Day Of The Knight

First day of 303 AC, King's Landing.

Aerion returned to court with an escort of a dozen Soul Knights, all carrying chests of treasure. As usual, his entrance brought the attention of everyone. Once the great doors had opened, his gaze scanned the room and saw many familiar faces. This time... his entrance was not nearly as hasty as the last. He walked at his own pace, each of his movements carrying the majesty of a Holy Emperor.


Aerion smiled slightly as Jon Targaryen approached him and embraced his older brother.

"You got yourself a woman yet?" Aerion questioned, holding him tighter.

"No... it hasn't been a focus of mine." Jon Targaryen glanced away and chuckled. "Besides that, you took all the beautiful women."

"We'll find you one." Aerion smiled, letting him go. "Dragons, most of all, should spread their seed."

"Words that you live by."

"Am I wrong?" Aerion tilted his head.

"It seems like the Holy Dragon Emperor has returned with plenty of spoils." Viserys Targaryen remarked, smiling from the top of the Iron Throne before standing up and descending. "Even I dare not sit here while you stand all the way there."

"Feel free to remain sitting." Aerion managed a smile. "You are getting about that age, uncle."

"I'm not that old." Viserys Targaryen kept walking down the steps. "I'm glad to see that you are in a far better mood than the last time, however. It's always terrifying when you give the look of fury that few men have survived."

"Forgive me, I was not myself then." Aerion stepped forward. "And that is why I left in such great haste as well. I did not wish to spoil the great and joyful spirit this great hall had."

"We all mourn the death of Ser Jaime Lannister, the Sword of the Emperor and the Knight of the Realm." Viserys Targaryen nodded, sweeping his gaze across the court. "He was a pilar of knighthood and nobility, a shining example for all aspiring young men who would wish to walk the path of the warrior. Besides that, he was one of the most loyal men to ever take breath."

Everyone seemed to lower their head at once.

"It was a great pleasure to serve alongside and under him." Ser Arthur remarked. "Although I thought him less experienced than myself when he was appointed as Lord Commander, he swiftly proved himself and went on to be the finest knight of his time. I could not have been a finer Lord Commander... no, Ser Jaime was truly one of a kind and a brother that all Kingsguard came to hold in the highest regard."

"... When I am able to, I will resurrect him." Aerion stated with a sour tone, glancing at Ser Arthur with a nod. "For now, I will organize a suitable festival celebrating his life, sacrifices and great deeds. If he had not been who he was, if he had been never born... no one would be standing here. As such, we all owe it to him to provide a proper offering for the beyond decorated life that he lived as the Knight of the Realm."

"Indeed." Viserys nodded. "I trust that you will make the arrangements yourself."

"I will oversee everything personally." Aerion looked around. "Where all the women and children?"

"Ah, they're playing in the gardens." Viserys chuckled. "The court gets a bit dull for them."

"I'd like to see them."


"You must forgive me for being so harsh on my return... truthfully, you've done well in your position." Aerion remarked, grabbing Viserys' shoulder. "I was right to choose you as king."

"Do not fret, nephew. I understood where you were coming from." Viserys smiled, shaking his head. "If anything, you showed great restraint considering what had happened."

"It was no fault of your own. I wanted to find others to blame when I should have taken myself ac countable. Because of your act of sending away Ser Arthur, he was able to sort out the rebellious Soul Knights in the region and ensure that nothing went awry in the Seven Kingdoms."

"Heh, you are beyond kind, nephew. I hardly did anything. It was Ser Arthur's noble sword that put them all in line." Viserys countered. "All the glory and gratitude belongs to him, not me."

"You are too modest sometimes." Aerion remarked, smiling slightly. "Proof of your ability lies in the fact that in my absence and the chaos from it, the Seven Kingdoms remained relatively the same while the other regions collapsed within only a few moons. You have grown into a wise and beyond competent king. To say that you have my respect is a great understatement, dear uncle."

"You're going to make me blush, Your Radiance." Viserys looked away. "I might have longer hair but I'm no queen."

"Shut up." Aerion chuckled. "I'll take back everything I said."

When Aerion and Viserys arrived, the gardens of the Red Keep seemed tranquil. The long summer since the end of winter had led to countless beautiful flowers rising high and proud. It was a place thriving with nature and splendid decorations, almost a royal forest in its own right. There were plenty of ladies in the company of the queens and queen mother.

