The End Of Winter

"Do you not fear... what I'll do to you?"

Aerion asked, holding Ambition in his left hand and Instinct in his right. His Soul Knights took Arianne and Elia away, where they would be safer.

"What is there to fear?" The Night King replied, smiling. "Unlike you, Aerion Targaryen... I hold little care for anything. That is how a true King of the Dead should think and you fall short, allowing me to force your hand through a few simple family members. Look at the world around you..."

"You've caused more suffering, chaos and pain than I have in thousands of years. You still think like a normal man and aim to preserve your so-called lineage when you could rule the world for all of time."

'You might as well take the rest of my blood...'

Closing his eyes, Aerion allowed the blessing to spread across his body as the Tome of Hematomancy's spirit drained his entire body of its blood. Moments after, he became completely blue, much like the Night King... however, his silver hair remained. He looked ghastly, like a menacing being that shouldn't exist in the world. A chilling aura of ice surrounded his body, freezing everything that was close to him.

The Night King chuckled, throwing Aerion's child to the side.

Aerion channelled Aeromancy and caught her, bringing the child into a Soul Knight's arms.

"What now... Dragon emperor?"

Aerion Targaryen stepped forward, slowly... with each step, the sound of his armour rang. His hair moved with the wind, unrestrained as flames lit up his blades. The black armour that adorned him turned half emerald as every last rune activated, shining even in the day. He did not speak... the chilling blue eyes spoke for him.

"..." The Night King furrowed his brows, seeing a pure white crown hanging above Aerion's Crown of Necromancy. This pure white crown was soon half frozen and half blazing with flames...

The Others turned to him, creating projectiles of ice and throwing them at him.

He waved his flaming sword, Ambition and melted right through these projectiles. Following that, he danced through them like a shadow- killing every Other in a flash. Every strike was precise and with the fury to match.

Aerion swung his sword, throwing the Night King several meters away with Aeromancy. After that, dozens of Soul Knights disintegrated, the flames that kept them gathering in his armour.

"Not fond of words anymore?" The Night King smirked, covering thousands of meters of water in ice. With a wave of his hand, he enclosed Aerion Targaryen in a sphere of thick ice and watched keenly.

The Dragon Emperor stood still, unintimidated. From inside of the sphere, endless ice projectiles emerged and cut into him.

"Is that... the limit of your power?"

The Night King frowned as he heard Aerion's thunderous voice rumble.

With a single slash of his blade, he melted through his ice prison and slowly marched towards the Night King. As for the ice impaling his body... he absorbed it.

"Well, I'll be damned." The Night King chuckled. "I've lost."

"... Is that all you have to say? 'I've lost'?"

"Well, what more is there to say? You've succeeded me, at last. Not in the way that I would've lik-"


Aerion threw Instinct straight into the Night King's head, dropping him onto the ground. Instinct had gone right through his head, interrupting his speech.

"You have no purpose."

Aerion closed the distance between them, raising a flaming Ambition and stabbing right through his left shoulder.

"No direction. No proper desire. No ambition. You are an ice vessel of destruction and nothing more."

He grabbed Instinct and turned around.

"Such a thing isn't even worthy of my sword."

"... You will realise, Aerion Targaryen. How pointless human free will truly is... I know you will."

In the sky, the most brilliant seven flames emerged. They grew with every passing moment as dozens more Soul Knights fell to strengthen it, shaping into dragons. The dragons joined into one, forming an almost perfect circle that looked as radiant as the sun. While this seven-headed dragon existed, the entire world seemed to grow hotter... like a smaller second sun.

A hurricane formed as Aerion channelled Aeromancy, pushing the Night King thousands of meters away.

"Turn to ash."

The Seven-Headed Fire Dragon descended, devastating everything once it collapsed into the waters. With it, the hurricane dispersed and...

Winter ended.

The Night King melted into nothing and the day was won.


Aerion returned to the port, realising that a victory that should've felt satisfying... didn't feel that way.

'I've won... but at what cost?'

Recalling the Night King's smug expression until the very end, Aerion still felt enraged. The only thing that subsided his fury was seeing Arianne and his child safe, along with his mother.

