"Jess.... I'm sorry I.... I feel weird.... I... I have been pretending to be dating Tweek for so long that it.... Threw me off. I... I didn't mean to do that." I said in defense.
She looked back at me in the corner of her eye.
"Are you pretending with me too?"
I tensed up so bad, she definitely noticed.
"That's what I thought. You know.... I don't need this....all for you to play with my heart...."
I see her get up off my bed.
'Oh my fucking god.... Do something.. She can't leave... She can't.'
She went to my door.
"Don't bother talking to me again.... I knew I shouldn't have gotten attached to someone."
She opened the door slowly.
I jumped out of my bed so fast. I ran to the door closing it shut scaring her as she nearly screamed.
I felt tears come as I grit my teeth so desperate for her to stay.
'I can't fuck this up I can't...'
"Jess... Please... Don't go...." I begged.
She looked at me beginning to tear up.
"Craig.... Why are you doing this to me...?" She said looking down crying in her hands.
I grabbed both her hands pulling them away from her eyes.
I sighed realizing I have to come clean.
"There is a kidnapper on the loose.... I..... Know your the next victim."
She looked up with wide eyes
"W-what... H-how would you know?"
"That van....it's showing up to your house... It followed us... I.... Can't leave you alone Jess... Whoever is the killer.... Is after you.... And.... If you go home tonight.... You won't come back."
She looked at me full of fear.
"That's why you asked me out?"
I nodded.
"I..... Need you with someone at all times.... The kidnapper finds people who are alone all the time..."
"So... You.... Don't have any feelings for me at all?" She asked looking down sniveling.
I tensed up feeling my face burning.
"I n-never said that I-"
I was cut off by her smashing her lips on mine again.
I felt it again... My heart sinking so hard.... Face on fire.... Stomach butterflying. She pushed me against the door hard with her hands caressing my face.
'Fuck it..... I can't lose her and....maybe it's a sign.... I can't miss these signs... The feelings I have right now.... Maybe I need to be with her.... And not fake it.... I can't reject her now or she's good as gone.'
I close my eyes putting my hands around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck. The kiss became a heavy make out session fairly quick. She grabbed my shirt pulling us toward the bed. She laid back looking up at me. I crawled on top of her kissing her aggressively. She moaned out softly putting her hands on my chest. I felt myself getting really worked up hearing her moan. She looked at me stopping the kiss.
"I don't think your faking it anymore Craig."
I felt my heart flutter looking down on her smirking.
"I don't think so either."
Out of no where her grin became a cute smile.
My heart sank.
'I never seen her smile.'
"Craig.... I want to be with you till I die. Would.... You be willing? I just.... Feel so safe with you..."
'This HAS to be a sign nudging me the right direction.'
I lay next to her as she hugged me setting her head on my chest.
I wrap my arm around her stroking her hair. I kissed her forehead feeling my stomach flutter again.
"Yes.... I'd like that... I'll protect you from all evil, okay...?"
"And you won't see your mother, got it?" I added.
She nodded.
"Thank you so much."
I hear her crying. I quickly pull her in a tight hug.
She buried her face in my chest falling asleep so quick.
'Don't worry.. I won't let you go.'