Daemon Targaryen sat on his own, further away from the rest as he read a book with a focused and stern expression which belonged to an aged warrior. Meanwhile, Valerion, Nymeria and Myrcella played an intense game of catch. As for the youngest, he peacefully rested in Cersei Lannister's arms.

"Is that a third child coming from you and Cersei?" Aerion glanced at Viserys.

"Yes... I had the pleasure of naming him Rhaegar." Viserys nodded.

"Rhaegar?" Aerion raised an eyebrow. "An odd choice."

"Someone had to honour him." Viserys shrugged. "Regardless of what he may have done, he was a true dragon. Besides, it was Cersei who made the suggestion and I found it difficult to deny."

Aerion recalled his experience in the trial of the mind, nodding slightly. It was there that he had the proper time to bond with his father and even learn from him.

"Yes, he should be honoured. Though... I hoped that I would be the one to name a Rhaegar."

"Forgive me for stealing the opportunity." Viserys chuckled. "Are there any other names you want to preserve, in that case?"

"I think Aerys would be a good one."

"You're mad." Viserys shook his head, smiling. "Aerys is quite possibly the worst name for a Targaryen boy."

"Someone ought to clean that name properly and wash away the shame, same with Maegor." Aerion stroked his chin. "Names do not make people. People make names. Before me, it was Aerion Brightflame and he was the fool who drank wildfire. I did not turn out as him, did I?"

"I don't know... you've been in plenty of fires." Viserys chuckled. "Don't fret, I won't ever be touching those terrible names. They're all yours."

"Have some pride in your ancestry, even the darker parts."

Aerion remarked before moving closer.


Nymeria noticed his arrival first, running to meet him with open arms.

"There's my sweet girl."

Aerion smiled, lowering himself to wholeheartedly embrace his daughter.

"As beautiful as ever. How is King's Landing, hm?"

"It's wonderful... there are lots and lots of people but I like Sunspear more because it's hotter and the beaches are better."

"We are in agreement on all of that." Aerion nodded, chuckling. "We'll be going back for a little while... and then I'll show you the best place in the world."

"What is the best place in the world?" Nymeria's lilac eyes widened in anticipation.

"Valyria, the ancestral home of... dragons!" Aerion picked her up and placed the girl on his neck, carrying her. "It's paradise; full of waterfalls, lakes, mountains and green fields full of beautiful flowers. There's hardly anything or anyone there but daddy is going to build big cities, towns and castles for everyone."

"It sounds amazing..."

"There are also tall mountains... but not just any mountains! Mountains that spit fire!" Aerion spoke with an exaggerated tone, smiling as he looked up.

"That sounds dangerous..."

"As long as I'm around, nothing will hurt my princess." Aerion reassured her, turning to everyone else. "Eh, Daemon... not going to greet your dear father?"

"..." Daemon glanced at Aerion before returning to his book. "I'm busy."

"..." Aerion rolled his eyes. "I'll give you things to be busy about, Daemon."

"He's very glad, just terrible at showing it." Ashara chuckled as she approached Aerion. "I miss you so much, dear husband."

"I can say the same... its been far too long." Aerion kissed her on the lips before withdrawing and giviner her a wink. "We have plenty to catch up on tonight."

"Certainly." She grinned.

"Jocelyn told us what had happened." Arianne Martell approached them. "You were trapped in the past?"

"Yes, it's rather... complicated. I had not wished to be away for so many moons." Aerion sighed. "However, I am beyond joyful that none of you were hurt in my absence. I humbled all those who were foolish enough to threaten my Realm's stability and now... we can look onto better days."

"No one can beat the Dragon." Myrcella Targaryen remarked, looking up at Aerion with starlit eyes.

"Yes, you're right about that." Aerion smiled as he pat her little head. "The Dragon is the king of the sky, land and sea."

"My cute baby boy." Elia Martell smiled as she looked upon Aerion, pinching his soft cheeks. "You keep looking younger and younger."

"Mother..." Aerion glanced away. "You're embarrassing me."

"Your face reminds me of the youthful boy who set out of Sunspear to make his own fortune."

"I'm still him but with a nice scar and countless more experiences." Aerion chuckled, looking up. "Nymeria, would you like to get back down?"

