
"I thank you for this gift, Illyrio."

Aerion gently put down the dark dragon egg, returning it to the glimmering chest before standing on his feet and closing the chest. Illyrio's body seemed to tense as the Soul Knights stared down on him with frightening smiles. It made him wonder if he could simply take everything by force and walk away... perhaps leaving behind some trails of blood in the process.

Could he...?

Illyrio looked at Aerion's charming face, attempting to discern any type of emotion. His search came to no avail as a drop of sweat began to fall from his forehead. He started to think of all the times that his Emperor had wet his blade and wondered if he'd be next in line.


The two bulky men whom Illyrio had under him wanted no part of the Soul Knights nor the Emperor's wrath, remaining still as Aerion closed the gap with a few noble steps.

Would he...?

Now, it was certainly a possibility. Aerion had his sharp longsword beside him... not to mention the destructive magic that could shatter the life of an army, nevermind a single man.

Aerion firmly grabbed his shoulder...

And laughed.

"Illyrio, you look like you've seen a starving dragon! Come now, cheer up... you can't serve me as magister in this depressing state."

"I... ah...ahahaha..." Illyrio let out a nervous laugh after all the growing tension started to dissipate.

Aerion smiled before making his judgement.

"I will decide on the re-"

"No, no, there's no need for a reward!" Illyrio insisted.

"As I said, these are gifts for your grand sixteenth nameday. It would be shameful if I asked for a reward from mere gifts... no, such an act is simply unacceptable! That is what I, Illyrio Mopatis, believe. Instead, all I ask of is your favour, my Emperor."

Your favour is worth more than any dragon egg...

Illyrio thought as he bent the knee and remained still until Aerion turned around.

"Very well... you will have it. I will think more highly of you from this day forward, Illyrio Mopatis. As more opportunities will arise in the near future, you will surely find yourself in a greater position one day. If you continue to prove yourself, that is."

"Thank you, my Emperor. I will remain diligent and complete my duties as best as I can. I swear it on all the gods..."

As if you believe in any of them... it would be better if you swore it on your cheese.

Aerion thought.

"Now you may rise."

One Soul Knight grabbed the chest and carried it singlehandedly while Aerion began his walk out of the manse. All of the six Soul Knights left, except for two. Ser Robb looked upon Illyrio with an emotionless face

"You did well to appease our Lord, fat man. However... if you threaten him or the stability of his glorious Empire in any way, I will cut through you with this very sword. The gift that you so kindly provided only means that you may keep your position and nothing more. You would do well to remember that."

Ser Robb turned around and walked out of the room. The archer scratched his hair and chuckled.

"He said the truth, though my fire arrow might get you first... hahaha." The archer stated before fastening his pace to catch up with Ser Robb. However, he turned to face Illyrio one last time to leave one last statement.

"Still, you shouldn't even have to worry about such a minor detail if you truly serve our Lord. He values loyalty and ability above all else, after all. Devote yourself to him and display your ability to the fullest... do this and I believe that you can rise to Lord Magister."

"Perhaps, you might rise even higher. I don't believe many magisters have dragon eggs to gift."

After leaving some food for thought, the archer continued in the trail of his fellow Soul Knights.

Illyrio grabbed some dry cloth and wiped away his sweat.

To think that he is the issue of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell... I wonder, will he become a blessing or a curse to the known world?


After returning to his manse, Aerion had the chest placed in front of his luxurious bed. The Soul Knights scattered to patrol the city and keep an eye on specific people as the manse had its set of guards already.

"Well, isn't this wonderful? He coughed up three dead dragon eggs without me even having to compensate him."

Aerion smiled as he looked at the chest which contained the three small treasures.

"I believe that is how gifts work. They do not carry debt..." Jaime stated.

"That is not always the case, especially with gifts of great value. It is clear that Illyrio used it to gain my favour, knowing that I was going to remove him sooner or later."

"Will you still remove him, I wonder?"

"Perhaps... but he has secured his seat as a magister of Pentos for now. If he can place my cause above his own greed, then he may remain indefinitely."

Illyrio Mopatis' rise from a poor bravo to riches was quite impressive and not without skill. From personal experience, Aerion knew that Illyrio had some worth. He only had to make Illyrio work for him.