"Gods... what did you let him do to you?" Elia remarked, embracing him. However, her embrace was short-lived as his body was naturally colder than ice itself.

Aerion took off his armour, piece by piece until he was in his undergarments. Everyone frowned as he raised Ambition and pointed it towards his heart. The runes on Ambition glowed emerald as the sword was covered in scarlet flames.

'I refuse to live in his design.'

"What are you doing..." Arianne Martell rose to her feet and made an attempt to stop the sword, so did many others.

But he was faster than everyone else.

"Leave... the sword."

He impaled his own heart, collapsing onto the ground. His emotionless face managed a smile as the ice that covered his body turned to flames. The last of his magic vitality flowed into Ambition... the sword that had taken his life.

"No... it can't be." Jaime Lannister knelt beside Aerion Targaryen, grabbing his hand. "You can't die, you fool... you can't..."

"My son..."

"The Emperor..."

"The look on your faces..." Suddenly Aerion chuckled, opening his eyes that seemed to glow from deep blue to turquoise. The sword that gives life to the dead... had given its master life, too. He grabbed it from his chest and rose to his feet.

"I was gone for some seconds and you all started crying." Aerion shook his head. "Come now, you all almost made me feel guilty."

Suddenly the sad mood turned to smiles as the war drew to a close and Aerion was alive. Well, as alive as he could look on the outside.

The sun shined on the world again... as spring came.


Returning to Sunspear as swiftly as he could, Aerion did not miss the birth of his second child. Ashara Dayne had given birth to a healthy and beautiful son with small strands of silverish hair along with his parent's purple eyes. Meanwhile, his daughter from Arianne Martell had purple eyes but darker hair. Earlier, they named her Nymeria Targaryen.

Both had a Dornish complexion as Aerion himself was olive-skinned.

"His uncle is the Sword of the Morning and his father is the mighty King of Knights." Ashara Dayne smiled, holding her pretty little son close. "A brilliant warrior he will be... but he needs a worthy name."

"Daemon Targaryen." Aerion thought, caressing his son's head.

"The name that will one day tremble the world just like his father's."


After the matter of the Others was settled, the Dragon Empire of New Valyria had expanded its lands further east and made a vassal of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti. Aerion Targaryen proclaimed himself its first Dragon God-Emperor and overlord... taking a liking to their unique culture. The rapid growth of New Valyria, however, meant that consolidating power would take a while.

Time passed as Aerion ruled his Realm through the Crown of Necromancy and spent the rest of his time with family. He no longer needed sleep which granted him more time to focus on what mattered more, naturally. The rebuilding of Valyria had been halted temporarily as those resources were put into the North which had suffered from the Night King's attacks the most. In that time, Stannis Baratheon had asked Aerion to heal his daughter Shireen of her greyscale which he gladly did.



[Status as of 300 AC]

Dragon Emperor I Aerion 'The Stormcaller' of House Targaryen

Date of Birth: 280 AC, the fall of the second moon.

Age: 19 (almost twenty)

Main Title: Dragon Emperor Of the New Valyrian (Dragon) Empire

Fame: Across all of the Known World

Alias: The Dragon of the Sea, Emperor Of New Valyria, The Silver Khal, The Stormcaller, Dragon of the East, Father of the Dragon, Lord of the Dead, Bringer of Magic, The Prince That Was Promised, Azor Ahai Reborn, Harbinger Of Chaos And Unity, The Unyielding Conqueror, King Of Knights, Lady Killer, Dragon God-Emperor, King Of Fire and Ice, God Amongst Men

(There's probably more I haven't thought of, feel free to comment so I'll potentially add them.)

Traits: Beautiful, Genius, Herculean, Tall, Patient, Diligent, Proud, Ambitious, Ruthless, Loving, Brave, Confident, Lustful, Inspiring and Direct Leader, Dragonrider, Blessed By Fire And Ice, Immortal

Lifestyle: Administrator, Duelist, Sorceror, Socializer, Singer, Seducer

Personal Manpower (Across the Known World): 10,000+ Soul Knights, 40,000+ Undead, 1,000,000+ men across all territories

Personal Navy: 1,000+

Personal Wealth: 5,000,000+ Gold Dragons (Converted, Richest man alive)


[Physical Attributes]

Strength: 123 - 133

Endurance: ???