"No." Nymeria pouted. "I like being tall."

"Alright, I'll let you be tall. Very tall." Aerion flicked his fingers and Nymeria soared into the skies through Aeromancy.


"Just a bit of harmless fun." Aerion remarked, moving closer to embrace his mother... extra tight.

Elia closed her eyes, smiling with joy. "One part of me thought that you had been lost forever."

"I'm afraid that the Stranger will never be worthy of me." Aerion smiled, taking a deep breath as he held her head close to his chest. "I'd like to talk to you in private... but, for now, I have this present for you. Beautiful flowers from as far as north goes in Westeros to the easternmost south of Essos."

Aerion glanced at the Soul Knights to his side and massive three laid down chests full of beautiful flowers. Elia went over and they opened each, revealing the wonder within.

"You didn't have to..." Elia's eyes widened as she smiled. "Where am I to put all those flowers?"

Aerion chuckled. "That's for you to arrange, mother."

He looked around at the other ladies, queens and children noticing that many of them were amazed by the grand gift.

He smiled slightly, glancing at the Targaryen royals. "I believe there's an important lesson to be had... hm? Valerion, what do you think it is?"

"Love your mother." Valerion replied without hesitation.

"Yes... and your father, equally, for they both love you the same." Aerion pat his head, giving Daemon a side eye. "They are the ones who brought you into this world and all that you do you owe to them."


"Ah... Nymeria's coming down."

She softly dropped into his arms as the wind slowed to the pace of a turtle.

"Did you wet yourself?" Aerion raised an eyebrow, wiping away her tears.

"Daddy is a big bully." She pouted when she looked upon her father.

Aerion smiled, his pure white magic cleansing her dress. "One day, you will soar just as high on the back of a dragon."

"A... dragon? Like Vermi-thor?" Nymeria's lilac eyes widened.

"Yes, but mayhaps not with three heads. Most dragons only have one." Aerion put her down. "For your fifth namedays, Valerion, Nymeria and Daemon... I've prepared something special."

One Soul Knight stepped forward, opening a chest that had five dragon eggs.

Daemon glanced... and put down his book as the others rushed to the chest.

"Are those dragon eggs?" Nymeria questioned, looking back at Aerion.

"These were all part of the same clutch that Balerion the Black Dread laid out many many years ago." Aerion stated, joining the group as he smiled slightly. "They are very much alive... waiting for the right moment to crack and bring out wonderful dragons. However, I need the help of each of you little dragons to hatch an egg each for I've already hatched my own."

There were five dragon eggs, each carrying a distinct set of colouring. The first was dark blue, the second was blazing bronze, the third was the colour of a frozen moon, the fourth was turquoise green and the fifth was pure gold with some beautiful silver patterns.

"This one is mine." Daemon stepped forward, talking the middlemost egg, the one that seemed frozen and was cold to the touch.

Valerion raised an eyebrow, turning to Daemon. "That's not fair... why should you have the first pick?"

"We are not equal." Daemon replied simply, his violet eyes glowing dark. "You don't want the frozen egg... you just want to be irritating."

"Are there any disputes?" Aerion grapped his arms around Valerion and Daemon. "Hmm? If you want the frozen egg, then you both can play a game for it."

"No... I don't like it. It's cold." Valerion shook his head.

Daemon scoffed.

"Which one would you like, then?"

"I want the gold one." Valerion went for it but Myrcella grabbed it first.

"I want it." Myrcella replied, pouting. She looked up at her parents and then Aerion with pleading eyes. "It's very pretty."

'Kids...' Aerion remarked, facepalming. 'Does the colour matter all that much? A dragon egg is a dragon egg.'

"Give it to me." Valerion frowned slightly, stepping forward.

"No." Myrcella puffed out her cheeks and ran to her mother holding onto the egg for dear life.

Valerion went to run after her but Daemon extended his leg and Valerion tripped on it, falling onto the ground headfirst.


Daemon looked away with a straight expression. "Sorry... my leg slipped."

Aerion glanced at Viserys and they shared the same amused expression. He couldn't help but chuckle.

"Valerion, your sister chose it first so it is hers." Cersei Lannister stated while Rhaegar made a happy noise. "There are three more to choose from."

