor and opened the door to where the child's crying originated from. Lyanna Stark laid on her bed, greatly fatigued from the days of carrying her child and giving birth to him.

Jaime observed silently and looked intrigued as he took the wrapped child into his arms. "A boy, my prince. A bastard who will bear the surname 'Sand'... nonetheless, as Lyanna never married."

"My son is not a... bastard. Rhaegar and I married before his birth."

Aerion frowned. "My foolish father and his naive maiden ran away in the name of love, ignoring all else and marrying despite the truth that she was already promised to Robert Baratheon before. My father was also married with two children and another on the way... in the end, he abandoned us for you."

"Do you have any idea as to what your irresponsible actions led to?" Aerion chuckled, although he was clearly furious. "No, of course, you don't. You only care about yourself."


Aerion's violet eyes glared into her very soul.

"Your, and my father's, actions led to Robert's Rebellion, where tens of thousands died. I had to run away from what I had known to be home for my entire life... surviving only because of my knight and mysterious use of magic. House Targaryen has fallen as a usurper now sits on the Iron Throne... more importantly..." Despite fighting against it, Aerion couldn't help it. Tears slowly fell as he let it all out. "My father... grandfather... twin sister... baby brother, who had barely lived for a year... they are all dead!!"

He wiped away his tears.

"All... for what?"

Lyanna Stark gave no reply as it would only light the prince's fire once more. Instead, she slowly closed her eyes.

"Perhaps it would be best if you leave the tower for some fresh air," Jaime stated.

Aerion composed himself before replying.

"No, I've had enough of it already. I want to see my half-brother."

Jamie nodded and placed the child into his hands. Aerion tapped his small nose first, observing the boy's response. As he grew calmer, so did the child. His crying had come to an abrupt pause and Aerion managed a smile.

"You are the only good thing to come from this."

But it was not worth it.

"Ser Jaime, bring Ser Arthur and Lord Eddard here. Leave my mother under the protection of Ser Oswell in case something does happen."

"Very well."


Three men entered the room, one by one. Aerion sat opposite to Lyanna Stark, holding his last and youngest sibling. Eddard immediately moved past the two knights and stood before Lyanna Stark.

"Lyanna..." Eddard uttered as his hand moved across her cheek.

"Ned..." Lyanna Stark opened her eyes.

"Here's my proposition." Aerion grit his teeth as he said this, "Lyanna needs immediate care which I entrust onto you, her elder brother. Once... if, she is nursed back to health then she will return to Robert and marry him. This child, however, cannot be known as the son of Lyanna and my father so he will leave with you... only if Lyanna promises to live on."

If she dies, Robert Baratheon's fury will not cease. Lyanna must live.

"I want to be beside my son... if not, then I will be with Rhaegar."

Seven hells... what a selfish lass.

"A stubborn lady." Ser Arthur sighed.

"No, you can still see him by visiting Winterfell, if that is where he will be raised," Jaime stated. "That is as good as it gets. Visiting your home and being fond of a 'nephew' does not sound unreasonable."

Eddard nodded. "Ser Jaime speaks the truth."


Eventually, they managed to persuade her to continue living while also tending to her bleeding. She would certainly live past this event. Afterwards, Eddard with his mount to bring in more of his men. They buried Ser Gerold Hightower near the Tower of Joy while they waited. Aerion was not concerned as Eddard was famed to be a man of his word. He and his Kingsguard waited for two days, leaving once Eddard's figure was visible to them in the distance.

Aerion looked at the boy, who had been named Jon Snow before leaving. Truly, he should have been Jon Sand... or Jon Targaryen. Perhaps even Jon Stark.

"Jon... what a terrible name. I'd much rather a Targaryen name like Daeron. Daeron Targaryen... ah, but I cannot decide that. One day, we will be reunited... but that day is far."

Aerion returned him to his crib and left swiftly left the Tower of Joy.

Take care.

He joined his mother and the three Kingsguard, leaving before Eddard Stark could return. What laid in the tower had been kept a secret from Elia Martell because Aerion did not want to risk revealing the truth. She might have acted in an unpredictable manner... something that would have costed him greatly.

They rode to the Kingsgrave in a rather smooth journey. Lord Dagos of the House Manwoody welcomed them with courtesy into his settlement. Aerion stated that Doran Martell, the Lord Paramount of the South and his uncle, would reward Lord Dagos greatly if he would escort them to Sunspear. He accepted without much hesitation, replying that it would be his greatest pleasure to protect the prince and Lady Elia.

