
302 AC, the ninth moon.


It had been over half a year since Aerion left and the Holy Valyrian Empire didn't seem to skip too many beats. The Seven Kingdoms were in good hands under King Viserys III and Tywin Lannister while the Nine Cities prospered under Dragon Queen Daenerys who reduced tariffs and allowed for increased trade. She also endorsed the great Valyria project in Aerion's absence, providing all of the resources necessary with some of Aerion's vast navy.

Meanwhile, further east, the foundations of Aerion's faith formed when Bu Gai built several temples across Yi Ti. These temples revolved around his Holiness the Dragon God-Emperor of the World, the sole God amongst Mankind. For the former azure god-emperor to worship his previous adversary, the smallfolk of Yi Ti naturally fell in line and did the same.

"I... should have gone with Aerion." Jaime Lannister sighed.

"He commanded you to enjoy yourself, didn't he?" Bu Shu, the former ninth imperial princess and Jaime's beloved, replied in the common tongue. "It would have been rather treasonous to object to his order."

"My duty has always been to shield him. It still is."

"I'm sure the almighty Dragon God-Emperor can protect himself and... you are more than just the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. You are the Emperor's Sword, the Knight of the Realm. Your duty is not just being his bodyguard anymore. Besides..." Bu Shu grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach. "This miracle wouldn't have happened if you had left with him."

"You're... with child?"

"Our child." She corrected with a smile. "I only found out a few days ago... but the secret's out now, I suppose."

"I'm going to be a father." Jaime Lannister remarked, almost bewildered by the thought. He couldn't hide his smile... nor did he wish to. It was one of the happiest moments of his life.

Suddenly, someone knocked and Jaime permitted them to enter.

"Lord Sword... ah, it does not roll off the tongue quite so well as Lord Hand." Petyr Baelish remarked. "Her Grace requires your presence, Ser Jaime."

"Very well." Jaime nodded, turning away from Bu Shu after a kiss. "I'll return as soon as I can."

"Take your time."


Daenerys Targaryen stood beside a table with a map of the entire Known World. The lands under Valyrian occupation were coloured red... which was a great deal of the map. There was an opened scroll to the side with the seal of House Dayne. Daenerys frowned as she read it once again.

"You seem distraught... what happened, exactly?" Jaime Lannister inquired as he looked around the chamber. It was cleared of all of Daenerys' advisors except for Petyr Baelish.

"Ser Arthur writes that Aerion's will has slowly vanished from the world."

"His will?" Jaime Lannister frowned.

"The chain that has kept all of the undead in line has been growing weaker, if not severed entirely in some circumstances. This led him to believe that some of the undead who once served Aerion will turn rebellious and act on their own wishes." Daenerys Targaryen glanced at Petyr Baelish, who simply smiled back.

"I've learned from my previous mistake, Your Grace." Petyr Baelish replied. "And I am not too keen on dying a second time."

"I do not recall accusing you." Daenerys countered.

"If that is the truth, I only know three others capable of commanding the dead directly. Ser Arthur, the witch of Slaver's Bay... and Vermithor. I'm uncertain of the witch's loyalties, unlike the rest, however. If she breaks free and decides to take vengeance, she can destroy all that Aerion worked to build." Jaime Lannister explained.

"And so... you're advising that I should ensure her loyalty first?"

"Allow me." Jaime Lannister spoke with a determined tone. "Ser Arthur is more fit for this task but he is simply too far away. By the time he sails from Sunspear to Slaver's Bay, it may be too late."

"... How certain are you of succeeding?"

"She is no fighter." Jaime Lannister replied, smiling confidently. "One well-aimed thrust from Brightroar and the witch will perish. Well, that is if I have to face her at all. Mayhaps she has fallen in love with our Emperor and no longer requires to be manipulated to carry out his wishes anymore."

"Of course, that would be for the best." Daenerys chuckled. "She would not be the first woman."

"Aye... so, do you have any rogue Soul Knights that need killing before I leave?" Jaime Lannister glanced at Petyr Baelish. "I would be more than pleased to do so."


"No, not yet. My men remain loyal to me."

"Let's hope it stays that way."


After Aegon fell from his throne, Aerion looked shocked as he subtly harvested his soul. Meanwhile, the entire court broke into disarray over the sudden death of their King. Rhaenys and Visenya both joined his side, calling for the grand maester. The man ran over but by the time he reached them it had already been too late... the King had truly died.

Rhaenys cried over the corpse of Aegon while Visenya looked towards Aerion and whispered in her ear. After that, she stopped crying.


