Reap What They Sow

"I think we might have broken the bed… a little."

"We? You treated that night like it was your last." Aerion chuckled.

"Don't lie… you did too."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and took their attention.

"My lord, you are sleeping longer than usual… did something go wrong?"

"No… I'm just enjoying the company of my wonderful wife. Come back a good while later and we'll leave you to your duties."

"As you wish, my lord."

"And how long is a while later?" Jocelyn asked, resting her head against his chest.

"As long as I want it to be." Aerion smiled, turning to kiss her. "No one will blame me for staying in this bedchamber."

"Mhm... but you really ought to get a better bed... I don't think this one's going to last." Jocelyn chuckled.

"Why don't we finish what we started first..."


They only broke their fast later into the afternoon, after which Aerion took the pleasure of sending off the visiting lords. He had received quite a few gifts from them, taking each with a graceful courtesy. After the guests were sent on their way, Harrenhal quietened considerably.

Later, the couple had a leisurely across the battlements.

"You know... I sometimes wonder what your grandsire would think of our union. I'd imagine his expression would be quite priceless."

"It would..." Aerion chuckled, shrugging slightly. "Either he'd be deeply disappointed with me or..."


"Or he would boast that it is the dragon that 'humbles' the Usurper's daughter in the bedchamber." Aerion shook his head. "Nothing in-between."

"... Quite the person."

"Mhm." Aerion nodded, looking towards the God's Eye. "Harrenhal... the castle where fire meets ice, twice it seems. I've never asked but what do you think of my gallant father?"

"I think as highly of him as you do... which is to say not high at all."

"I do... hate him for leaving my mother. I hate him for losing the Rebellion. I hate him for never being there for me... but he is still my father." Aerion recalled his experience in the trial of mind. "There is a world where he does succeed, a world where he is there... and a world where I loved him."

"You experienced it?"

"That was where I learned the harp." Aerion nodded. "It was one of the few times in my life that I was proud to say that Rhaegar Targaryen was my father. But... it was all an illusion."

"There is reality in even illusions."

"Yes... I suppose there is."


"Don't forget to take your moontea if you do get with child," Aerion instructed with a conflicted expression.

"What if a miracle does happen?"

"... I'd love to be hopeful again. But these are uncertain times." Aerion sighed, shaking his head. "You understand, don't you?"

Jocelyn reluctantly nodded.


With the wedding complete, Aerion heard news of a queen in Lys… which was unusual. There was never a queen who ruled over Lys which led him to believe that Bellona had taken Lys the Lovely for herself. Intrigued, Aerion gathered thirty ships with the best men from the Iron Isles for an expedition.

He sailed down to Lannisport first, where he brought iron, tin and many other metals. It slightly disgruntled his men, who disliked the thought of paying the gold price… and would rather pay the 'iron' one. Meaning, reaving. Aerion decided to alter their ways a bit through persuasive speech. Eventually, his words did reach them.

His fleet sailed further down to Oldtown, where he stockpiled even more resources that would be traded later. Finally, the fruit of his labours began to present themselves as his fleet reached the Summer Islands. This was where he sold off all of his metal (which was rare on the Summer Isles) in exchange for gemstones such as rubies, sapphires and emeralds alongside rare spices, valuable hardwoods, exotic fruits and… a spotted panther cub.

In truth, it was Jocelyn who asked for it as a gift. It was a cute little thing, true. Golden with black spots and a somewhat pleading face that was difficult to deny. Jocelyn held it in her hands and stroked its head.

"It's so beautiful…"

"Until it grows up and bites your pretty face off," Aerion remarked, shaking his head. "If you insist on keeping the thing, you will be responsible for raising it."

"In case that ever does happen, I can protect myself. Besides… can't you do some blood ritual to bind it to me?"

"Mayhaps." Aerion shrugged. "If you don't grow bored with it in a moon's time, I'd consider it."

"Then how about… I get you a nice pet, too?"

"I have a three-headed dragon."

"Hardly a pet." Jocelyn laughed. "Something smaller… oh, I remember that one funny parrot that was of Targaryen colours. I think it would suit you quite well."

