King Of Knights

Aerion left his bedchamber looking fresh and prepared to wreak havoc, although his bedhair was naturally wild. It was rather early in the morning, a good six hours before the Grand Joust would continue. Robert Baratheon, being the good Kingsguard that he was, had been standing by his door the entire night.

Not that he had another option, of course.

"Robert... how often do you bed Lady Lyanna?" Aerion turned to him and asked rather bluntly. "Especially now since you're undead, I bet that number is rather low."

"And what of it?"

"Treasures are more valuable when you can't attain them... or when they aren't yours. You fought and gave your all for her in your Rebellion but, in the end, you still walked the path of drinking and whoring." Aerion remarked. "Why do you degrade yourself with simple servant girls when you're married to one of the most beautiful women in the Seven Kingdoms? This still remains a mystery to me. Is it simply in your nature or are you blind?"

"Hahaha... it is a simple thing called enjoying your time in this god-forsaken world. A pleasure that you mostly took away from me." Robert Baratheon replied with mocking laughter. "It is in a true man's nature to kill and fuck who he wants!"

"So you're no more than an animal who acts on pure instinct?"

"And if I am? I've bedded more women than you've ever seen, Your Grace."

"... Hmph, a proud whore." Aerion Targaryen chuckled, shaking his head disapprovingly. "I suppose it's better to be proud than disgraced of what you are, in the end."

"You will never make the Eight-"

"Like you? In exchange for completing such a meaningless goal, you lost the chance of true love." Aerion mocked Robert Baratheon, turning away from him. "If I had a son like you, I'd send him to serve as a holy brother of the Faith. Then again, you'd probably find a way to bed the holy sisters around you..."

Robert Baratheon did not take kindly to his words, having a rather furious expression. Yet... he could not do anything about Aerion's insulting words.

"Grow up, Robert Baratheon. Learn to live for others and not just yourself." Aerion advised. "Instead of spending your spare time chasing these desires, perhaps you should be a proper father and raise your children."

"... Don't tell me how to be a father to my children."

Aerion Targaryen sighed. "Sometimes I can't help but feel like you have straw for a brain."


While he was meditating through the Tome of Hematomancy in his study room, Robert Baratheon still stood by his side. Aerion Targaryen had refused to dismiss him... and so, here he was. The two had moved past their hatred of the past but there were still complications between them. At times, especially those concerning war, one might see them as fond of each other... a clear example being when they fought against Balon Greyjoy. Robert was the Warhammer and Aerion was the King who guided it to war, one might say.

However, on most other matters, they were not so fond of each other.

"Jocelyn... she sings your praises almost nightly." Robert Baratheon remarked, breaking the silence. "She was more than a prisoner to you during that time, wasn't she?"

"She is but a child with a sharp tongue and quick mind." Aerion Targaryen replied, smiling a little. "I did not wish for her to dread the time away from her family and so... she eventually became my unofficial ward. Turns out I'm a better guardian than a certain someone."

"Hmph... I see." Robert Baratheon felt conflicted as he thought of having another 'certain someone' as his son-in-law. "In a few years, Lyanna will surely be seeking out a match for that troublesome girl."

"She reminds me a little of Queen Alysanne Targaryen sometimes, whom I greatly admire." Aerion Targaryen closed the Book of Hematomancy. "It is a shame, however, as most men do not take kindly to a wife who is brighter than themselves..."

"And you would?"

"Of course, a wise Queen would only make matters easier for me," Aerion replied without hesitation. "Yet, Arianne is to be my wife and I would not wish to disgrace her by having another. I grew up with her... she is half of my life, I dare say. Unless she wholeheartedly agrees with such an arrangement, I would have to refuse."

'Arianne did once say that she would fight for me...'

"So she is the 'true love' of your life?"

"Mhm." Aerion smiled and nodded resolutely, standing up from his seat.

"The ladies of the Realm must first bed the Queen before the King..." Robert Baratheon chuckled.

"Well, not bed... but gain her approval. A whoremonger like you probably thinks of me as weak because of that. However, what I desire most after all my Kingly ambitions is a stable and fulfilling family."

"You will no doubt be a better father than I." Robert Baratheon admitted. "And a better King."

