
"Did you have a trial of your own?" Aerion wondered, asking Bellona.

"I'd rather not say."

"... So you did." Aerion chuckled, standing up. He grabbed the unconscious Jocelyn and carried her across his arms. 'Damn, she does feel a little heavy for a girl.'

"What could be so terrible that it keeps even you quiet?"

"Past memories of sweeter times that serve better forgotten."

"Then we are of a similar mind." Aerion nodded, looking into the dark sky as a soul dragon took shape. "I want you to take Jocelyn to Volantis for the moment. There are some things that I must do on my own."

"I see..."

After handing over Jocelyn to Bellona, Aerion was free to explore the current Stygai on his own. There, he called upon dozens of Soul Knights to scour every last place that remained standing. It was true that demons inhabited the place... but a greater demon had stormed it. Aerion was that demon.

After his search was done, he found just what he had sought; three dead dragon eggs.

However, the Shadow Lands still remained mostly untouched... so he went out on the search for living and grown dragons.


300 AC, King's Landing.

Viserys' POV.

Being the King had some getting used to but it wasn't all that much different from being a Lord Paramount of two kingdoms... except it was on a larger scale. Holding court was an act I had to perform regularly which mostly included hearing the issues of the highborn and settling them in the way I saw fit. Sometimes it was simple, other times people made it overly difficult... something they would not do in Aerion's presence. For example, a group argued that slavery should be abolished once again. I scarcely believe they would do so if Aerion sat on the Iron Throne.

I knew how to carry myself, however. If the unruly Ironborn could obey me, these nobles would learn to as well.

One day, a dwarf had arrived at court under the instructions of Lord Tywin. This dwarf... was hideous. His eyes were mismatched black and green. His blonde hair was thin and flaxen, almost white with some strands of black. The jutted forehead certainly didn't help with his appearance.

"You are as ugly as they say." Viserys remarked, chuckling. "Fortunately, you were not brought here based on looks."

"No, my father wishes me to take care of the disposal of shit for the second time." Tyrion Lannister nodding, adding to the statement. "A testament to how highly he thinks of me."

"Hahaha... indeed, he cares little. But if you have your father's wit, I will surely find a use for you." Viserys promised, his violet eyes shining. "First, I will show you to your task. Then, after it is settled, who knows? I can think of some promising occupations that need filling..."

"Then I will keep your word."


A couple of months later, the drainage system of King's Landing was up to date under the supervision of Tyrion Lannister. Between then and now, Viserys' had presented his open-mindedness and did not discriminate Tyrion much for his appearance. The two got along as Viserys was impressed by his way of thinking and oftentimes shared intellectual conversations. Other times, they were drunk and japed all evening.

One night was a bit more... sorrowful.

"So... your father truly had your first love raped by his garrison, a silver for each man?" Viserys Targaryen's eyes widened as he held a golden cup of wine. "I thought that was just a story..."

"The only person I ever loved was a... whore." Tyrion sighed, nodding under the influence of his drink. "He forced me to rape her last... and the coin I gave was gold. 'A Lannister is worth more' he said."

"... Did you think that you can love again?" Viserys wondered.

"No woman could ever love me for who I am... and so, I seek my pleasure from whores." Tyrion replied simply, although his face writhed with sorrow. "Tysha... I thought she was the one. I really thought she loved me."

"Maybe she did." Viserys Targaryen stood back a little, his violet eyes observing the dwarf. "Some people find beauty where others do not. Your father could have very well lied about this Tysha being a whore... after all, you did take her maidenhead, did you not? How could there be a maiden whore?"

"You would be lacking a master of coin if that were true, Your Grace." Tyrion Lannister replied. "One day... I might."

"Kill Lord Tywin?" Viserys was a little conflicted, having spent a good time in Tywin Lannister's company. "His death is fast approaching, in truth... whether it was a man's sword or age. Although, I doubt he would be dead for long. Aerion has use of him, surely."

