Aerion Targaryen reached out... and returned to a familiar scene. The underground portal of the ruined city of Gogossos.
He looked around, seeing Visenya, Jocelyn and Bellona right next to him. As for the rest, they were stored in his vault of souls. After over a year of dedicating every magic resource available to him, the Ring of Space and Time had brought him home. Even the dragon eggs, valyrian steel and myriad of treasures he had taken with himself were there.
"It was wise to take the souls of the dragons... they would have never been able to breach that tiny exit," Bellona remarked. "Now let's hope that this is your world and not just one similar to it."
Aerion nodded, calling upon some Soul Knights to carry the chests of treasures as he made his way up the stairs. The rest followed behind.
'Something feels off...'
"We were in the past for almost six years... so I doubt everything is exactly as we left it." Jocelyn Baratheon remarked. "I do hope that too much hasn't changed."
"It has not even been a year," Aerion reassured her, or perhaps himself, as he left the underground and saw the sky over Gogossos. "Although the portal is unlikely to be perfectly accurate, I made my best attempt for it to open around the time that we left. There is only one way to be perfectly certain."
Aerion took out his Crown of Necromancy and placed it on his head. Afterwards, he closed his eyes and saw through his undead. Immediately, his suspicions were confirmed. With each passing moment, his frown deepened and deepened.
After a minute, Visenya Targaryen spoke up.
"You look worried... what is it?"
"I have to know for myself..."
Aerion opened his eyes and called upon Vermithor. Unfortunately, he was nowhere near him. So he summoned his quickest dragon as a temporary fix and flew directly towards Meereen. Within barely two hours... he had arrived.
He crashed his dragon at the centre of Meereen before the Great Pyramid, hopping off alongside his female companions. His entrance attracted quite the attention... within the wide Known World, who did not know Aerion the Stormcaller? Even as far as Yi Ti, a majority could pronounce his name in perfect valyrian. His sight alone rumbled the city.
He sensed the presence of undead... and so, he called upon them.
"The Great Pyramid... it surely wasn't like that before." Jocelyn Baratheon frowned, observing what remained. It was mostly a ruin, with only the foundations remaining. She looked at Aerion whose violet eyes started to burn... burn with rage.
"Your Lord calls upon you..." Aerion spoke with an indifferent tone as he stepped forward. His violet eyes began to glow emerald before he spoke again. "YOUR LORD CALLS UPON YOU!"
A band of twenty Soul Knights swiftly left the other pyramids, rushing to the site. Their robes were beyond luxurious, most of them had all types of gems, glimmering diamond necklaces, even crowns. They looked like kings. One had the sword Brightroar strapped to his back as if it were his. He had swiftly drawn it and kneeled.
"Ser Jaime's blade?" Jocelyn's blue eyes widened.
"My Lord..."
"You worms." Aerion clenched his fists as he observed with disgust. "You think yourselves noble, worthy of the riches that you've taken from those weaker than yourselves?"
"When... we came upon Meereen, it was empty and the people had begun to rebel against your rule." The Soul Knight holding Brightroar stated, lowering his head. "We took initiative, brought peace and ruled it in your name."
"You think I'm a fool?" Aerion frowned, drawing Ambition. "You killed all the nobles, took their riches for yourselves and now... you are bold enough to say you did it in my name when you acted out of your own greed!"
"Well... we- salvaged the remains of Ser Jaime." The Soul Knight presented Brightroar. "This Valyrian steel sword was all that remained. Fortunately, we retrieved it before anyone else cou-"
Aerion dragged the souls out of their bodies, scattering all of the Soul Knights into a pile of ash and riches. He then gathered them together in the palm of his hand, crushing them all into nothing. Ambition consumed their remains, its glowing white blade flashing emerald for a moment.
He tossed the blade aside.
"... They rebelled against your will?" Jocelyn's worried expression grew. "There are undead across the Empire... and Ser Jaime-"
He bent on both knees, grasping Brightroar and raising it off the ash-filled ground with a single hand. Aerion Targaryen lowered his head, his violet eyes growing dark before he closed them. His hold of Brightroar tightened as his frown deepened The sky darkened and the wind howled... followed by the sound of thunder cracking through the skies.
The crowd of people around him began to panic.
'Greater Soul Summoning...'
The Earth began to shake as an ocean of pure white magic vitality surged out of Aerion, rising up to the sky and scattering the dark clouds. The hole in the sky slowly turned dark emerald, the colour of his Necromancy and the System reappeared.
'How much for Jaime Lannister's soul?'
"Which Jaime Lannister do you speak of?" The System replied.
'The one that died at this site.'
"Hahahaha... what a pity. The price is even greater than that of Rhaegar Targaryen's."