'That's not exactly placing the standard high...'

"It is not too late for you to change into a better man, Robert." Aerion Targaryen grabbed his shoulder encouragingly. "Anyways, I wish to get a breath of fresh air."

"And you also wish for me to follow?"

"Indeed, you will be my personal guard for today."

"How fun..."


"Since you love fighting so much, why don't we spar?" Aerion offered as they walked outside of King's Landing and into the open field.

"I see why you told me to bring my warhammer." Robert Baratheon replied simply. "But I would break you in one blow... where is the fun in that?"

"You underestimate me, Robert." Aerion drew Ambition and unleashed pure magic across his entire body. "I have a small trick up my sleeve..."

"Hmm?" Robert Baratheon raised his warhammer, preparing for a fight.


"Gods, how did you match my strength?"

A very tired Aerion Targaryen leaned against Ambition a little as he looked up to Robert, who had sustained many deep cuts and even lost an arm. He met Robert Baratheon blow for blow, although the fight had exhausted him greatly.

"Physical enhancement... using magic to enhance one's physical capabilities," Aerion explained, catching his breath. "It is what I will use against Ser Barristan to match his undead strength."

"Fair enough... once the Grand Joust is over, spar me again, will you?"

"... Why do you ask?"

"You make a fine opponent, that is why! Even in this body, fighting you makes my blood boil with excitement."

"You hope to smash this dragonspawn's head in?" Aerion jested.

"Hahaha... if you die, then I would die as well. In truth, I... still have to make some amends."

"Hmm, Robert Baratheon making amends? Did someone steal one of your whores from you?"

"... No, it's something more important than that. Since you're so wise... hmm... how would you approach my children if you were me?"

'You can't seriously be asking me, a sixteen-year-old about parenting...'

"I'd start with a 'sorry for being an absolute drunkard, whoring cunt and I love all three of you' statement. It doesn't matter whether or not you love them if you don't SHOW said love to them. After the apology, I would actually spend time with them, learn their interests and make an attempt at growing a stronger bond through said interests. They are your children so you need only put in the effort... even if it comes off as awkward, they will appreciate it because you're usually never there for them."

"Teach them the useful skills you know, act as a role model, listen for what they have to say, read them stories... Jocelyn, for one, loves her stories and tales of valiant knights. As for Artos, he wants to be a strong warrior like his father so you should train him yourself from time to time."

"That is... sound advice, Your Grace." Robert Baratheon nodded, rather surprised by how much effort Aerion had put into his response.

"Why did you ask me, of all people?" Aerion wondered.

"I trust you."

"You trust me?" Aerion made a surprised expression. "I'm pretty sure you haven't gotten drunk-"

"You are a good man at heart, Aerion... that is all I will say."

"Hahaha... I only wish for my ward to have a decent father."

"And that is why I asked you, Your Grace." Robert smiled. "Either way, a sworn brother of the Kingsguard should trust his King, should he not?"

"Perhaps you are not as hopeless as I first thought..."


As the semifinals of the Grand Joust were about to begin, Aerion Targaryen got suited up in his dashing black armour. While his armour was being fitted by several servants, Arianne Martell watched with his helmet in hand.

"You better not fall or you're sleeping beside the goats tonight." She jested and raised herself on her toes, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"A cruel punishment..." Aerion took his helmet and lowered it onto his head, fitting it with ease. "And if I win?"

"You won't be leaving your bedchamber afterwards..."

"With a bosom and mouth present included, I wonder?" Aerion smirked as he jumped onto his destrier.

"Since I would be in a good mood, perhaps the Sand Snakes would join us in Sunspear..." Arianne Martell suggested with a seductive tone. "That makes me wonder how many women can the mighty Dragon Emperor take on in a different type of battle."

"I'd be willing to find out." Aerion smiled, although he wasn't so confident in taking on all eight of his cousins... nine including Arianne.


Aerion Targaryen and Ser Barristan faced each other at opposite sides of the field for a few brief seconds. He could sense the knight's growing desire to win... yet he did not know where it had come from. Alas, one thing was for certain; neither party would hold back.

'Physical enhancement.'