"No, not at all." Tyrion Lannister shook his head. "Tywin's life solely depends on whether you have a use for him or not. Elsewise he would've taken him to Essos, no?"

"... Well, that much may be true."

"Is he worth keeping is the question." Tyrion Lannister added. "When you are able, find the truth for me, Your Grace... the truth regarding Tysha. Only then can I have closure on the matter."

"I will." Viserys nodded reassuringly.


Later, Viserys Targaryen bore witness to another day of Cersei Lannister's endless complaints about Tyrion Lannister which even irritated him. She seemed to pace from one side of their bedchamber to the other hundreds of times... why did she hate the Imp so much? He couldn't help but wonder.

Surely, it had to be more than just the appearance.

"His duty is done so make him leave the court. He has no use other than being a nuisance... I can't bear his sight!"

"Tsk... he doesn't even speak to you often. I don't see the issue, in truth." Viserys Targaryen shrugged nonchalantly, further angering Cersei Lannister. "Do you need some wine?"

"Are you a coward?"

"No... what does that have to do with anything?"

"You wish to slight me by keeping that impudent dwarf around." Cersei Lannister replied, frowning. "Just as you do with those valyrian slaves of yours. And the Greyjoy bitch you raised back to lordship. It seems to me that you have little care for me... your Queen."

Viserys Targaryen rolled his eyes.

'I can't help but think this woman is mad at times. How does Aerion plan to have five wives? If I had five Cersei's arguing with each other at one time, I'd want to fuck myself right off a tower!'

"I have not done anything with any one of them. Besides, Asha was raised to lordship to better control the Ironborn, I'm sure you know..."

"And then you also refused my right to the small council. Why is that? Am I too dim-witted for you? Do you think a woman can't rule like every other foolish man? You have a deadman from north of the narrow sea but not me..."

"In truth, you would be a 'nuisance' to my small council meetings." Viserys Targaryen admitted. "Just as much of a nuisance that you're being right now. If you think you're Lord Tywin with teats and no one has yet to tell you otherwise... I'll be the first one to inform you. You are no Tywin Lannister and I don't expect you to be."

"How... dare you-" Cersei Lannister took that slight to heart, her beautiful face turning into something not quite as beautiful. However, before she could say too much, Viserys pulled her to his side and shared a frenzied kiss. "You-"

"We each have our own duties, yours is to support me as I rule... it is as simple as that." Viserys Targaryen pushed her down onto their bed, his violet eyes glowing as his shadow overlooked Cersei.

"I understand that bearing a child is difficult but you're only making it more difficult for yourself by being so irritable. Stop worrying about everyone else so much and loosen up. If I am convinced, in due time, I may let you join a small council meeting or two. As for Tyrion... he won't be in your presence if you don't want him to be. I can make certain of that."

"Promise me you won't trouble yourself further …"

Viserys' voice was calming and soothing as he chose his words carefully. Even his face tired to a convincing, pained expression. He had learned to play to Cersei's song while still controlling all of the strings.

"If you keep your word… I will keep mine."

"Then rest, my Queen. I'll be going out for a light beverage and join you soon after."

Afterwards, Viserys breathed a long sigh of relief. He enjoyed some wine from the Arbour while being massaged by his four valyrian maids. It was a relaxing experience as always… as his wife was pregnant, he found other ways to settle his discomfort. Although, he tried to avoid overindulging in such things.

"Perhaps, you want something more... Your Grace-"

"No, I am content and faithful. Do not overextend your boundaries."

"Yes, of course..."

After loosening up a bit himself, Viserys Targaryen wrote a letter to Volantis directed towards Daenerys before joining Cersei Lannister in bed.


Using his authority, King Viserys III emphasised the 'One Kingdom' policy which bound the Seven Kingdoms as one. The goal was for each of the kingdoms to have the same laws as each other with no grey lines or topics for argument. With a co-sign from Aerion, the rules of succession were changed to a process of selection rather than who was born first. That way, the most fitting candidate would be chosen directly to inherit... so long as there was no bias.