"..." Aerion sighed. "A parrot?"

"Mhm… I'll go back in and buy it for you. Hold the cub."

Aerion looked down as Jocelyn placed the cub in his hands and practically ran away. "This woman..."


"How much for that one?" Jocelyn asked in the common tongue. The parrot was mostly black with patches of red that concentrated around its head and tail. The parrot was in Targaryen colours, in essence.

"How much for that one? How much for that one?" The parrot tilted its head at Aerion.

"Thirty gold pieces." The seller stated, smiling rather smugly.

"Thirty gold pieces. Thirty gold pieces." The parrot in question repeated.

Aerion rolled his eyes. "Thirty gold pieces for a bird? You could afford a mounted household guard of twenty men with that money."

"Don't be greedy… besides, I'm the one paying, remember?" Jocelyn

"Don't be greedy." The parrot seemingly nodded. "Don't be greedy."

"This parrot is smarter than some men, my lady, and very loyal to its owner. It will never fly too far away. It is also a complete fool… a funny one, I assure you."

"I'll buy it." Jocelyn nodded, taking out her pouch and giving exactly thirty-one gold coins. "There, an extra coin for your good service."

"You are kind, my lady."

"If it flies away, I'll make certain you'll fly with it." Aerion stated coldly, turning away.

"..." The seller froze, nervously laughing afterwards. "It will not... trust me, my lord."

"He didn't mean what he said." Jocelyn reassuringly smiled, taking out the parrot from its cage and setting it free. "Now we need a more suitable outfit for the new parrot captain."


"You can't be wearing black all the time… it lessens your charm. Just because you're the Lord of the Iron Isles, doesn't mean you have to look as dull as them."

"I don't recall having to impress anyone-"

The parrot landed on Aerion's head.

"You have to look as dull as them?" The parrot tilted its head.

Aerion waved his hand and the parrot flew away. "Don't you ever rest on my head again or I'll cook you for dinner."

Jocelyn laughed. "Looks like you're already getting along."


After being gifted with an exotic feather cloak, Aerion returned the favour and brought a black feathered gown. He allowed his men to enjoy themselves in the temples of love before preparing to set out. Then... he observed a swan ship leaving the port full of red archers wielding goldenheart bows. Bows comprised of golden wood were second only to ones made from dragonbone. A valuable resource, certainly...

The only problem was that the Summer Islanders refused to export golden wood.

"Get axes, all of you. We're going to chop some wood!"

Aerion took fifty men from his crew to a place where he had seen golden wood trees and instructed his ironborn to start cutting the trees down. However, this act soon drew the attention of the officials who sent a batch of seventy archers with goldenheart bows to confront them.

"These are our trees... and we will not allow you to cut them down. Leave while you still can, foreigners. We are a peaceful people but we are not afraid of a fight."

"Do you hear that uptight cunt?" One of Aerion's men, Harmund laughed. "These woods are Lord Aerion's woods now and he will cut as many trees as he needs. Fuck off."

"Fuck off. Fuck off." Aerion's parrot landed on his shoulder and repeated.

"I will not ask again."

The archers drew their arrows and prepared to fire.

"I have three thousand ironborn in your port... all hungry to reave." Aerion reminded the noble. "Don't give me an excuse to set them free."

"We have fended off foreign invaders for centuries. Three thousand men is nothing."

"Hahaha..." Aerion couldn't help but laugh. "Well said! I'm going to take every fucking golden tree from the Summer Isles now."


He drew Ambition and scattered all of the approaching arrows with a single swing of wind. Startled, most of the archers weren't so quick to fire a second time. A cold chill caused them to shudder and shake... their hands eventually grew too cold to properly load an arrow. Then they were too cold to move... and then too cold to live.

When they fell, they rose once again as Soul Knights.

"Keep chopping."

Aerion instructed, taking his new batch of archers to conquer the island.


It didn't take long before the Summer Islanders knew what the words 'Reap What They Sow' meant. He took their goldenheart bows, golden wood trees and seeds to plant more of them, swan ships and led his ironborn to a successful reaving. The great reaving of the Summer Isles, more accurately. Most of the major islands had been raided until all of Aerion's ships were full of goods.