Aerion raised his lance as his horse stood on its two feet and lowered it with clear ease. He was showboating - a little. The Dragon Emperor was a natural showman, capable of rousing the crowd with the simplest of gestures.

"Ser Barristan the Bold, one of the finest knights in all of history and a sworn brother of the Dragon Emperor's Kingsguard... facing... the very same Dragon Emperor he is sworn to, Aerion 'Stormcaller' of House Targaryen! Who will emerge as the victor of this joust between two of the Realm's greatest jousters? Be sure to place your final bets swiftly!"

'Greatest jousters... I'm being regarded a little too highly by this announcer.'

"May this joust... begin!"

Aerion did not hesitate, pushing his horse onwards. His grip on the lance was especially firm yet flexible enough to change direction if need be. Ser Barristan was much of the same... and, with his undead body, he was the frightening combination of inhuman physical capabilities and vast amounts of experience.

Neither party was content with losing...

As the moments slowed, Aerion could see that Ser Barristan had perfectly prepared his lance for a strike to his shoulder. He moved his body to evade the blow... but Ser Barristan changed his angle slightly just in the nick of time.

'Damn it...'

Instead of trying to dodge any further, he focused on his own offence.


Both parties were sent rolling onto the ground, their lances shattered. The crowd watched in awe and silence as they both got onto their feet.

"We... phase into melee!" Aerion announced in a thunderous, excited, voice as he brandished Ambition. "First to concede or be unable to fight loses!"

Ser Barristan prepared his own longsword and shield for battle, facing Aerion with a determined look in his emerald eyes. The two had a small stare down that lasted for several seconds... ending with Ser Barristan dashing towards him.

'So fast... too fast-'

Aerion's eyes widened in surprise as he barely deflected Ser Barristan's sword. The old... now young man had been far faster than he had remembered. His sword was a swift trail of light that could change direction within an instant.




Aerion was forced on the defensive as he barely kept up with Ser Barristan's endless wave of sword strikes.

'He'll never get tired, too... what the hell did I get myself into.'

Ser Barristan eventually deflected Ambition from his hand, sending it several metres to the side and aiming his sword directly for his Emperor's shoulder.


Aerion, upon feeling Ser Barristan's sword pierce his right shoulder, dashed backwards like the wind.

"It is over, Your Grace..."

'My final triumph card... so be it.'

Aerion felt his blood start to boil as his heartbeat accelerated at an unnatural pace. He evaded Ser Barristan and retrieved his sword, blocking Ser Barristan's following attacks with Ambition. Yet... he only had a single useful arm this time.


The two clashed once again, creating a gust of wind from their exchange. Neither budged... testing each other's strength. At that very moment, Aerion's movements grew even faster as his left arm nudged forwards towards his blade...

"ROAAAAAR!" Vermithor suddenly roared from the skies.

He forget the pain and forced his wounded shoulder to move, leading to him overpowering Ser Barristan and deflecting his own blade to the side. Then he raised his sword upwards and cleaved straight down... right through Ser Barristan's shield, armour and body.

He... cut him in half!

Aerion Targaryen's breath slowed as he dropped his sword and almost fell to the ground himself. Soul Knights dropped down to the field and healed Ser Barristan's wounds with fire, effectively reviving him once more before it was too late.

"I... hit harder than I thought I would."

"A well-deserved victory, Your Grace." Ser Barristan bowed his head and turned around. "You made me believe that your left arm was out of commission... which led to my own downfall. Not just any man has the will to brave the pain you must've felt in those last moments."

"Ser Barristan, if there is any lady you'd like to confess to, you can do so through me. I'll name them in your honour." Aerion stated in a playful tone. "No need to be down on yourself... you fought extremely well. If I wasn't using two varieties of magic-"

"Then I would not be so strong, either. In terms of pure swordsmanship... you've surpassed me."

"... You mean it?"

"I would not have said it otherwise, Your Grace."

Aerion could almost blush (he actually did) after hearing one of the best swordsmen of all time grant him such praise.


"Look at my prince all grown up, I can almost cry with pride..." Jaime Lannister remarked with his father beside him, who had been observing the entire exchange.

