
"Forgive me... but this must be done."

Aerion's violet eyes flashed emerald as his will spread to the undead.

In a flash, the Soul Knights formed their weapons of fire and advanced on all of the villagers in sight. They were all slaughtered within ten minutes... while some did attempt to run, the Soul Knights chased them down with their greater physical prowess. The most of the village and the surrounding fields were in flames with visible, bloody, corpses at every corner. Innocent men and women, both elderly and young... all dead

Even the children fell... not that they would have survived long.

"What... is the meaning of this?" Jaime inquired as he gazed upon Aerion's expressionless face.


Aerion replied, his eyes fixated on the moon.

"I intend to leave this trial ground with all of us alive..." He looked at his left palm and closed it tightly. "If burning everything in my path increases the odds of victory, I will do it without hesitation."

"... I see."

Aerion turned to Jaime to ease his uncertainty. "Do not forget that this is no more than a trial ground... this is not an act that I would commit otherwise. You know that, don't you, Jaime?"

He nodded. "Of course..."


After a day and a half in the village, Aerion increased the number of Soul Knights under his command to forty-three. Furthermore, the remaining one hundred corpses were turned into flaming skeletons. Their uses varied from carrying baggage, covering more area and helping protect the living. This larger army would also attract the eyes of many others... which was entirely intentional.

The more dragonlords came their way, the more dragons Aerion could resurrect and bend to his will. Though, surprisingly enough, they only met seven more on the way to the city of Oros. None of the dragonlords managed to escape and report their findings to the Valyrian Freehold as Aerion had cut them all apart with Aeromancy.

Now, after storming three more villages and attaining seven dragons, Aerion's forces consisted of; five average-sized dragons, two large dragons and one massive dragon (all of which were greater undead), sixty-eight Soul Knights, exactly three hundred flaming skeletons, a few greater undead, four Kingsguard, Viserys and himself.

Aerion was astounded by the fertility of the Lands of Long Summer. From what he knew, even the green lands of the Reach would be put to shame when compared to the lands that he had passed. It was a great shame that these lands were no more. In their place, the smoking sea now flowed... and it had been so since the Doom.

Half a month had passed since they first began the trial and... at last, they looked upon a glorious city. Aerion glanced at his map and back at the city.

"It seems that we've arrived at the city of Oros," Viserys stated.

"Indeed, we have."

Aerion walked towards the gate and was greeted by the guard. He had left all of the flaming skeletons out of sight and seemingly dead. This was a new ability he had attained through the use of Necromancy; temporarily extinguishing the fire of the dead. Currently, they were all stored as bones within several of Aerion's wagons along with everything else. However... they could rise at any moment. The moment that Aerion wished them to rise, that is.

"Quite the number of wagons you have there, my lord." The guard bowed with respect upon Aerion's high valyrian appearance. That, and the eight dragons around him.

Aerion smiled. "My rivals have been making trade for my subjects quite difficult... until now. It will not be long until I teach them a valuable lesson."

"Ah, yes. Well... you may pass, my lord." The guard bowed.

"Without asking for his identity?" Another guard questioned.

"Are you thick in the head!?" The guard replied with great fury. "That is a fucking dragonlord! What more do you need to know?!"

"I... nevermind. Forgive me for my foolishness, my lord."

Aerion nodded. "It's fine, we all make mistakes once in a while."

"Thank you for being understanding." The guard bowed.

And so, the wagons entered the city along with the army without much of an issue. Aerion counted a staggering eleven dragons around the city with possibly more slightly further away. If he did attack the city, the Valyrian Freehold would, without a doubt, know about it. In truth, the news of the burned villages would reach them sooner or later.

It was only a matter of time before he was recognised as a threat... whether it was on his terms or not, was to be decided.

Aerion rented some space for his wagons using some of the gold that he had acquired from looting. Some of the Soul Knights remained to guard the wagons while the rest scattered across the city. All of the undead anticipated his command to attack, whenever it was going to be called.

Meanwhile, Aerion explored the city and looked to see if there were any optional objectives that he could complete. Crimson words appeared with the Tome of Light Magic being crossed out from earlier. Three of the optional objectives glowed emerald, unlike the remaining two;

The Tome of Electromancy, Tyrant's Blade and the Soul King's Gauntlets.

It seems that these two are somewhere nearby... but where, exactly?

Aerion looked around and saw nothing of interest. There was one large palace near the centre of the city where the Valyrians likely ruled from. But the palace didn't seem all too special except for its extravagant nature. However, it was a good place to start.

Aerion, Viserys, the Kingsguard and seven of the most elite Soul Knights walked towards the palace and stopped at its entrance. Another set of guards, although these guards looked better armed. Their armour reflected the radiance of the sun, almost blinding all who looked upon them.