Dexterity: 120 - 130

Charisma: 100+


Magic vitality: 500

[Magic grades and skills]

Pyromancy: Balanced King Of Pyromancy ☆☆☆☆☆

-Skills: Fire Control (0+), Fireblast (0.15), Greater Fireblast (2), Rain of Fire (4), Collapsing Dragon (15), Seven-Headed Dragon (100)

Hydromancy: Efficient Grandmaster Of Hydromancy ☆☆☆☆

-Skills: Flawless Water (0+), Water (Negligible), Tidal Wave (7.5), Dragon's Waves (45)

Aeromancy: Powerful King Of Aeromancy ☆☆☆☆☆

-Skills: Air Control (0+), Wind gust (0.5), Mighty Roar (1), Tornado (2.5), Earth-Devastating Tornado (10), Winds of the End (70), Gliding

Necromancy: Balanced King Of Necromancy ☆☆☆☆☆


Novice: Control undead (0), Revive Dead (0), Soul Steal (0)

Adept: Greater Revive Dead (1)

Master: Soul Summon (2 + 0.075), Complete Rebirth (20 corpses, Soul, Greater Revive)

Grandmaster: Alternative Complete Rebirth (5), Blessing Of The Lord (20 + Fragment), Supreme Soul Summon (50)

King: Corruption (Can convert Soul Knights / Others by mere touch), Your Lord Calls Upon You (Reviving simple wights / skeletons costs nothing)

Light Magic: Powerful Grandmaster Of Light ☆☆☆☆

-Skills: Novice Heal (0.75), Adept Heal (2), Restoration Of Limbs (5), Mass Cleansing (20)

Blood Magic: King of Blood ☆☆☆☆☆

-Skills: Blood Enhancement, Blood Ritual, Blood Contract, Blood Possession

Cryomancy: Efficient King Of Ice ☆☆☆☆☆

-Skills: Flawless Ice Control

Others: Physical Enhancement


[Overall skill grades]

Magic: King ☆☆☆☆☆

Duelling skill: Invincible ☆☆☆☆☆

Martial: Master Of War ☆☆☆☆

Diplomacy: Grey Eminence ☆☆☆☆

Stewardship: Midas Touched ☆☆☆☆

Intrigue: Elusive Shadow ☆☆☆☆

Learning: Scholarly Theologian ☆☆☆



Undead Set: Crown Of Necromancy, Chaos Of Harbinger's Armour, Soul King's Gauntlets, World Sovereign's Boots, Ambition and Instinct

Others: Feathered Harp, Jocelyn's Targaryen Banner, Crown from Margaery, Jocelyn's Stag Dragon necklace, Majesty (Braavosi Ship), Several Valyrian Steel weapons

(Lord, these used to be so simple)


The first day of 300 AC.

It had been three hundred years since Aegon's Conquest. To celebrate the occasion, Aerion reunited his prospering Realm in King's Landing just as he had done during his coronation nearly three years ago.

Aerion was nineteen years old and two months away from twenty... and was beginning to feel old. However, his undead body had thought otherwise.

"Who are you trying to look bewitching for on this fine evening?"

Aerion wondered, watching Daenerys Targaryen applying make-up. She had grown into quite the beauty with an elegant aura to match the prestigious title 'Princess Of Volantis'. Many had desired for her untouched hand and maidenhood, be they the highest of nobles or beggars, yet she denied each one. Some sorcerers would even attempt to charm her given the opportunity, yet they were all put to the sword by Aerion's knights.

The power of Magic in the world... had been a growing concern.

"The strict Dragon Emperor does not allow his precious aunt to fall prey to the hands of any man." Daenerys Targaryen stated, cunningly smiling as she looked at Aerion Targaryen. "Perhaps... he would want me for himself."

"... Well."

"Men say that the royal blood has grown diluted... so what would be the solution to keep it pure?" She stood up, touching his paler skin that had come due to his 'rebirth'. "I think we both know."

"... Who taught you to be so smooth?" Aerion softly lowered her hand.

"You did... of course."