Contracted slavery was officially permitted, however its practices had to follow Aerion's law. If slaves were not treated up to a certain standard when inspected by a Soul Knight, the owners would pay the price. Then there was also the matter of each Lord Paramount having to send a representative annually, at the end of the year, detailing the state of their lands.


Aerion was deeply disappointed when he, after days of searching every cave and mountain, discovered that there were no dragons anywhere in the Shadow Lands. There were strange men who had a taste for human blood... demons, so people would call them, but nothing more. During that time, he had to settle for the blood of Asshai's people which... was not pleasant. He established a New Valyrian Empire presence there, beginning to restrict many of the practices that were done in the city.

The moment he returned to Volantis, however, he took Jocelyn in private and drank her blood without hesitation.

"You've been away for weeks and that's the first thing you do...?"

"I've been drinking shit for all that time." Aerion chuckled, kissing her on the forehead. "Anyway, I heard that you awakened Electormancy not that long ago. Why don't you show it to me later?"

"... Sure."


The start of 302 AC, Valyria.

Almost two years would pass like the wind as Aerion oversaw the construction of Valyria. Between then and now, he had married both Daenerys Targaryen and Margaery Tyrell in that order. One marriage took place in the valyrian halls of Volantis while the other was a flowerful union in High Garden. He had witnessed five straight failed births, two from Arianne, one from Ashara, one from Margaery and one from Daenerys... each one adding to Aerion's growing frustration. He was not the only one in grief as these deaths impacted his wives just as much if not more... only adding to his pain.

He did all he could, he truly did... but he could not save any of them. They were all beyond saving, true abominations that did not live past a few days. To this problem, Bellona proposed that she should turn all of his wives into vampires and increase the chances of a successful birth by doing so. Naturally, the children born from such a union would inherit the vampire trait. Aerion, however, was reluctant to do so.

People began to gossip that it was the Gods who punished him for his arrogance, believing that no mortal Emperor could ever call themselves a God...


The storm grew far more violent with each passing second, the pouring rain neverending. Booming lightning that could shatter a man's earing struck the world in many parts. The wind howled relentlessly like a raging dragon, throwing aside all that was too weak to stand on its own.

He stood still atop a hill, holding the remains of his seventh 'child' alongside Daenerys Targaryen. He saw the child's life through vivid dragon dreams, the little dragon's first steps... his wild nature, the day he found magic. He saw a champion who won the hearts of his people and ventured into the vast outside world, eventually completing his father's dream of a united world. That brilliance... he would never truly see in this life.

Aerion's steel-like expression crumbled as tears fell down his cheek. His knees fell too as he lowered his head, holding the piece of cloth in his hands tightly. His breeches had all gone wet and dirty with mud but he didn't care at all. He hadn't cried in years... yet his grief hadn't lessened for a while and only continued to grow.

"Why... why must the world give me hope and then take it all away? I saw it... I saw his life, the life of Daeron, the Third of His Name... our son. So why..."

He could see it, the Night King's smirk flashing before his eyes.

"Aerion..." Daenerys Targaryen lowered herself, bringing him into her embrace as she found it difficult not to cry herself. "Aerys had five straight stillborn children but he still remained hopeful with each passing. So... we must have faith... as well..."

"I... I'm meant to be the one comforting you." Aerion wiped away his tears, rain still pouring onto his head. "And yet..."

"You've lost five... I've lost one... how could I expect your pain to be lesser than my own? It's good to cry... let it all out. Don't allow yourself to be frozen in grief..." Daenerys Targaryen brushed his silver hair as she sniffled. "Let us... comfort each other."

Aerion silently nodded and they found some comfort in their grief as they leaned against a tree atop the hill together. Even if their first son had died a premature death, they still had each other... and they always would.

He thought of all of his late children, his younger brother and his twin sister...

"One day, I will... overcome nature. I swear it... on everything that I hold dear... I will become... a true God."

It was a promise that he would never forget.