"Prince Rhaegar would've been just as proud, no doubt." Tywin Lannister remarked, seeing that Jaime was not proud as a friend would be but rather... as a father. "If only I had a son who would complete his true duty alongside playing the gallant knight."

"My true duty is to be the Emperor's sword, father, and I would not have it any other way."

Tywin Lannister sighed. "His Grace granted you leave to marry, did he not? Then I will find a suitable match and you will produce an heir in your stubborn stead."

"I am my own man and I will not have you playing matchmaker for me. When I find the one for me, whenever that maybe-"

"Your sister is seemingly barren and now a widow, you refuse to marry and your brother is a... dwarf. It is as if the two of you are intent on burying my legacy along with House Lannister to the ground."

Tywin Lannister was certainly frustrated with all three of his children, none of which seemed to share his vision.

"Perhaps it was Lord Edmure who simply had infertile seeds. I heard he had a song named after him called 'floppy fish', for what that's worth." Jaime Lannister jested. "Cersei can marry again, I'm sure. You can find a desirable Targaryen match if you asked nicely enough."

"His Grace would consider it?" Tywin Lannister suddenly gained a glimmer of hope. Even if his potential grandson from said union didn't turn out to be the heir to the Iron Throne or the New Valyrian Empire, he could inherit the Westerlands still and carry on the blood of the dragon into House Lannister.

"... Perhaps. Have you asked?"

'There are two of them...' Jaime thought. "Father, if you had to choose, who would you have me marry?"

"A lady of a Great House and nothing less."

"That's what I thought..." Jaime smiled.

"Man... I'm exhausted." Aerion walked towards Jaime Lannister, noticing Tywin Lannister almost immediately after he blinked. "Am I interrupting something here?"

"Not at all, my Emperor. However, I must take my leave and prepare for the match against Ser Arthur."

"Seeing you overcome Ser Barristan despite your wound inspired me greatly." Jaime stated as he looked upon Aerion fondly. "I feel stronger for witnessing such determination, even."

"Heh... then you'd best make use of that strength." Aerion replied.

"Oh, I intend to."

After Jaime left, Aerion noticed a familiar face behind him. "Uncle... when did you reach King's Landing?"

"Earlier today. Those dragons of yours are rather convenient, I must say." Doran replied, glancing at Tywin with malice but only for a moment. "Lord Tywin, it has been a while."

"It has." He nodded, standing up to meet him face to face. "And in these times we are united under one common goal, just like before."

"One common goal? If I am not mistaken, you betrayed the old King along with House Targaryen and ordered the deaths of His Grace's siblings. Lord Tywin, your priority has always been the prosperity of House Lannister yet you somehow ruined yourself with those same ambitions."

"You've mentioned a number of the many great regrets of my life, Lord Doran." Tywin Lannister admitted without hesitation. "Except one... the Mad King's fall. We can both agree that he was better off dead."

"Nothing you do will ever wash away the blood of Aegon and Rhaenys." Doran Martell coldly stated. "Fortunately for you, however, His Grace sees worth in your service and you have Ser Jaime as your saving grace."

"And I will forever be grateful for his great mercy." Tywin bowed his head towards Aerion.

Raising his sword, he smashed his hilt against Tywin's head and sent him to the floor.

"Forgive me, that day brings out my most intense anger."

"I was inconsiderate." Doran stated as he looked at Aerion's fiery violet eyes.

"It's quite alright, Lord Tywin here owes me plenty more pain anyway."

After having his old memories resurface, he walked away to calm himself.

"You would not believe how many times he has stabbed me..." Tywin Lannister got back up to his feet and sighed. "Though, I am fortunate to still be alive."

"You are, indeed." Doran agreed wholeheartedly.

"Behind that hatred is a great and admirable King... one I would be willing to serve under. I must say that you raised him well, Lord Doran."

"I see..."


After a dance that lasted a whole fifty tilts, Ser Jaime and Ser Arthur fell each other. A duel ensued, where the magnificent Brightroar matched the glamorous Dawn blow for blow. With their great swords equally matched, all that remained was their difference in swordmanship and physical capabilities. Even then... they were seemingly evenly matched with neither having a defining edge.