"They're all ugly."

"I like this one." Nymeria took the second one which was blazing bronze. "It's like Sunspear in an egg."

That only left the first and fourth eggs.

"The colour of a dragon matters very little." Aerion remarked. "I wanted a dragon that was red and black like the banner of House Targaryen... but I got Vermithor who had three heads, was as dark as the night with a touch of emerald. Regardless of the colour, all dragons will grow to be fierce and majestic if they are raised right. That is... if you can hatch them in the first place."

In the end, Valerion settled with the dark blue egg.

"What of the fifth one?" Viserys questioned.

"That goes to little Rhae."

"No egg for me?" Viserys looked a little sad.

"I have something for you uncle, don't you worry." Aerion chuckled before turning to the five children. "In the old days when House Targaryen had plenty of these dragons eggs, newborn Targaryen children would always have one in their cradle. Though most of you are too old to be in a cradle, I expect you all to treasure these eggs and take them everywhere you go. With the touch of a true Targaryen, a true Dragon... they will surely hatch and embrace their future partner with open wings. Are you all up to the task?"

All four nodded.

"I'll hatch mine faster than Daemon." Valerion remarked, grinning slightly.

"Sure." Daemon countered, unbothered by his remark as he held his frozen egg tightly. "Thank you, father."

"It's the best gift ever... I can't wait for my dragon to hatch!" Nymeria added, far more passionately than her half-brother.

"Aerion is the bestest person ever." Myrcella remarked.

"What do you say to Aerion?" Cersei glanced at Valerion.

"Thank you, Your Radiance." Valerion courteously bowed his head.

"No need to thank me... I am merely giving what you are owed. As head of the family, it is my duty to ensure that you all are given the tools you need to succeed and do our family proud. The better each of you are, the greater we are as a family. And because of that... we should never ever fight amongst each other. Dragons cannot be beaten by anyone else, yes, but dragons can beat dragons. You've all heard of the dance of dragons, hmm?"

"No." Valerion shook his head.

"I haven't." Nymeria added.

"Dragons dancing?" Myrcella questioned. "Sounds fun."

"Dragons killing other dragons." Daemon stated. "Because of the dance, all the dragons were killed."

"Yes, dragons and Targaryens alike killed their kin. Grandparents, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts... they all fought and killed each other because they supported two opposing sides. Who was right and who was wrong is irrelevant... what matters most is that dragons should never fight each other. " Aerion nodded, patting Daemon's head. "Because of what happened, House Targaryen lost their dragons and became much much weaker to the point where in the future the lions, wolves, fishes and stags could stand up to the House of the Dragon. Why? Because the dragon bit its own tail, slashed its wings with its claws and breathed fire upon itself. While the dragon fought itself, the other animals rallied and slew it... taking the crown it had held for so long."

"If we stand together, we're invincible and no one can ever hope to beat us no matter how much they prayed, schemed and rebelled. Nothing good ever comes from us fighting each other, hmm?"

Aerion brought Valerion and Daemon together with one hand each.

"Whatever dispute you two may have, I want it settled and I hope that someday you two may be great friends... for the future of the Targaryen dynasty may very well rest on your shoulders."

Valerion nodded. "I understand, Your Radiance. I won't fight Daemon again... if he's sorry."

"I am sorry." Daemon turned to Valerion, although his expression was not warmer in the slightest.

"An insincere apology is worse than none at all." Aerion remarked, sighing. "In due time, you will learn. Now shake hands."

Valerion raised his hand and so did Daemon, meeting halfway as they shook. Valerion's eyes widened slightly as his hand grew colder. He winced slightly, trying to leave. Daemon eventually let go. Aerion raised an eyebrow as Daemon looked at his cold hand.


Daemon turned around and left with his egg in between his hands without saying another word.

"Daemon..." Ashara Dayne frowned slightly. "Come back."

"Come." Aerion lowered himself and grabbed Valerion's little hand, his warmth melting away the cold instantly. "Don't hold it against Daemon, alright? He's different... and because of that, he has gifts and curses that others do not."

"I won't..." Valerion promised.

"Good." Aerion smiled, patting his shoulders before rising up. "I look forward to seeing you hatch that dragon egg. Now, I'll be borrowing my mother from you all... if you would not mind."