'What use is this power?' Aerion Targaryen's left eye twitched. 'What use is it when I cannot revive those who I hold dear without sacrificing everything?'
"Always so ambitious... you want everything, don't you? It is unfortunate that you cannot have everything your heart desires."
'What do I have to do, then? What challenge... trial... what must I do to see Jaime Lannister again?'
"You will see him. He will be different, yes... and hold no memories of your time together but you will see him. He might only have one hand by then."
Aerion clenched both fists. 'You think this is all amusing... don't you?'
"Mortal struggles... yes, I do find them amusing. Your other self must despise you. Then again, whose fault is it that your ambition is never-ending? You want more and more and more... your arms can only hold so much before some of it leaks out."
'Of course...' Aerion Targaryen chuckled, shaking his head. 'My life is just a jest for those above. One cruel jest...'
"Are you... alright?" Jocelyn Baratheon questioned, stepping forward.
He stabbed Brightroar into the ground, one hand on its blade. It cut through his flesh and his blood dripped down the blade. He used it to lift himself up, looking up at the fallen Great Pyramid.
"You're making me hungry." Bellona remarked, licking her lips.
Aerion turned, his violet eyes glowing.
"What, not in them mood for jokes? All you lost was a slightly impressive warrior-"
Bellona blinked and then... Brightroar was against her neck.
"You think that blade can cut me?" She licked his blood off of Brightroar. "It seems you have a rebellion to crush... it would be more productive doing that than trying to harm a goddess, wouldn't you agree?"
"..." Aerion lowered Brightroar. "There's nothing left here for me."
"Your undead can fight against you?" Visenya raised an eyebrow. "Did going into the past make you lose reign over them?"
"It seems so." Aerion nodded, replying with a monotone voice as he returned Ambition to its sheath and walked back towards the soul dragon. Jocelyn had grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes... only to see darkness. She managed a smile, holding his arm.
"It'll be fine... in due time, all will be restored. We'll defeat the rebels, restore the Empire's peace and surely find a way to revive Ser Jaime Lannister." Jocelyn Baratheon tried to comfort him but his expression remained dead.
"Do not speak on things you do not understand." Aerion glanced into her eyes, pushing her aside before mounting the dragon. "We're leaving."
"... Alright."
Aerion proceeded to reassert his authority over the most important regions around him, including Volantis and Valyria. However, as he did so, he realised that the undead present there were already under magic strings similar to his own. Upon further investigation, he realised that they were all dominated by Vermithor, consequently being loyal to him as well.
Aerion's soul dragon roared on the Black Walls of Volantis, leading to quite the gathering of people. Before long he gained the attention of Margaery Tyrell, the ruler of Volantis in place of Daenerys, who joined him on the walls. She beamed when she saw him... and ran straight for the soul dragon.
"My dear... you've returned!" Margaery stopped right before the soul dragon while Aerion remained mounted. Unlike her, he couldn't manage a smile. "So much has happened...-"
"I trust all is well?" Aerion tilted his head.
"Your Kingsguard have done well to protect me, yes." Margaery nodded. "Daenerys mounted Vermithor not too long ago and with it, she has been restoring the chaotic regions of the Holy Valyrian Empire. The Seven Kingdoms have no rebel undead anymore, so I've heard. Unfortunately, Ser Jaime-"
"Fell in battle." Aerion finished it for her, frowning. "Yes, I've heard and seen it. The Knight of the Realm gave his life for the Realm when his Emperor, the so-called Protector of the Realm, was nowhere to be found."
"Aerion... it's not your fault, you can't hold yourself accountable for everything terrible that happens." Margaery Tyrell shook her head before raising her hand, touching the side of his dragon. "Come down, rest... and set your mind at peace. No good will come from you venturing out with a chaotic heart."
"No amount of rest will return Ser Jaime to my side." Aerion Targaryen did not move an inch. "Visenya, dismount. You will remain here and ensure that House Targaryen is well represented. Considering that Volantis and Valyria are well-connected it would be wise of you to know your surroundings better."
"If you wanted me to leave your side, you could have said it more plainly." Visenya Targaryen frowned. "But... I will do as you ask."
"... I'm sorry if it seems that way." Aerion closed his eyes. "I can't be everywhere at all times."
Margaery Tyrell raised an eyebrow while Visenya Targaryen dismounted. "Visenya... represent House Targaryen?"
"She is one of my queens." Aerion nodded, looking towards the distant sky. "You would do well to get acquainted."
The soul dragon rose, flapping its wings.
Margaery's expression was disheartened at best. It was approaching a year since they last saw each other and he had left so suddenly... while leaving news that he had met a new queen. It didn't help that she was visibly more beautiful than her.