"Aren't they a little shiny for a few guards?" Viserys remarked.

"We have too many resources to know what to do with them," Aerion chuckled. "Why not?"

"Are you two dragonlords?" One of the guards spoke.

Aerion nodded. "Why, yes... we are. I could summon a few of our dragons if you wish."

"From which family? I do not see a crest on your clothing."

If I had worn my normal clothing, they would already have known... I wonder if I can proceed without forcing my way in.

"We are of the great Velinarys family." Aerion replied. As the head of Velinarys was under his control, he was able to know the entire family tree through him. "I am Rhaegar Velinarys, son and heir of Jaeremor, and this is my cousin Vaedor."

Vaedor... what an absurd Valyrian name.

"Ah, I see. It is a great pleasure to meet the young yet capable Rhaegar Velinarys for the first time. What brings you to Oros, my lord?"

"I have matters to settle with the rulers of this city." Aerion declared. "Now, you should know that I am a very busy young man..."

"Yes, we do. Go right inside, my lord."

Aerion smiled.

"That was wise of you."

Aerion noticed that the two emerald objectives began to flash more frequently ever since he entered the palace.

So, I am getting closer.

Once they got further into the palace, Viserys laughed.

"Vaedor... and you had to use your father's name."

Aerion shrugged. "It's a wonderful name. Vaedor on the other hand... it depends on your taste. In terms of age, both of them are the closest to our own which is why I used them."

"Why are we disguised anyway?" Viserys wondered.

"To attain two objects of importance before thoroughly crushing this city." Aerion replied as he used the flashing objectives as a guide. Eventually, they reached a dark cellar which was sealed by a set of strange marks. He recognised these marks, of course... they were similar to those he had encountered in the first trial ground.

It seemed like no one else paid much attention to the cellar.

"What in Seven Hells do you intend to find there?" Viserys frowned.

"Greater power... if you want, you can stay outside." Aerion replied. "I can't ensure your safety past this point."

"I will not hide. If the Kingsguard are going, then so am I."

"As you wish."

Aerion touched the entrance to the cellar and it slowly opened itself, letting the company pass before abruptly closing. Further ahead, the path past the stairs was guarded by five strangely... similar men.

They all had the same emerald eyes but he doesn't recall summoning any of them.

"Our Lord has made this place forbidden. Please, move aside or you shall pay the price."

Aerion frowned as he let out his emerald flames. "Your Lord? You only know one lord... and he is none over than the one true Dragon Emperor, Aerion of House Targaryen!"


After all five Soul Knights were engulfed in emerald flames, they were put under Aerion's control for the very first time. It only took a few seconds for them to recognise their new master, whom they all bowed to.

"It seems that this ability is not limited to yourself," Barristan remarked.

"It also seems that the other caster is not quite as powerful," Aerion stated. "If he were, it wouldn't have been so easy to control them."


Suddenly, the Soul Knights rose swifter than lightning and struck Aerion while his head was turned. They struck to cause pain, instead of outright killing him. His legs and arms were the first targets of the Soul Knight's lightning weapons. Despite his efforts to dodge the attacks, Aerion could only do so much when faced against the surprise attack. Once he fell, they looked towards Aerion's entourage. They all retreated a few steps in response.

Lightning... that must mean that both items are here...

Footsteps echoed across the dungeon as a rather short figure walked towards Aerion, followed by a dozen other guards.

Aerion stretched out his hand, sending a mighty roar towards the figure. The figure summoned lightning and waved it aside in response. Aerion grit his teeth and summoned many tornadoes, all of which were destroyed by a vast amount of lightning. The figure remained unharmed, but most of the guards were cut into pieces.

Impossible... how powerful is she!?

As he glanced upwards, the words 'grandmaster' appeared above her head.

"Not quite as powerful... eh?" The grandmaster laughed, extending her arms. Lightning began to surge at every finger-tip before flowing straight towards Aerion. The feeling of pain was great... greater than he had ever felt before. And yet, the lightning wasn't quite so deadly.

The grandmaster stopped after two seconds.

"I could have ended you quite some time ago, you know." She reminded him. "But..."

"What do we do... what do we do..." Viserys mumbled as he stepped back.

Jaime and the Kingsguard knew that they were no match for the mage before them... or the guards behind her, either.

"My Emperor... what are your orders?"

"Leave... this is beyond... you."

The grandmaster lifted him by the hair and looked into his eyes. "Well, aren't you considerate of those beneath you..."

