Traffic, of course it had to happen now, right when I found the one I believe can be it, the one thing that can finally revert this pain that has been placed upon me.
This trial is all it shall be though, this won't defeat me, it won't.
The best music to play within this pause is usually classical, it's often always a delight to the ear, I don't believe there is an occasion that isn't suited for such music.
What man doesn't enjoy classical music during breakfast, or even completing errands throughout the day, it is simply the upper echelon of musical categories.
Now, where was I? Oh yes, brother, I believe this is it, this is the one that can save us, there isn't a doubt in the world.
"It's fine brother, no need to worry, I think I found it this time."
I made sure to bring the pin with me, the pin of Asclepius that had been left alone during the last time I believed to have found the solution to this, brother.
I won't make a mistake like that again, I can't, I still can't believe I was so reckless, so foolish to forget the most important piece to this process.
It would be impossible for all this to work without the pin.
"This has to be the one."
It has to, there's no doubting it, brother.
I don't know how much longer I can continue into this trial before I've lost myself.
No, that isn't possible, I still am the same man I was yesterday, this trial is just becoming very repetitive, and quite easy as the days go.
I've grown quite fond of the stench, It's just that I'm not sure how much longer I can go without you, brother.
You've been gone for quite some time now, but this, this should work, shouldn't it?
It has to.