It was a battle between knight and former squire who had grown into his own...

For the entire time, everyone was on the edge of their seats... awaiting a defining moment that would turn the tide.

That moment came when Ser Jaime deflected Ser Arthur's Dawn and drove Brightroar straight through his chest.

After having been defeated, Ser Arthur couldn't help but smile.

"You've done well, Lord Commander."

The title of Lord Commander of the Kingsguard hadn't felt quite so deserving before. Deep down, Jaime Lannister believed that Ser Arthur should've taken that position but it was at this moment that he fully accepted it.

"I've used all the tricks you taught me, Ser Arthur."

"And developed new ones of your own, it seems."


The finals of the Grand Joust would follow soon after, where tensions were high. However, most people knew that Ser Jaime would rather concede than win against his Dragon Emperor.

"Mother... I dedicate this final round solely to you." Aerion spoke with a soothing tone as he embraced Elia Martell tightly. "Without you, I would never be here. I wouldn't be the King, Emperor, knight or Conqueror that I am now. Even if I could choose to have any other mother in the world, I would always return to you..."

"Because you are the most strong willed, beautiful, kind and loving mother in all of the world and nothing will ever convince me otherwise."

Despite trying to look strong, his greatest weakness had always been his mother... and so a few tears did sneak out of his eyes.

"This reckless son of yours is unworthy..."

"Unworthy... how could my son be unworthy?" Elia felt his silver hair, dismissing that word completely. "No son could ever make a mother more proud than my little dragon."

"But... I'm big now..."

"You're still my adorable little dragon, no matter how tall and fierce you grow..." Elia smiled, crying a little herself. "I will always love you."

"And I will love you too..." Aerion wiped away his tears.

"And I'll always love you more." Elia chuckled, releasing him from her embrace. "Go on, follow in your father's footsteps and win the greatest tourney of your time."

"This time, the true and most worthy Queen of Love and Beauty will be named." Aerion Targaryen smiled, kissing his mother on the cheek. "I'll be back soon."


Aerion raised his lance as wind gathered around it and rode forward once the final had begun. His intent was to win in decisive fashion and finish it in a single tilt. Seeing this, Jaime Lannister let himself go a little.


"Will I be taking the Black now?" Jaime Lannister jested.

"Hmph, you owe me a duel."

"Anytime, my Emperor."

In a single tilt, Ser Lannister fell to Dragon Emperor Aerion Targaryen at Grand Joust's finals of the Great Tournament... so it was written.

Through this great accomplishment, he earned the title 'King of Knights' and began to grow his legend as the greatest knight of all.

The now King of Knights stood above all, riding majestically across the field as he looked through the crowd. His reward for the victory was two valyrian steel blades (both of which he kinda already owned) and a hundred thousand gold dragons. Though, there was another reward... and that was honouring and dedicating his victory to a lady.

He took off his helmet, glancing at all of the banners that waved around the stands. After he took the queen of beauty's laurel, the world seemingly held its breath. To some of the elders, this moment was very much reminiscent of Prince Rhaegar's during the Tourney of Harrenhal.

Which fair maiden would receive such an honour? To have the Dragon Emperor tear through many skilled knight's and go through several hardships... to whom would this victory be dedicated?

Aerion urged his destrier past everyone until he saw Elia Martell. From the tip of his lance, he lowered the queen of beauty's laurel into her lap and smiled. The wind blew, leading to his wild hair flowing ever so gracefully.

All of a sudden, the mother's of the world did feel overwhelming envy...

"Elia of House Martell, my graceful mother, is this Great Tournament's Queen of Love and Beauty!"

"Foolish boy... you should've given the honour to Arianne." Elia scolded him a little with a heartfelt smile, although she did not deny the honour.

Aerion chuckled and glanced to the side where his Soul Knights brought six more laurels for him to grant. "While there will only be one Queen of Love and Beauty, this Great Tournament will have six ladies of love and beauty in honour of the Seven!"

Aerion's announcement led to surprise yet no one denied him the honour. As a matter of fact, people wanted to see which six ladies he'd choose. And the ladies of the Realm fixed their hair a little, hoping that one of the six would be them.