Aerion looked at her more closely. She seemed to be high valyrian, with silver-blond hair similar to Viserys and beautiful lilac eyes to match. If he were to guess, she would be older than himself but not by much.

He smirked, attempting to get out of this situation another way. "What's a beautiful, young, lady like you doing here?"

"I was experimenting... and it seems that the perfect vessel has arrived at my doorstep. You see, these men under me lack greatly when compared to you. They are all so ugly, weak and useless... but you... you'll serve me well. Well enough to help me leave this cellar."

Well, I wouldn't expect her to be normal...

"But first, the people behind you will need to die." She smiled as lightning began to light at her finger-tips. "Wouldn't want them to disturb us, now would we?"

Aerion grit his teeth and grabbed her by the arm, pulling the grandmaster down. She managed to keep her balance before Aerion kicked one of her legs, causing her to fall onto the ground beside Aerion. He rolled over, drew his dagger and pointed it towards her neck.

"Oh my... you can still move?"


Aerion's Soul Knights charged forwards to protect Aerion and slay the opposing guards. Lightning and fire clashed continuously while the warriors continued to fall one by one. Aerion's Soul Knights were of greater skill and equal strength which resulted in them overcoming their disadvantage in numbers.

As Aerion pushed the dagger forwards and attempted to draw blood, he faced a wave of lightning.

"Physical strength means nothing in the face of greater magic." She reminded Aerion as he was sent flying into the ceiling by the stream of lightning.

She looked to Aerion's remaining Soul Knights and turned them into ashes with a frightening storm of lightning. He felt their souls return to him... which meant that they had all died.

Aerion's entire body surged with fury but the feeling of helplessness lingered.

Am I... going to die here? To this girl? Before even facing the Night King... damn Him for making this trial impossible! Her power is far greater than my own... even if all my undead gathered here, the result would still be the same...

"Aerion!" Viserys stepped forwards and broke past the Kingsguard. As the grandmaster's gaze turned to him, he froze in fear.

"I thought you were going to do something?"

Viserys grit his teeth before drawing his sword and charging forwards. "I will... I will not allow a witch to make a mockery of House Targaryen!"


Aerion watched as Viserys was sent into the wall by a stream of lightning. Followed by another... and another... and another. It seemed as if she enjoyed inflicting pain on others. Very much so.

"You wanted to be the hero... and now look where that has led you." She laughed at Viserys.

I brought him here... it is my duty to protect him... and yet...

The Kingsguard decided that it was now or never, charging forwards... but they found themselves in a similar situation. On the ground and being constantly struck by waves of lightning, to be precise. Aerion was the only one exempt from this but he was not much of a threat.

"Oh, this one's old... I suppose he isn't too far from death anyway."

Aerion's eyes widened as he watched Ser Barristan the Bold turn into ash. Following that was Ser Oswell...

"Stop..." Aerion couldn't believe it as tears flowed down his eyes.

Then it was Ser Arthur who turned to ash.

It's all my fault... I brought them here...

All the while, her hands seemed to be taking away their souls upon death with emerald flames.

Instead of going to Jaime, she walked towards Viserys.

"Now it's your turn."

After one bolt of lightning, Viserys was one step away from death.

No... not another... not again...

"You whore... face me... instead...!!!" Aerion roared as he managed to stand up.

Flashes of the Sack went through his mind as he remembered his brother's gruesome death.

"Whore?" She laughed, turning to Aerion. "We're taunting now? You know, I'm quite the maiden... not that it matters to you."

Aerion closed his eyes and focused his remaining magic vitality to create flames. These flames engulfed Aerion, turning him into an inferno.


She exercised her fingers for a bit before sending waves upon waves towards Aerion. These less harmless waves were burned away immediately. She strengthened them until Aerion's defences began to break.

Aerion began to scream in anguish as the lightning grew stronger and stronger...

And then, the image of a crimson-scaled dragon with soul-piercing emerald eyes appeared before him. It spread its wings and flew into him.


A terrifying roar rumbled, shaking the entire cellar. Even the world outside of the cellar felt the earth shake.

The flames around Aerion grew far stronger, burning away the lightning as soon as it struck him.


Aerion summoned upon the wind and sent her to the side. Then he forced Viserys and Jaime towards the exit of the cellar before turning his flaming violet gaze back to the grandmaster. The longer he looked at her, the more his blood boiled and the stronger his flames grew.

Under the inferno, his wounds began to heal at an astounding rate. Within seconds, it seemed as if he hadn't even fought anyone yet.

The dragon... it was like then, against the Dothraki. This time, however, Aerion has truly ascended into the rank of Grandmaster and, due to overwhelming rage, has completely disregarded his limit of magic vitality as well.

"This will be the last day that you ever laugh."