"He is not himself." Visenya Targaryen remarked. "He needs time to mourn on his own, true... but you must feel the same as I. Why can he not trust his own wife with his troubles? It is our duty to share them."
"Our duty?"
"I'm certain you have heard." Visenya Targaryen replied, holding her head high.
"Where did he marry you, the jungle?" Oswell Whent laughed. "Aerion loves for his weddings to be grand, I'm sure."
"Jocelyn... looked like a proper woman. She could not have aged so quickly." Robert Baratheon remarked, frowning. "How?"
"I suppose the truth should come to light."
Aerion descended upon King's Landing, landing in one of the Red Keep's largest courtyards. He went straight for the main hall, entering through the backdoor and observing the partying going on with a deep frown. Viserys Targaryen, most of all, having a joyful time as he danced with Cersei Lannister. The lords and ladies seemed unconcerned with the raging wars in the east...
Everyone grew silent as Aerion's heavy boots almost smashed against the ground, one step at a time.
"While the other side of the known world is lit afire with war and chaos, you're taking the time to dance and laugh?" Aerion Targaryen frowned as he stared at Viserys.
Viserys Targaryen froze, his eyes and mouth widening. "I... you've returned, your Magnificence!"
"Leave, all of you." Aerion commanded. Even though his order wasn't loud at all, no one dared question it. "All but Viserys."
"Nephew... what do you want me to do, sail to the other side of the world and throw my life away? I'm no magic God like you. I can't call upon the sea, wind, undead nor fire. I'm just a man... and I'm doing my duty by keeping the Seven Kingdoms together as best as I can. What else do you expect from me?"
"Where is Ser Arthur?"
"Guarding your family in the Red Keep." Viserys replied, smiling slightly. "The moment there was unrest, I sent him to restore order and rein the rebellious undead back in line. Fortunately, you left them protected by knights who were loyal to you at heart... and not by the lack of will so they were able to reach King's Landing safely."
"I wouldn't leave their lives in the hands of outlaws." Aerion nodded. "Where is Daenerys?"
"She was here not too long ago atop Vermithor... she told me that she was flying to the lands of Essos and further east to Yi Ti. That is where the undead are the most rebellious. Despite what happened, I can say that the events of the past few months haven't been as terrible as you'd expect..."
"When you lose nothing, I suppose it is easy to say that." Aerion smiled, nodding. "If you would leave."
"... Take the time to mourn." Viserys nodded, deciding not to fight him over it. "You don't have to always do everything by yourself, you know."
Aerion turned to the Iron Throne as Viserys left. He stared at it before climbing the steps all the way to the top where he sat alone. He looked down at the empty hall, taking a deep breath as he placed his hand across his face... covering his eyes. Bellona smiled as she looked at Jocelyn.
"Go, I'll set his heart at ease." Bellona whispered.
"I can do that myself..." She replied, shaking her head.
"Like you tried before? Leave it to the wiser woman, would you? Your time will come."
"..." Jocelyn Baratheon looked up at Aerion whose eyes remained covered and closed. She sighed and turned away. "I trust you to do as you say."
And so, only Aerion and Bellona remained in the hall.
"You've returned to your rightful seat." Bellona looked up. "Alone, at the top of the world and its lowly mortals."
"It was so long ago... but the memory remains vivid as if it happened merely moments ago." Aerion's violet eyes glowed as he looked down. "The day Lord Tywin sacked the city, the day the mountain and Amory Loch scaled these walls, the day they took my siblings away from me. I remember it all so very well. That was the day I awakened my fire... and had my vengeance. It was also the day that a great man took me under his white cloak where the rest of the world seemed so dark. His hair was golden and shined like the sun, much like his valiant and honourable heart."
As the memories came to him, his hand began to shake ever so slightly.
"So... Ser Jaime, I order you to rest."
"No matter where you find yourself in the future, you must always remember your identity. You are Aerion Targaryen, the last living son of Rhaegar Targaryen and the rightful King... promise to me that you will remember this and not let any other man or woman tell you otherwise."
"Good. And now, for the second promise... I wish to be your Kingsguard until the very end. Is that acceptable?"
"I admire you more than Ser Arthur. Yes, he is the Sword of the Morning... but you risked everything to protect me. Your reputation, House and life were all at stake. For now, in the eyes of the Usurper's supporters, you have lost two because of me."
"Because... I ask this of you, Aerion. I've been by your side since you could walk, acting as both a sword and shield against all who would attempt to threaten you... and never did I ask for anything. Not even once..."
"I would not break my oath to you for anyone or anything, Aerion. Even if you had killed my father... I still would've stayed by your side until the end."
"Know that I would never appoint someone unworthy into my Kingsguard."
"Is she worth it? Did you see how she completely disregarded you over me?"
