The cat goes "purr"

The so called "gang" now had their plan of just learning the basics of the creatures but they didnt think that about the negatives that could happen. As they were busy with their research Kasandra started hearing scratching noises against the door, at first she just thought that a regular animal had found them but as she opened the door she found out alittle too late what made those noises. To her surprise it was infact one of those weird creature babies but this one looked abit more like a cat for some reason. She just stood there hoping that it wouldn't smell her fear. Animals smell fear right? She was unsure but she didn't want to take any chances. The cat hybrid just stared at her as if it was waiting to be invited into their home. So the two just stared at each other for about ten minutes. When the cat hybrid moved closer to Kasandra, her heart dropped a beat. She was so uncertain of what it was going to do to her but she still just stood there, trying to keep calm. It then started sniffing her, she was abit confused since thats only what normal animals do. As it was sniffing her it was purring, like a normal cat. Could this hybrid be....normal and harmless? She was so scared but thought that she should give it a pet on the head. Shockingly enough it didnt really do anything. Kasandra then called John and the boys to come and have a look and of course when they first saw her petting this giant beast they were scared, but she explained to them and told them that she thinks some hybrids act like normal animals and are not deadly at all. John was very intrigued by this theory and it made him to believe that they could somehow train this one and make it to be their guard animal. John told the others what he thought and what his plan was. They thought it could be abit risky since they still dont know what this thing could do. As much as John wanted to train and also test this cat he actually had to think of what it could do if it is angered or if it is afraid, but John was stubborn so he tried to convince the others to let it stay with them. It was like watching a small child beg their parents for a puppy, and it just got alittle bit sad at a certain point so they just said yes. John was excited but because he could now get all the answers to his questions. He tried to pet the cat but it growled at him. He was confused so he told Kasandra to try and pet it but when she did the cat just started purring again. He came to the conclusion that it maybe only trusts Kasandra and not him. If he wanted his planning to work he would have to let Kasandra stay with the cat the whole time he was testing it. Kasandra wasnt sure if this is what she wanted since she had other stuff to do. John continued to beg and beg until she said yes and obviously she said yes.