The King Who Flew

Arrows whistled back and forth from both sides, covering the radiant sun. Most men evaded or shielded themselves but others were not so fortunate. The first blood had been spilt... and it would not be the last.

Aerion watched Aegon's royal fleet was outnumbered by quite a significant amount. They were facing the fleet of an entire kingdom while Aegon's fleet was mostly comprised of Dragonstone's surrounding islands...

Soon enough, they were boarded by one of the Arryn ships. Men leapt onto their ship and engaged in combat. Aerion grinned... and was the first man up.

'Coming onto my ship was the worst act you could have committed.'

The soldier slashed first but his blade was easily deflected and countered with deadly effect, his chest being cut diagonally in half. Aerion proceeded onwards and chopped another's head off. A spearman charged him but he grabbed his spear with his right hand and pulled the soldier closer, driving Ambition right through his skull. Three men struck him at once now, but a single swing of Ambition shattered their blades... along with whatever ambitions they might have had.

Aerion continued his dance to terrifying effect, slaying all three before they could blink again.

"What in Seven Hells..."

Fear began to surge.

All those who Aerion had slain began to rise as Soul Knights, taking the side of their Lord. Terrified, the Arryn ship's morale began to completely collapse. Aerion's Soul Knights struck forth alongside their Lord, swiftly eliminating all opposition.

Aerion turned to his original ship, his long silver hair dancing with the wind as he looked down on every man.

"While they may have more ships, more men, more arrows and spears to throw... do you know what that fleet over there does not have. Do you know what the entire Kingdom of the Mountain of Vale could never hope to have, not even in thousands of years!?"

Everyone stood silent, admiring the view even in the midst of the chaos. His appearance and voice was like a dream... a dream that was hard to wake from.

"ME!" Aerion beat his chest before raising his sword to the sky. "I am Aerion Stormcaller... and I will bring every last one of you victory!"


Another ship boarded the original ship, not realising the danger of such an act.



This time, it was Aerion that lead the men... making the captain feel useless. But, he himself, couldn't help but step in line when Aerion charged forwards. Soul Knights and living men alike fought alongside Aerion, easily overwhelming the next ship. Aerion resurrected the fallen and proceeded onwards... growing his army through his fallen adversaries.

As the minutes and hours passed, Aerion's fleet completely overtook the field and joined with what remained of Aegon's fleet. Unfortunately, Daemon Velaryon hadn't survived this battle... leaving the leadership of the royal navy uncertain.

"If I mean to follow anyone into Gulltown, it would be this man!"

One of the lords pointed at Aerion.

"With mine own eyes, I saw this MAD MAN kill hundreds of men with his own sword."

"Aye... he brought the dead to life too, I saw it!"

"Even the dead fight for him!"

"I, Aerion, will take control of the royal fleet!" Aerion announced after hearing all the praise. "I swear to you all, Daemon Velaryon's death will not be in vain. He was a good man... aye, but to stand in sorrow would do his death great injustice. He died fighting for Aegon's dream, for the dream of a united Seven Kingdoms! For the dream of one true Kingdom!"


"Now hear me, every last one of you!" Aerion roared, his voice booming like lightning. "We're going to sail down there and fuck Gulltown and the rest of the Vale like they've never been fucked before! For Daemon Velaryon and the King, we will!!"

"For Daemon Velaryon! For King Aegon!"

"Fuck Gulltown! Fuck Gulltown and the Vale!"

Aerion grinned as he witnessed his charisma come into play in the way of hundreds upon hundreds of cheers.

For a moment, he felt like he was a pirate prince making his living again and not the glamorous Holy Valyrian Emperor that the entire known world bent down to...

It was a strangely refreshing feeling.


Aerion took Gulltown with ease, carving through Gulltown's leftover guards with Aegon's forces like a hot knife through butter. The House that ruled over Gulltown quickly bent over when Aerion threatened to purge his entire line. In the end, a majority of the lords swore fealty to King Aegon.

"What sorcery did you use to bring the dead to life?" Visenya inquired after hopping off her dragon.

