Who is that?

i cried, i cried too hard

this is not true

everything was a lie

John Carl was alive i knew itbut...but...

as tears falls down to my face every memory sink in within me, i cried again, over and over againtime past by and i hear some noise in our living room though our house is not that big i can hear clearly the noise where it coming from

"what is that!?"- Dad

"i dont know hon, lets go get Mary Ann!"- Mom

exactly 12 MN

there was a strange phenomenon happening all over the world, there was this PURPLE FOG covering the entire earth and everyone is falling unconcious one by one

"Mary Ann my daughter!"- Mom

"Mom what happen!?"- Mary Ann

"we dont know but we should stick together!"

my father quickly lock the room and rush to our side and hug as deeplythe purple fog slowly covering all over my room and my vision becomes blurry and my eyes becomes heavy

and the surrounding is shaking strongly

"Mom... Dad..."- Mary Ann

everyone all over the world has been fallen to sleep-----"Mary Ann my child! wake up!"

"Mary Ann please wake"

"oh god please! Mary Ann please wake up!"

i can hear some familiar voices calling my name, i can hear their cry and plead

i slowly open my eyes and saw that my mother is crying!

"w-what happen mom?"- Mary Ann

"thank goodness your awake!"- Mom

mom suddenly hug me tight and father follow up also

"what happened where's the Purple Fog?"- Mary Ann

"we still dont know but you should stay there and i check what happened to our house"- Dadmy mom also check if there is something strange happen in our house but there is nothing, everything was all the same as before

it looks like that purple fog never happen

"how come is this!"- Dad

"hon what happen?"- Mom

"check your cellphones date!"- Dad

i quickly check my phone but there is no signal, but something is strange

"how come its already january 1!?"- Mom

"yes that is, how come we've slept for 5days straight"- Dad

"there is also no signal even in our wifi there is no internet connection"- Mary Ann

"wait ill try to call my friends"- Dad

"me too"- Mom

mom and dad try to call their friends and relatives but there is no signal in every part of our house

meanwhile i check out our window if there is something outside of the house

as i check the outside, there was this man that is lying at ground and his companion is a little bit strange

i focus my eyesight firmly to see whats happening and suddenly a blood gush out in the body of the person who's lying at the ground

like in a horror film my body shivers and gravely shock to what is happening before my eyeshe's eating the man!

"ill check outside if there is signal, wait for me he- "- Dad

"DAD NO!!"- Mary Ann

my dad and mom was shock due to my sudden raise of voice

but after looking at my expression they slowly go beside me and check what have i've been witnessing

"holy mother of god..."- Dad

my mother quickly run to the kitchen and vomit

everything that flash in our eyes is something that is inhuman

my dad close our window slightly and cover it with the curtain after that we are still staring at the half close window

every info that is going inside our head is too hard to absord"what was that..."- Dad


we are silent deadly silent but there was this noise that makes us frighten, this noise cames from the monster outside of our house that is feasting at the man

"hon... what was that, i've never seen a normal person done something like that"- Mom

"me too, first dont make any unnecessary noise lets stick together"- Dad

"okay"- Mary Ann

when we are going to the living roon i give a quick glipse to the happening outsideand there is one person at the right not far away from the monster that caught my attention

"JANNELA..."- Mary Ann

i rush to my mom and dad and told them that janella is lying outside of our house not far from the monster

but they are not moving

"dad lets help her!!"- Mary Ann

"but baby girl..."- Dad

"it was too dangerous darling"- Mom

"but it was Janella!!"- Mary Ann

"PLEASE!!! PLEASE Dad save her! mom!!!"- Mary Ann

i ran to the door quickly but father holds my hand and not letting me go

"dad!! let me go Janella's need me!!!"- Mary Ann

"but-"- Dad

"LET ME GO!! "- Mary Ann

my dad pull me and hug me tightly

"sorry baby girl, okay let dad do the thing"- Dad

i can feel from dad's body that he is shaking but he dont let it show in his facehe act tough and reliable

"dad..."- Mary Ann

my dad quickly went to the kitchen and grab our sharpest knife, he also cover his arms using clothes

"hooooo... okay wait for me at the door okay after i rescue Janella shut the door fast"- Dad

"okay be safe hon"- Mom

i just nod my head, i do believe in dad's skill and i have faith in him

my dad go outside slowly in crouch

time to time father is checking at the monster if there is some changes in its behaviorwe also close the door slight and only peek there

every second is like an eternity, the tense and pressure is too heavy but we keep our eyes open to see what will happen

dad arrive near Janella

the monster still busy feasting the human corpse

my dad try to wake up Jannelaand it was effective

Janella slowly waking up and see who is waking her up"uncl-"- Janella

my dad rush to cover the mouth of Janella

"dont make any noise follow me"- Dad

she was still confuse but she immedietely follow my fatherthey slowly going back to our house

Janella saw me and wave slightly then suddenly call my name

"Mary Ann!"- Janella

"what the!"- Dad

because of the sudden call the monster that is feasting the dead body suddenly stand straight without moving its body the monster move its head towards Janella!

"RUN!!!"- Mary Ann

my dad grab Janella quickly as they rush to our housebut the monster now is chasing them

Janella sneak a peek to what they are running fromand she saw a man with bloody slitted mouth, red eyes and running fast towards them

"WAAA!!!!"- Janella

the monster was fast but father and Janella is near to our doorstep"quick quick!"- Mom

as soon as dad and Janella arrives, mother and i shut the door quickly

*BAG!!**DAG!!!* DAG!!!**DAG!!!*

the monster is attacking our door but the four of us now pushing the door so that it wont breakand after a long minute the monster stop attacking our door

we lock completely the door, and all of us are now sitting at the ground

my mother gives Janella some water to make her calm

and a few minutes Janella breaks the silence

"what was that Mary Ann!?"- Janella

"i dont know also when we wake up it was already there"- Mary Ann

"it was so scary, as if its face was already rotting"- Janella

i hug Janella deeply

"i thought i was gonna lose you"- Mary Ann

Janella also hug me back

"i wont sorry"- Janella

we cried silently while hugging each other

my dad check at our haft close window

"the dead is standing..."- Dad


as soon as father said it all of us go the window and peek

the man is already standing and acting strange

his intestines are falling apart but the man is not flitching and walk strange away

"it was a ZOMBIE..."- Janella

my dad shut the window completely

and also of us again are sitting at the ground

"so if those monsters are Zombie then everyone is..."- Dad

"in danger..."- Mom

"the man revive so it means that if you got bitten by one of those zombie you will became one of them too right, like in the movies?"- Janella

"yes..."- Mary Ann

all of us now is very frighten and shaking in feara single bite and we will lose our love ones

my mom approach us ang hug Janella and I

"mommy is here okay, dont be scared i wont lost, darling the last person will be lost to you is -

John Carl and no one will follow, I promise"- Mom

"John Carl? who is that?"- Mary Ann