The King's Blessing


Nearly five hundred warriors fought inside of the Titan, though it was hardly a battle. This 'battle' was simply a one-sided slaughter where the Braavosi were comparable to a flock of sheep facing a pack of wolves.


An archer who was stationed inside the Titan took several steps back as a Soul Knight approached closer.

"You were so eager to fire arrows upon us... now look at you, a frightened rat. Where did your courage leave? Is this how you honour your Lord's last battle... with this pathetic struggle?" Ser Robb chuckled. "I hoped that the Sealord's men had something comparable to a spine... hmph, I suppose not."

He closed the distance between himself and the archer within a moment before aiming his sword towards the archer's chest.


Just as he was about to cut through the archer, a powerful fire arrow struck him first.

"Eh?" Ser Robb turned to see that it was a fellow Soul Knight who fired the arrow, an archer too.

"Don't take it personally, I have a slight grudge against these archers." The archer chuckled.

"Don't we all? They're quite the pests."

"You, however, were just taking too long with just soldier. Remember... we have to rid this Titan of the Sealord's men as swiftly as possible." The archer fired off another arrow, following it up with several arrows at blinding speed. "Though, I do suppose the bow is superior to a mere sword. It wouldn't make much of a difference if you were to stand still and leave these remnants to me."

"Is that so?"

Ser Robb accepted the challenge, advancing forward and slashing through the remaining defenders at a swift pace.

"Not bad, for a swordsman." The archer praised.

"I doubt that any defended chambers remain. It would be best if we prepare for Phase two and inform our Lord of this victory without wasting any more time here."

"Hehe, you can go ahead and do that. I have a special task granted to me by the Lord himself so I won't be able to join you."

"Special task?" Ser Robb wondered what this 'special task' was.

"It's just preparing Braavos for Phase 3... sabotaging the defences, lowering the number of defenders and... what-not."

"I see... that is an important task, indeed." Ser Robb nodded. "I'll be go-"

"Those Braavosi will witness what an archer blessed by the Lord can accomplish on his own!" The archer stated with great passion. "Well... I won't quite be alone, but it's close enough."

"Alright, I'll be going now." Ser Robb chuckled.


As more Soul Knights emerged from the Titan, the result of the infiltration became clear as glass. It was a success! Not that Aerion had a reason to doubt his most powerful, seemingly invincible warriors but he was pleased nonetheless.

"Now we may sail onwards, one step closer to absolute victory!"

And so, the fleet sailed forward until it reached the Titan's feet where the Soul Knights climbed back on deck.

"They possess such immense power... it is good that they fight for us," Oswell remarked.

"They are nothing without the one who brought them to life," Jaime replied. "I'd be more fearful of facing our prince in battle."

Aerion chuckled.

"I'm sure you would be fearful in that case. However, you will never have a reason to face me in battle... none of you will. You are my Kingsguard, after all."

"Well said, my prince." Ser Arthur nodded. "We should focus more on the defenders ahead of us."

Aerion's eyes had yet to leave the view of the Braavosi fleet which seemed to have been somewhat abandoned as most of the defenders guarded the Arsenal. However, there were still some men on a few ships which formed a relatively small fleet that continued advancing forwards despite no feasible chance of victory. He found this to be a rather confusing move... but there had to be a reason behind it so he began to ponder on it. One point that came to mind was the unidentifiable objects loosely covered in black stationed on most of the ships.

He put down his Myrish spyglass and looked at Braavos as a whole.

Perhaps he knows that I desire the Arsenal... and so, believes that I wouldn't use my greater magic there. In the sea, I would have a greater advantage as well. But why is he still using those ships?

It has to be related to the covered object... scorpions, catapults? It would make sense.

Once the Soul Knights returned to their respective ships, the Mad King's fleet sailed towards the Arsenal. With Phase 1 complete, only two key locations remained. The Arsenal and Sealord's palace. One ship full of undead changed course towards the Purple Harbor while the rest formed a relatively tight formation moving towards the Arsenal.

The Braavois fleet eventually formed a spear formation which would directly pierce Aerion's ship as both fleets neared.

Using formations, are we? I shall humbly accept this challenge.