"If I was still wholly alive, I wouldn't hesitate. Yet... I cannot have any children now. Not until I am reborn."

"I don't care if you're undead or not, I want you."

'Isn't that a case of necrophilia... sort of?'


Aerion watched as Daenerys Targaryen took his lips for herself, eventually giving in and wrapping her tongue with his own... and then a certain someone walked inside of the room.

"Oh... what's this?" Arianne Martell inquired, raising an eyebrow. "Leave you for one moment and you're exchanging tongues with the Princess of Volantis."

"Is it that much of an issue, Queen Arianne? He is my blood more than he is yours... and I won't take him from you. We can share."

"... Hmph. Come see me after in your bedchamber, Aerion."

"I can't tell whether or not she is angered," Daenerys remarked.

"Arianne likes you enough not to be angered by a simple kiss," Aerion replied. "As for me... well, I'll be ploughing the fields more thoroughly than before."

"Do you still feel pleasure?"

"A little, yes. But, compared to how I felt before... it's a stark contrast."

"You deserve better than this." She held his hand and gazed into his strange eyes that changed tone with every blink. "Being undead…"

"When I hold my little Nymeria in my arms, I do not feel regret." Aerion replied, playing with her silverblond hair. "There is some good to it… after all, not needing to sleep is a blessing and I won't ever age."

"You sound almost pleased with the result."

"Honestly… when Bran the Builder told me rebuilding Valyria would take over fifty years to even over a hundred, you should've seen my face." Aerion chuckled. "Not that I don't have faith in my descendants… but I want to see the world change with my own eyes."

"Perhaps there is a way to be both immortal and living."

"There is…" Aerion nodded. "And that way is becoming a true God."

"Or… faith in R'hllor. Some say that their priests are capable of the 'last kiss', also known as the kiss of life. You should seek them out, even if there's only a slight chance of it being successful." Daenerys replied, her violet eyes observing his expression. "I know their God is real… I've seen him through the flames. The followers of R'hllor worship you as their savour so I'm sure any red priestess would give up her life for yours."

"Don't tell me they've converted you." Aerion chuckled.

"He is more real than the Seven will ever be."

"… Well, you're right about that one." Aerion thought, recalling the red woman he had been charmed by years ago. Yet, he had never made an effort to see her again. "I will see one of their priestesses later."

"That would be for the best… but. We've gone a little off-topic."

"Oh, have we?"

"Something about keeping the bloodline pure…"

"It's a fine proposition." Aerion smiled, holding his aunt's hand. "Dragon Queen Daenerys sounds right to me…"

"Then… love me like your queen, Aerion. Touch me. Kiss me. Fuck me. I want to feel all of you..."

Aerion's eyes widened. 'Who taught my innocent aunt these powerful words?'

"Keep that language until we marry, alright?" Aerion sealed her lips with his index finger.

"… Very well." Daenerys Targaryen sighed, although she agreed. "I got ahead of myself."

After that occasion, Aerion Targaryen found Viserys who simply smiled when he noticed some lipstick marks on his mouth. He even playfully whistled as they walked by each other.

"You're in a cheery mood," Aerion remarked, turning to him. "Something happen?"

"My great-nephew's second nameday, the three hundred year celebration and my little sister's desires are coming into fruition." Viserys Targaryen smiled cheerfully, exhibiting great charm. "Today is quite a good day."

"You knew about these 'desires'?"

"I gave her some lessons in the art of words, yes. It's the duty of an older brother to guide his sister in the way of life." Viserys Targaryen replied. "In all honesty, I see no other possible match. You'd never marry away a Targaryen since you look down on every kingdom around… well, most of the Known World is subject to you in the first place. She loves you and you care for her, so it should be all too simple."

"There is another point you should consider and that is the truth that men speak of the dragon's most prominent royal bloodline becoming too Dornish." Viserys Targaryen added. "Both of your wives are Dornish and you, yourself, had olive skin when you were alive."

"No one brings these concerns to my face." Aerion replied, stroking his chin. "Anyway, that's a minor concern. I can find valyrian spouses for all of my children and I've already promised to marry Daenerys."