"I have a few magic tricks in my arsenal, Queen Visenya." Aerion smiled, shrugging his shoulders. "Although, I'd rather not explain it all to you. You were rude to me earlier... and, prideful as I am, I can't overlook something like that."

"... My condolences, you presented yourself as a jester and I treated you like one," Visenya replied.

"Is that how you say sorry? You would have to do better than that to make me spill such delicate secrets." Aerion playfully chuckled, turning away. 'A jester, really? I was simply being a charming and cheerful young man.'

"... Forgive me, I misjudged your abilities," Visenya added. "Now... tell me."

"Unfortunately, I wasn't intent on telling you anyway." Aerion laughed.

"..." Visenya clenched her fists and Vhagar looked down at Aerion with malicious intent. Sensing the dragon behind him, Aerion turned to face it. "You will tell me, Aerion."

'Is she threatening me with a 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏?'

"No, I don't think I will."

Aerion walked up to the beautiful dragon's head without a shred of fear and proceeded to pet the bronze dragon like it was a house dog. Her bright green eyes were fierce but they softened upon his touch. Being a father of a willful dragon, Aerion knew how to calm even the fiercest of dragons.

"Who's a good dragon? You are, aren't you, Vhagar?" Aerion smiled, turning to Visenya. "I think your dragon likes me."

"You..." Visenya paused in disbelief. Her stern expression breaking was quite a priceless sight to see... Aerion found it amusing, in truth. There was something about teasing uptight people.

"I am on the side of House Targaryen... and that is all you need to know about me." Aerion continued to caress Vhagar, earning some of her affection. "That and the matter of my knees. You see, they're quite proud and stiff. Sooner they would break than bend to anyone."

"And what does a man like you want from House Targaryen?" Visenya frowned.

"Love and affection," Aerion replied, shrugging. "I never grew up with siblings so..."

"Love and affection?" Visenya almost chuckled. "That is a terrible lie on your part."

"Alright, then... I'll be more truthful. I don't want anything but to be a part of this conquest. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"You are one bizarre figure," Visenya remarked. "... But I won't turn you away. You are a man of great strength and ability. Among your talents, you inspire loyalty in men and that is a talent my House will require."

"Well, I thank you for your acknowledgement, Miss Visenya." Aerion smiled, bowing slightly in a courteous manner. "I take it that I now have permission to lead this army?"

"You took it upon yourself either way, did you not?"

"Well, I'd rather have formal permission... makes the position more official and professional, you know?" Aerion chuckled.

Visenya nodded. "You have my approval."

"Then allow me to discuss my battleplans for the conquest of the Mountain and Vale. It will be swift... swifter than you'd think, I believe."


After securing Gulltown, Aerion decided to secure take the rest of the Vale at its head as Visenya had done. He convinced Visenya to ride Vhagar to the Eyrie and bring him along... the ride was a little awkward as Aerion found himself behind Visenya. She was by far one of the most beautiful women he'd ever met... if not the most beautiful. The same was for Rhaenys Targaryen.

'Aegon was... and is a fortunate man to have such sister-wives.' Aerion thought to himself. 'However, it was said at court that Aegon spent ten nights with Rhaenys for every night he spent with Visenya. Did she frighten him or what? Was she... too dominant for his liking?'

Aerion chuckled to himself.

'Aegon the Dominated!'

"What are you laughing about?"

"... Nothing. Nothing at all."


"You know, you're stern to the point of being dull," Aerion stated. "Are we going to ride in silence the entire time?"

"And what would I have to discuss with you?"

"I don't know... swords or spears?" Aerion shrugged.

"A pointless question."

"Swords, probably. What's the place you love most?"

"Another pointless question. You love to waste your breath, don't you?"

"You're breaking my heart." Aerion chuckled. "Fine, I'll sit silently."

Aerion did sit silently for a while, although his silence broke when he started to whistle and had an urge to sing.

"One of my uncles taught me this amusing song... care to hear?"

"... I may cut out your tongue when we land."

"Hurtful as always." Aerion laughed. "It's called the Dornishman's Wife... here's how it goes."

"The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun,

and her kisses were warmer than spring.