"Come see me when you are done." Arianne whispered to him. "We have much to discuss."

"Of course, my queen." Aerion smiled.


"What did you wish to talk about?" Elia Martell questioned as they walked to an isolated part of the garden. Aerion walked to the balcony where he can see the Narrow Sea expand ahead.

"Come..." Aerion turned to her and gestured towards himself. She came closer and he tightly embraced her once again. "Forgive me for all those times that I was nothing but a difficult child and may have even seemed ungrateful many times in my youth. The struggle that you went through raising me are endless, from birthing both Rhaenys and I till now. You are the strongest woman and sweetest mother that I will ever know... and I love you with all my heart."

"My son..." Elia opened her eyes. "You don't need to say all those sweet things to your old mother... I'll always love you regardless."

"In the end, I... am unworthy." Aerion sighed, shaking his head. "You've suffered so much and I made it seem like you were a thorn by my side when I truly would have done anything for you. Even so... I've been a beyond terrible son, one that has been unable to show his love properly. I-"

"You've grown into a great man." Elia withdrew and grabbed the side of his face, looking him in the eyes. "A great warrior, a great conqueror, a great ruler, a great leader, a great mentor a great husband and a great father... among so many other things. Your father is surely singing your praises in the afterlife with a gleeful heart for you are his greatest pride and the true legacy that he left behind. You show your love and gratitude to both of us with each great act that you do, time and time again. I know, deep down, how you feel... it does not need to be said... or shown. I know my Aerion better than anyone."

"... Knowing isn't enough." Aerion denied. "I want to treasure every moment for I do not know when it may be the last."

"I understand... you are bound to live far longer than I barring any accident. I have always been frailer than most..."

"You don't have to be." Aerion put down her hands, his eyes glowing a beautiful lilac. "You can live as long as you want to. Stay by my side, guide me, watch your grandchildren grow into their own and see the beautiful world that I plan to build. I would be lost without you."

Elia grew teary-eyed, turning away. "Why would I ever leave my son without his mother if I had a choice?"

"I'll do anything to ensure that you have a long, healthy and prosperous life full of joy." Aerion grabbed her hands and kissed her on the forehead. "Anything... even if it means fighting and killing death."

"You're just like your father." Elia remarked, smiling as a few tears left her eyes. "A stubborn, passionate, man who chooses a path and walks it till the very end."

"I'm sorry..." Aerion lowered himself as his eyes grew tearful. "My heart is heavy after the loss of Ser Jaime and I don't know what I'd do... what I'd become... if I lost you."

"Come here..." Elia embraced his head. "Haven't you been without me for long enough?"

"Yes... but I always imagined that you'd remain, waiting for me." Aerion shook his head, standing up. He took a deep breath. "Even with all my strength... in the end, I'm just a boy who is afraid of loss."

"There is nothing wrong with that... however, you must learn that death is a part of life. Nothing lasts forever, Aerion." Elia stated, her lips curling into a sad smile. "That may very well be the beauty of life and why we treasure it so much. Death... death gives life value. If we all lived forever like gods, would we treasure our days the same? If we knew our loved ones would never die, would we treasure our time with them or would we lose sight of ourselves in never-ending life? When a person has no regrets and has accomplished all that they wanted to accomplish... that is the time when they should pass."

"Do you have any regrets, then?" Aerion questioned, his eyes widening slightly as he looked up.

"None..." Elia shook her head, closing her eyes as several more tears fell. "I look forward to the day when we are all united in the seventh heaven. You, your brother and sister. Even your father... all of us, together in paradise."

"What if that paradise does not exist?" Aerion questioned, shaking his head. "What if that paradise can exist here?"

"... I don't believe it can, dear. Death releases us of all our worries and you would have far too many here. You've always been restless, from the moment you came out of my womb. It was one thing after the other, from making a mess out of the Red Keep to reading through books quicker than the maesters." Elia chuckled as she recalled old memories. "Only in death could you rest, I believe... and even then, I think you'd cause plenty of chaos there as well."

Aerion couldn't help but laugh as he scrubbed his eyes. "Mother... if I were to die, I'd never be in the Seventh Heaven. Mayhaps you and my siblings would be there but I wouldn't. I'd be in the deepest depths of Hell after all that I've done, I'm sure of it. I have been so terrible that I'm sure that they, whoever the Gods may be, would make an eighth hell just for me."