"I may even grant him a greater position, depending on how he performs."

Jaime looked at the dragon eggs, effectively changing the subject. "What use are dead dragon eggs to you, anyway?"

"I will find a way to give life to all three, though I'm certain that it will be more complicated than resurrecting a person. Not only that, but I will also have to hatch them which is a feat that hasn't been accomplished in over a century."

"But... I am not like those who failed before me."

I may have enough strength on my own, but a dragon would certainly make travelling more convenient and serve to further my own strength.

"If anyone can return dragons to the world, it would be you," Jaime stated. "You are a true wielder of magic, after all."

Aerion nodded. "Indeed."


After filling himself with some wonderful food for dinner, Aerion was ready to begin the journey to Braavos where the final battle of the Conquest would be staged. The navy was ready to set sail at any moment... all he had to do was give the order.

The sun had yet to fully set on the city of Pentos as Aerion observed his navy from afar. It was a wonderful sight, indeed, especially from the high walls of the city. The navy also seemed to have grown as a result of the attempted siege, though not by much.

"Planning to leave already?"

Aerion turned to see Viserys in a cheerful mood with a goblet of wine to boot. He chuckled after observing his uncle who looked a little unsteady.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself."

"I am only celebrating your victory, my dear nephew. I am certain that the usurper will pay his due for all... that he has done. All the rebels will burn for their treachery... yes, along with their descendants."

Aerion laughed. "Maegor would look tame in comparison if I were to commit such an act. You needn't advise me further on this matter, I have already thought of how to punish the rebels."

"I see, you were always far too kind." Viserys smiled. "I take it that the usurper will live despite all that he has done to us.... because of-"

"Death will not be enough for some." Aerion coldly stated. "Perhaps, you have yet to notice... but I am not the child I was in the Red Keep. For better or for worse, neither of us will ever be the same as we were then. It is a natural result of growing with age and experience."

Aerion thought of the Sack of King's Landing and Visery's exile, both of which made him great feel sorrow and... hatred.

"Viserys, I suggest that you do not question my resolve again. There is a reason why I am King."

"I... understand." Viserys nodded.

"Good... now I will be taking my leave. I suggest you rest early."

Aerion walked past Viserys and descended the set of stone stairs on the wall. A few steps down, however, a relatively small girl stood in the way. For her age of (almost) ten, she was quite tall but, compared to Aerion... it wasn't anything worth noticing. Jocelyn's black hair and bright blue eyes were reminiscent of her father, though the rest of her features were mostly a reflection of Lyanna. With another five years of growth, there was no doubt that she would grow to be a beauty like her mother... perhaps even more so.

For now, however, she was no more than a child.

Behind her stood Stannis Baratheon, who was as serious as ever. His smile was as rare as snow in Dorne.

"There is a reason why I am King... that one must have felt like a sword through the chest." Jocelyn chuckled. "A duty like that is something that he could never manage."

Viserys laughed as he, too, descended the stairs. "I will not entertain your... little taunt, you-"

His unsteady footsteps led to a small trip, though one that could prove quite lethal on the long stone stairs.

Aerion caught him immediately, stopping the fall.

"Stannis, take him to his manse and join me after."

"As you wish."

He took Viserys from Aerion's hands before carrying him down the stairs and through the city.

"What are you doing here?"

"Leaving with you, of course. Did you forget that... hmm... 'we will be seeing the titan of Braavos soon'?"

"I did not expect the Sealord to be so foolish back then," Aerion stated. "He may pull some tricks in the battle, which may lead to unwanted consequences."

"I'm sure that a few tricks from some sealord will amount to nothing before the almighty Stormbringer."

Providing great praise with a slight tone of mockery... hmph.

"Very well, you may stay on my ship," Aerion stated. "However, if the Mad King does collapse, you'll have to swim yourself."

"What if I can't?"

"Then you'll drown."

"Surely, not even you are ruthless enough to let a girl like me drown."

Aerion smiled, walking past Jocelyn without saying a word. After reaching the end of the stone stairs, he spoke on Jocelyn's lack of movement.

"Are you not leaving with me?"

"Of course..."

Her short daze faded as she finally began to descend the steps.