They rode further south, reaching the Skyreach, before turning east. The Dornish Desert was not kind, however, as Aerion struggled to breathe under the mighty gusts of wind mixed with sand. It grew to such a degree that he used his magic against the desert... unleashing another one of his inner talents, Aeromancy.

He started to control the wind, forming a shield of his own wind against the sand. No longer did he have any issues with wind. The journey continued after that as they entered the inner regions of Dorne. As his use of magic increased, so did his magic vitality, rising to 3.

Aerion was used to seeing his profile and started to believe that it was the truth... not just a dream.

After about seven weeks of travelling, they finally reached Sunspear. Aerion looked up to the magnificent capital of Dorne. It was truly something he had never seen before and its beautiful, unique, appearance made him excited for once in a long time.

So this will be my new home...

Aerion smiled. "Sunspear... not quite as grand as King's Landing but it has its own beauty..."

"King's Landing is a grand shithole, my prince. You should see Highgarden... only then will you know true beauty." Ser Oswell Whent stated.

"King Aerys would not have liked to hear that," Jaime replied. "Though, he did not care much for the city."

"Dorne's brightest places outshine all of the Crownlands, my son. You have only seen the worst until now. Water gardens, the clean beach, the smell of spices, hot weather and your relatives from my side... you may find it a greater home than the Red Keep."

Aerion nodded. "Perhaps I might find more interesting people in my age group."

Lord Dagos laughed.

"It will be difficult for a man to befriend boys."

"Our prince is mature, yes, but he may still find some friends." Ser Arthur replied. "Especially among his cousins."

"Yes, I suppose so."

They rode closer and entered through the Threefold Gate. Their appearance brought forth a lot of attention. A silver-haired boy, three Kingsguard, Lady Elia, Lord Dagos and several armed men... it was hard to ignore such an entourage. They rode to the Old Palace and, eventually, the guards had caught up to them. Lord Dagos introduced himself, along with the rest and waited for Doran Martell to make his appearance.

Aerion eagerly looked towards the top of the walls for a while... until the gate to the Old Palace opened. They had all dismounted by then. Aerion stood in the middle as he watched the other party walk through the gate.

Elia embraced her younger brother, Oberyn Martell, who was overjoyed to see her. Doran Martell, too, was quite glad as well. He was much older than his other two siblings so, naturally, he was further away from them. Nevertheless, he loved them both dearly.

"Quite the company you have brought with you, Elia." Doran smiled. "I thought that the worst may have happened as you escaped King's Landing but, alas, it did not."

"I would have fallen at the hands of the Mountain if it were not for my magical son." She patted his smooth silver hair.

"Magical?" Doran observed Aerion closely, who did not flinch in the slightest. "He is not shy."

"It is good to see you as well, uncle Doran. Unfortunately, I do not remember our first meeting as I was too young. However, I will certainly remember this one."

Aerion replied.

Doran was caught off-guard by the way Aerion spoke. "How old is my nephew? I dare not forget but..."

"He is a few moons past his third nameday," Jamie stated with some pride. "Once he grows into a man, the Usurper will quake in his boots from fear of what is to come."

They knew most of the matters concerning King's Landing due to Eddard Stark informing them in the Tower of Joy. Robert Baratheon had been chosen to be King in place of Aerion Targaryen, therefore earning him the title of 'Usurper'.

Aerion shook his head. "I, alone, will not be able to regain my throne. I will need an army."

Oberyn laughed. "He already speaks like the conqueror. But... where are the other two?"

Elia sighed with great sorrow, which later turned into anger. "They fell victim to the dogs of House Lannister."

"House Lannister... this is something that we will not forget. They will be avenged."

Doran Martell nodded. "Indeed. Acting now, however, will be unwise. A new King will rise to the Iron Throne... a false King, but a King nonetheless. We must stay quiet until the time is right."

Aerion agreed. "I have made several difficult decisions to bring peace until that time."

"Oh... I'd like to hear about that." Doran smiled. "Though, this is hardly the place. It is time I introduce you to the Old Palace, the very centre of Sunspear..."

"Oh, father... who is that?" A young girl walked from the other side of the gate and towards Aerion as if he had caught her focus entirely.

"Prince Aerion Targaryen... and who might you be?"

Father... then she must be my cousin.

Aerion introduced himself in a simple manner. The girl seemed to be around seven years old as she was a good bit taller than him.

"Princess Arianne Martell... oh I remember holding you when you were this small."

That small? It's no wonder why I don't remember.

Aerion smiled. "I've grown since then. Uncle Doran, let's go past the gate. I want a proper feast after all that travelling."

"The little conqueror demands a feast." Oberyn playfully altered.

"And so, a feast shall be prepared for the little conqueror!"