While the ironborn wanted to have their way with the women, Jocelyn Baratheon strictly forbade it which led to an inner conflict. A conflict that left several ironborn impaled... the rest were humbled, to say the least.

After the reaving, Aerion expanded his fleet to a hundred ships, taking a liking to swan ships and the surrounding vessels. Swan ships were large vessels that could sail rather fast given their equally large sails. His army also grew to ten thousand, mostly comprised of fallen adversaries. He had the ironmen for raiding... and now he had the skilled goldenheart archers to back them.

Finally, he turned his eyes to Lys.


After disembarking on Lys, Aerion made his way to the so-called Queen of Lys. The palace was quite grand... so was the great hall. Made from white marble, it was quite brilliant. Towards the end of the hall was a throne covered in gemstones from which Bellona sat and was attended to by seven men who eerily had Aerion's features. All of the men had long silver hair and violet eyes with muscled figures... although none of them were nearly as handsome as him.

They fed her fruits, waved a fan in her direction, kissed her feet and hands... Aerion frowned a little at the sight.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself."

"Such is the pleasure of freedom." Bellona remarked. "But... if I were more honest, these men are but terrible copies. An endless amount of them put together would not compare with you."

"I am flattered... but are you intent on staying in this place? It is rather lovely so I wouldn't blame you for staying."

"Hahaha..." Bellona suddenly laughed. "How amusing!"

"What... what's so funny?"

"Do not fret. I will join your company once again, my master and liege." Bellona descended from her throne, proudly boasting her scarlet sun-kissed hair and large breasts. "I only conquered this place for blood vessels, in truth. Now we will have plenty between the both of us."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Oh, it's nothing much... just a matter of desire." Bellona flicked her hair. "It seems that you need assistance."

"In what manner?"

"You will see."

Aerion, once again, found himself mystified by the actions of the Blood Goddess.


Lys joined the lands that House Helaerys occupied after Bellona gave it away. Although they left, Lys' loyalty was more than secured. Every last noble had become Bellona's complete pawn and served her every command. With that said, Aerion had a base of operations in the north-west of the Seven Kingdoms and the south-east through the Iron Islands and Lys.

He split the plunder, giving his ironmen a good share so that they could provide for their families and sending them back home. Meanwhile, he sailed to King's Landing with the rest of his fleet except for a ship that had been sent off to buy some Dornish reds at Sunspear.


2 AC, King's Landing.

Aerion and Jocelyn returned to court looking rather stylish in their exotic attires, with an entourage of burly men carrying a chest full of gold. Aegon Targaryen was sitting atop the Iron Throne, observing the chest being laid out before his throne. Aerion's parrot followed him inside, resting on his shoulder.

"Lannisters are not the only ones who pay their debts." Aerion courteously bowed, although he did not kneel. "This is for assisting financially with my wedding arrangements."


"I insist that you accept my offering," Aerion added with a smile. "There are no strings attached, I assure you. This gold is yours to do with however you wish."

"Accept my offering." The parrot added.

"Very well." Aegon Targaryen nodded. "I will receive this gracious gift of yours..."

"I will receive this gracious gift of yours..." The parrot repeated, interrupting Aegon.

Rhaenys Targaryen chuckled. "That's a rather amusing bird you have there."

"Shut up, Rhae." Aerion turned to his parrot. Rhae had been the name he had given it... given its foolish nature, he found it rather fitting.

"Shut up." Rhae replied, innocently tilting its head "Accept my offering."

Aerion chuckled, shaking his head. "Gods..."

"Since you've both come a long way, you must be awfully tired," Rhaenys stated, looking at Aerion. "We will take your gift and return it with a celebratory feast. We've heard much of your expeditions from the Summer Isles to Lys, although... it would be much better if you spoke of them yourself over a warm hall."

"It would be my lord husband's greatest pleasure to boast about all of his accomplishments." Jocelyn nodded, turning to Aerion. "Wouldn't it?"

"Certainly, I'd love to."

"It is settled, then." Aegon nodded. "A feast would only be fitting for one of my greatest lords."