"Then we'd all join you there." Elia smiled, touching the side of his face. "Sometimes... you must learn to let go."

"But... Ser Jaime had so much more to live for." Aerion shook his head. "He didn't even get to witness his child's birth nor hold it in his hands. Someone robbed him of that... how could I let that go? How could I ever be satisfied knowing that Ser Jaime would never come to raise his own child? That he... gave everything that he had to die in my name, ensuring that my family wouldn't come to harm?"

"Honour his sacrifice, Aerion." Elia Martell withdrew, taking a deep breath. "Ser Jaime was a great knight... and he knew his duty better than anyone else. Death is a part of the path of a Kingsguard... and he served dutifully onto the end, ensuring that he died before his Emperor's family could come to harm. Mayhaps he never will find the opportunity to raise his own flesh and blood... but he raised his dutiful spirit in someone else many years ago."

She tapped his chest.

"It lives on in here... in you."

Elia Martell turned around, wiping her eyes. "He would have wanted you to be strong."

She walked away as Aerion took a deep breath.

'Yes, he would have.'

He acknowledged, looking up into the sky.


"Here's your egg, uncle." Aerion gave him a dragon egg that was completely silver-steelish in colour. "I thought this one might suit you most."

"Heh... you want me to hold it close in my bed as well?" Viserys took it gladly. "Sleep with it?"

"Treat it even better than your wife." Aerion nodded, grinning slightly as he grabbed his shoulder. "If it does not hatch, I have other plans. A King should not go without a dragon in such vast lands. Soul dragons are temporary and unreliable without a necromancer present... so..."

"So?" Viserys raised an eyebrow. "What would you do?"

"Forge a dragon from magic." Aerion replied, smiling. "Vermithor has subdued many creatures that are similar to dragons except they are unable to breath fire. Sacrifice all of those and mayhaps some of the skulls that we have, the souls of old dragons, my blood... do a ritual with all of that... and who knows what can happen?"

"You're the perfect mad man for magic..." Viserys remarked, chuckling. "It has little explanation behind it."

"Magic tends to be a miracle without explanation but I've learned things from experience. The more you give, the more you gain. The more of it you have, the more you can do. The more you use it, the more you have next time. I believe that is simple enough, no?"

"Is there no limit?" Viserys questioned.

"I've only seen growth so far."


"Please, sit... Hand of the King." Aerion commanded Tywin Lannister, glancing around the small council table. "You and your family."

Tywin Lannister and Cersei sat to the other end of the table while Tyrion sat between them.

"I heard Viserys was fond of you, imp." Aerion remarked as he drank some wine. "Ah... you do look rather hideous."

"And you look as beautiful as any maiden, Your Radiance." Tyrion smiled slightly, filling a cup of wine for himself. "Did you always look so young?"

"Yes, I've heard that I've been looking younger as the years passed." Aerion smiled. "Someday, I might even be a child again."

"I'd imagine you'd find it difficult to be feared if that were to happen."

"I rarely ever bonded with you lions... rarely did I feel the urge." Aerion remarked, sitting back. "So, tell me, what was Ser Jaime to you?"

"While he was there, I loved my older brother... but, sadly, his duty drew us apart." Tyrion remarked, finishing his first cup. "His duty to you, namely. I hardly knew him because of that."

"You know how I felt." Cersei Lannister added, drinking her own wine. "I loved my brother Jaime with all my heart... he was my other half."

'Not as much as Rhaegar or yourself.' Aerion remarked, taking a sip of his wine. "Lord Tywin?"

"He was my golden son... I had every reason to love him. He was my heir." Tywin Lannister replied, sighing. "Once, I cursed him for what I saw as foolishness in turning away from his family and honouring his oath to you. However, I could never deny the great man that he grew to become. He did not grow into what I wanted him to become... no, he was no Lord of Casterly Rock. He was who he wanted to be, a great Kingsguard, and... now, I've grown to respect that decision."

"Lord Tywin, Lord Tywin..." Aerion took a deep breath, shaking his head. "He's the only reason why you take breath at this very table. He's the chain that kept us from killing each other... and the chain that led way for our families to be united. I used to hate you so much, with such burning passion that sometimes I couldn't sleep thinking about driving my sword right through your black heart."