"If any of your children inherit your magic, they will have a will of their own and will no doubt choose who they wish to love." Viserys Targaryen warned. "Anywho, I'm happy for both you and Daenerys. I've prayed to the Seven for your eventual rebirth… the Gods, both old and new, know you've earned it."



"Don't run away from me... we still have important matters to speak of."

"I am always at your service, Dragon Emperor." Viserys nodded.


"Despite your reluctance at first, you seem very pleased with your marriage," Aerion stated, his calm emerald eyes looking into Viserys. "You have a son already... and I hear you plan to have another. Seems like I'm not the only lustful dragon in the family."

Viserys chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "What can I say? Cersei Lannister is pleasing to the eye and even more pleasing to bed."

"Does she like it rough or gentle?" Aerion wondered, tasting some Dornish wine. However, when he drank it, he tasted very little... making a slight frown after.

"Would you be surprised if I said gentle? She loves to be caressed."

Viserys wasn't insulted by the question, answering it in a casual manner. He and Aerion had become more like close brothers than uncle and nephew, being capable of speaking in the laxest ways to each other.

"I am a little surprised." Aerion relaxed on his seat, raising his legs onto the table. "For such a ferocious woman, you'd expect her to desire a good roughening. Well, I'm pleased to see that you are both happy..."

"Has Jaime Lannister found his love yet?" Viserys wondered.

"You wouldn't believe it..." Aerion chuckled, sitting up a little. "He found this beautiful, kind, princess from the seventeenth azure emperor's line during our stay in Yin. Ever since he'd ask for a soul dragon and travel there himself... sometimes for months at a time."

"I heard YiTish women have a certain, noble, charm to them... especially the princesses." Viserys raised his cup, toasting in Jaime Lannister's name. "The Knight of the Realm has earned the right."

"Indeed, he has." Aerion nodded, agreeing completely. "Since the Riverlands and Iron Islands have been prospering under your rule..."

"I didn't do it all on my own." Viserys Targaryen interrupted. "Asha Greyjoy was a great help by convincing her people to obey my reforms. Without her, it would've been a great hassle..."

"You almost speak fondly of her."

"She's a wild woman with a sharp wit... and I like that." Viserys shrugged. "I believe the feeling is almost mutual as she takes wanting glances at times. Although, I'm certain she and Cersei would not cooperate."

"It's your decision as to how to act," Aerion replied. "As for the Iron Throne... it will be yours after today."

"That should be Jon's place... he has a better claim than me."

"He is no King, not yet," Aerion replied. "He may never be, for that matter. Fortunately, it's my head that carries the heaviest of crowns. He dreams of adventure, knighthood and the glory that comes from it... which is fine. Let him carry out his wishes and live the life that he wants to live."

"A luxury that you never had..."

"I know my duty." Aerion shrugged. "I've known it since King's Landing was sacked."

"And we are all fortunate to have such a diligent and brilliant Dragon Emperor."

"Hm..." Aerion smiled, accepting his praise. "Well, we should prepare for the celebration."

"There are two more ladies you should consider marrying for politics and love, both from Great Houses." Viserys Targaryen stated just as Aerion rose to his feet. "Margaery Tyrell... you two are close enough and she's at a good age to be bedded."

"I have my designs for her..." Aerion nodded. "Who's the second?"

"Well... while on the younger side, she would be seeing her fourteenth nameday in the middle of this new year and could be betrothed now. In regards to worth, she surpasses even Margaery Tyrell as both a former princess and daughter of two Great Houses. Men already sing of her growing beauty and she has been beside you for quite some time. Does this description ring a bell?"


"Although I disliked her at first, she is a truly intelligent and sweet girl when you get to know her. Her wit and ability to turn people to her side has never ceased to amaze me either. She's like a shadow at times too... gathering rumours almost as well as the Spider. She also knows how to grow a treasury and can recite the Realm's history from Aegon's conquest to your reign along with the lessons to learn from past mistakes. Gods, you taught her everything except for how to wield the sword."

"She is your greatest pride, I know it to be true."

Aerion's expression was... complicated.

"Knowing you, you'd never let her go because of that, would you?"

"... Speak no more of her, Viserys."

"As you command, Dragon Emperor."