"You can't die, you fool... you can't..."
"I'm sure you would understand the matter of certain noises being let out in a tower, my Emperor."
From when he first saw the world properly... he saved his life, taught him to fight, advised him on matters, guided him on the way of life. He was always there for him... and now, he wasn't. It was beyond difficult for Aerion to accept that.
"Ser Jaime... wasn't just a knight. He wasn't just a kingsguard, nor just the man who saved my life. He wasn't just a dear friend or the Knight of the Realm." Aerion's eyes grew watery as he took a deep breath, lowering his head. "He was family. He was... a father to me."
"He was dutiful, honourable and loyal to the point of being foolish. He protected my Realm, my people, my family and myself." Aerion clenched his fist as his voice calm voice turned to rage. "And in the end... I failed him! I failed my Realm, my people, the promise of peace that I had made... I allowed chaos to surge while I was away having a wonderful time."
"Have you forgotten the reason why?" Bellona raised an eyebrow. "The reason why you seek greater power?"
"Yes... power. Magic! Oh, the great miracle that can change fate." Aerion nodded, chuckling as a few tears left his eyes. "I wanted more and more of it... the more power I had, the more I wanted. My ambition grew past the bloody sky. So... what good is any of it now!? What kind of 'God' am I if I cannot protect and preserve what is precious to me!?"
"The growing kind." Bellona smiled, walking up the steps. "Yes, there will be times where you lose precious things and yes, it will hurt. Like I'm walking these steps... so will you walk closer to Godhood. There will come a time where you can flick your fingers and any soul you desire will come alive. There will come a time where a swing of your sword can shatter the earth in half, a time where you can create divine sons and daughters at will, where you can gain the eternal loyalty of any man simply by breathing and a time where all those precious to you are immortal, living so long as you wish it so."
She reached him, standing right before Aerion.
"So long as you live, you can make all your dreams come true. The moment you abandon your ambitions... is the moment that you accept defeat and lower yourself to a mere mortal." Bellona sat down on top of him, grabbing the sides of his face as she looked into his beautiful lilac eyes. She placed his head against her full breasts. "Do you surrender to nature and your current powerlessness, Dragon Emperor Aerion Targaryen? Do you give up on the endless miracle of magic that stems from your very soul? Or... will you bite at your chains and slowly break them one after the other, until your wings soar past even the skies?"
Aerion raised his head away from her chest, looking into her alluring crimson eyes.
"I never knew you to be one to back away from a fight... is this all that it takes to break you, Stormcaller? The 'Unyielding Conqueror'? The Harbinger of Chaos and Unity?"
"What do you think?" He grabbed one of the blades of the Iron Throne with his right hand... and grasped it tightly. The blade cracked, cutting into his hand. A raging fire had lit up in his eyes. "Do you think that I will lose my ambition and accept the way that things are? That I will lower my head as the watchers above laugh at my powerlessness? That I will accept having failed Ser Jaime? I'll return him to my side... even if I have to cross all Seven Hells and Heavens to drag him back home. I'll see my sister and brother by my side. I'll conquer every land there is to conquer. I will have countless children and forge a dynasty that will last until the end of time itself."
"That is the Aerion I came to know." Bellona smiled, lowering her head and kissing him on the lips. "Have you ever done it on this throne?"
"That would be wild, even for me." Aerion raised an eyebrow, managing a smile. "Besides..."
"You think that a Goddess like me could never desire you?" Bellona kissed him again and raised his head as her lower body moved, stirring the dragon beneath. "Remember when I said I'd let you place your fangs anywhere you wanted? That offer isn't limited to your fangs..."
"You never fail to tempt me, witch."
Aerion removed his wounded hand from the seat and Bellona grabbed hold of it, licking away all of the blood. He sat back, relaxing slightly.
"Isn't that enough?"
"I'm still hungry... and not just for blood." Bellona finished up his spilled blood, sealing the wound. "I'm hungry for you, my dear dragon. I want to see the thing between your legs that places so many proud women in their place."
"Aren't you afraid of becoming one of them?" He grinned slightly, tilting his head.
"I'm afraid of the opposite... what if I tame you, Dragon Emperor?"
"I'm afraid that's impossible."
"Let's put that theory to the test in the future... hmm...-" Bellona opened her mouth as he bit into her beasts. "A little violent, aren't you?"
Aerion kissed her on the lips and began to reciprocate her progressive movements.
"You made me this way..."
Today, he decided he would embrace Bellona's warmth.
Tomorrow, the world would shake from the Dragon Emperor's fury... and all those who had wronged him would be served a fitting punishment. Not even in death, were they safe from his fire.
Helia Malitheos... that name especially was burned into his heart forever.