"Halt the Mad King.... every other ship, sail forwards and form a wall."

The order spread from ship to ship, though it was slightly unnecessary when it came to the undead who were all connected to him. Merely by channelling his Necromancy, he could command them all with ease. And so, the Mad King's fleet formed something comparable to a shield.

Before the Braavois fleet would reach the Mad King, it would have to ram through at least four ships before even having the chance of reaching the flagship. Even if the spear formation did proceed further... Aerion's fleet would entrap it. The wall formation was, however, quite incomplete as there wasn't enough time for every ship to form it in an organised manner. It was more of a shield with the Mad King in the very middle. Still, it was enough for the job.

"Hmph, the Sealord should hire better admirals. This is embarrassing." Aerion shook his head in disappointment.

As they got closer, the spear turned into more of a line.

Then... the covered weapon was unveiled.

Catapults AND scorpions... quite the package.

Immediately after being unveiled, the Braavosi swiftly manned a combination of catapults and scorpions, aiming them towards the ships ahead. No, not the ships ahead... they aimed it at one ship and one ship only!

Aerion's left arm was already raised towards the sky as the bright blue sky began to darken. What was once clear became clouded, making it more difficult for the Braavosi to strike their intended target. However, that wasn't the end of it...

"It is time to show those Braavosi why Stormcaller is among your many titles," Jaime remarked.

Aerion smiled.


Six tornadoes began to swirl from one end of the Braavosi fleet to the other, thoroughly destroying every single ship within a minute.

Unfortunately, before the tornadoes had formed, the ships had already fired the first round of projectiles.

But... missed their target due to the low visibility and overall distance. A few scorpion shafts and stones struck the ships in front... so that was something.

Aerion chuckled when he looked at some of the worried living crew members.

"It would require a marksman blessed by the Warrior to strike the Mad King under these circumstances! Nevermind that... we must take care of the injured before moving onwards!"

Although the lives of his enemies were meaningless to him, those who fought for him were treasured. These were the people who fought alongside the dead in every battle while also not giving much care when it came to gold. They were true Targaryen loyalists... assisting him in every step of the way towards realising his ambitions without the need for a reward.

The journey itself seemed to be reward enough for them. That, and the glory that came with being part of the ever-growing minority of living warriors under the Emperor himself (excluding the Dothraki, of course).

There were only about four ships that were affected by the projectiles, all of which sustained minor damage. In terms of the bigger picture, the losses were very minor as only five died while some others sustained injuries.

Aerion went to look at the first ship ahead of him, where one of the large stones had struck a soldier's left side. A Soul Knight pushed away the stone and looked towards his Lord.

"This one is bound to die."

"Fate was not so kind to you..."

Aerion kneeled beside the soldier and spoke with a sorrowful tone, especially when he noticed his style of clothing. Though half of his face was unrecognisable, Aerion could tell that it was an ex-pirate.

"Fate..." The ex-pirate managed a laugh as he spoke his last words.

"It was kind enough... to allow me to fight... for... you..."

Though he had little emotional attachment to the soldier, he still felt affected by the soldier's current state. It was his words... he valued the time spent fighting for him over everything else, willing to die without any regrets at that very moment. Aerion certainly felt that.

His thoughts turned back to what Jocelyn had stated earlier.

"Do... you wish to continue to fight in my name? If you wish, you may continue this fight... at the cost of not proceeding to the afterlife."

The soldier's darkening eyes seemed to glow with light once more as he gained hope, though he was slightly confused. However, this confusion soon faded as he realised what Aerion meant.

"Fuck... the... afterlife..."

Aerion smiled. "My man! You will return stronger than ever before... I shall make sure of it."

His hand erupted with emerald flames, grabbing the soldier's soul and storing it for later.

Complete rebirth... I only thought of it as a curse to be used against my enemies until now. It was to punish and humiliate them for their actions by forcing them to serve me until the very end. But now, I see that it can have another purpose... to reward those who are loyal to me.

Aerion stood up and looked directly towards the distant Sealord's Palace. The deaths that would follow in this fight, on both sides, were all because of the Sealord's defiance and pride.

You will burn and bleed for your defiance, Sealord...