A Beautiful Illusion

A hundred dragons covered the sky like an ill omen to the dead men under the Night King. Aerion descended from his dragon like a star, aiming his flaming sword directly at the head of the army. The ice protecting the general broke apart, leaving him wide open.

For a moment, Aerion's left eye glowed dark blue along with that side of his face as he physically enhanced himself; leaping forwards like a shadow to take the general's life in a single blow.


Well, not his life in particular… he came to take his will.

With the general kneeling before him, his body of ice melted and took the form of a Soul Knight. Ambition's runes glowed emerald as its effect spread across the field, taking the general's army of wights as well. Only the remaining Night Walkers stood free… but not for long.

Aerion turned his gaze to the closest one, cutting right through his ice weapon and then his chest with Ambition that could not be stopped by anything. On its own, the blade was unbreakable… but, with enough magic vitality, there was not a thing it could not cut through.

Aerion continued his streak of domination, single-handedly crushing over a dozen Night Walkers one after the other…

He looked invincible.

After the last one fell, he stood triumphant as the Night King's remaining army had become his own. He separated both armies from the battlefield, showing that he had control over the dead.

His name was cheered by many for ending the battle in such a decisive fashion and yet he did not look pleased in the slightest.

"What happened? We won the battle, cheer up. Now there are few undead left… finish them and-"

"Their King is not here." Aerion interrupted Jaime Lannister as his grip on Ambition tightened. A crimson dragon descended and Aerion mounted it without saying another word, his violet eyes focusing on a thought that was not too pleasant.


His dragon took flight almost as quickly as it had descended, soaring in the skies at its highest speed.

Several hours later, Aerion saw his worst nightmare become a reality. Sunspear was frozen, a mark of the Night King, and so were her people. Aerion flew directly for the entrance of the Old Palace, descending right at its entrance where he saw a single Night Walker looking at him with a condescending glare.

Drawing his sword, Aerion prepared to slaughter the Other before him.

"Not so fast, Dragon Emperor. Don't you wish to know what happened to your family… or how to bring them home?"

"..." Aerion ceased his advances for a moment.

"Well, my King was willing to make a proposal. First, the Summer Islands in exchange for Ashara Dayne. Second, every Dothraki horde in exchange for Doran Martell. Third, plains of Jogos Nhai in exchange for Elia Martell. When all of them are returned, Arianne Martell will be waiting in the Golden Empire of Yi Ti."

"In exchange?"

"My King demands that every man, woman and child that lives in those places is to die, be they innocent or sinful. My King is a man of honour, he will return all of them unharmed so long as you meet his demands. Once they are released, he will not hold them captive again."

"Why…" Aerion frowned. "Why does he want me to do something he can do himself?"

"Think about it, won't you?"

"Shut up."

Aerion killed the Night Walker, turning him into an obedient Soul Knight.

"... Curse him and all that he stands for…"


After making an effort to thaw Sunspear's ice, most of its residents had been freed and were alive. Aerion certainly was glad but his deep thoughts overshadowed this minor victory. The Night King's demands… it was all too clear.

He wanted to weigh in whether he valued the few over the many.

If he took the side of the few… he would become no better than the Night King himself, if not worse. The order of the people returning to him was well thought-over, too. Starting with something as little as the Summer Islands in exchange for Ashara Dayne. Once that part of the deal was fulfilled, it would give hope that the rest of his deal would also be fulfilled…

If he gave in to these demands, the Night King would have the final laugh…

If he did not, then he would lose the people he treasured so dearly…

"Well, he's offering plenty of blood for me and, by extension, magic for you. What a good lad." The book of Hematomancy remarked. "Be selfish, Aerion Targaryen. Do all that your heart desires. Everything in the world belongs to you… so there is no need to feel regret for your actions."

The spirit spoke with a soft, enchanting voice that could will any man forward.

"... I thought I was better than that after the trials of Valyria. I thought that I could change… become a better man. But, in the end, I've been driven right back to where I began." Aerion sighed, laughing at himself afterwards.

His laughter, however, was followed with a glare that could frighten even the dead.

"The Night King… will rue this act."


Aerion's descent to Walano, one of the Summer Islands, from a soul dragon was met with both fear and reverence for his exotic appearance. He was attracted to something that had emerged recently on the island… a trial ground, of all things. It made him wonder, what kind of trial would the Summer Islands have for him?

Summer Islanders were known for their lovemaking, golden heartbows and swan ships. In regards to lovemaking, it was essentially their religion. From the lowest to even highborn, prostitution was practised far and wide. Desire, and the pleasure that came from its completion, was seen as a blessing from the gods and they all bathed in it.

Aerion, for one, could understand their ways a little, having indulged himself in more than a single woman. Although, prostitution wasn't a thing he was fond of.

When he looked at all the people around him, his sword arm loosened. He didn't wish for the slaughter of the Summer Islanders… they were a good, harmless, people who kept to themselves.

'Kill all those who live on the Summer Islands… and what if they no longer live on said Islands but somewhere else instead?'