An emergency small council meeting was hosted by Visenya Targaryen to discuss who would ascend to the Iron Throne. With haste, all of the members sat down once Rhaenys and Visenya did. Most of the small council members looked distraught over the fate of the Realm... while Aerion remained perfectly calm.

"While it is true that Aegon has died, I happen to know someone who has an army of dead men. We all do... for that matter." Visenya Targaryen's gaze met Aerion's who smiled. "You can return Aegon to life, can't you?"

"Certainly. I intended to do so from the moment he collapsed." Aerion nodded. "However, there is just one slight issue. The undead can't sire children."

"Then... who would be heir to the Iron Throne after him? Who will carry on his legacy?"

Aerion flicked his finger and Aegon emerged from a brilliant emerald light, taking the appearance of his slightly younger self. Except for the shining green eyes.

"Aerion Targaryen will carry on my legacy," Aegon spoke, standing beside Aerion. "For the moment, I wish for all of you to leave except for my wives and brother. It is a rather private matter."

As commanded, the members of the small council left. Aegon smiled as he patted Aerion's shoulder all the while looking at his closest family.

"My sudden death was planned... for good reason." Aegon glanced at Aerion. "You see, this man is my great-grandson. I believe I missed ten greats, didn't I?"

"Depending on if you go down Daemon or Rhaenyra's line, it could be one less." Aerion nodded. "Either way, I'm quite a long way down."

"... It can't be." Rhaenys' eyes widened as she looked dumbstruck.

"So you're from the future?" Visenya inquired, equally surprised.

"Mhm." Aerion smiled. "I have to say, it was my greatest pleasure to meet you all."

"You know the woman you were proud of?" Aegon turned to Orys. "She is also your descendant, a Baratheon."

"Truly?" Orys Baratheon smiled. "No wonder she is so strong! She got it from me, hahahahaha."

"Well, who's your ancestral mother, then?" Rhaenys asked with an intrigued tone as she sat down beside Aerion. She gave a warm smile as she looked into Aerion's violet eyes. "Me or Visenya?"

"You are," Aerion replied.

"Aww, come give your mother a hug."

Aerion sat rather still as Rhaenys embraced him. Not soon after she grew a little flushed as she recalled his bedding ceremony, leaving his side.

"... What of my line?" Visenya then asked. "What happened to it?"

"It didn't go past your son."

"I see." Visenya's frown was quite deep.

"Well, now that the truth is out, I can discuss the plan. Aerion has offered for me to join him in his future, where we are all long dead. In the future, we would be able to help shape Aerion's empire and live far past a hundred years. That and meet all of our successors... which I am rather thrilled to do."

"What of the present?" Orys Baratheon inquired.

"Our present is no more than the past. That said, I wish for all of you to accompany me."

"I'll go wherever you go." Rhaenys nodded.

"Empire?" Visenya pointed out.

"You see, I'm somewhat of a conqueror myself." Aerion chuckled. "A conqueror that doesn't know where to stop."


Aerion spent a long while going over history while answering quite a number of questions. Once he was done, all three Targaryens agreed to leave with him. Orys Baratheon, however, did not wish to leave his wife behind. Aerion compromised and agreed to take both of them on the condition that they were undead.

There were plenty of Baratheons around, after all. He didn't need more of them being born. He also convinced Rhaenys to join Aegon in being undead... but not Visenya. When Aegon inquired why, Aerion did not answer and made them all leave the room.

"Now, I might have been rather drunk, but... I do still remember that night." Aerion stepped forward, pressuring Visenya closer to the wall. Then he gently tilted her chin with his hand, making eye contact. "You acted as if nothing happened after the fact, however. What am I to think?"

"I was waiting for you to act," Visenya replied, lowering his hand and giving Aerion a seductive look. "Seems that you are catching on a little."

"So that's how it is..." Aerion remarked as his hand slipped further down.

"I'll be honest, I've never seen a valyrian who has tempted me nearly as much as you. From the moment that I saw you... even if I knew it was wrong, I wanted you. And then, as stern as you are, I realised that you had a more fun side that you hid awfully well. All those days we spent together, practising at arms, and even those evenings where we would just talk. I did eventually realise it... the feeling in my heart."

"I did, too." Visenya nodded. "You are the man that I love, Aerion... Targaryen."

"I've made my decision, then."

"And that is?"

Visenya watched as Aerion falsely withdrew. Observing her expression, Aerion chuckled and stepped forward once more. While his hands caressed and positioned her head, his lips edged forward and took hers.

"I'm going to make you mine today."