"..." Lord Tywin lowered his head. "I can understand your hatred."

"You know as well as anyone how many times I stabbed my blade into you... again and again and again... until I learned to forgive. Because no matter how many times I hurt you, Rhaenys and Aegon wouldn't return to me. I was wasting my breath, time and energy. I was stuck in clouded thoughts of darkness that did no good for me... it was my uncle Doran who told me to either finish you or forgive at last. In the end, I chose to forgive in good faith to Ser Jaime." Aerion drew Instinct and stabbed it into the table. "In truth, you made me strong. Not directly... but it was your hand who led to me becoming the Dragon that I am today. One distant and very silent part of me... is grateful for you."

"You have grown beyond wise." Lord Tywin remarked. "Many in your position would never have learned to forgive."

"You have Ser Jaime to thank..." Aerion remarked, sheathing Instinct as he poured a second cup and raised it. "I appreciate all that you've done for the Realm and look forward to your continued servitude. Cersei Lannister, Tyrion... you two as well. Cersei, you've given birth to three brilliant royal children and Tyrion you have served my uncle, the King, faithfully in his small council. In truth, you've all done splendidly for the Targaryen cause and I am beyond grateful for your contributions."

The Lannisters raised a cup alongside him.

"To Ser Jaime Lannister."

Aerion stated, raising his cup higher.

"To Ser Jaime Lannister."

They all drank.

Afterwards, Aerion rose from his seat.

'To think that I am at peace...' Aerion thought to himself. "Tywin, stay. The rest of you are dismissed."

"What would you like to speak about in private, Your Radiance?"

"I can't forget what happened." Aerion remarked, shaking his head. "But... I know that somewhere down this long road of my life, I'll regain what I've lost because of you. That gives me peace of mind."

"Good..." Lord Tywin nodded. "If there is anything that you might need, I am always willing to serve."

"Things could have been far different between us." Aerion poured a third cup of wine. "I've seen it, I've... almost lived it, you could say. A world where my father, sister and brother all live. A world where I learned from you."

"It must have been a strange world, indeed."

"Yes... very strange."

Aerion seemed to stare into space as he drank his third cup.

"Well, regardless... continue advising my uncle. He may have become wise but the wisdom of many is greater than one."

As Aerion went to leave the hall, Tywin Lannister spoke.

"When I see you, I can't help but see Aerys reborn." Tywin Lannister remarked. "Forgive me, Your Radiance... but you have such a striking resemblance."

"Is that a bad thing, Lord Tywin?"

"No... you are a far greater man than he ever was. You are what Aerys thought he was."

Aerion chuckled.

"He is my grandsire, after all. Every successor ought to surpass his predecessor, no?"

Lord Tywin smiled slightly as he watched Aerion's figure walk away, almost synonymous to a young Aerys.

"Yes... he should."


Aerion flew off to Lys and searched for the closest Lyseni woman to Helia in regards to appearance. Coincidentally, the one he found happened to be a slave. He bought her off and took the slave to a cellar in the Red Keep full of dragon skulls... which had been returned since his storming.

"This is where all your pains end, dear." Aerion dragged out the slave's soul, stored it within himself and replaced it with Helia's. Then, as he observed the body's eyes open and look around... he smiled. "Long time no see, Helia Malitheos. Though, it must have felt like a mere instant for you."

"This place... is quite unfitting for a noble individual such as myself." Helia remarked.

"I think it's fitting." Aerion grinned slightly, tilting his head. "Didn't I find you in a similar place?"

"You remember that cellar?"

"As if it all happened a moment ago." Aerion nodded. "I have a great blessing... and just as much of a curse. I can never forget anything past my childhood. Any memory I wish is as clear as glass to me."

"Aren't you great..."

"Yes, I know." Aerion glanced to the side as the cellar opened revealing seven former pirates with absolutely terrible hygiene and appearance. "These... men have been loyal to me for many years. Though, due to their appearance, they can hardly lay with a woman without coughing up quite the amount of gold. As an Emperor, I've always been known to provide to my loyal subjects..."