Aerion smirked a little, finding a way around the Night King's demands. It would require effort, time and many ships… but he had made his mind up not to take a single life.

"You know what… that's a good one." Aerion the Transcendent chuckled. "If you pull it off, I'll bring Ashara to you myself whether he intended to or not."

'Could you… bring them all instead?'

There was no answer to that question.

Moving on, Aerion Targaryen discovered the fact that the trial ground was located in one of the temples. Now, temples are usually spiritual and places of faith… which they were. To the Summer Islanders, however, their beliefs were quite different. If the acts that were committed in these temples were replicated in a sept of the Faith... Oh, what an amusing day that would be.

As a married man, Aerion Targaryen didn't know how he felt about stumbling upon such an establishment…

'What kind of trial lies here…?'

"Oh, you know what kind of trial I'm talking about hahahaha." Aerion the Transcendent laughed.

'You vile thing… just give me my prize already and be done with it.'

"Relax… breathe in the sweet, perfumed air. I know the cold in the North and beyond wasn't too kind to you."

The world around him seemed to change, imitating a peerless summer paradise. Instead of standing at the entrance of the temple, he stood right before the calm waves of a beach. His crimson cape flustered lightly with the wind and he shielded his eyes as the radiant sun looked down upon him.

The summer heat… he loved it all too much.

"Wearing armour in the middle of the beach? Who are you going to fight, a sand dragon?" A familiar voice reached him and it was the most wonderful voice he had ever heard.

She reached for his straps and removed them, taking off the armour protecting his chest first. He turned to face her… and it seemed all too real.


He couldn't resist embracing her and rather tightly at that.

"Stay with me, forever and ever. No matter what… you are my second heart. I'd fight all of the world for you, if that's what I had to do to have you back…"

"I'm right here, you blubbering fool and I'm not going anywhere." Arianne Martell smiled, placing her head against his chest. "But I'd fight off every other lady for you, too..."

"... Hahaha." Aerion laughed happily, suddenly losing his sharp edge. Before he realised it, he was in more casual attire and his black armour rested in the sand. The two peacefully laid together on a blanket, watching the sunset.

"I can feel our little daughter willfully rolling around, seeking a way out." Arianne Martell chuckled as she felt the bump on her stomach.

"How do you know it's a daughter?"

"A woman's intuition..." Arianne Martell smiled knowingly. "What should we name her when the time comes?"

"If it's a daughter, then Nymeria Targaryen is the only fitting name I can think of," Aerion replied, looking up at the sky.

"Nymeria... she will lead ten thousand ships just like the first Princess of Dorne did."

"Our little master of ships." Aerion smiled, finding the star that had been named after Nymeria. "Beautiful, strong, clever and willful. Just like her father and mother."


The following morning.

"Don't do it... it's a bad idea." A young man with silver-blond hair shook his head. "He'll wake up all grumpy and with a face that could scare the mountain away."

"You're too scared, Aegon. Watch this..."

Aerion was sleeping soundly until a woosh sounded, followed by a bucket of cold water striking his face.


Aerion spat out the water and shook his head, eventually opening his eyes to two figures. One was a handsome silver-blond haired young man who was clearly shorter and a few years younger than him, although they were almost too similar in their facial features. Meanwhile, the other was a young woman who resembled his mother the most with thick black hair and olive skin.

These two... he felt like he knew them.

"Who... Rhaenys?"

"Of course, you silly goose. I was expecting a better reaction than that... hmph."


"Yeah, that's me... what's happ-"

"I'm so sorry..." Aerion grabbed hold of both with each of his arms, embracing the two. Tears escaped his eyes as he had finally gotten to see them. "I was too weak to protect you both..."

"Big brother is so weird today." Aegon Targaryen remarked, although he didn't force himself out. "What is there to be sorry about? We're all here, together."

"We could've been... if only I..."

"If the ladies at court saw you tearing up like that, they'd all cry too." Rhaenys chuckled, removing his arm and wiping away his tears with a handkerchief. "You're better than that, Aerion."

"... You're right." Aerion nodded, releasing Aegon. "Thank you, Rhaenys."

"To think that the grumpy elder brother is a crybaby on the inside- oww!"

Aerion grabbed Aegon by the ear. "What'd you say? I didn't quite catch that."

"Nothing... nothing at all."

Aerion let go, scrubbing his silver-blond hair playfully with a smile on his face. "That's what I thought, little brother."

"Hmph, big bully."

"You can talk up to me when you can beat me in a duel," Aerion smirked. "Which will be never, I'm almost certain."

"We'll see."

"Men..." Rhaenys rolled her eyes. "Anyways, father wanted to see you."

"Father...?" Aerion's eyes widened a little.

"... Rhaegar Targaryen, you know, the King. Turns out the family genius can be a little slow sometimes." Aegon shrugged. "You're his heir so he always wants to teach you everything he knows all the way to playing the harp, although you never bother to take his lessons seriously."

'The King? This place... is so strange.'

"Guess I'll go to him."

Aerion dusted himself off, following both Rhaenys and Aegon.