But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel,

and its kiss was a terrible thing."

Aerion's voice was at the tune of an entertaining jester, carrying the flow of the song fluently.

"The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed,

in a voice that was sweet as a peach,

But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own,

and a bite sharp and cold as a leech."

"As he lay on the ground with the darkness around,

and the taste of his blood on his tongue,

His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer,

and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,"

"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done,

the Dornishman's taken my life,

But what does it matter, for all men must die,

and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!"

Aerion chuckled to himself. "Isn't it a wonderful song?"

Visenya gave no reply, making Aerion sigh.

"No...? I see, you are as prone to laughter as an old lion I know. There was a song about one of his deeds, now that I recall. I think you'd like that one more."

Not long after, they landed at one of the courtyards in the Eyrie and Aerion strolled inside like he owned the place. They were surrounded by guards but they wavered at the sight of Vhagar. Aerion opened his palm and a dozen fireballs left at once in separate directions, burning all of his adversaries.

"Let's go," Aerion stated, walking past Visenya. "There's still plenty o' men to humble before we reach the Flower of the Mountain and her boy King of a son."

He went on to make his way into the main hall, leaving a trail of blood and corpses. The High Hall of the Eyrie looked almost as he had remembered. He immediately recognised the Moon Door which had delivered many an execution. When the guards of the High Hall drew their weapons against him, he channelled Aeromancy and forced the door open... precisely sucking out all of the guards before him and sending them to their deaths far below.

"That settles that."

"Who... are you?" The Queen Regent looked rather unsettled in her seat.

"Queen Regent Sharra of House Arryn." Aerion presented himself, cleaning his reddened blade with Aeromancy. "I, Aerion, and Queen Visenya of House Targaryen come on the behalf of King Aegon. Bend the knee and swear fealty to him... and no further harm will come to you or your people. We could very well put another House in place of House Arryn so do consider my kind offer. I've added further incentive and that is the opportunity for your son to... ride a dragon."

"A dragon?" Ronnel Arryn's eyes widened as he excitedly stood up. "Mommy, I want to ride a dragon!"

"My lady, how could you bear to torture your poor little boy and rob him of such a great, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?" Aerion added, smiling.

"... Mommy, please. I wanna ride a dragon... I really really want to."

Seeing her son's resolve and fearing what might happen if she said no, Sharra Arryn agreed. And so, Ronnel Arryn got his dragon ride for a while. Later, she bent the knee and surrendered the Vale to House Targaryen. Also, she agreed to provide a large host to add to House Targaryen's forces at the Riverlands and Harrenhal.

Just as they prepared to leave, Sharra Arryn came before Aerion and Visenya.

"You must be one of the King's most trusted commanders to speak on his behalf." She spoke, observing Aerion's excessively handsome appearance with clear interest. "Are you... married?"

"I have five wives, my lady." Aerion smiled, chuckling. "You are a beautiful and mature woman, certainly. But... I don't intend to bring any more home."

"I see... then I will not waste your time and bid you farewell, Aerion."

"I too bid you farewell and a prosperous reign under King Aegon, Lady Sharra." Aerion nodded and turned around. As he and Visenya walked further away towards the courtyard, they spoke on the matter.

"𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆 wives?" Visenya raised an eyebrow.

"What can I say? I'm a vigorous young man overflowing with virility." Aerion chuckled.

"A 'traveller' with five wives... you must have a home and wealth somewhere to upkeep them."

"Another pointless question that I won't answer," Aerion replied in a blunt manner, imitating Visenya's harsh tone before chuckling as he observed her expression. "See how it feels to be so bluntly countered? It wounds the heart like a spear was driven through it."

"Hmph... keep walking. I could not care less about whatever cabin you walked out of."

"And that's why you asked?" Aerion smiled.

"Walk on."

"Fine... gods, no wonder why Aegon prefers Rhaenys over you." Aerion turned back and witnessed a deathly gaze that could send shiver's done a man's spine. He decided not to make eye contact for too long. "I was only jesting, you don't have to take everything I say seriously."

"So it seems."

'That woman is awfully frightening when she's riled up.'