"You wouldn't dare." Helia stepped back, her violet eyes widening. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, yes... I do recall how you treasured your maidenhood. How you abhor ugly men... how inferior warriors are to you." Aerion grinned, gesturing for the boys to move forward. "Well, I can't say you have much of a choice now, Helia. These strong, eager, men... are permitted to do anything they want with you. Anything... so long as you do not die. For that matter, I will ensure that you do not die under any circumstance so they hardly have to worry about that."

"May we begin, captain?"

"Certainly!" Aerion clapped his hands. "Have as much fun as you want... after all, she isn't going to. You have to have the fun of two people to balance things out."

"Oh, I'll do so gladly."

Aerion's violet eyes did not show any signs of remorse as the former pirates tore away her clothes and ravaged her, one after the other. He did not find it amusing either, witnessing the sight that he did... but her suffering at the very least felt like a form of revenge for Ser Jaime. It wasn't enough... it could never be enough. She deserved to suffer eternally for what she had done, in Aerion's mind. There was no peace for a person like her.

Helia had attempted to use her magic but her very soul rejected that command as she kept being used time and time again. As it dragged on, Aerion decided to bring his harp and sing to her humiliation.

"Then she sighed and squealed and kicked the air!

My bear! She sang. My bear so fair!

And off they went, from here to there,

The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair."


7th day of the 2nd Moon, 303 AC, King's Landing, Rhaenys' hill.

Aerion had gathered countless people in the dragonpit all across the Known World to honour Ser Jaime Lannister's passing. He had set up a giant stage to place offerings before a radiant golden statue representing Ser Jaime. He stood tall with Brightroar stabbed into the ground, pressing down by his joined hands.

"Ser Jaime, the Knight of the Realm, was a man of peerless honour and duty while he lived." Aerion took a deep breath. "For it was his sword that slew the Mad King who plotted to turn this very city into a hellish pit of Hellfire. It was his sword that carved a path for my mother and I to safety. It was his sword that protected me and my family for so many years. Whenever I fought in battle, I never feared for my own life... for I knew that Ser Jaime was standing beside me. He fought till the death against a cruel witch that threatened the entire world, ensuring that she could not cause more harm than she already did. However, he was more than just a sword. He was a shield, an advisor, a friend, a brother, a father... his importance to me cannot be said by words, nor actions."

"He gave his life for me, my family and the Realm. He served faithfully as my Sword and the Knight of the Realm until his very last breath... and so, we will honour him on this day which shall be known as the Day of the Knight. Whether poor or rich, beggar or king, good or evil... I present you all with an opportunity to honour his great life. You will be able to do so one at a time and even the smallest of offerings is appreciated... even if they are as small as words. I am more than certain that he is hearing us today from above."

"When Ser Jaime returns from the dead and joins us once more... I want him to return knowing how grateful we all are of his great sacrifices and noble deeds." Aerion Targaryen spoke with such passion that the entire crowd was moved before gesturing to the statue. "Please, begin from the leftmost corner."

One after the other, people would give their offerings from the lowest of beggars to great lords and magisters. Aerion oversaw the entire ceremony, standing still for days on end. He heard the words of each and every individual... remembering them word for word. By the end of it all, an entire week had passed and he was still standing.

This time... he was alone, with the sun shining through the dragon pit and onto the statue. Aerion's face looked almost hollowed, dry of sustenance as if he were a priest fasting for far too long. His body looked frail for once as he struggled to walk somewhat. His appearance, especially with his long silver hair resembled a ghost.

'Heaven, hell... whatever the afterlife may be, I don't think it suits either of us, does it... Ser Jaime? I like to think that our place is here, side by side, watching the world grow and change overtime. Ensuring that it prospers through our gifts and blessings. I will honour your sacrifice... and, when you return, may you open your eyes to a hall full of gifts. A golden treasury worthy for a knight as great and honourable as the only Knight of the Realm.'

Aerion took Brightroar and cut his long hair until it was short, watching the silver strands fly with the wind. As he saw his silver hair danced, he recalled all their moments together from beginning to end. With some hesitation, he stabbed Brightroar into the ground beside the statue.

'Until then, Ser Jaime of House Lannister.'

Aerion turned around, slowly walking out of the dragonpit which had become an ocean of offerings. Hundreds of Soul Knights kneeled across the entire pit, dutifully keeping their weapons at the ready as if to safeguard his treasure.

'I'm sure we'll both have many stories to tell each other when we meet again.'